How can i call Java Script Function form my objective C class - iphone

I am displaying a URL in uiwebview, and I'm getting a list in popover controller, now my requirement is when user will select any item from that popover list then I need to call a JavaScript function with parameters which I selected and according to my selection JavaScript function will change URL content.
The code which is I am trying to call JS function is given below but it is not working for me:
[self.myWebview stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"loadpano(\"panoXML.php?params=panoId=9572|lang=de|parkourId=342\",null,MERGE,BLEND(1));"];
Please provide me any solution for that.


gwt datagrid Bootstrap Select cell (need to execute javascript after cell has been added/rendered)

I inherited a project that uses GWT to create a web application. It uses a GWT wrapper for Bootstrap3 to do the styling of elements. This is working nicely for the most part. Now I hit a road block trying to add a Bootstrap3 Select to a GWT DataGrid table that currently uses a GWT SelectionCell. The problem is that a SelectionCell is not 'Bootstrap styled' and therefore doesn't match the style of the rest of web application.
Unfortunately, I cannot simply add the Select to a GWT DataGrid as the Select does not implement the GWT Cell interface nor does it extend a class that can be added to a Column that is then added to the DataGrid. Sub classing Select and implementing Cell fixes this problem. However, I cannot get the Select to render properly as it requires a JavaScript function to be executed after the Select has been attached to the DOM which it never is being wrapped by a Column in a DataGrid.
Instead, it is rendered into a SafeHtmlBuilder by the render function of Cell.
// GWTBootstrap3::Select function to render the Select
public void render() {
if (isAttached())
command(getElement(), SelectCommand.RENDER);
protected native void command(Element e, String command) /*-{
Since the Select is never attached to the DOM I need to call the selectpicker function manually. For his, I created my own native function which I need to call after the SafeHtmlBuilder has been added to the DataGrid. If my Select subclass accepts CLICK events through Cell's onBrowserEvent and calling the native function after clicking into the cell renders the Select properly.
What I cannot figure out is when to call the selectpicker function programatically to render the Select automatically after a row has been added by an RPC call. I tried to register different handlers to no avail. The handlers are called and my native function wrapping the selectpicker function is called as well but it seems like the HTML select has not yet been added to the table. Calling the above JavaScript snipped from the JavaScript console of a browser also works. So it should work find but I need to find the right place to call :(
Handlers in DataGrid that I am using:
I also tried to call it at different places after the calls to add to DataGrid the data have been made. Again, the HTML select doesn't seem to have been added to the table. ie. when I call the JavaScript snipped right after a call to myListDataProviderObject.getList()addAll(my data).
Most likely you need to add a Scheduler call before calling your native method to make sure that the browser finished rendering the UI (e.g. your DataGrid) before this call is executed.

How can I detect clicks on a JavaFX WebView from the main application?

Currently I do this by adding a Javascript event handler to the HTML content which sets a global variable according to the clicked item:
var clicked="";
<span onmousedown="clicked='me';">me</span>
then from the main application I query the content of this variable in the webview's mouse clicked handler:
webview.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler[MouseEvent]{
def handle(mouseEvent:MouseEvent){
val clicked=webview.executeScript("clicked").toString()
This happens to work but it feels like a hack. Is there a legitimate way by which the webview can request the application to refresh its content based on the element that was clicked?
As I do not know Scala, I can only provide you with an approach in Java, but you can probably figure out, how to transform it to Scala.
Register a bridge between the Java (or in your case Scala) code and JavaScript. The basics are described in this article by Oracle. The JavaScript in your page can make a call to the application, notifying it that a certain button was clicked:
public class MyBridge {
public void callbackFromJavaScript(String what) {
JSObject jsobj = (JSObject) webEngine.executeScript("window");
jsobj.setMember("java", new MyBridge());
Then you can make the call when an element is clicked and callbackFromJavaScript will be executed:
<span onmousedown="java.callbackFromJavaScript('me');">me</span>
From your callbackFromJavaScript you can then easily call a JavaScript function and pass along an object (e.g. JSON) and the JS function will update the page, or you can load a completely different content.

Is there a way to know when the DOM of a partial view is ready after it is inserted into the DOM of your web page?

I'm writing an application using Knockout. I have subviews I'm inserting via jQuery's append() function. I'm using the text plugin for RequireJS to dynamically retrieve the HTML, then I'm using append() to attach it to an element in my web page:
After that, I need to bind "theHTML" to my ViewModel:
ko.applyBindings(myViewModel, $("#subViewElement")[0]);
It seems like the jQuery onDomReady() function is only used in the initial loading of the web page. Is there a way to make sure the DOM in "theHTML" is ready before calling "applyBindings" on it?

Zend framework --- Action code before rendering view

When I use zend framework, how to run action code in controller before rendering view?
Now I use 2 action functions,
The first one have no view. The second one have the expected view.
When the first function is called, at the end of the function it will be redirected to call the second function.
Although I find this method works, the user cannot go back to last page by browser back button.
i don't understand your question so much but ...
Controller is always run before render action. Its a logic which running before render is called. I dont know from your question what you really need =( try be more objective pls. If you need run any code before action in controller on all actions in controller, you use init or preDispatch functions.
If you need 2 separated logics, you can make own function or class in your project and call it or create instance anywhere you need. If your problem is with any render as ACL restrictions... i use own function in controller which retrieve error_access_page and after call $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(). If my users not have access, this show error_page and no render action's phtml file.
hope help =]

Woodwing: how to trigger the ModalViewController using custom web/html embedded content

Using Woodwing, we have a page that has custom html in it, using the custom web widget.
That widget has an anchor tag, that when tapped, opens a page in safari.
However, if we create the same page using the HTML widget, and a link overlay, that triggers a ModalView to display.
I'm assuming this has something to do with WoodWing's (un)documented protocols for the anchor tags, that are captured by the WoodWing shell application and used to trigger the "ModalView" display. Since everything in Woodwing generates an XML that is parsed when the app is loaded, and I've done numerous applications, this seems reasonable. However, there is very little technical documentation.
My question is: does anyone know any documentation on those protocols, or a way I can use custom-html to trigger the ModalView? I've tried replacing "http" with "ww" but no dice. It's possible it's javascript but I'm suspecting protocols...
The UIWebViewDelegate defines the webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType: method that your view controller can implement. In this implementation, your code shoudl decide if it wants to handle the request (user click) or let the UIWebView handle it normally.
For displaying a modal as a result of a click, this method would display the modal and return NO.
The default HTML widget implementation doesn't support this out of the box. There are two ways that you can do to achieve this;
Implement what they call a 'custom object'. They documented this feature, if you have access to their documentation this should be relatively easy to figure out. It allows you to write native objects and inject them into both the .ofip format and the application.
Implement a modal dialog within the widget (in HTML). This is less convenient but possible to do (if you have a fullscreen widget).
Create the specific URL for open as you mention in your comment(ww://string.string).
Then in UIWebView Delegate method (webView: shouldStartLoadWithRequest: navigationType:) get the redirect URL. If redirect URL is equal to you mention before then perform your action.
Let me know if this answer help you.