problem in finding eigenvectors of a matrix in MATLAB - matlab

I have a symmetric matrix with the elements A=[8.8191,0,1.0261; 0,3,0; 1.0261,0,3.1809];
I used the eig(A) function in MATLAB , the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are given :
eigvect =
0.1736 0 0.9848
0 -1.0000 0
-0.9848 0 0.1736
eigval =
3.0000 0 0
0 3.0000 0
0 0 9.0000
Eigenvalues are correct but the eigenvectors are not which I expect, because I think 2 of them should be equal. Does MATLAB calculate correctly the eigenvectors?

The definition of an eigenvalue can be found anywhere on the web
A*v = lam*v
v being the eigenvector with lam, its corresponding eigenvalue.
So test your results:
i =1;
A*eigvect (:,i)-eigval(i,i)*eigvect(:,i) %which should be approx [0;0;0]

It is not necessary that each of the repeating eigenvalue should have its (independent) associated eigenvector. This means, an nxn matrix with an eigenvalue repeating more than once has less or equal to n linearly independent eigenvectors.
Example 1: Matrix
2 0;
0 2
has eigenvalue 2 (repeating twice), but it has two linearly independent eigenvectors associated with eigenvalue 2
Example 2:Matrix
A= 1 1 1 -2;
0 1 0 -1;
0 0 1 1;
0 0 0 1
has eigenvalue 1 (repeating four times), but it has only two independent eigenvectors associated with eigenvalue 1.


Generalized Eigenvalue problem for degenerate matrices AND Jordan form

I'm looking for a way to combine two eigenvalue decomposition methods implemented in Matlab. The first method implements the generalized eigenvalue problem, and can be used as follows:
[Gamma, Lambda] = eig(M1, M2);
If matrix M2 is not degenerate, this method returns the same answer as eig(M2^(-1) * M1), but I need to use this generalized form, because M2 may be degenerate.
I also have the problem that the returned matrix of eigenvectors is degenerate, so to get the eigenvalue decomposition, I need to use the Jordan form. If matrix M2 were not degenerate, I could use:
[Gamma, Lambda] = jordan(M2 \ M1)
But this does not work, because M2 is degenerate.
Is there any way to combine these two methods, so I could solve the problem of eigenvalue decomposition for the case where M2 and Gamma are both degenerate?
UPD: Minimal reproducible example:
M1 = [2 -1 0; 1 0 0; 0 0 0]; M2 = [0 0 0; 0 2 -1; 0 1 0];
[Gamma, Lambda] = eig(M1, M2)
Gamma =
0 1 0
0 0 0
-1 0 1
Lambda =
0 0 0
0 Inf 0
0 0 0
In this example, I'm ok that some eigenvalues are infinite, but I need a non-degenerate Gamma.

Multiplication of matrices involving inverse operation: getting infinity

In my earlier question asked here : Matlab: How to compute the inverse of a matrix
I wanted to know how to perform inverse operation
A = [1/2, (1j/2), 0;
1/2, (-1j/2), 0;
T = A.*1
Tinv = inv(T)
The output is Tinv =
1.0000 1.0000 0
0 - 1.0000i 0 + 1.0000i 0
0 0 1.0000
which is the same as in the second picture. The first picture is the matrix A
However for a larger matrix say 5 by 5, if I don't use the identity, I to perform element wise multiplication, I am getting infinity value. Here is an example
A = [1/2, (1j/2), 1/2, (1j/2), 0;
1/2, (-1j/2), 1/2, (-1j/2), 0;
1/2, (1j/2), 1/2, (1j/2), 0;
1/2, (-1j/2), 1/2, (-1j/2), 0;
0, 0 , 0 , 0, 1.00
T = A.*1
Tinv = inv(T)
Tinv =
Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf
Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf
Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf
Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf
Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf
So, I tried to multiply T = A.*I where I = eye(5) then took the inverse Eventhough, I don't get infinity value, I am getting element 2 which is not there in the picture for 3 by 3 matrix case. Here is the result
Tinv =
2.0000 0 0 0 0
0 0 + 2.0000i 0 0 0
0 0 2.0000 0 0
0 0 0 0 + 2.0000i 0
0 0 0 0 1.0000
If for 3 by 3 matrix case, I use I = eye(3), then again I get element 2.
Tinv =
2.0000 0 0
0 0 + 2.0000i 0
0 0 1.0000
What is the proper method?
Question : For general case, for any sized matrix m by m, should I multiply using I = eye(m) ? Using I prevents infinity values, but results in new numbers 2. I am really confused. Please help
UPDATE: Here is the full image where Theta is a vector of 3 unknowns which are Theta1, Theta1* and Theta2 are 3 scalar valued parameters. Theta1 is a complex valued number, so we are representing it into two parts, Theta1 and Theta1* and Theta2 is a real valued number. g is a complex valued function. The expression of the derivative of a complex valued function with respect to Theta evaluates to T^H. Since, there are 3 unknowns, the matrix T should be of size 3 by 3.
your problem is slightly different than you think. The symbols (I, 0) in the matrices in the images are not necessarily scalars (only for n = 1), but they are actually square matrices.
I is an identity matrix and 0 is a matrix of zeros. if you treat these matrix like that you will get the expected answers:
n = 2; % size of the sub-matrices
I = eye(n); % identity matrix
Z = zeros(n); % matrix of zeros
% your T matrix
T = [1/2*I, (1j/2)*I, Z;
1/2*I, (-1j/2)*I, Z;
% inverse of T
Tinv1 = inv(T);
% expected result
Tinv2 = [I,I,Z;
% max difference between computed and expected
maxDist = max(abs(Tinv1(:) - Tinv2(:)))
First you should know, whether you should do
T = A.*eye(...)
I = A.*1 %// which actually does nothing
These are completely different things. Be sure what you need, then think about the code.
The reason why you get all inf is because the determinant det of your matrix is zero.
det(T) == 0
So from the mathematical point of view your result is correct, as building the inverse requires every element of T to be divided by det(T). Your matrix cannot be inversed. If it should be possible, the error is in your input matrix, or again in your understanding of the actual underlying problem to solve.
After your question update, it feels like you're actually looking for ctranpose instead of inv.

Matlab Not Returning Orthonormal Matrix of Eigenvectors

When I try to find the eigen-decomposition of a matrix in Matlab that has a repeated eigenvalue but is NOT defective, it is not returning an orthonormal matrix of eignevectors. For example:
k = 5;
repeats = 1;
% First generate a random matrix of eignevectors that is orthonormal
V = orth(rand(k));
% Now generate a vector of eigenvalues with the given number of repeats
D = rand(k,1);
for i = 1:repeats
% Put one random value into another (note this sometimes will result in
% less than the given number of repeats if we ever input the same
% number)
D(ceil(k*rand())) = D(ceil(k*rand()));
A = V'*diag(D)*V;
% Now test the eignevector matrix of A
[V_A, D_A] = eig(A);
disp(V_A*V_A' - eye(k))
I am finding that my matrix of eigenvectors V_A is not orthogonal i.e. V_A*V_A' is not equalling the identity matrix (taking into account rounding errors).
I was under the impression that if my matrix was real and symmetric then Matlab would return an orthogonal matrix of eigenvectors, so what is the issue here?
This seems to be a numerical precision issue.
The eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix are orthogonal. But your input matrix A is not exactly symmetric. The differences are on the order of eps, as expected from numerical errors.
>> A-A.'
ans =
1.0e-16 *
0 -0.2082 -0.2776 0 0.1388
0.2082 0 0 -0.1388 0
0.2776 0 0 -0.2776 0
0 0.1388 0.2776 0 -0.5551
-0.1388 0 0 0.5551 0
If you force A to be exactly symmetric you'll get an orthogonal V_A, up to numerical errrors on the order of eps:
>> A = (A+A.')/2;
>> A-A.'
ans =
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
>> [V_A, D_A] = eig(A);
>> disp(V_A*V_A' - eye(k))
1.0e-15 *
-0.3331 0.2220 0.0755 0.1804 0
0.2220 -0.2220 0.0572 -0.1665 0.1110
0.0755 0.0572 -0.8882 -0.0590 -0.0763
0.1804 -0.1665 -0.0590 0 -0.0555
0 0.1110 -0.0763 -0.0555 0
Still, it's surprising that so wildly different results are obtained for V_A when A is symmetric and when A is nearly symmetric. This is my bet as to what's happening: as noted by #ArturoMagidin,
(1) Eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix must be orthogonal to each other. Eigenvectors corresponding to the same eigenvalue need not be orthogonal to each other.
(2) However, since every subspace has an orthonormal basis,you can find orthonormal bases for each eigenspace, so you can find an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors.
Matlab is probably taking route (2) (thus forcing V_a to be orthogonal) only if A is symmetric. For A not exactly symmetric it probably takes route (1) and gives you a basis of each subspace, but not necessarily with orthogonal vectors.
The eigenvectors of a real matrix will be orthogonal if and only if AA'=A'A and eigenvalues are distinct. If eigenvalues are not distinct, MATLAB chooses an orthogonal system of vectors. In the above example, AA'~=A'A. Besides, you have to consider round off and numerical errors.

Power Method in MATLAB

I would like to implement the Power Method for determining the dominant eigenvalue and eigenvector of a matrix in MATLAB.
Here's what I wrote so far:
%function to implement power method to compute dominant
function [m,y_final]=power_method(A,x);
if (m-mold)<tol
With the above code, here is a numerical example:
A=[1 1 -2;-1 2 1; 0 1 -1]
A =
1 1 -2
-1 2 1
0 1 -1
>> x=[1 1 1];
>> x=x';
>> [m,y_final]=power_method(A,x);
>> A*x
ans =
When comparing with the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the above matrix in MATLAB, I did:
V =
0.3015 -0.8018 0.7071
0.9045 -0.5345 0.0000
0.3015 -0.2673 0.7071
D =
2.0000 0 0
0 1.0000 0
0 0 -1.0000
The eigenvalue coincides, but the eigenvector should be approaching [1/3 1 1/3]. Here, I get:
y_final =
Is this acceptable to see this inaccuracy, or am I making some mistake?
You have the correct implementation, but you're not checking both the eigenvector and eigenvalue for convergence. You're only checking the eigenvalue for convergence. The power method estimates both the prominent eigenvector and eigenvalue, so it's probably a good idea to check to see if both converged. When I did that, I managed to get [1/3 1 1/3]. Here is how I modified your code to facilitate this:
function [m,y_final]=power_method(A,x)
tol=1e-10; %// Change - make tolerance more small to ensure convergence
mold = m;
y_old=y_final; %// Change - Save old eigenvector
if abs(m-mold) < tol && norm(y_final-y_old,2) < tol %// Change - Check for both
When I run the above code with your example input, I get:
>> [m,y_final]=power_method(A,x)
m =
y_final =
On a side note with regards to eig, MATLAB most likely scaled that eigenvector using another norm. Remember that eigenvectors are not unique and are accurate up to scale. If you want to be sure, simply take the first column of V, which coincides with the dominant eigenvector, and divide by the largest value so that we can get one component to be normalized with the value of 1, just like the Power Method:
>> [V,D] = eig(A);
>> V(:,1) / max(abs(V(:,1)))
ans =
This agrees with what you have observed.

Proof of eigenvector and eigenvalues Matlab

I am finding the eigenvector and eigenvalues of a matrix, then I need to prove that Ax= λx where λ is the eigenvalue. Here is my code:
A = [1 1 -1;1 0 -2; 0 0 -1]
for i = 1:3
A*evecs(:,i)== evals(i,i)*evecs(:,i)
Here is my output:
A =
1 1 -1
1 0 -2
0 0 -1
evecs =
0.8507 -0.5257 -0.3015
0.5257 0.8507 0.9045
0 0 0.3015
evals =
1.6180 0 0
0 -0.6180 0
0 0 -1.0000
ans =
ans =
ans =
Why are the ans not all equal to 1 as it should (in order to prove Ax= λx)
The calculations of your eigen solver are performed using finite precision floating point arithmetic. The true eigen values and eigen vectors are not even exactly representable in finite floating point data types.
Check for equality against a small tolerance to allow for this. That is check that Ax - λx is small in absolute value.
Required reading is What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic.