could not open session as Root - centos

I came across this error that is apparently pretty common among Linux Systems.
"Too many files Open"
In my code I tried to set the Python open file limit to unlimited and it threw an error saying that I could not exceed the system limit.
import resource
resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (500,-1))
except Exception as err:
print err
So...I Googled around a bit and followed this tutorial.
However, I set everything to 9999999 which I thought would be as close to unlimited as I could get. Now I cannot open a session as root on that machine. I can't login as root at all and am pretty much stuck. What can I do to get this machine working again? I need to be able to login as root! I am running Centos 6 and it's as up to date as possible.

Did you try turning it off and on?
If this doesn't help you can supply init=/bin/bash as kernel boot parameter to enter a root shell. Or boot from a live cd and revert your changes.

After performing an 'strace su -', I looked for the 'No such file or directory' error. When comparing the output, I found that some of those errors are ok, however, there were other files missing on my problem system that existed on a comparison system. Ultimately, it led me to a faulty line in /etc/pam.d/system-auth-ac referencing an invalid shared object.
So, my recommendation is to go through your /etc/pam.d config files and validate the existence of the shared object libraries, or, look in /var/log/secure and it should give some clue to missing shared objects as well.


Profiling foswiki with NYTProf results in incomplete profile data

I've an foswiki installation which is really slow (~ 60 seconds for a uncached page). I've tried to profile the installation with NYTProf, according to with the following command:
> sudo -u www-data NYTPROF="file=/tmp/nytprof.out:addpid=1:endatexit=1" perl -wTd:NYTProf view -topic Some.Topic -username MyUsername
The script fails with an exit code 141 when I run it with profiler. If I run it without profiler (remote d:NYTProf) it exits successful and producing output.
After the profiling I've gotten a bunch of profile files in my /tmp directory:
But when I try to merge these files, I've get an error for the first file:
> nytprofmerge nytprof.out.*
Profile data incomplete, inflate error -5 ((null)) at end of input file, perhaps the process didn't exit cleanly or the file has been truncated (refer to TROUBLESHOOTING in the documentation)
I can merge the files without the first file, but the results are useless and shows only 87 calls to Foswiki::Sandbox::CORE:open and that's it.
Do I have any chance got get an valid profiling result? Or is there an other tool, that I can use in this case?
I'm not sure why you can't get NYTProfiler to work, we've used it to figure out some performance issues in Foswiki 2.0.2, which have been partially addressed in Foswiki 2.0.3. There are a couple of issues going on, but one major cause is our conversion to UNICODE internally, and some Perl regex issues in perl versions before 5.20.
Foswiki 2.0.3 made the following performance updates:
Changed some heavily called internal functions from regular expressions, to index()
Changed EditRowPlugin to generate less html that requires processing by regular expressions in the rendering module.
Made some other improvements to reduce excessive re-reading of topics.
If 2.0.3 doesn't significantly help, Check to see if the problem pages have large tables in them. If so, you might try disabling the EditRowPlugin and use EditTablePlugin.
Other than that, you might try our official support channel #foswiki on IRC,
The script fails with an exit code 141 when I run it with profiler.
That suggests the process received a SIGPIPE signal. The sigexit option may help.
If I run it without profiler ... it exits successful and producing output.
You're using sudo so permissions might be an issue, but that's just a guess. You'll need to dig deeper to confirm if a SIGPIPE is being received and why.
I'm not familiar with foswiki. Perhaps someone in that community could be more helpful.

chef mongodb user_management (create admin and other users)

I'm relatively new to chef and am in the process of using the edelight mongodb cookbook. I've got the process of actually creating a standalong mongodb instance working fine. It's understanding how to use the subsequent user_management recipe to create the initial admin user and regular users.
When I add "default['mongodb']['config']['auth'] = true" to the attributes/default.rb file, and run the mongodb::default recipe, the db is created and authentication is on.
However when I run the mongodb::user_management recipe I get this error every time. Clearly I'm doing something wrong, but being new to editing chef/ruby files I can't determine what's failing. Looks like I might need to work within the users.rb attribute file?
Error executing action add on resource 'mongodb_user[admin]'
uninitialized constant Mongo::MongoClient
The edelight cookbook has been unmaintained for quite some time now. Chef-Brigade is attempting to take over maintenance on the cookbook until a new owner can be found.
There is work being implemented to fix some of the user_management issues. I am not 100% sure the current state of the user_management fixes but you would likely be better off starting with that cookbook and reporting any issues to the team there so they can work to resolve. There is active development taking place.
I would be glad to help you debug the issue if it persists on the chef-brigade flavor of the cookbook as we can actively make changes to resolve any issues.

java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences trys to open broken path

Since recently some java applications started to print the following warnings every now and than:
java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences syncWorld
WARNING: Couldn't flush user prefs: java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: /home/yha/.java/.userPrefs/_!(k![#"k!'`!~!"p!(#!bw"y!#4![!"v!':!d#"t!'`!bg"0!&#!e#"w!'`!ew"0!(k!c!"l!&:!d!"y!'k!bg"n!$0!,w"h!(!!c!"s!'k!}w"h!(#!a#"v!'4!.#"5!'}!a#"s!'`!cw!n!(0= create failed.
"create failed". No kidding! What kind of file name is that?
After googling I now know what the Java Preferences Subsystem is and that the default value for storage on Linux should be $HOME/.userPrefs or the like but... that does not explain where the path I have in my log message is coming from. And I still don't know where to set this value. Maybe there is a configuration file with the storage file path somewhere that became corrupt.
using openjdk-7 on Kubuntu 12.10
That whacky string is the result of a call to java.util.prefs.Base64.byteArrayToAltBase64(). if you reverse the process, you get: "yEdeditor.DocumentType{typeString='application-yfiles'}". does that string mean something to you?
the file name characters may not ultimately be the problem (they may be correct). if your ubuntu home directories are encrypted, you are most likely running into this "well known" issue (max file name length of 143 chars for files in encrypted filesystems). very subtle and extremely hard to diagnose bug.

Perl & Apache HTTP server: Can't do Tie MLDBM when the cgi script is executed from the server, but okay when executed from the command line. Why?

please help! I'm really going nuts with this problem!
I have a CGI perl script and it always fails at the following line when executed from the Apache HTTP server:
tie %db, 'MLDBM', "$data_path/$db_name.db", O_RDONLY, 0640 or die $!
and the error is Permission denied:
Software error:
Permission denied at /var/www/cgi-bin/rich/pages/display line 381.
For help, please send mail to the webmaster (root#localhost), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.
But when executed from the command line, it works without any problem.
I have ensured that the directories and the file to tie have the correct permissions.
So what else have I missed? What configurations in the Apache's httpd.conf I could be getting wrong? Admittedly, I didn't have any previous experience with the Apache HTTP server, so this is pretty much my first time playing around with it. However, I have read the manuals more than once to look for things I could be wrong at, but I didn't notice anything. But I could be wrong of course.
Have you verified that $data_path and $db_name contain what you think they do?
Is $data_path an absolute path which is not reliant on the active user's identity or home directory?
What does ls -l $data_path/$db_name.db show for the file's ownership and permissions?
I've never run across (or heard of) anything in apache that would prevent a CGI process from having permission to open files, so I highly doubt that it's an apache config issue. Most likely it's either looking for the wrong file or the file's permissions are incorrect for the user that apache is running the CGI process as.

Why doesn't WebBBS work now that I've migrated to a new server?

I've moved a WebBBS board from one server to another. Ever since the board doesn't work.
I'm getting an Apache error whenever I try to access the board. Don't even know where to start the debugging, I'm not a Perl person. The file paths remained the same and there isn't any DB involved.
Any ideas?
After a bit of testing I believe that the problem has something to do with the index.cgi which is located in that folder (not getting the error when renaming it).
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Says it all. You will have to find the error log and look at it.
If you are using CGI, the first step is to check you have given it the right permissions so it is an executable script at all.
chmod 755 index.cgi
This is caused by Apache config errors. Set LogLevel debug and tail -f the error log. It will probably be something to do with .htaccess permission for override, or, it's requiring a module which isn't loaded. The error log will tell you instantly.