How to retrieve the default Zend_View object from a controller - zend-framework

If I do this
public function indexAction()
$view = new Zend_View();
$registrationForm = new Form_NewAwatag();
$view->assign((array) $registrationForm);
echo $view->render("index.phtml");
it will create a new Zend_View object. How can I use the default Zend_View object?
Is it correct how I pass object to the view script?

You can get the view by using $this->view;
Assign values with $this->view->variable = $value

Your code could be stripped down to this
public function indexAction()
$registrationForm = new Form_NewAwatag();
$this->view->assign('myForm', $registrationForm);
Because the Zend MVC construct will automatically render the index.phtml file while it is the indexAction beeing called. In the view your form can be accessed by $this->myForm.


ZF Render an action and get the html in another action

What I want to do with Zend Framework is to render the action Y from the action X and to obtain the html:
public xAction(){
$html = some_function_that_render_action('y');
public yAction(){
$this->view->somedata = 'sometext';
where the y view is something like:
<h1>Y View</h1>
<p>Somedata = <?php echo $this->somedata ?></p>
I fount the action helper, but I cannot use it from a controller. How can I solve it?
It is possible?
Here is one possible way to do what you want.
public function xAction()
->setRender('y'); // render y.phtml viewscript instead of x.phtml
// now yAction has been called and zend view will render y.phtml instead of x.phtml
public function yAction()
// action code here that assigns to the view.
Instead of using the ViewRenderer to set the view script to use, you could also call yAction as I showed above, but get the html by calling $html = $this->view->render('controller/y.phtml');
See also the ActionStack helper.
You can use the Action View Helper from the controller
public function xAction()
$html = $this->view->action(
public function yAction()
// action code here that assigns to the view.
It's not very beautiful but it works well and you don't have to use $view->setScriptPath($this->view->getScriptPaths());
This helper creates a new Zend_Controller_Request for yAction(), so you can give your own parameters as 4th argument or use $this->getRequest()->getParams() to spread the request parameters of xAction().
Finally I found this "solution", it's not what I want to do, but it works, if someone found the real solution, please answer here.
public function xAction(){
$data = $this->_prepareData();
$view = new Zend_View();
$view->somedata = $data;
$html = $view->render('controller/y.phtml');

ZendFramework Noob: Adding text on top of a form

I've just (as in today) started working on some ZF stuff.
I have a Form that needs to have some text in a div appear at the top of the form, but I have no idea how to include it.
The structure of the form is:
class MyForm extends \app\forms\FormType {
public function init() {
// gets all the form elements of the parent
// A few additional form elements for MyForm created here
Any help would be apprecaited!
In your controller where you instantiate the form object just set it with the view object like this:
public function actionNameAction()
// ...
if (/* some condition to check form page */) {
$this->view->divText = 'your text';
Then put the div in the action-name.phtml script:
<?php if (!empty($this->divText)): ?>
<div><?php echo $this->divText; ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
Additionally, you could pass the view object by reference to your form class. Just overload the construct function like so:
public function __construct($options = null, &$view)
$this->view = $view;
Then in your controller when you instantiate your form object do this:
$form = new MyForm(null, $this->view);
Let's go back to your form class once again and modify the init() method:
public function init()
// ...
$this->view->divText = 'Text set from within ' . __CLASS__;
Using this way, you won't have to put any conditional if statements checking anything in the controller. You're already checking if $this->divText is not empty in the view, so by passing the view object to your form class you can ensure that that text will only be set when the form is being used.

Zend accessing user data in all controllers

Searched and searched for some guidance but cant seem to get anything to work. I wont to access the user data in any index controller to save repetetive code. I have created a ACTION HELPER which calls the Session and returns the users data. Below is how I implemented it all. Calling the helper works but I cant get the data out in any controller.
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "ZC"
protected function _initActionHelpers()
Zend_controller_Action_HelperBroker::addHelper(new ZC_Action_Helpers_User());
Class ZC_Action_Helpers_User extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
public function direct()
$storage = new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session();
$data = $storage->read();
$this->_user = $data;
class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function indexAction()
I have no problems with the code but say for example how would I get the USERNAME or USERID from the helper???
Thanks for taking the time in looking at this.
First, your plugin function have to return the user information and not set it as a class variable:
Class ZC_Action_Helpers_User extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
public function direct()
$storage = new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session();
$data = $storage->read();
return $data;
Then you can use the plugin in any controller you need:
$user = $this->_helper->User->Direct()
You might want to rename some of these functions and classes.
Try to declared in bootstrap path to helpers...
APPLICATION_PATH .'/controllers/helpers');
Next use google for this simply question.... howto use helper in ZF

Zend Framework: How to pass variables to a custom form element's view helper

So I've created myself a custom form element which has a custom view helper. Now I want to be able to set certain parameters/variables on this form element and be able to access them in my element's view helper. How can I do that?
Here's an example of what I am talking about:
adding the element to the form:
$element = new My_Form_Element_Picker('elementname');
// or
$form->addElement('Picker', 'elementname', array('foobar' => 'hello'));
form element:
class My_Form_Element_Picker extends Zend_Form_Element_Xhtml
public $helper = 'pickerElement';
view helper:
class My_View_Helper_PickerElement extends Zend_View_Helper_FormElement
public function pickerElement($name, $value = null, $attribs = null)
//now I want to check if the 'foobar' option was set, otherwise use a default value
$foobar = 'default';
There is a fourth optional argument to the view helper that might do the trick for you.
if you define your view helper like this:
public function pickerElement( $name, $value=null, $attribs=null, $options=null ) { }
And then inside your actual form element you define it like this:
class My_Form_Element_Picker extends Zend_Form_Element_Xhtml {
public $helper = 'pickerElement';
public $options = array();
public function setFoobar( $foobar ) {
$this->options['foobar'] = $foobar;
You will find that the options are passed into the view helper and can be used.
This code is from memory so please forgive any mistakes, this method definitely works for me though.

zend-framework, call an action helper from within another action helper

i am writing an action helper and i need to call another action helper from within that helper. but i dont know how. here in the sample code:
class Common_Controller_Action_Helper_SAMPLE extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
protected $_view;
public function __construct(Zend_View_Interface $view = null, array $options = array())
$this->_view = $view;
public function preDispatch()
$flashMessenger = $this->_helper->FlashMessenger; // IT IS NULL
Use the action helper broker:
$flashMessenger =
You can also use getActionController to get a reference back to the actioncontroller you were using for any methods you'd normally use there.
In addition to mercator's answer, add your method after, see example below:
You can call it in this way:
The _actionController property references the actual action controller.