Load sound problem in OpenAL - openal

I have problem loading a sound with OpenAL:
// in SoundManager.cs
public void LoadSound(string soundId, string path)
// Generate a buffer.
int buffer = -1;
Al.alGenBuffers(1, out buffer);
int errorCode = Al.alGetError();
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(errorCode == Al.AL_NO_ERROR);
int format;
float frequency;
int size;
IntPtr data = Alut.alutLoadMemoryFromFile(path, out format, out size,
out frequency);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(data != IntPtr.Zero, "Problem");
// Load wav data into the generated buffer.
Al.alBufferData(buffer, format, data, size, (int)frequency);
// Everything seems ok, add it to the library.
_soundIdentifier.Add(soundId, new SoundSource(buffer, path));
// Form.cs
private void InitializeSounds()
_soundManager.LoadSound("effect", "soundA.wav");
soundIdentifier is a Dictionary, in SoundSource i keep information for a sound, and the first string is a normal name for the sound like "cow", "horse", or whatever.
I call InitializeSounds from Form.cs and LoadSound is method for a sound manager.
Alut.alutLoadMemoryFromFile causes the error, for some reason returns a null pointer.
The rest is simple code hope you can understand.
I work in c# with Tao.OpenAL.

You need to re-install open al. Go here to re-install.


Is there a way to view COM entries by traversing a TLB file in .NET?

I'm converting an application to use registration free COM. There are a few 3rd party COM dll's that would normally have regsvr32 called on them. I tested that I can create objects from these 3rd party dlls by making a side-by-side manifest.
I used the OLE/COM viewer built into Windows to get this information. However I would like to make a program that could do this for me manually, as these 3rd party libraries have lots of classes I need to put in the manifest.
Does anyone know of a way to programatically traverse a type library?
I took Hans' advice and used LoadTypeLib.
For anyone looking for example code, this should be a great starting point.
I wrote it this morning and was able to get xml that I needed.
Forgive me for not releasing the objects! I don't have time to fully flesh out the rest of this answer right now. Edits are welcome.
[DllImport("oleaut32.dll", PreserveSig = false)]
public static extern ITypeLib LoadTypeLib([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string typelib);
public static void ParseTypeLib(string filePath)
string fileNameOnly = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
ITypeLib typeLib = LoadTypeLib(filePath);
int count = typeLib.GetTypeInfoCount();
IntPtr ipLibAtt = IntPtr.Zero;
typeLib.GetLibAttr(out ipLibAtt);
var typeLibAttr = (System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPELIBATTR)
Marshal.PtrToStructure(ipLibAtt, typeof(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPELIBATTR));
Guid tlbId = typeLibAttr.guid;
for(int i=0; i< count; i++)
ITypeInfo typeInfo = null;
typeLib.GetTypeInfo(i, out typeInfo);
//figure out what guids, typekind, and names of the thing we're dealing with
IntPtr ipTypeAttr = IntPtr.Zero;
typeInfo.GetTypeAttr(out ipTypeAttr);
//unmarshal the pointer into a structure into something we can read
var typeattr = (System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEATTR)
Marshal.PtrToStructure(ipTypeAttr, typeof(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEATTR));
System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND typeKind = typeattr.typekind;
Guid typeId = typeattr.guid;
//get the name of the type
string strName, strDocString, strHelpFile;
int dwHelpContext;
typeLib.GetDocumentation(i, out strName, out strDocString, out dwHelpContext, out strHelpFile);
if (typeKind == System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND.TKIND_COCLASS)
string xmlComClassFormat = "<comClass clsid=\"{0}\" tlbid=\"{1}\" description=\"{2}\" progid=\"{3}.{4}\"></comClass>";
string comClassXml = String.Format(xmlComClassFormat,
fileNameOnly, strName
else if(typeKind == System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND.TKIND_INTERFACE)
string xmlProxyStubFormat = "<comInterfaceExternalProxyStub name=\"{0}\" iid=\"{1}\" tlbid=\"{2}\" proxyStubClsid32=\"{3}\"></comInterfaceExternalProxyStub>";
string proxyStubXml = String.Format(xmlProxyStubFormat,

OnKeyDown event incorrect encoding

I catch all the character typed while the document is receiving focus using following code:
RootPanel.get().addDomHandler(new KeyDownHandler() {
public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) {
char key = (char) event.getNativeKeyCode();
String keyString = String.valueOf(key);
if (!event.isShiftKeyDown())
keyString = keyString.toLowerCase();
}, KeyDownEvent.getType());
When the device that is sending key events is using ASCII (we cannot control what encoding gets used) then we get the following output:
What can we do so that we get the correctly encoded input in Java?
event.getNativeKeyCode() gives you a key code, which is not a character. From documentation: Gets the key code (code associated with the physical key) associated with this event.. Dot pressed on my keyboard gives me 190. Also to mention in Java char is 16-bit type, while int is 32-bit, i.e. generally (char) integerVal is an unsafe operation.
Now what you probably want to use is event.getNativeEvent().getCharCode(). The problem is that it's always 0 in KeyDownEvent. Therefore, I would suggest to use KeyPressHandler & KeyPressEvent. Your code would look like:
private void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) {
char c = (char) event.getNativeEvent().getCharCode();
String s = String.valueOf(c);
if (event.isShiftKeyDown()) {
s = s.toUpperCase();
RootPanel.get().addDomHandler(this::onKeyPress, KeyPressEvent.getType());

Simblee/Rfduino Gzll communcation failing

I am attempting to send data from device to host using the Gazelle protocol, however, when reading a time varying signal in on MATLAB the values continuously change elements in the array.
Here is the Simblee/Rfduino host code:
#include <SimbleeGZLL.h>
device_t role = HOST;
char array[5];
void setup() {
timer_one(1); // 1 ms timer
void loop() {
void SimbleeGZLL_onReceive(device_t device, int rssi, char *data, int len)
if (len > 0) {
array[0] = data[0];
array[1] = data[1];
array[2] = data[2];
array[3] = data[3];
array[4] = '\0';
} else SimbleeGZLL.sendToDevice(device, 'A');
And the device code:
device_t role = DEVICE1;
volatile int state;
char array[4];
void setup() {
void loop() {
array[0] = analogRead(2);
array[1] = analogRead(3);
array[2] = analogRead(4);
array[3] = analogRead(5);
Could someone please provide some assistance to identify where the issue may lie?
Thank you!
Matlab is not super reliable with serial communication. I actually had a similar issue with a serial device where the input values would be out of order. Are you signaling when to start and stop printing? What does your matlab code look like?
I would set up a ring buffer on the host and the device to deal with the asycn time issues.
You are going to get timing issues with the current method. What kind of frequency are you going for? The analogRead is super slow, and double multiple in a row seems to make things even slower. Could you try to set up an ADC interrupt?
Where is your timer code?

GPS output being incorrectly written to file on SD card- Arduino

I have a sketch to take information (Lat, Long) from an EM-406a GPS receiver and write the information to an SD card on an Arduino shield.
The program is as follows:
#include <TinyGPS++.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <SD.h>
TinyGPSPlus gps;
SoftwareSerial ss(4, 3); //pins for the GPS
Sd2Card card;
SdVolume volume;
SdFile root;
SdFile file;
void setup()
Serial.begin(115200); //for the serial output
ss.begin(4800); //start ss at 4800 baud
Serial.println("gpsLogger by Aaron McRuer");
Serial.println("based on code by Mikal Hart");
//initialize the SD card
if(!card.init(SPI_FULL_SPEED, 9))
Serial.println("card.init failed");
//initialize a FAT volume
Serial.println("volume.init failed");
//open the root directory
Serial.println("openRoot failed");
//create new file
char name[] = "WRITE00.TXT";
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 100; i++){
name[5] = i/10 + '0';
name[6] = i%10 + '0';
if(file.open(&root, name, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRITE)){
void loop()
bool newData = false;
//For one second we parse GPS data and report some key values
for (unsigned long start = millis(); millis() - start < 1000;)
while (ss.available())
char c = ss.read();
//Serial.write(c); //uncomment this line if you want to see the GPS data flowing
if(gps.encode(c)) //did a new valid sentence come in?
newData = true;
When I open up the file on the SD card when the program is finished executing, I get a message that it has an encoding error.
I'm currently inside (and unable to get a GPS signal, thus the 0), but the encoding problem needs to be tackled, and there should be as many lines as there are seconds that the device has been on. There's only that one. What do I need to do to make things work correctly here?
Closing the file in the loop, and never reopening it, is the reason there's only one set of data in your file.
Are you sure gps.location.lat() and gps.location.lng() return strings, not an integer or float? That would explain the binary data and the "encoding error" you see.

AudioFileWriteBytes fails with error code -40

I'm trying to write raw audio bytes to a file using AudioFileWriteBytes(). Here's what I'm doing:
void writeSingleChannelRingBufferDataToFileAsSInt16(AudioFileID audioFileID, AudioConverterRef audioConverter, ringBuffer *rb, SInt16 *holdingBuffer) {
// First, figure out which bits of audio we'll be
// writing to file from the ring buffer
UInt32 lastFreshSample = rb->lastWrittenIndex;
OSStatus status;
int numSamplesToWrite;
UInt32 numBytesToWrite;
if (lastFreshSample < rb->lastReadIndex) {
numSamplesToWrite = kNumPointsInWave + lastFreshSample - rb->lastReadIndex - 1;
else {
numSamplesToWrite = lastFreshSample - rb->lastReadIndex;
numBytesToWrite = numSamplesToWrite*sizeof(SInt16);
Then we copy the audio data (stored as floats) to a holding buffer (SInt16) that will be written directly to the file. The copying looks funky because it's from a ring buffer.
UInt32 buffLen = rb->sizeOfBuffer - 1;
for (int i=0; i < numSamplesToWrite; ++i) {
holdingBuffer[i] = rb->data[(i + rb->lastReadIndex) & buffLen];
Okay, now we actually try to write the audio from the SInt16 buffer "holdingBuffer" to the audio file. The NSLog will spit out an error -40, but also claims that it's writing bytes. No data is written to file.
status = AudioFileWriteBytes(audioFileID, NO, 0, &numBytesToWrite, &holdingBuffer);
rb->lastReadIndex = lastFreshSample;
NSLog(#"Error = %d, wrote %d bytes", status, numBytesToWrite);
What is this error -40? By the way, everything works fine if I write straight from the ringBuffer to the file. Of course it sounds like junk, because I'm writing floats, not SInt16s, but AudioFileWriteBytes doesn't complain.
The key is to explicitly change the endianness of the incoming data to big endian. All I had to do was wrap CFSwapInt16HostToBig around my data to get:
float audioVal = rb->data[(i + rb->lastReadIndex) & buffLen];
holdingBuffer[i] = CFSwapInt16HostToBig((SInt16) audioVal );