Unix timestamp question, different times - unix-timestamp

I am working with Unix timestamps, but I get a different time on my Android phone and my computer than the time given on http://www.unixtimestamp.com/index.php
The time difference is one hour (give or take a few seconds probably, didn't ever design an extremely accurate test).
I thought that the Unix time was the same everywhere on earth (or perhaps the universe, but that brings up questions of frames of reference and velocities that I don't even want to think about).
Basically my question is, what is going on here? I get the time on the Android device using Date date = new Date(); long now = date.getTime(); (I account for this having milliseconds btw) and I connect through putty to a linux server and the time is the same (obtained by date +%s). It's just the website that disagrees on the time, and since I don't know too too much about Unix timestamps and the site looks legit I wonder how this happened.
ps. I live in Saskatchewan, which doesn't observe daylight savings, but I don't see how that would really factor in. Does the website read the time from my computer maybe?
pps. sorry for rambling

That web site displays the wrong time.


Make sure mobile user isn't sending fake date, time and timezone to the server

A mobile app has a check-in feature for the user to send a photo and observation and the app will append his location, date and time to the request, and send it to the server.
It is extremely important that this date and time is not faked by the user, or else the user will be able to be late at work but check-in with a fake "15 minutes ago".
The server is in USA, and the users are in many countries so there are different date and timezones, for that reason I think I can't use server date and time.
That check-in is visible in a website to users all around the world, but the check-in time must be the one from the user who made it.
User checks-in at 5th July 13:45 in Mexico.
Website should show this date and time, 5th July 13:45, even if it's visualized by someone in Japan.
User checks-in at 6th July 09:37 in Brazil, but he fakes his mobile date and time settings to say it's 6th July 09:00 to pretend he's not late for work.
How can the sever know it's actually 6th July 09:37 and not 09:00, and show that correct date and time to whoever sees it anywhere in the world?
Keep in mind that user can also fake his timezone and GPS, still the server needs to get the real timezone to show real and not mislead information.
It is extremely important that this date and time is not faked by the user, or else the user will be able to be late at work but check-in with a fake "15 minutes ago".
This part is best handled by taking a UTC timestamp from the server when the request is received.
The server is in USA, and the users are in many countries so there are different date and timezones, for that reason I think I can't use server date and time.
Time zone is irrelevant for this purpose. Get the UTC time from the server, not the local time. The local time of the server should not ever be used in your application code.
If you need to adjust it to a particular time zone, then you can collect that from the user in a variety of ways, or you could assign one permanently to the user by some administrator of your application. Even if the time zone is wrong or faked, it won't affect the duration of time worked - because you captured that in UTC.
User checks-in at 5th July 13:45 in Mexico.
Website should show this date and time, 5th July 13:45, even if it's visualized by someone in Japan.
That's fine. Save that the user is in Mexico (... actually, Mexico has several time zones, so you'll need to be more specific - use an IANA time zone identifier). You can convert the UTC timestamp to Mexico time whenever you like - either when you recieve the timestamp (saving both UTC and Mexico time), or when you display it to the user (saving only UTC and converting to Mexico time at the time of display). That the user is in Japan is also irrelevant to this scenario.
User checks-in at 6th July 09:37 in Brazil, but he fakes his mobile date and time settings to say it's 6th July 09:00 to pretend he's not late for work.
That's not an issue if you capture the time in UTC at the server and make sure your server's clock is synchronized properly.
Keep in mind that user can also fake his timezone and GPS, still the server needs to get the real timezone to show real and not mislead information.
Indeed. You can't capture this information from the user in a way that can't be falsified. However, you can avoid relying on this in your application code. For pure duration calculation, just base everything on UTC. For more complex things (like determining shift differentials or daily overtime working over midnight or at other peak local hours, etc.) then have some other user set the time zone that's applicable rather than collecting it. For example, assuming these are employees, the employee's manager or HR department would assign a time zone to the employee's personnel record.
Of course, if the employee is traveling for their job, and local time rules apply differently in different time zones, then you have even more logic to think about how you capture such details. (My experience tells me this is rare.)
You can't do what you want to do. Your app relies on the mobile device's OS to get things like date, time, timezone and gps. While it's harder to fake gps data on out of the box OS's it's always going to be possible. What you really want is a "backdoor". A backdoor that will let you get to the user device's "real" information no matter how hard the user tries to hide it. If that were possible we wouldn't need/have hackers and government cyber security teams. Anyone who knew the backdoor could just find anyone else in the world.
You can only try to catch such abusers using some of your own measures. You can check if the users time zone is changing. Or using an ip address from a different country since the last time he/she used the app. Or if you're really going to ask for gps permission, you can also see if that person's location over time doesn't make sense (E.g the user was in Canada but 3 hours later it looks like they're in China). Once you detect such possible abuse, you can flag the account for human review.

Can I to know if ipad was rebooted?

I am developing an application that must work online and also offline. This application should sync informations with our server. For this, we need that the device utilize the server clock.
I found a lot of information, and I get the following idea:
When the user logins online I will force him to get the server clock time. In this moment he obrigatory must have internet connection, so it is ok.
When I get the clock server time, I get the systemUptime information that says the interval that the device is turned on, and I store it. I can get systemUptime like this:
[NSProcessInfo processInfo].systemUptime
When the user to create a new local file, I will know the current interval based on systemUptime function, so I know the current time, and I don't depend the iOS system clock.
The problem is: Everytime that device is rebooted, or turned off, the systemUptime is reseted. Until here OK, I can solve it forcing the user to login again, and getting the server clock time again. My problem is to know when the device was rebooted. Can you help me? Thank you guys!
My advice would be to not refer to the device time at all. Get the the files from the server and have the server also answer the server time that the files are retrieved. You can store this in the file, in the file name, or separately on the device.
At some point in the future ask the server if there's a file newer than the server time you recorded earlier.
In this sense, the time isn't really a time at all, it's a version number, and you could make that explicit with the server too, using just an integer from the server that indicates progressing sequence of versions.
If it's important that your app be strong in this way, your only choice is to remain independent of device time. Otherwise, there are too many ways it can break (including small time errors due to latency on the time check, or device factory resets or malicious actions by a user). It's better to remain independent of device time if you can.
When you get the systemUptime the first time, subtract it from the current (iOS) date and time. That's the time the system was last brought up.
Then recalculate this value whenever necessary. If the "time the system was last brought up" has changed, then you know it's time to log in again.
However, as suggested by another commenter, I suspect there's a better way to tackle this from scratch.

How to make a demo game in Unity3d?

I have developed a game in unity3d for pc and mac. I want to publish the game with 30 days trial period.
How do I make it? How do I write into the system registry. What things that I should keep in mind while developing this trial version.
Whenever I search in google, I get trial version of unity3d not about how to make a trial game in unity3d.
The following article has a lot of information, but is pretty long.
Writing to Registry
Regarding saving to the registry, only do this if you have a big game and will be writing other values to the registry. If it's just a small indie game, then rather avoid the registry. People don't like it when small indie games write values into their registry, as most developers will never remove that value.
There are 2 ways. You could either make the user "login" to your server every time, also called "Online Validation". This way is more secure, but does require the user to login which is not ideal. You could use the following offline method. Please note that I just thought about this, so there might be small flaws.
Offline Method
You could get the current system date and time. Encrypt the date and time and save it to disk. Then every time the game starts up, get the system date and time again and check this "new" time to the date and time you have stored on disk. This check will more be to make sure the user has not modified the system date and time. Obviously overwrite the date and time every time the game is started, but obviously first check the value.
You'll know if the user has modified their time if the "new" date and time you got is not more than the old stored date and time. You could also get the date and time, just before the game exits. Then when the game starts up again, you can make sure that the current date and time is more than the date and time you stored to disk.
Also get the date and time when the game first starts up and save that. As you can then check exactly how many days until their trial runs out.
What you should keep in mind
Allow the user to keep their saved game (if they can save). So that when the buy your game, they do not have to start all over again.

iOS "real" time for specific TimeZone while offline

This is the scenario:
I'm writing a medical related program, that would be use while with no connection. When some action act, the program would write the time to CoreData record.
That's the problem, if their device set the time to a diff time like earlier than the real time. That would be a big problem coz it's for medical usage.
So, how can i get the "real" time even if there is no connection?
Or, is it possible to disallow user changing the device time using something like restrictions or DeviceProfile?
It's only because Apple IS the Big Brother they claimed to be fighting in 1984. Welcome to 1984! Otherwise we would have access to real time time, and an English version of ISO date format! :-/
Every iPwn, and now other devices, has a GPS receiver and an Internet capability, from which sub-second accurate time could be derived, yet Apple insists on forcing us to depend on AT&T to automatically set our clocks. It's only recently that AT&T started delivering accurate time, thank god for small favors.
The lack of GPS and NTP time setting, plus the glaring omission of ISO 8601 date formatting with otherwise USA formats and language, is extremely annoying on a daily basis.
So, the answer to your question is, Yes, it is feasible, but not in Apple's Jail, since you cannot set RTC from GPS or NTP without jail breaking.
PS: my guess is that AT&T insists on this for call-timing or something stupid that has to do with charging us more money! ;-)
You get the real time from [NSDate date]. For example, the following:
[[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]
gives the number of seconds since 1/1/1970 midnight UTC. This is independent of timezone and independent of whatever time is set by the user. If you know the timezone, then you can convert that to local time with the NSDateFormatter if you like, but make sure to also record the timezone to make the representation unique.
EDIT: Sorry, this answer is actually not correct. After trying it out, it appears that setting the time by the user also changes the NSDate values.
So, how can i get the "real" time even if there is no connection?
If by "no connection" you mean "no network connection of any sort" the answer is that you can't.
I think the best you can do is disable the functionality if you can't find a way to independently verify the system time (and tell the user why).
NSDate and all associated classes read the date from the system time. Without an internet connection to refer to, the NSDate class is open to user abuse.
I used an example in a comment on fishinear's answer of Farmville. If the user plants some crops that take five hours to grow, you can just change the system time to five hours in the future to harvest. Which, I'm sure, is one of the reasons that Zynga requires an internet connection to play their games.
Without some time-telling hardware, Apple cannot realistically tell time without an internet connection; even if they did have some amazing solution, they'd have to take into account timezones and even travel across timezones in order to make this work.
If I were you, I'd require an internet connection at specified intervals (once a day or the like) in order to draw a reference.
Let us know why you need this and we may be able to suggest some viable alternatives in function.

How to check the time and date online?

hi i am making an app in which user sends xml to server and get response....
now i have to save the date and time of sending and response of that request....for this should i use iphone's date or check it online?
because my thinking is that the iphone's date and time may not be correct.....always...so it is better to check the time online ....
i know the local part but need help regarding online check....please help
Just use the local time. It will save you a lot of trouble and work. Or is your app so absolutely dependent on the correct time, like to display the current position of the sun or something ? If not, the local time is likely "good enough".
If you need the same time as the server, then it would seem that you need to establish the offset between server time and local time, and then you can adjust your local timestamp.
Is there a way to get the (current) time from the server?
Assuming the timestamp you're saving is for the request sent from the iphone and the response received by the iphone, then it would actually seem logical to use local (iphone) time.
You could always use NTP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_Time_Protocol) to get the current time, but that doesn't guarantee the time is thesame as the server.
You usually don't need absolute time of some sort, just the same time source as your server and your server's database.
So compare your local time with whatever the server thinks the time is and adjust accordingly.