Using GWT with SEAM - gwt

I want to use GWT with seam Framework, so i add the jar gwt-user-2.2.0.jar to my project. but when i invoke any method from the view (a xhtml page ) this exception is occured:
Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: ERROR: GWT.create() is only usable in client code! It cannot be called, for example, from server code. If you are running a unit test, check that your test case extends GWTTestCase and that GWT.create() is not called from within an initializer or constructor.
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I use seam v2.2,I can post the code :
public class SheduleHandler1 implements Serializable,EntryPoint
public void onModuleLoad() {
MyPopup p = new MyPopup();
From my xhtml view i call this method:
<h:commandLink value="showPopup" action="#{scheduleHandler1.onModuleLoad}" />
Thanks for Help.

GWT is client side technology - the java code that you write compiles down to js+html and is executed inside the browser.
OTOH, SEAM is server side technology - code that you write executes on server when a request is made and the HTML is produced which is returned back to browser for display.
In this sense GWT and Seam do not go well together. Most certainly you can not mix the code in the same compile unit.
You could use Seam for server side REST and GWT on the client side to consume REST, but this would only make sense if you already had an existing Seam REST code.
If you have written some GWT code and want to include it in you html pages (static or produced by Seam) then use them as GWT host pages - you simply include script tag to include GWT js code in the page:

GWT and Seam can actually work together, as you can see in this page in the Seam Reference Documentation.
However, what it looks like you are trying to do, and where the problem looks to me, is that you are trying to mix JSF and GWT. You are trying to call a Seam action from JSF where that action calls some GWT code. Hence, your server side Seam code is calling the client side GWT code and you are getting the exception that says GWT.create() is only usable in client code! It cannot be called, for example, from server code. I'm not sure why you're trying to do this.
JSF is a client side technology, written in XHTML. GWT is also a client side technology written in, well, Java. I'm not sure how these play together.
On the other hand, there is no reason, as per the link above, why your GWT widgets cannot call your Seam components. You just need to follow the instructions.


The error creating app Engine's DataStore Entity within GWT app

I try to create the entity like this:
DatastoreService ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
Entity stock = new Entity("Stock", 1);
stock.setProperty("Stock", "FCB");
but keep getting the error:
No source code is available for type; did you forget to inherit a required module?
The error means just what it says, the GWT compiler needs access to the Java source it compiles to Javascript, and obviously DatastoreService is not something that should exist on the frontend - so you have an architecture issue here.
You'll need to write a proxy that can call a server component (Which in turns calls the DatastoreService) and returns DTOs/value objects (that you define and thus have the source for).
No source code is available
GWT transliterate Java to Javascript, reading it's source code and there a limited language support.
What you're trying to achieve is a Server only operation and you're adding this operation within the client code, which will run on a browser. Neither GAE allow this or GWT has the source of these classes nor capability to do so.
You need to create a request to your server that will access the DatastoreService , the return the output to the client code.
Below a example of a properly architect GWT web application:

Vaadin GWT RPC setup?

I've been using smartGWT for a few years but have started looking at Vaadin. I've got the example running but am stumped when it comes to writing the RPC call.
I have a connector:
public class MyComponent2Connector extends AbstractComponentConnector {
And add this to my UI:
#Title("StyleSuite Title")
public class MyVaadinUI extends UI
private final MyComponent2Connector c = new MyComponent2Connector();
But when I visit the site it says:
The gwt.xml is very plain and just has:
<inherits name="com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet" />
I'm clearly doing something wrong - anyone have any pointer for setting this up or have an exampe project?
Vaadin is a server-side framework, which uses GWT in the client-side to render widgets. Normally you only code serve-side stuff and you don't need to worry about RPC or other communcation between server and client because Vaadin takes care of it under the hood. But if you implement your own widget, then you need RPC (or shared state).
Your problem is that you are trying to use a client-side GWT class (MyComponent2Connector) from a server-side class (MyVaadinUI), that doesn't work (as you see). Vaadin 7 mini tutorials is good reading and also Book of Vaadin to understand how Vaadin works.

Create a GWT RPC Service

I’m trying to create a backend for a homepage with GWT. I created a Google Web Application in Eclipse without sample code and now I would like to add the service, but the developer Google guide doesn’t help me. I’m not sure, where to add the interface and how it exactly works.
If I understand the google documentation correctly, I have to add a module and an entry point class, is that correct? It would be great if you could give me some tips and help how to create a rpc service.
If you create a new GWT project in the Eclipse "New Project" wizard, with "Generate project sample code" checked, it will include a fully functioning RPC service with a sample method, which you can then adapt or copy according to your needs.
Out of memory, don't have eclipse in front of me.
First do create a test project with generated testcode, you can delete it afterward.
Yes you will have to add a module.
Create in client the two interfaces for the async calls, inherit it on server side.
Hope I understood your question right.
I'm not sure what would help you the most. Google developer guide was enough for me (at least when I started using it on version 1.6) to create RPC services for my GWT application.
General APP
Module: is the .gwt.xml file. Yes, you'll need it. The GWT compiler will find it automagically and try to compile all the GWT code (the <source> element will tell which subpackage contains Java code that will be converted to JS). It will tell also which class implements the EntryPoint interface. The onModuleLoad will be the code executed when javascript runs in the client page.
Well, you should first try UI things and only then, when you're confident enough, try the server thing. Anyway the scheme is:
interface MyService extends RemoteService {
List<String> doSomething(String sample, int other);
#RemoteServiceRelativePath("../path/to/servlet") // see later
intercace MyServiceAsync {
void doSomething(String sample, int other, AsyncCallback<List<String>> callback);
These are the interfaces. Later is the async one. That's what you'll use from client side. Always calling and passing an implementation of AsyncCallback which will receive (sometime later, you don't know when) the result.
First interface is the syncrhonous one. That is what you need to implement on server. You must inherit from RemoteServiceServlet class (it is an implementation of servlet that already does all the values handling), and implement your interface. GWT code does the rest (almost).
public class ServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements MyService
// implement the method normally
From client you'll need to create the service proxy:
private static MyServiceAsync MY_SERVICE = GWT.create(MyService.class);
Yes. I know it's weird how GWT knows MyserviceAsync and MyService work together. Don't worry about that. It works :)
Just use the service like this:
MY_SERVICE.doSomething("value", 111, new AsyncCallback<List<String>>() {
// note that this code executes some time in the future when response from server is back
public void onSuccess(List<String> result) {
Window.alert("Server answered with " + result.size() + " elements!");
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
Window.alert("Server failed: " + t.getMessage());
Path to server
You'll have to configure your app to make that servlet implementation listen to URL indicated in #RemoteServiceRelativePath. That's the way client knows where to make the request, and the server knows which servlet attends that request. I'd suggest using:
../my-service.gwt as relative path (GWT module gets published in <ROOT>/module_name
configuring your web app to use the servlet for /my-service.gwt
But it's entirely upon your preferences :)
Anyway I think Google tutorials are the best. So please copy&paste. Try&modify until you get to understand the whole thing.

How GWT code runs in development code

In GWT web/production mode, Java code is complied into Javascript code that is rendered in the browser.
Also,I have always thought that in GWT development mode, GWT developer plugin compiles my Java code into JavaScript to render it in the browser. But after reading on some site, I came to know that there's no compiling of code to JavaScript to view it in the browser in development mode.
So, I wonder: What are all these widgets I see in the browser during this mode if they aren't JavaScript code?. I don't understand it.
Please help understanding this.
The crux of the Dev Mode is that your code runs in Java. This is a prerequisite if you can use a standard Java debugger. You'll find a high-level overview in the GWT documentation.
The magic happens with JSNI methods and overlay types: when a class is loaded, all its JSNI methods are extracted and their JS body is sent to the browser, ready to be executed (as JavaScript then), and the class is rewritten on the fly to reimplement the JSNI method to make a call to the browser (via the Dev Plugin you installed there and is triggered by ?gwt.codesvr= in the URL) to execute the corresponding JS function. This is the reason why Java objects are seen as opaque handles in JSNI methods; they're assigned a numeric ID to pair the Java object with a dummy JS object on the server-side. A similar though more complex rewriting is done for overlay types, and the same ID mapping is used when JS objects are passed to Java code (as overlay types).
BTW, Super Dev Mode compiles to JavaScript (almost) on the fly.

Is there a tool to convert my GWT RemoteServiceServlet into the correct Service and ServiceAsync interfaces?

I'm working on a GWT project and I find it very tedious to have to add a function to my servlet, then copy and paste the function signature into my Service interface, then copy and paste it into my ServiceAsync interface and change the return parameter to be a callback. Is there a tool or a setting where I can just add public methods to my class and they can get copied into the other interfaces? Even if its not automatic it would be nice to be able to select specific methods and have them copied automatically.
I'm using eclipse and ideally it would update my interface each time I save implementation since thats when it checks my code and complains that my changes break the interface.
If you add the method to your *Service interface, then Eclipse can auto-generate the method ("Add unimplemented methods...") in your *ServiceImpl servlet, which you can then just fill in. Also, if you've got the Google Eclipse plugin installed, it will underline the new method in your *Service interface and complain that it's not in the *ServiceAsync. It might have a CTRL + 1 option to generate it in that interface as well.
You don't really need a tool. Just factor out the many RPC methods by just one method that takes a Request/Response. all you need to do is create subclasses of Request/Response and you don't need to think about adding new methods in the 2 interfaces.
You can use Google Guice on the server side to map the incomming request to a class handling the call... or you could use a visitor approach to forward the incoming request to the code handling the request (without resorting on a big instanceof construct).
Instantiations WindowBuilder GWT Designer does exactly what you are looking for.
The RemoteService Wizard will create all three files at the same time as well as keep them in sync as you make changes.
FWIW - I am only a user/purchaser of this product. I am not employed or in any other way related to Instantiations.