sed - inserting a comma after every 4th line in plain text file - sed

I am trying to insert a comma after the values on line 1, 4, 8, etc using sed,
sed '0-4 s/$/,/' in.txt > in2.txt
For some reason this isn't working so I was wondering if anyone has any solutions doing this using awk, sed, or any other methods.
The error I am getting is
sed: 1: "0-4 s/$/,/": invalid command code -
Currently my data looks like this:
Zip Code
and I was trying to format it like this
Zip Code
Much Appreciated.

0-4 indeed is not well-formed sed syntax. I would use awk for this, but it is easy to do it with either.
sed 's/$/,/;n;n;n' file
which substitutes one line and prints it, then prints the next three lines without substitution, then starts over from the beginning of the script; or
awk 'NR % 4 == 1 {sub(/$/,",")} {print}'
which does the substitution if the line number modulo 4 is 1, then prints unconditionally.
Sed's addressing modes are sometimes a tad disappointing; there is no standard way to calculate line offsets, relative or in reference to e.g. the end of the file. Of course, awk is more complex, but if you can only learn one or the other, definitely go for awk. (Or in this day and age, Python or Perl -- a much better investment.)

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '1~4s/$/,/' file


Add any number of whitespaces to file

I have a plain text file:
I need to add a number of whitespaces between the two lines.
Adding 10 whitespaces is easy.
But say I need to add 10000 whitespaces, how would I achieve that using sed?
P.S. This is for experimental purposes
There undoubtedly is a sed method to do this but, since sed does not have any natural understanding of arithmetic, it is not a natural choice for this problem. By contrast, awk understands arithmetic and can readily, for example, print an empty line n times for any integer value of n.
As an example, consider this input file:
$ cat infile
This code will add as many blank lines as you like before any line that contains the string line2_text:
$ awk -v n=5 '/line2_text/{for (i=1;i<=n;i++)print""} 1' infile
If you want 10,000 blank lines instead of 5, then replace n=5 with n=10000.
How it works
-v n=5
This defines an awk variable n with value 5.
/line2_text/{for (i=1;i<=n;i++)print""}
Every time that a line matches the regex line2_text, then a for loop is performed with prints an empty line n times.
This is awk's shorthand for print-the-line and it causes every line from input to be printed to the output.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r '/line1_text/{x;s/.*/ /;:a;ta;s/ /&\n/10000;tb;s/^[^\n]*/&&/;ta;:b;s/\n.*//;x;G}' file
This appends the hold space to the first line. The hold space is manipulated to hold the required number of spaces by a looping mechanism based on powers of 2. This may produce more than necessary and the remainder are chopped off using a linefeed as a delimiter.
To change spaces to newlines, use:
sed -r '/line1_text/{x;s/.*/ /;:a;ta;s/ /\n&/10000;tb;s/^[^\n]*/&&/;ta;:b;s/\n.*//;s/ /\n/g;x;G}' file
In essence the same can be achieved using this (however it is very slow for large numbers):
sed -r '/line1_text/{x;:a;/ {20}/bb;s/^/ /;ta;:b;x;G}' file

Remove whitespaces till we find comma, but this should start skipping first comma in each line of a file

I am in the learning phase of sed and awk commands, trying some complicated logic but couldn't get solution for the below.
File contents:
This is apple, 443, 80, 232,
We talk on 1 banana, 80, 23,
take 5 grape, 23,
When I try with
$ cat sample.txt | sed -e 's/[[:space:]][^,]*,/,/g'
is ok but I want to skip this sed for the first comma in each line, so expected output is
This is apple,,,,
We talk on 1 banana,,,
take 5 grape,,
Any help is appreciated.
If you are using GNU sed, you can do something like
sed -e 's/[[:space:]][^,]*,/,/2g' file
where the 2g specifies something like start the substitution from the 2nd occurrence and g for doing it subsequently to the rest of the occurrences.
The output for the above command.
sed -e 's/[[:space:]][^,]*,/,/2g' file
This is apple,,,,
We talk on 1 banana,,,
take 5 grape,,
An excerpt from the man page of GNU sed
Apply the replacement to all matches to the regexp, not just the first.
Only replace the numberth match of the regexp.
awk '{gsub(/[ ]+/," ")gsub(/com [0-9]+/,"com")}1' file
This is apple,,,,
We talk on 1 banana,,,
take 5 grape,,
The first gsub removes extra space and the next one takes away unwanted numbers between com and comma.

Alternatives to grep/sed that treat new lines as just another character

Both grep and sed handle input line-by-line and, as far as I know, getting either of them to handle multiple lines isn't very straightforward. What I'm looking for is an alternative or alternatives to these two programs that treat newlines as just another character. Is there any tool that fits such a criteria
The tool you want is awk. It is record-oriented, not line-oriented, and you can specify your record-separator by setting the builtin variable RS. In particular, GNU awk lets you set RS to any regular expression, not just a single character.
Here is an example where awk uses one blank line to separate every record. If you show us what data you have, we can help you with it.
cat file
first line
second line
third line
fourth line
fifth line
sixth line
seventh line
eight line
more data
Running awk on this and reconstruct data using blank line as new record.
awk -v RS= '{$1=$1}1' file
first line second line third line
fourth line fifth line sixth line
seventh line eight line
more data
PS RS is not equal to file, is set to RS= blank, equal to RS=""
1) Sed can handle a block lines together, not always line by line.
In sed, normally I use :loop; $!{N; b loop}; to get all the lines available in pattern space delimited by newline.
Google Search\
"Web Based Time Tracking,
Web Based Todo list and
Reduce Key Stores etc"
result (remove the content between ")
sed -e ':loop; $!{N; b loop}; s/\"[^\"]*\"//g' thegeekstuff.txt
Google Search\
You should read this URL (Unix Sed Tutorial: 6 Examples for Sed Branching Operation), it will give you detail how it works.
2) For grep, check if your grep support -z option, which needn't handle input line by line.
-z, --null-data
Treat the input as a set of lines, each terminated by a zero
byte (the ASCII NUL character) instead of a newline. Like the
-Z or --null option, this option can be used with commands like
sort -z to process arbitrary file names.

Use Sed to modify a line that has an initial space and contains a comma

This should be extremely simple, but for the life of me I just can't get gnu-sed to do it this afternoon.
The file in question has lines that look like this:
I need to prepend every line like the "MIN-3" line with a ">" character, and the only thing specifically differentiating those lines from the others are two things:
The first character is a space " ".
The lines do not contain a comma.
I've tried mostly things like any of the following:
/^ +[^,]+$/ s/^/>/
/^ +[\w\-]+$/ s/^/>/
/^ +(\w|\-)+$/ s/^/>/
I will admit, I am somewhat new to sed. :)
Edit: Answers that use perl, or awk could also be appreciated, though my initial target is sed.
try this:
sed '/^ [^,]*$/s/^/>/'
the output is, only the line with MIN-3 with leading >
sed default uses basic regex. so the + should be \+ in your script. I think that could be the problem killing your time. You could add -r however, to let sed use extended-regex.
According to your description this should do:
sed 's/^\([ ][^,]*\)$/> \1/' input
which matches the complete line if the line starts with a space and then contains anything but a comma until the end.
Here is a simple answer:
sed 's/^ [^,]*$/>&/'

How can I remove all non-word characters except the newline?

I have a file like this:
my line - some words & text
oh lóok i've got some characters
I want to 'normalize' it and remove all the non-word characters. I want to end up with something like this:
I'm using Linux on the command line at the moment, and I'm hoping there's some one-liner I can use.
I tried this:
cat file | perl -pe 's/\W//'
But that removed all the newlines and put everything one line. Is there someway I can tell Perl to not include newlines in the \W? Or is there some other way?
This removes characters that don't match \w or \n:
cat file | perl -C -pe 's/[^\w\n]//g'
#sth's solution uses Perl, which is (at least on my system) not Unicode compatible, thus it loses the accented o character.
On the other hand, sed is Unicode compatible (according to the lists on this page), and gives a correct result:
$ sed 's/\W//g' a.txt
In Perl, I'd just add the -l switch, which re-adds the newline by appending it to the end of every print():
perl -ple 's/\W//g' file
Notice that you don't need the cat.
The previous response isn't echoing the "ó" character. At least in my case.
sed 's/\W//g' file
Best practices for shell scripting dictate that you should use the tr program for replacing single characters instead of sed, because it's faster and more efficient. Obviously use sed if replacing longer strings.
tr -d '[:blank:][:punct:]' < file
When run with time I get:
real 0m0.003s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.004s
When I run the sed answer (sed -e 's/\W//g' file) with time I get:
real 0m0.003s
user 0m0.004s
sys 0m0.004s
While not a "huge" difference, you'll notice the difference when running against larger data sets. Also please notice how I didn't pipe cat's output into tr, instead using I/O redirection (one less process to spawn).