I am looking for a way to detect which page a user comes from (the users referring page). If the user does not come from a page called "index.php", they should be redirected to a page, like, google.com. Any programming language that can be embedded into an html file. Thanks!
you can get the previouse url by :
in some cases this can be forbidden by the browser user settings
'HTTP_REFERER' The address of the page (if any) which referred the
user agent to the current page. This is set by the user agent. Not all
user agents will set this, and some provide the ability to modify
HTTP_REFERER as a feature. In short, it cannot really be trusted.
check it on the php manual
Look at the HTTP Referer header field?
You can use the HTTP referrer header: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_referrer
There's a tutorial here on how to access it using javascript.
You would use the header called Referer [sic] . See: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html (section 14.36)
Obtain its value however you want.
I have a page called club.php. I want to disable people from being able to see my webpage if they type in www.mysite.com/club.php unless they are linked from another page. I have a page where you need to enter a password to access this.
I'm hoping I can simply drop code into my pages (javascript or something?)
There is an HTTP header called Referer, which contains the URI of the site from which the request to your site originated from. You can read the content of this header in PHP via $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] (see http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.server.php).
But please be aware that you can't rely on that this header field is set or not, so testing against the content of the header is not a serious security measure for protecting a particular page from beeing viewed from unauthorized visitors. You can set/unset the value of the header to any arbitrary value with your Browser or Addon.
I'm just new to Zend Framework. Currently what I'm trying to do is when user access my website
they will first see a select box with two language such as english and germany to choose.
Only when they make a selection, the browser will redirect them to the index controller of that specific language page.
So my question is how to make a select box in bootstrap file or any kind of possible ways to do that and how to redirect user after that? Any solution will be much appreciated!
Don't ever use bootstrap file (and I'm talking about both Bootstrap.php and index.php) for this kind of operations. First, it just won't work the way you ask; second, you'll mess your app's structure big time.
Instead you may use one of the following approaches:
1) add some predispatch hook that will check whether the choice has already been made by checking the user's cookies. If it is, proceed with request as usual (probably setting some Zend_Registry lang variable to be used later), if not, redirect for the language choosing page; the latter should store the choice made in cookies.
2) implement a simple rule in your Router/mod_rewrite: when the requested URL contains 'the language part' (http://example.com/lang/xx/... or just http://example.com/xx/...), it automatically uses this part so set the lang param. If not, the request is automatically redirected to the language choosing page. The latter, in turn, leads the user to a language-specific page, where all the links are made language-specific.
The latter approach is inferior, in my opinion, as user will have to use a language-tuned gateway all the time. But you don't have to store this info in cookies.
You could make a plugin that use the preDispatch event to look if the language has been chosen (e.g stored in cookie or session) and redirect to the landing page if not.
Look here zend framework plug-in - predispatch()
and the ZF's action plugin documentation.
That's what I do to force login in my app.
Now in your position what I would really do would be detecting the language of the user with a fallback to English and a switch widget somewhere in your navbar.
I have a facebook page tab iframe and would like to access the browser url in order to get the current facebook page url.
I know it's not possible to use a javascript that interacts with the parent frame because of browser security issues.
An approach that didn't work for all browsers was to read the HTTP_REFERER header from the request.
Is there a better way?
I hope this is impossible at all. Otherwise it will be a security issue, likely to be closed.
You should not write code depending on compromising other users.
It is not possible to get URL of a parent Frame due to cross-domain policy. And there is no way to get the information about page your application running on in client-side.
But on the server-side you can reconstruct the Page URL using details passed in signed_request. For Page Tab Applications it contains page:
A JSON object containing the page id string, the liked boolean (set to true if the user has liked the page, false if not) and the admin boolean (set to true if the user is an admin of the page, false if they're not).
Using that page id you can build the Page URL:
If you want the link to your Page Tab with your application use:
Beware, HTTP_REFERRER is provided by client and cannot be trusted, and it's may be cut by plugin/proxy/etc...
Pages may have different URL in real life, but using this technique user will be landing the correct Page since Facebook will issue redirect to correct URL of a Page.
Sample URLs use HTTP scheme, feel free to use HTTPS if you need it.
In PHP for example you can detect the current scheme like this:
$scheme = ((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS']!=="off") ||
) ? 'https' : 'http';
HTTP_REFERRER might not work as expected in my experience. If the tab app is designed for a specific page (which I suppose it kind of should), have you tried recreating it?
Where MYPAGENAME is your page name and MYAPPID is the app id, of course.
If the tab is applied to multiple pages though, I'm quite sure you'll get the relevant data to apply the above from https://graph.facebook.com/PAGEID, where PAGEID is the ID of the page which you get from the signed request.
As per the Authentication Documentation, I'm directing my user's to the following URL to initiate the authentication flow:
However, instead of the login page looking like:
... (i.e. like it does in the documentation and in other Apps I've created and used), it looks like this...
Does anyone know why?
I've tracked the redirects that the page makes, and it's as follows:
Application type is set to Native/Desktop, and I've set the App Integration to "Website".
If the language I'm using makes any difference, I'm using C#, and setting the Url of System.Windows.Form.WebBrowser.
As per the above comments, you can use the display parameter in the URL to control which kind of dialog to show, as you would normally do with the JS SDK.
Your URL becomes:
I have a page on my DotNetNuke site and I would like to set up a redirect and was wondering the best way to do it. Here is the problem:
I have a page on the site: mydomain.com/dashbaord.aspx. I would like users to be able to type mydomain.com/dashboard OR mydomain.com/Dashboard and it will redirect them to the /dashboard.aspx page.
I have IIS6, so I set up wildcard mapping, and it seemed to work for /dashboard, but not /Dashboard. Also, I am looking for it to literally redirect you so that /dashbaord.aspx shows up in the address bar. In addition, the wildcard mapping broke some other links on the site, so I was looking for an alternative method to accomplish this. Is there a way that I can set this up through IIS? Or any other way?
Thanks in advance for the help.
In IIS, create a virtual directory by right clicking on Sites, and then call it Dashboard. Then set that to redirect to a specific URL, in your case, http://mydomain.com/dashboard.aspx.