change dynamic css for folder icon in tree in Extjs - extjs3

I want to use different folder icon for different folder in tree in Extjs.
how to change dynamic css for folder icon on collapse expand in tree in Extjs?


Extract VSCode SCSS for another Electron based project

Is there a way to build a new GUI from scratch but using VSCode styles?
I need:
main GUI
left buttons
left folder
editor area (monaco with multiple tabs)

I want to change the font size of the sub-sub-menus and file explorer in Netbeans

The sub-menus font size can be edited through the config file but the the sub-menu elements that expand into other menus are not affected by this. The config file also does not affect the file explorer.
The sub-menu example
The file explorer example

Drag and drop/creating new folder in project root folder in Visual Studio Code

I've opened a folder in VS Code and I wish to create a subfolder using the buttons that appear alongside the folder name in the sidebar or by using the right click context menu.
When using either of those options, it creates a folder in one of the subfolders instead, not the initial folder I opened.
The only way I can make it create a folder in the project root is by selecting the 'empty space' in the sidebar and then pressing the create folder button. The problem with this is that if there are many items in the sidebar then there is no empty space to click on.
Have I completely overlooked something trivial here?
E.g. In the .gif I want to create a new folder under the folder named + (plus sign - sorry for weird folder name)
EDIT: Have updated the title to mention another related issue with drag and drop to the root folder using the sidebar when the root folder has no files in it or if there is no empty space in the sidebar.
Also, here's a partial solution/workaround for creating a new file/folder in root folder using sidebar:
Select any folder in the sidebar and press ESC twice until a border appears around the sidebar, you can then create a file/folder and it will appear in the root. Only a partial solution because it doesn't help with the drag/drop to root folder issue that I've recently noticed.
I had the same problem,too,now it's solved.
Click the blank space of the project folder below all existing folders,then you'll find one blue border around the sidebar,click new foler button,it will be created in the initial folder.
Basically you can select any file in root and then press on add new button it will add new directory on same level as root file, in root :)
The answer from #morris S above works really well. Select any folder in the sidebar and press esc twice until you see a blue outline around the entire side bar then select the new folder icon and you will have a new folder in the root directory.

Is there a way in Eclipse to organize projects into folders?

The new folder command seems to create a folder within a folder. I have so many projects that they are hard to organize by name only. Is there an Eclipse better way?
You can't put projects in to folders.
You can change the Package and Project explorer views to show 'Working Sets' as the top level elements in the view (use the view menu 'Top Level Elements' to do this - the view menu is the small down arrow at the top right of the view window).

How to access to menu items?

I created a menu of RCP application only in plugin.xml. How to access to items of this menu programicaly to change their texts and images at runtime?
If you are using command framework to contribute those menu items, you can use org.eclipse.ui.commands.IElementUpdater to change the text and image.