what are the possible UDP data transfer errors? - sockets

we're going to develop a game with internet multiplayer support. since it's an interactive game I know I have to use UDP to reduce connection latency, but I'm wondering what are the possible errors that may occur in a package delivered using UDP connection? everywhere I looked they say UDP provides "Best effort delivery", but no one does give a complete explanation what does it mean. after reading some article there are two questions that I still have:
Is it possible to send a package and receive part of it at the other end of connection?
if your answer to first quesiton is true what would happen to the next packages? should I wait for the rest of package or can I assume next package start with my next recv call?
for our game I think we will need to send 4 packages of around 20 byte each second.

The most common thing that can happen is: one side sends a message, the other receives nothing.
Is it possible to send a package and receive part of it at the other
end of connection?
Not really, not even when the message is huge and it gets fragmented. Unlike in TCP, in UDP every message is independent. You either get it entirely or nothing at all.
So what you should do it just recvfrom things in a loop and process them. Obviously you should make your application impervious to message loss such that a missing message doesn't crash it.


How can I automatically test a networking (TCP/IP) application?

I teach students to develop network applications, both clients and servers. At this moment, we have not yet touched existing protocols such as HTTP, SMTP, etc. The students write very simple programs on top of the plain socket API. Currently I check a students' work manually, but I want to automate this task and create an automated test bench for networking applications. The most interesting topics for testing are:
Breaking TCP segments into small parts and delivering them with a noticeable delay. A reason I need such test is that students usually just issue a read/recv call and process the received data without checking that all necessary data was received. TCP doesn't guarantee the message boundaries, so in certain circumstances it is necessary to make several read/recv calls. The problem is that in most simple network applications (for example, in a chat application) messages are small and fit into the single TCP segment, so the issue doesn't appear. My idea is to artificially break messages into several small TCP segments (i.e. several bytes of data) so the problem will appear.
Pausing the data transfer for some time to simulate multiple slow clients and check that the multithreading/async sockets are implemented properly in the students' servers.
Resetting a connection in random moments of time.
I've found several systems which simulate a bad network (dummynet, clumsy, netem). Hovewer, they all work on the IP level of the stack, so OS and it's TCP implementation will compensate the data loss. Such systems are able to solve the task number 2, but they are not able to solve tasks 1 and 3. So I think that I need to develop my own solution, which will act as a TCP proxy. My questions are:
Maybe the are any libraries or applications which can (at least partially) solve the given tasks, so I'll be able to use them as a base for my own solution?
In case there is none any suitable existing software projects, maybe there are any ideas and approaches about how to do this properly?
From WireShark mailing list - Creating and Modifying Packets:
...There's a "Tools" page on the Wireshark Wiki:
which has a "Traffic generators" section:
which lists some tools that might be useful...
The "Traffic generators" chapter also mentions another collection of traffic generators
If you write your own socket code, you can address all 3 tasks.
enable the socket's TCP_NODELAY option (disable the Nagle Algorithm for Send Coalescing) via setsockopt(), then you can send() small fragments of data as you wish, optionally with a delay in between (see #2).
simply put a delay in between your send() calls.
use setsockopt() to adjust the socket's SO_LINGER and SO_DONTLINGER options to control whether closing the socket performs an abortive or graceful closure, then simply close the socket at some random interval after the connection is established.

low connectivity protocols or technologies

I'm trying to enhance a server-app-website architecture in reliability, another programmer has developed.
At the moment, android smartphones start a tcp connection to a server component to exchange data. The server takes the data, writes them into a DB and another user can have a look on the data through a website. The problem is that the smartphones very regularly are in locations where connectivity is really bad. The consequence is that the smartphones lose the tcp connection and it's hard to reconnect. Now my question is, if there are any protocols that are so lightweight or accomodating concerning bad connectivity that the data exchange could work better or more reliable.
For example, I was thinking about replacing the raw TCP interface with a RESTful API, but I don't really know how well REST works in this scenario, as I don't have any experience in this area.
Maybe useful to know for answering this question: The server component is programmed in c#. The connecting components are android smartphones.
Please understand that I dont add some code to this question, because in my opinion its just a theoretically question.
Thank you in advance !
REST runs over HTTP which runs over TCP so it would have the same issues with connectivity.
Moving up the stack to the application you could perhaps think in terms of 'interference'. I quite often have to use technical stuff in remote areas with limited reception and it reminds of trying to communicate in a storm. If you think about it, if you're trying to get someone to do something in a storm where they can hardly hear you and the words get blown away (dropped signal), you don't read them the manual on how to fix something, you shout key words such as 'handle', 'pull', 'pull', 'PULL', 'ok'. So the information reaches them in small bursts you can repeat (pull, what? pull, eh? PULL! oh righto!)
Can you redesign the communications between the android app and the server so the server can recognise key 'words' with corresponding data and build up the request over a period of time? If you consider idempotency, each burst of data would not alter the request if it has already been received (pull, PULL!) and over time the android app could send/receive smaller chunks of the request. If the signal stays up, just keep sending. If it goes down, note which parts of the request haven't been sent and retry them when the signal comes back.
So you're sending the request jigsaw-style but the server knows how to reassemble the pieces in the right order. A STOP word at the end tells the server ok this request is complete, go work on it. Until that word arrives the server can store the incomplete request or discard it if no more data comes in.
If the server respond to the first request chunk with an id, the app can use the id to get the response and keep trying until the full response comes back, at which point the server can remove the response from its jigsaw cache. A fair amount of work though.

Is is possible to know if data was buffered when a TCP connection fails on Linux?

When you call send on a socket, data buffers in the kernel and you get a non-error return. The kernel implementation gets busy acking and windowing to get all your data to the other end.
If a Pekinese Terrier bites through a wire, the connection will close, leaving some data unsent. Is there any way to find out, upon getting the error indicating the close, that this is the case? Eventually a mechanism on Linux, Windows, and OS/X is desirable, but it doesn't have to be the same mechanism.
Someone in a comment wondered: why?
Consider a system that can already recover from entire crashes of a node, but was built with the assumption that 'TCP connections are forever' (which they are not, necessarily, on AWS). So, if a TCP connection closes, there are only two possibilities: the other end has crashed, and we've got a solution for that, or it's still up. If it's still up, it got as much data as TCP delivered before the socket closed. (I realize this is not necessarily a valid assumption.) Since the TCP protocol is already doing all this ack book-keeping in the kernel, it seems a shame to replicate it in user space to keep track of how much got from one end to the other.
I've stumbled across this problem myself, and so have others (e.g. here and here).
Since TCP is buffered and as it abstracts away the nitty gritty details of re-transmissions, acks and the like, there is no clean way of making sure at the application layer that your data was delivered.
Moreover, and this is key, even if it did provide you with some sort of confirmation that the data was delivered, it could only confirm delivery to the TCP buffer on the other end. You'd still be left with the question of whether that data was actually processed by the actual application. After all, it could be that a second Pekinese Terrier could have suddenly killed the application you're talking to or caused it to hang so it can't read the data from its TCP buffer.
If you need application layer acknowledgment of data delivery (and/or processing), you need an application layer mechanism for doing so by way of application layer acknowledgments.

Game server TCP networking sockets - fairness

I'm writing a game server for a turn-based game. One criteria is that the game needs to be as fair for all players as possible.
So far it works like this:
Each client has a TCP connection. (If relevant, the connection is opened via WebSockets)
While running, continually check for incoming socket messages via epoll.
Iterate through clients with sockets ready to read:
Read all messages from the client.
Update the internal game state for each message.
Queue outgoing messages to affected clients.
At the end of each "window" (turn):
Iterate through clients and write all queued outgoing messages to their sockets
My concern for fairness raises the following questions:
Does it matter in which order I send messages to the clients?
Calling write() on all the sockets takes only a fraction of a second for my program, but somewhere in the underlying OS or networking would it make a difference if I sorted the client list?
Perhaps I should be sending to the highest-latency clients first?
Does it matter how I write the outgoing messages to the sockets?
Currently I'm writing them as one large chunk. The size can exceed a single packet.
Would it be faster for the client to begin its processing if I sent messages in smaller chunks than 1 packet?
Would it be better to write 1 packet worth to each client at a time, and iterate over the clients multiple times?
Are there any linux/networking configurations that would bear impact here?
Thanks in advance for your feedback and tips.
Does it matter in which order I send messages to the clients?
Yes, by fractions of milliseconds. If the network interface is available for sending the OS will immediately start sending. Why would it wait?
Perhaps I should be sending to the highest-latency clients first?
I think you should be sending in random order. Shuffle the list prior to sending. This makes it fair. I think your question is valid and this should be addressed.
Currently I'm writing them as one large chunk. [...]
First, realize that TCP is stream-based and that there are no packets/messages at the protocol level. On a physical level data is indeed packetized.
It is not necessary to manually split off packets because clients will read data as it arrives anyway. If a client issues a read, that read will complete immediately once the first packet has arrived. There is no artificial waiting in the OS.
Are there any linux/networking configurations that would bear impact here?
I don't know. Be sure to disable nagling.

How to maintain a persistant network-connection between two applications over a network?

I was recently approached by my management with an interesting problem - where I am pretty sure I am telling my bosses the correct information but I really want to make sure I am telling them the correct stuff.
I am being asked to develop some software that has this function:
An application at one location is constantly processing real-time data every second and only generates data if the underlying data has changed in any way.
On the event that the data has changed send the results to another box over a network
Maintains a persistent connection between the both machines, altering the remote box if for some reason the network connection went down
From what I understand, I imagine that I need to do some reading on doing some sort of TCP/IP socket-level stuff. That way if the connection is dropped the remote location will be aware that the data it has received may be stale.
However management seems to be very convinced that this can be accomplished using SOAP. I was under the impression that SOAP is more or less a way for a client to initiate a procedure from a server and get some results via the HTTP protocol. Am I wrong in assuming this? I haven't been able to find much information on how SOAP might be able to solve a problem like this.
I feel like a lot of people around my office are using SOAP as a buzzword and that has generated a bit of confusion over what SOAP actually is - and is capable of.
Any thoughts on how to accomplish this task would be appreciated!
I think SOAP is the wrong tool. SOAP is a spec for exchanging structured data. For your problem, the simplest thing would be to write a program to just transfer data and figure out if the other end is alive. Sockets are a good way to go. There are lots of socket programming tutorials on the net. Pick your language, and ask Mr. Google. Write a couple of demo programs to teach yourself how it works. Ask if you have more specific questions.
For the problem, you'll need a sender and a receiver. The sender sends data when it gets it, the receiver waits for data and hands it off when it arrives. Get that working first. Next, add in heartbeats; a message that says "I'm alive", sent periodically. Get that working next. You'll need to be determine the exact behavior you want -- should both sides send heartbeats to the other end, the maximum time you are willing to wait for a heartbeat, and what action you take should heartbeats stop arriving. The network connection can drop, the other end can crash, the other end can hang, and perhaps there are other conditions you should think about (e.g., what if the real time data is nonsense?). Figure out how to handle each condition, and code up the error handling. Test it out, and serve with a side of documentation.
SOAP certainly won't tell you when the data source goes down, though you could use "heartbeats" to add that.
Probably you are right and they are just repeating a buzz word, and don't actually know much about what SOAP is or does or have any real argument for why it ought to be used here.