Json Parsing issue iOS : missing " - iphone

I got a big issue when trying to parse json data in xcode. I have actually tried with two different parser and it still returns me a wrong json. Could anyone help in that ?
The string to parse (called jsonResp) is equal to :
"date":"Jeudi \u00e0 00:00:00",
"picture":"http://graph.facebook.com/22222222/picture? type=square",
"name":"Etouda Gaudo",
the string to parse is equal to :
NSData *jsonData = [jsonResp dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSError *error = nil;
NSDictionary *dictionary = [[CJSONDeserializer deserializer] deserializeAsDictionary:jsonData error:&error];
NSLog(#"dictionary %#", dictionary);
and then I got the following result for the NSLog of dictionary :
dictionary {
count = 1;
data = (
"chat_id" = 1;
count = 1;
date = "Jeudi \U00e0 00:00:00";
"ink_id" = 1;
"last_message" = CoUcou;
name = "Test name";
picture = "http://graph.facebook.com/22222222/picture?type=square";
type = friend;
debugMessage = "<null>";
error = 0;
errorMessage = "<null>";
list = links;
I can't figure out why the " are missing...
Does anyone have a solution.
Thanks in advance.

NSLog is just a print representation for developers to view, it is the result of the description method being called on a class instance. Quotes are only added where the item might be ambitious without them such as a string with an embedded space. To verify that the JSON was parsed correctly validate it with code.

You are deserializing the JSON into an NSDictionary, which doesn't have to have quotes around it's property names, unlike JSON. Your parser is working correctly, but the NSLog of an NSDictionary won't show up exactly the same as the original JSON would.


JSON result (NSArray): valueForKey doesn't work as expected

I have a NSArray as a result of a web service (JSON) request.
If I print NSLog("%#", jsonResult) the Array it shows up correctly:
text = “Some text”;
coordinates = “11.333345 - 09.33349”;
text = “Some text2”;
coordinates = “11.333345 - 09.33349”;
text = “Some text3”;
coordinates = “11.333345 - 09.33349”;
But If I try to access the value of the key "text" of each entry within the NSArray with my following function, I always get an output like this:
Text )r'ì• (instead of "Some text2, 3 ....")
So I think there is a mismatch of types, but I don't know how to figure out where the problem is.
In Objective-C it works very well.
func getResult(){
self.webService.getResult({ jsonResult in
jsonResult!.enumerateObjectsUsingBlock({ object, index, stop in
var txt : NSString = object.valueForKey("text") as NSString
NSLog("Text %s", txt)
NSLog("Ready %#", jsonResult!)
Any ideas what's going wrong?
I figured out, that if I just use NSObject instead of NSString it displays the text correct
var txt : NSObject = object.valueForKey("text") as NSObject
NSLog("%#", txt)
But anyway, I have to cast that NSObject object to NSString or String, to display...
Which encoding is it expecting to display the string...or how to cast this NSObject????
var txt : NSString = object.valueForKey("text") as NSString
NSLog("Text %s", txt)
The problem is the %s format specifier, which is for C-style strings. You need %#, which is for objects.
In Swift, it's recommended to use println(), which does away with format strings altogether:
var txt : NSString = object.valueForKey("text") as NSString
println("Text \(txt)")

Json Data converted to Json string but not in Json Dictionary

This question has been asked so many times but using the same code I am getting things work.
I have used below code to generate Json Dictionary and Json string.It successfully creates json string but not json dictionary.
NSData *jsonData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:parameters options:NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted error:&writeError];
NSString *strJsonRequest = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:jsonData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSDictionary *dicJsonRequest = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:jsonData options:kNilOptions error:&convertError];
NSLog(#"\n dicjson : %# \n json string : %# \n error : %#",dicJsonRequest,strJsonRequest,convertError.localizedDescription);
This metods I am using to pass data and this needs NSDictionary
- (void)postPath:(NSString *)path
parameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters
success:(void (^)(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject))success
failure:(void (^)(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error))failure;
If I create NSDictionary using JsonString created here then it gets converted to different format that is not being accepted at webservice end
NSDictionary *WSCALL = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:strJsonRequest,"Post", nil];
output :
Post = "{\n \"email\" : \"test#test.com\",\n \"password\" : \"test\",\n \"name\" : \"abcd\",\n ";
What i can conclude here is webservice needs the same json string created but without this "\n" and \"email\" (FALSE) -> "email"(TRUE)
But i am not able to replace "\n" because it is adding when i set value for key in dictionary.
With this I am getting output as
dicjson : {
email = "test#test.com";
name = abcd;
password = test;
json string : {
"email" : "test#test.com",
"name" : "abcd",
"password" : "test"
error : (null)
Well there is no error in what you are doing and the log says clearly you are getting a NSDictionary, and If you try to log an NSDictionary it is obvious you get a json string response.See this line
NSLog(#"\n dicjson : %# \n json string : %# \n error : %#",dicJsonRequest,strJsonRequest,convertError.localizedDescription);
Here the NDDictionary contains the value correctly since the log shows
dicjson : {
email = "test#test.com";
name = abcd;
password = test;
So you have a valid dictionary in hand.Just do the remaining coding

How to access a certain value in an NSArray?

I have an array called someArray. I would like to access the name value of the NSArray. I'm trying to access it using the following, but with out any luck. How do I do it properly?
cell.textLabel.text = [[someArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] objectForKey:#"name"];
some array {
haserror = 0;
headers = {
code = 0;
haserror = 0;
nodeid = "fe1.aaaaaa.2.undefined";
time = 16;
results = (
coords = (
id = 2;
key = alessandria;
name = Alessandria;
state = Piemonte;
zip = 1512;
coords = (
id = 3;
key = ancona;
name = Ancona;
state = Marche;
zip = 601;
As far as i see from you data model, the key name is a node under the key results. You can use this data model as a dictionary map, the code snippet below must give you what you need..
NSDictionary *myObject = [[someArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] objectForKey:#"results"];
cell.textLabel.text = [myObject objectForKey:"name"];
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have some lopps or some other mechanisms for receiving data, there may be more efficent ways for your sıolution, so please give some more additional info about what you are exactly tryin to do
As others have noted, someArray is a dictionary while results is a key pointing to an array inside of your dictionary. If you want an array of all of the name fields in your results array, you could use valueForKeyPath: on the someArray variable, like this:
NSArray *names = [someArray valueForKeyPath:#"results.name"];
The names variable should now contain "Alessandria", and "Ancona" from the data set your show in your example code.

Decoding JSON with JSONKit gives error

I have the following JSON that validates as valid JSON..
{"flights":[{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW699","timestamp":"2011-03-22 07:06:02","route":"LOWW-EGLL"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW706","timestamp":"2011-03-21 19:08:02","route":"EGLL-LOWW"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW5MG","timestamp":"2011-03-21 16:33:02","route":"LEMG-EGLL"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW3AG","timestamp":"2011-03-21 11:25:02","route":"EGLL-LEMG"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW5EB","timestamp":"2011-03-20 19:18:02","route":"EGLL-LPPT"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BA0489","timestamp":"2011-03-20 09:40:02","route":"LEBL-EGLL"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BA0475","timestamp":"2011-03-19 16:51:02","route":"LEBL-EGLL"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW489","timestamp":"2011-03-18 08:08:02","route":"LEBL-EGLL"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BA0799","timestamp":"2011-03-17 18:37:02","route":"EGLL>EFHK"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW799","timestamp":"2011-03-17 16:31:01","route":"EFHK-EGLL"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW794","timestamp":"2011-03-17 11:55:02","route":"EGLL-EFHK"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"GEUUZ","timestamp":"2011-03-17 09:43:02","route":""}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW487","timestamp":"2011-03-16 19:32:01","route":"LEBL-EGLL"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW486","timestamp":"2011-03-16 16:57:02","route":"EGLL-LEBL"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW459","timestamp":"2011-03-16 14:10:01","route":"LEMD-EGLL"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW41LM","timestamp":"2011-03-16 10:09:02","route":"EGLL-LEMD"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BA0795","timestamp":"2011-03-16 08:27:02","route":""}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW795","timestamp":"2011-03-16 07:01:02","route":"EFHK-EGLL"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW798","timestamp":"2011-03-15 18:23:02","route":"EGLL-EFHK"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW701","timestamp":"2011-03-15 14:24:01","route":"LOWW-EGLL"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW700","timestamp":"2011-03-15 11:04:01","route":"EGLL-LOWW"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW68BL","timestamp":"2011-03-15 08:14:01","route":"LEBL-EGLL"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW82BL","timestamp":"2011-03-14 18:40:03","route":"EGLL-LEBL"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW849","timestamp":"2011-03-14 08:15:02","route":"EPWA-EGLL"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW40CB","timestamp":"2011-03-13 19:30:03","route":"EGLL-LEBL"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW475","timestamp":"2011-03-13 15:30:02","route":"LEBL-EGLL"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"z.NO-FLIGHTNO","timestamp":"2011-03-13 13:00:03","route":""}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW474","timestamp":"2011-03-13 12:00:03","route":"EGLL-LEBL"}},{"flight":{"flightno":"BAW4WP","timestamp":"2011-03-13 08:45:02","route":"LPPT-EGLL"}}]}
I then try and parse this using JSONKit but can only get as far down as "flights" I cannot seem to access the "flight" object.
When I do the following
-(void)parseJSON:(NSString *)jsonData{
NSDictionary *deserializedData = [jsonData objectFromJSONString];
for (id key in deserializedData) {
NSLog(#"key: %#, value: %#", key, [deserializedData objectForKey:key]);
Only the following is put out to the log....
key: flights, value: (
flight = {
flightno = BAW906N;
route = "EGLL-EDDF";
timestamp = "2011-03-24 08:38:02";
flight = {
flightno = BAW365;
route = "LFLL-EGLL";
timestamp = "2011-03-24 06:17:01";
flight = {
I want to be able to get down to each flight and at the moment am stuck!
Get an array of all flights like this:
NSArray *flights = [deserializedData valueForKeyPath:#"flights.flight"];
thats because you have an array of dictionairies in your dictionairy object, acces them like this:
for (NSDictionairy *flight in [deserializedData objectForKey:#"flights"]){
NSLog(#"flight object with route.: %#", [flight objectForKey:#"route"]);

Obj-C / iPhone: NSArray question

I have an array that looks like this when printed via NSLog:
response = "Valid";
updates = (
string = "test";
integer = 3493;
string = "test2";
integer = 55454;
start-index = 0;
My question is how I can loop through through the "updates" array so that I may print the values for each "string" respectively.
Should be an easy "for" loop or something?
Assuming you NSLogged data has a type of NSDictionary with name data.
NSArray *updates = [data objectForKey:#"updates"];
for (NSDictionary *update in updates) {
NSLog(#"Update: %# - %#", [update objectForKey:#"string"], [update objectForKey:#"integer"]);