A question about MKMapView Annotations - iphone

From documentation, the MKMapView property, Annotations, is a NSArray and not a NSMutableArray. So Annotations is supposed to be "immutable". But MKMapView's instant methods : addAnnotation and removeAnnotation are capable of changing the Annotations array. So on the surface there seems to be some inconsistencies. There must be something I have missed. Hope that somebody knowledgable could shed some light on this.

By declaring the annotations property an NSArray, code that accesses the array through that property cannot safely modify it and must treat it as an immutable NSArray. However, that doesn't mean that the array itself is immutable.
Here's an example of how something like this might work:
#interface MyObject
// instance variables
NSMutableArray* internalArrayRepresentation;
// properties
#property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray* immutableAccessor;
// methods
#implementation MyObject
#synthesize immutableAccessor=internalArrayRepresentation;
if ((self = [super init]))
// create the mutable array
internalArrayRepresentation = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]
[internalArrayRepresentation addObject:object];
In this example, you can see that internalArrayRepresentation is a mutable array, and that its accessible outside of MyObject as immutableAccessor. But because the property definition says that immutableAccessor is an NSArray, callers need to treat it that way and can't manipulate it.
There are other implementations that can accomplish this as well.
The typical reason to use a pattern like this is because you want MyObject to maintain control over the contents of the array: maybe only certain objects can be added, maybe objects need to be modified or cloned on the way in, maybe anything can be added but nothing can be removed, etc.

You're meant to use addAnnotation and removeAnnotation to add/remove annotations instead of manipulating the annotations array directly.
I assume both those functions do some processing as well as adding/removing annotations from the array.


Core Data : Updating array.

I have a Core Data model entity NoteObject that has a transformable type arrayOfTags. In the NoteObject.h file, which is a subclass of NSManagedObject, the arrayOfTags is declared as:
NSMutableArray *arrayOfTags;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *arrayOfTags;
#dynamic arrayOfTags;
The issue is that changes that are made to this array are not saved. Someone suggested the following as the solution:
If there are mutable and immutable versions of a class you use to
represent a property—such as NSArray and NSMutableArray—you should
typically declare the return value of the get accessor as an immutable
object even if internally the model uses a mutable object.
However I'm not exactly sure what that means. How would I follow those instructions for my case?
Even of you've found a workaround in the meantime try this:
[noteObject willChangeValueForKey:#"arrayOfTags"];
// make changes to noteObject.arrayOfTags
[noteObject didChangeValueForKey:#"arrayOfTags"];
Implementing accessor functions for Core Data varies with your relationship model. This document should help you get started. Most likely you will be using this setup for your getter:
- (NSArray*)data
[self willAccessValueForKey:#"data"];
NSArray* array = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:arrayOfTags copyItems:YES];
[self didAccessValueForKey:#"data"];
return array;
Please note that the above snippet is just an example and will have to be modified for your use.

How can i lazy initialize a NSMutableArray?

How can i lazily initialize a NSMutableArray of Buttons ? I do something like this :
-(NSMutableArray *)roasteryButtons
roasteryButtons = [ NSMutableArray new];
//other code
return roasteryButtons;
And don't know what to do to call this lazy initializer ? i.e. I need to initialize the array so that i may set the frame for every button in the array
What u have done is correct. Instead of allocating the array in the init method of class, u are allocating the array only when required. Thus it serves the purpose of lazily allocating.
In the class, Wherever you want the array, you just call,
NSMutableArray *arr = [self roasteryButtons];
Also declare the method in header file as, -(NSMutableArray*)roasteryButtons;.
If you want the reference of the array in other classes, the call like,
[classObj roasteryButtons];
I have shown it as instance method. You can also declare that as class method, if you want like that.
And release that in -(void)dealloc method.
I guess you know when to call this method, right ?
The first thing is that you shouldn't use "new" method, but [[NSMutableArray alloc] init] instead : You should have a look at all existing [Init] methods available for NSArray : there are a bunch of them (with capacity, with objects, etc...)
Anyway, you should add some parameters to your method [roasteryButtons] : parameters that will help the method to know, for instance how many buttons to create, what is the frame where they have to show, etc. So this will look a bit like
-(NSMutableArray *)roasteryButtonsWithFrame:(*Frame) andNumbersOfButtons:(int)
for example...
or instead of parameters, you can pass a reference to a delegate that will be able to give answers to those questions (How many buttons, what's my frame and bounds, etc.) So in this case, the method will look like :
-(NSMutableArray *)roasteryButtonsWithDelegate:(id)
(This delegate should implement a protocol that you will create, containing the different methods that the delegate will have to respond to. ie methods like [howManyButtons]...)
The Perfect Way to Lazy initialize is as follow
in .h file declare your NSMUtableArray as property as follow
#property (nonatomic,strong) NSMutableArray *array;
Now in .m file synthesize it and do lazy initialize in getter like as follow:
#synthesize array=_array;
(NSMutableArray *) array
(!_array) _array=[[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
//this line is called lazy intialization..this line will create MutableArray at program //run time.
return _array
Now answer why we need this is that it take care about that if no NSMutableArray is created then it create it at programme run time and like this your app will not crash.
You could make your method a class method:
+(NSMutableArray *)roasteryButtons {
in this way you will be able to call it like this:
[MyRoasteryButtonClass roasteryButtons];
and this will return you your object.
Hope this helps.

Using NSMutableDictionary as backing store for properties

I am looking for a shorthand way of setting my properties directly to an NSMutableDictionary that is a instance variable. ie:
#interface KVModel : NSObject {
NSMutableDictionary * data;
#property(nonatomic,assign)NSString * string1;
#property(nonatomic,assign)NSString * string2;
#import "KVModel.h"
#implementation KVModel
self = [super init];
data = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
return self;
-(NSString *)string1
return [data objectForKey:#"string1"];
-(NSString *)string2
return [data objectForKey:#"string2"];
-(void)setString1:(NSString *)_string1
[data setObject:_string1 forKey:#"string1"];
-(void)setString2:(NSString *)_string2
[data setObject:_string2 forKey:#"string2"];
[data release];
[super dealloc];
I have tried to override setValue:ForKey: and valueForKey:, but those aren't called, they allow you to directly set properties without using the property syntax.
I have made preprocessor macros to make this work in the past, but I am not interested in typing at all, and would like to avoid as much of it as I can in the future. Is there a way to make this work that I am not familiar with?
I have thought about using NSManagedObject, but I am not sure if I can get what I want out of that.
If you're trying to access the properties with code like foo = obj.foo and obj.foo = foo, that's why it doesn't work.
Property-access syntax is synonymous with message syntax; the former is exactly the same as foo = [obj foo], and the latter is exactly the same as [obj setFoo:foo]. There is no KVC code to intercept. Properties are at the language level; KVC is at the framework level.
You'll need to intercept the accessor messages instead. Consider implementing the resolveInstanceMethod: class method, in which you “resolve” the selector by adding a method implementation to the class using the Objective-C runtime API. You can add the same implementation(s) for many different selectors.
For your purpose, have a function or method that examines the selector (using NSStringForSelector and regular NSString-examining techniques) and returns two facts: (1) the property name, and (2) whether it's a getter (foo, isFoo) or setter (setFoo:). Then, have two more methods, one a dynamic getter and the other a dynamic setter. When the selector names a getter, add it with your dynamic-getter method; when the selector names a setter, add it with your dynamic-setter method.
So how do the dynamic-getter and -setter methods work? They'll need to know what property to dynamically get and set, but they also need to take no arguments (getter) or one argument (setter, which takes the value), in order to match the original property-access message. You might be wondering how these generic implementations can know what property to get or set. The answer is: It's in the selector! The selector used to send the message is passed to the implementation as the hidden argument _cmd, so examine that selector the same way as before to extract the name of the property you should dynamically get or set. Then, the dynamic getter should send [data objectForKey:keyExtractedFromSelector] and the dynamic setter should send [data setObject:newValue forKey:keyExtractedFromSelector].
Two caveats:
You may still get complaints from the compiler when you use the property-access syntax to access a “property” that you have not declared in the class's #interface. This is normal and intentional; you're really only supposed to use property-access syntax to access known formal properties. What you're doing, while I found it fun to solve, is technically an abuse of the property-access syntax.
This will only work for object values. KVC does the boxing and unboxing for primitive values, such as integers; since KVC is not involved, no free boxing and unboxing. If you have declared formal properties (see 1), you'll need to introspect them using the Objective-C runtime API, and do the boxing and unboxing yourself with your findings.
This piqued my curiosity, so I went ahead and used Peter Hosey's suggestion of overriding +resolveInstanceMethod: to generate the getters and setters. I posted the resulting object (DDDynamicStorageObject) to a github repository:
What you basically want is your own implementation of the NSManagedObject machinery. I have done something similar. Look here: https://gist.github.com/954035 HTH
(Updated the code to remove the dependency on the non-existant NSString+Utilities.h)
(Added missing ReleaseAndZero() macro)
For the love of all that is sacred - do not use an NSDictionary as a place to stuff every conceivable property of a model object. Ivars are easier to debug, and much much clearer to other developers (including your future self).
If you want to use a dictionary, use a dictionary and some statically defined keys - but if you want a model object, use some ivars
I come to the same problem today just like you. So I find your question posted here.
The answers above used the +resolveInstanceMethod: is a little bit hard for me. :)
My understanding is that as long as we setup the property, we would have getter and setter method, so I use the setter method to implement it.
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *type;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *displayName;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *linkURI;
- (id)initWithLinkInfoDictionary:(NSDictionary *)linkInfoDict {
for (NSString *key in linkInfoDict) {
const char *rawName = [key UTF8String];
NSString *setMethodString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"set%c%s:", toupper(rawName[0]), (rawName+1)];
SEL setMethod = NSSelectorFromString(setMethodString);
if ([self respondsToSelector:setMethod]) {
[self performSelector:setMethod withObject:linkInfoDict[key]];
return self;
Hope it would be helpful. My first answer, :)

trying to add dictionary objects to an NSMutableArray - afterward array returns null?

I just did a search for my particular question and although the answers are close, I can't get my head around the answer...so I need some assistance.
I'd like to populate an array (NSMutableArray I suppose) with a group of dictionary objects that are parsed from JSON strings...the dictionary part I got, the JSON parsing I got, but when I try to put these objects into the NSMutableArray and NSLog it I get (null)... here are my steps (in a general way)
edit 1:
-The array I am creating is called NewFinalArray. it is an NSMutableArray, declared at the .h file and synthesized (and now alloc'd and init'd) as noted in the viewDidLoad method of the DetailViewController. It's contents are to be displayed in a UITableView.
-In DetailViewController, I have been successful in creating a plain NSArray/NSMutableArray and populating it with values that display in my UITableView.
-In the new scenario, I am receiving the information to be displayed through JSON strings which are retrievable through dictionary objects. I am using the Stig JSON libraries for iPHone/iPad. I have no problems there.
-All I wanted to do is getting the existing dictionary objects (which I can loop through from the existing array and see) and add them to a new Array to be used for displaying menu items in my UITableview.
I declared my mutableArray in my .h file
#interface blah : ...,...,...{
NSMutableArray *newFinalArray;
// other vars and IBOutlets
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *newFinalArray;
// other #property and (IBAction) stuff
I then synthesize it in my .m file... I even alloc/inited it at viewDidLoad (it's a DetailViewController)
#synthesize this,that, newFinalArray; // keep track of newFinalArray, that's the one I want
- (void)viewDidLoad {
// other code
[[newFinalArray alloc] init]; // ya returns a warning, about not responding to alloc, but whatever (for now)
// I also tested of course without having to do that.
in my method that uses newFinalArray, the method is a recursive function that calls itself. each time it calls, it should add the dictionary object to the array (or does it?)
-(void)digTree:(NSArray *)array{
for (NSDictionary *dictionary in array){
// looping through the array
[self newFinalArray addObject:[dictionary]];
// more other code, and somewhere along the way I recurse
[self digTree:anotherArray];
when I try to NSLog (#"my final array is %#", newFinalArray) I get (null).
I am probably missing something here. I tried to add "nil" at the end. I am a little new/green to this , so if someone can lend a hand and let me know how to populate my newFinalArray with these dictionary objects it would be most appreciated.
[[newFinalArray alloc] init];
should be:
newFinalArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
This line is wrong too:
[self newFinalArray addObject:[dictionary]];
it should be:
[newFinalArray addObject:dictionary];
The first thing I notice that is wrong, is it should be:
newFinalArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
in viewDidLoad. See if that fixes it. It looks like there are other things wrong as well, so turn on warnings and see what else the compiler warns you about for hints.
How are the dictionaries stored? An alternative/probably easier way to do this would probably be to use arrayWithObjects:. Also, when using addObject:, there is no need to add nil (in fact, you can't add nil).

When should I use the “self” keyword?

When should I be using the self expression in my iphone development applications? say i have 2 fields: UITextField *text1; and NSString *str1; retained and synthesized.
when i am accessing either of these 2 fields, when should i and when should i not use self.text1 and self.str1 ?
self is not a keyword, it is an expression. Additionally, you use it any time you want to refer to a method or property on yourself, or yourself directly. By "yourself" I am of course, referring to the instance of the class you are operating in.
There are certain circumstances where it's generally discouraged to use the self.-expression to access a property. Normally you always use self for any access of a property. It's the most secure and uncomplicated way. Especially if you used retain, then memory management will be done for you.
The two exceptions from this rule:
Any init method.
In dealloc.
In both cases you are dealing with an partially initialized object. There are some side effects that may occur when using setters or getters here -- because they are methods and hence may be overridden.
For example, take a class A with a property foo that has been subclassed by class B. The subclass B adds an property bar and overrode the setter for foo. Now your init-method calls setFoo:, because you used self.foo = ... with some initial value. The subclass, however, also accesses the value of bar in this setter. But in this case, it may happen that bar has never been initialized and points at some arbitrary data. Calling a setter in init my cause crashes, although the probability may not be too high in your own code.
In your example you aren't directly accessing instance variables when you use self, instead you're accessing the properties you've defined.
Consider this example:
#interface Foo : NSObject {
NSString *_bar;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *bar;
#implementation Foo
#synthesize bar = _bar;
-(void)baz {
_bar = #"ivar"; //accessing the ivar
self.bar = #"property"; //accessing the ivar via the property
In general if you're using properties, there's little reason to utilize the ivar. This has the added benefit of automatically retaining & releasing values for you.
But other cases exist when your properties will have a readonly modifier. In these cases it's necessary to directly access your ivars in order to set their values.
It's also a good idea to use self within a method call sometimes if you have a custom getter. The managedContext object within a Core Data-using application is a good example. If you refer to it by self.managedContext, you can override and set the object to what it needs to be if it's nil. Refer to the code generated by XCode when creating an application that uses Core Data.
Here is an example of the code generated by XCode, actually:
#interface YourAppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate>
NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext_;
#property (nonatomic, retain, readonly) NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext;
#implementation ContractionTimerAppDelegate
Returns the managed object context for the application.
If the context doesn't already exist, it is created and bound to the persistent store coordinator for the application.
- (NSManagedObjectContext *)managedObjectContext {
if (managedObjectContext_ != nil) {
return managedObjectContext_;
NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *coordinator = [self persistentStoreCoordinator];
if (coordinator != nil) {
managedObjectContext_ = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] init];
[managedObjectContext_ setPersistentStoreCoordinator:coordinator];
return managedObjectContext_;
if you "synthesize" the variable, you should "self." the variable. little rule of thumb
I don't know anything about objective-c, but this looks a lot like this keyword from other languages (like C++, C#, Java, PHP, and others). If so, then my advice is to use it always. That way, if you ever (accidentally) define a local variable with the same name, your code won't break.
However, I must also add, that this is somewhat of a religious debate with a history of flamewars in programmer communities. So take this advice with a grain of salt and use whatever seems to make most sense to you. Just be consistent about it.