iOS: Setting primary language for app when localizing - iphone

I have built an app for swedish language only. Now I have added multilanguage support (english uk/us, german, spanish) and would like to submit the app to all App Stores in the world.
The problem is that I have chosen swedish as the primary language in Itunes Connect when creating my account.
Reading several threads about this I have come to the conclusion that if I submit the app now, the default language will be swedish for languages I haven't localized. This is a huge problem since there seems to be no way of changing this primary language.
Anyone know what can be done?
On the upside: When using a link in Itunes Connect "Version summary" I can see the language is in english when for example choosing "Slovenia" or any other country that hasn't been localized... Can I trust this really? Not according to several forum threads, example:

I have now released the app and tried out several different App Stores and it seems like it does take english as the default langauge, not swedish which I have as primary.
This goes against what has been said before in forums and such. Also, Apple called me and we talked about this, but the support person wasn't sure why it worked either :)
For future people coming here, here is how it works for me now:
-I have localized in Itunes Connect for german, spanish and english.
In these App Stores the language will be displayed correctly for each country.
-I have NOT localized for Canada. If I add the app to this app store the language will be in swedish (your primary language).
-A language that is not possible to localize, like estonian, will in fact display my english app description in the Estonian app store. This could have something to do with the "Localization native development region" as Digital Robot stated as a comment.

have you tried this key on the Info.plist? To force iTC to see english as the default language.


Can you partially translate your iOS app on the App Store?

I am interested in translating my app, but it is expensive. Is it possible to partially translate your app and then put that up on the app store? iTunes Connect asks you which languages your app is available in when you upload it. So I have two questions about how it works:
If you do not select "French," for example, then it will not say on the app store that your app is available in French. However, if you have some French strings files in your app, will it still work even though your app is not listed as being available in French on the App Store?
Also, the only way to get a translated app description on the app store is to select that the app is available in that language. If you say on the app store that your app is available in French, for example, but it is only partially translated and also has a translated app description, then will you get in trouble with the app store submission?
In Xcode you localize your xibs and/or add a Localized.strings file. If Localized.strings is localized to English and French, then iTUnes will, after upload of the binary, show the app as being available in the two languages.
The app store description will be in the language you have inserted in iTunesConnect. You can for example present English text in the French App store. Or you put a French text as the app description for the English speaking AppStores. I am not aware of rejections due to that.

Localized app description does not appear on the App Store

I have a new iPhone app up on the App Store. This app has been fully localized into English and German. German is the native language of this app.
I added the English App Store description, added localized screenshots (and entered an English name for this app) in iTunes Connect ("Manage Localizations" - "Add Localization")
Unfortunately this translation does not appear on the App Store. Even in the UK and US App Store, there's always the German version of the app description.
This is not my first (localized) app which is available on the App Store ... but in this case, I have absolutely now idea what I'm doing (or what I did) wrong.
My app is called "ÖPNV-Navi" (the localized English title is "PT Guide"): (UK Store) (US Store) (German Store)
Any idea?
Because your default language is German (This setting in iTunesConnect can NOT be changed once you submitted an App), if the iTunes can't find the localized description for the user's system language, it will display your default language instead.
As I've mentioned before, the language is not depend on the country of App Store but the user's system language settings, in my Mac which use English as its system language, I can see your English description in US Store. But in UK Store, since I am not using UK English as my system language, I got your default language: German.
If you change your Mac's system language into English, you will see your English description in US Store.
In addition, the most weird thing is the localized descriptions are bound to the specific country of App Store.
What dose this mean?
It means even you've created an English description in iTunes Connect, and the user do have English as his/her system language, but if he/she is NOT watching the US App Store, he/she will NOT get the English description but your default language, German.
What a confusing situation, what a "great" system, right?
My problem was that I also did not see the localized description in the app store.
The solution was that both the system language (in iOS or OS X) AND the app store country should be according to the language you want.
Localize App Store information
After you add an app to your account, you can add languages and enter localized information about your app that appears on the App Store. For a list of the languages and locales you can localize app metadata for, see App Store localizations. For the properties you can localize, see Required, localizable, and editable properties.
For example, if the primary language is set as English, the information in all App Store territories appears in English. If you add French to your app and localize the text, keywords, and screenshots, users whose language setting is French, see the French localization. Users who are located in a territory that includes French, but not English, as a supported language, also see the French localization. Users can also search for your app in all French-language App Stores using the localized keywords. In other App Store territories, users see the information in the primary language (English in this example).
The user’s language setting on the device controls which localization appears on the App Store. If there’s no localization available that matches the language, the next closest localization is used. If you want locale-specific metadata to appear, add a language for a specific locale to your app—for example, add French (Canada). The Apple Store URL for your app is the same, regardless of the user’s device language settings.
The languages you add to an app in iTunes Connect are not the same as the languages you add to your app in Xcode. The languages that you add in Xcode appear under Languages on the App Store. To localize your app binary, read Internationalization and Localization Guide.
iTunes Connet help:

I localized my app to Japan but I cannot see it

recently I uploaded my app internationally including Japan, France, China, etc using iTunes Connect.
I can see French version of my app at French Apple's App Store. However, I only appears in English at Japan & China's App Store. (I translated all the information in both languages just like in French)
What happened? What should I do to fix this?
Did you submit the extra paperwork that is necessary to sell apps in Japan? There is a special form you need. Without that your apps won't appear in Japan.
Found the answer in the Apple dev forums. Apparently changing the App Store country is not enough, you need to set your Mac's preferred language in System Preferences.
Close iTunes
Open System Preferences, go to Language & Text, then drag Japanese (or whatever) to the top of the list
Close System Preferences
Open iTunes, then change your App Store country to Japan (or whatever)
Your localized app name/description should appear correctly

iTunesConnect primary language not found

I want to develop an iPhone App. and I paid Apple for the developer's license which is $99/year and I logged in to iTunesConnect.
But when the portal ask me to select my language (language for application description) (primary language) I cannot find my language!
How can i add the language that I required in my application?
Because this is a first time i use iTunesConnect i think the primary language for the description for application
But as i see the primary languge is to determine the languge that the pages will apper
i.e the pages for next steps will appear in the language that will specify from this list.
I've made the mistake to choose german as the primary language in my case. I thought choosing german iTunes connect would guide me with german language through the setup process.
Now where my app is released I'm facing the problem that the app description always shows the german description in countries my app is not localized for (it's just german and english). So you should be aware of which language you choose as primary language.

iPhone application Info.plist language property

Which property should I change on Info.plist in order to configure the list of languages shown in itunes store under my submitted application?
EDIT: My application will be in Greek and I want to see Greek as the only language under Languages in the App Store. How do I do that?
It seems that the "Localization native development region" value on the .plist file is related to the languages that appear on the app store after Languages.
What you list in the plist does not affect what is shown in iTunes. When you submit to itunesconnect, you will be asked to enter languages that are supported. Of course , you will want to match these languages up with what your app really can support, but iTunes will not just show the supported languages by default.
It appears the OP is just asking how to localize within the app. See here