Can you make your entire application pinch-zoomable? - iphone

Is it possible/safe to make an UIKit based app zoomable globally? (The entire app view is pinch zoomable).
I think it similar with web page (html based app) zoom functionality inside UIWebview.

Yes, it is possible.
To achieve this, just add your UIView to a UIScrollView that covers the whole window.


Whats the approach to create a view similar to the one at apple app store

I wanted to know how can we design the view controller such that.., the upper half of the screen remains fixed and the below part of the screen can be navigated through.. !!
Should we use slipScreenController here ?
Your description sounds nothing like the Appstore app but the Appstore app simply has one vertical UIScrollView and another horizontal UIScrollView inside that for images.
If you are referring to browsing categories in AppStore then:
That is a tableView implemented in such way that it doesn't take the whole screen area. You need to create a UIViewController (not UITableViewController) and than add a tableView to the view (using Interface Builder or code). That way you can change the size and position of the tableView and use the remaining area of the view for something else, for example a UISegmentedControl above the tableView.
If you are reffering to reading description and images of single app then I think that UIScrollView is used for displaying images, not sure about the rest.

how to create an interface like facebook/loopt

I am trying to make an application that have the looks of
How can I do it in iphone using objective-C? Is it just a view that has a bunch of images?
I was just wondering why only loopt and facebook uses these kind of view, while other such as foursquare, twitter, gowalla, etc.. doesn't use it? Is it because these kinds of views are hard to implement?
A very simple and straightforward way would be to have a background image that has all the button images and the just overlay square-ish buttons. (Quick 'n nasty).
If you want a more proper approach (and to be able to add the wiggling effect) then you're going to have to have distinct buttons with custom views (the actual images).
Notice that both apps use a UIScrollView to lay each page into. So from a hierarchical perspective you have:
navigationController.view -> UIScrollView -> UIView (container for each page) -> UIButton (with custom views done using UIImageViews) and optionally UILabels underneath each UIButton
How can I do it in iphone using objective-C? Is it just a view that has a bunch of images?
basically — yes.
But at least the Facebook App was made using Three20.

Springboard-like scrolling/view switching with snapping on iOS

Is there a way in cocoa touch to implement view switching behavior like the one in iPhone's springboard? I mean horizontal scrolling with 'snap to view' animation (views are switched only after certain 'scrolling' threshold has been reached)
Look at the 'pagingEnabled' property on UIScrollView.
SpringBoard, App Store and Mobile Safari use a UIPageControl in conjunction with a UIScrollView to provide the little dots you see at the bottom of the screens, that you swipe across with that snap effect.
What views you want to swipe through depends on your application, though, as you're essentially swiping through a UIScrollView.
This isn't an answer, but I know it's possible. I have seen this behavior in "Twitter for iPhone" and asked myself the same question. If you use that app, check out what happens when you swipe the individual tweets to reveal more controls underneath.
This looks like it's part of TableCellView and some touch drag combination. As for the implementation of that... well, im too novice right now.

how to implement paging same as safari in iphone?

I want implement paging same as safari in iphone.When user touch below button of bottom then thaey shows total pages open so user can scroll wvery page.I want to implement this type of it possible.Please advice me for this query.
Thanks in advance.
To implement the page scrolling page have a look at using UIScrollView and UIPageControl. Here's sample code from Apple which shows a simple implementation of this.
Basically each page is a view controller which UIScrollView manages by letting you swipe to scroll from one to the other. Not sure if this is exactly how safari does it but it's a good start.

iPhone Drawing in Browser

Can I develop an application on web to draw something on iPhone? I guess not because when I draw in the browser it will be treated as "dragging" but I just want to double check for a solution out there.
I presume you mean to ask if is possible to draw into a UIWebView?
I don't think so. In UIWebView the page display view is embedded in a scroll view and scroll views trap all touches to determine if they can scroll. It's pretty much configured as read only.
You could in theory put a transparent view over the web view to trap the touches then send those to the the actual browser view. I haven't done it but it might possible.