iPhone: some UITableView's cells appears blank in edit - iphone

I use tableView with custom cells and for cell drawing I use drawRect: method for scrolling performance. In edit mode when I move cells move and down sometimes some cells appear blank. And during scrolling also random cells start appear blank.Please look attached images. Can someone help to understand problem?

if you are using dequeueReusableCellForIdentifier then try removing that.
I mean to say alloc a new cell every time.
I am suggesting above based on assumption that your cell contains some heavy data which takes time in drawing. In this case if you reuse cell then it will take cell that goes out of visible screen and will paint draw new data in it.
If this doesn't help then please post some code showing how you are creating custom cell.


Expanding a UITableViewCell with CoreAnimation

I'm trying to expand a UITableViewCell to fill the entire screen using CoreAnimation.
How can I animate a TableViewCell so that it looks like the cell is expanding to fill the entire screen?
I will then push another ViewController in the completion block of the animation (without the user noticing).
I don't think it's possible to take the actual cell and expand it to fill the screen, because the TableView is managing the cell and could respond rather poorly to the cell's size going crazy all of a sudden.
What I would do is make a 'copy' of the cell using your own class extending UIView, display the copy directly above the cell of the table view (let me know if you need details on that step or if you can figure it out yourself), and then animate that to fill the screen.
For tips using CoreAnimation and layers, go try google - there's a lot out there already on the subject.

Best way to avoid memory leaks for Multiple Buttons in UITableViewCell

I've got an array of buttons in a UITableViewCell.
I populated them all through the cellForRowAtIndexPath method, but my tableview gets sluggish even though I have released everything.
Should I be using a custom UITableViewCell to populate?
Any suggestions on how to make this as smooth as possible for the user would be great.
Screenshot below.
You could create a custom cell / custom view pair for this specific cell, where you can draw all yours buttons in drawRect:. However, this would essentially draw all your buttons as an image so you wouldn't be able to tap them, but I guess you can always create a UITapGestureRecognizer to your cell (you'd still have to figure out which button was pressed by examining x,y values).
Still, I don't see any point in adding your tag buttons inside a UITableViewCell. You could come up for an alternate design in your UI, i.e. a UIView presented on top of the table, or a modal controller maybe.

How to remain the old visible cell's position after inserting new cells at the top of the UITableView

Suppose I have a table view, and I want to implement something like this:
The table view contains n cells by default.
New cells will be added at the top(head) of the table view.
The data source of the table view is a mutable array.
The problem is when I use [tableview reloadData], the new data is always shown at the top of the tableview, but what I want is remain the old visible cells at the old position, means no refresh after reload data. I had tried some solutions, and I found out that if I added new cells at the tail, and update the tableview, the old visible cells will remain old position without any extra effort. But I don't know how to remain the old visible cells at the old position if I add the new cells at the top.
As a reference, I think the official Twitter app for iPhone just implemented what I want in the time line view, but I don't know how to archive it.
Guys, have any idea?
Thanks a lot.
-Tonny Xu
[Update] It's a little bit hard to describe what I want in text. I added some pictures.
As the picture shows[the link is below], the default cells is started from section California, I want to added 3 new cells before "Brea", what I want is after I added "New cell 1,2,3", the cell "Brea" is still remain the position where it was. In another word, the new cells 1,2,3 are not visible after updated.
Sorry, because I don't have enough reputation to use image, please visit this url http://i.stack.imgur.com/S9jJl.png
I had figured out how to implement this, hope this can help somebody else who wants the same effect.
The point is that UITableView is a subclass of UIScrollView. Thus, UITableView has all the properties of UIScrollView, especially one will work for this: UITableView.contentOffset, this can also be animated using [UITableView setContentOffset:animated:].
To archive the same effect as Twitter for iPhone official app, we need to know every time how much offset is added or deleted. Remember the former offset and set the offset +/- delta offset without animation.
Just answered a similar question with code snippets here
Keep uitableview static when inserting rows at the top
Save the scroll offset where you would have called beginUpdate:.
In place of calls to InsertCell you add the cell's height to the saved offset.
Where you would have called endUpdate:, call reloadData, then scroll by the saved offset with NO animation.

How to increase the scrolling performance in my table view with images in iphone?

I am new to iPhone development. I am parsing a xml and display the title, date, contents and image in the cell. Now the scrolling is not smooth, it is stuck.
How can I increase it? I have already applied lazy loading in another view, I am not able to apply in the new view. So how can I increase the scrolling performance? Can I check for any condition that if image is already loaded in the image view, so I can stop once again the loading of image view?
What I do to guarantee fast scrolling in a table is to subclass my own UITableViewCell where I implement all properties that I need.
Whenever that tablecell is initialized I draw the properties of the cell on the cell itself. So when you need an image on there, dont use an UIImageView, but just draw the image on the cell. Also all the text I need I just draw on there.
After a long stuggle finding out how to do all this, I also found a nice blog post about this.
First of all, check if you're not resizing the images - that takes a lot of computing power, and will slow down the table for sure.
Second of all, check for view hierarchy - complicated view hierarchy means bad performance. Rembemer to use as much opaque views as possible, and when you're using non-opaque views don't make the cells too complex(by complex Apple means three or more custom views). If the views are too complex - use drawRect method for custom drawing of the content.
There's a great example on how to achieve this provided by Apple called AdvancedTableViewCell (here's a link), and there's a great tutorial by Apple about table view cells (another link).

Why is my UITableView getting its images messed up?

I'm trying to get my UITableView to show cells with images placed on them (contained in a UIImageView overlaid). I'm wondering why when scrolling up and down, the images look like they're overlaid on top of one another.
What can I do in this case for the sake of memory management as well as to fix this issue?
Make sure that when you're dequeuing a reusable cell that you remove whatever image view was in the cell before you add the one for the current index path.
Alternatively, you can change the image property of the UIImageView.