Would Apple reject an app using sksmtpmessage framework to send e-mail in the background? - iphone

I'm thinking in making an app that send e-mails without showing the native iOS mail app. For that I'd be using sksmtpmessage framework.
I'd like as well to keep sending the e-mail when the app goes in background. According to this thread, it would be doable.
I know that Apple limits a few tasks to be done is the background (Audio, VoIP and location). Then my question is, would Apple reject an app using sksmtpmessage framework to send an e-mail from the background?
Cheers :)

If you're just "completing a task" (i.e. the user loads the app to send some e-mails, then quits before they're all sent), you're fine - that's what the Task Completion multitasking mode is for. If you want to run constantly in the background sending e-mail, then it'll almost certainly be a reject (if they spot it) - this isn't something they envisage being done on the iPhone.

From the app docs : An application can call the beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler: method to ask the system for extra time to complete some long-running task in the background. If the request is granted, and if the application goes into the background while the task is in progress, the system lets the application run for an additional amount of time instead of suspending it. (The backgroundTimeRemaining property of the UIApplication object contains the amount of time the application has to run.)
You can do preceding in time, because iOS 4 gives you a 10 mins of time for task completion after you exit an app.


iphone: backgrounded app sync webservice

I know this question may be a little bit common and over asked but I cannot find any precise information... so :
Is it possible to have some kind of thread running when the app is in background so I can perform basic sync with my webservice ?
App is in background : I mean the user clicked the Home button, or switched to another app
basic sync : photo upload and download with AFNetworking. I know it has method to continue an HTTPRequest while app is in background, but this is not my point.
My goal would be to make some kind of sync manager, reading a list of photos to update created while the user was on the app, and perform those changes.
I know that the manager could be killed by the OS, but since my server uses atomic transfers it is not a problem. I just need a way to relaunch it... Push ?
I think apps like Google Latitude or Mail and those kind of apps uses what I am looking for but I cannot find any relevant details on it. And using iOS5 is not a problem but waiting for iOS6 would not be a solution.
Thank you for your replies !
PS : well I almost forgot. the app is designed for an enterprise program, so maybe rules are different ? I don't think there is any check for in-house deployment so it might lead to new possibilities...
Apple's Mail client has a background daemon which keeps it running but you can't have that with your own applications. Once an app enters a background state, it must halt it's operations. You can request for a little more time when backgrounded to finish off any transfers or writes to disk (see the Executing a Finite-Length Task in the Background section on Apple's Multitasking Guide)
Google Latitude has events generated based on location. This is a special type of backgrounding introduced by Apple for certain types of applications (see Implementing Long-Running Background Tasks section on Apple's Multitasking Guide) but this can't be used for HTTP syncing. It can only be used for audio, location, voip, newstand content, bluetooth and external hardware attachments.
Push doesn't seem like a solution because it only generates an alert. It doesn't trigger any action until the user triggers the opening of the notification.
You'll want to read Tech Note 2277 Networking and Multitasking.
Basically you have a couple of options:
If you can convince Apple that your app is a VoIP app then you can register a VoIP socket and the OS will resume your background app whenever there is activity on that socket.
Your main option though is to register a background task for any outstanding activity that you have to do when your app is put in the background. You typically get 10 minutes to finish up that work.
Mail is a special app with privileges you don't get.
Apps like Latitude typically register themselves for location updates, specifically to be woken up when there are major geo-position changes. Apps that record GPS tracks do similar things.
Found it !
Using Suhail Patel 's link on Apple's Multitasking Guide I added the voip tag to UIBackgroundModes in Info.plist and use setKeepAliveTimeout:handler: method of UIApplication to relaunch it if needed once the app is going to sleep.
I hope this will help a lot of you !
Of course this app won't be allowed to be on the App Store but for in house development this is in my opinion the best way to do so.
Thanks everyone for showing me the right direction !

IOS background work

I have an iPhone application like facebook for iPhone. My application must connect my server and read all message every two hours regularly. I have a thread to read all message but when the application is terminated the thread cannot work. Can the thread run undependently from main delegate or how can I find solution for this problem?
You cannot have your app do stuff in the background. There is an API to finish tasks like uploading a photo but even that will be killed after around 10 minutes.
But the Apple Push Notification Service seems like the most appropriate solution for your problem. Your server notifies the device that there is something new happening and you fetch the actual messages when the user opens the app.
edit: As of iOS 7 Apple implemented a feature where you can schedule running tasks to fetch data in the background. Those tasks are not guaranteed to run at any specific times. See the release notes for iOS 7 and the linked methods below:
Apps that regularly update their content by contacting a server can
register with the system and be launched periodically to retrieve that
content in the background. To register, include the UIBackgroundModes
key with the fetch value in your app’s Info.plist file. Then, when
your app is launched, call the setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval:
method to determine how often it receives update messages. Finally,
you must also implement the
application:performFetchWithCompletionHandler: method in your app
There is no solution.
Apple does not permit applications to run in the background unless they are of a specific type such as location or audio or voip or newstand (your app can continue to run for about 10 minutes after it was active if it uses shouldBeginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler).
There is no workaround, many many other people have wondered how to do the same thing as yourself before, but there is no legitimate way. Your app cannot schedule any sort of periodic call home activity.
The only way your app can run once its gone into a suspended or terminated state is for the user to launch it, either explicitly or in reponse to a local notification or remote push notification.

Update my app when it is in background

I want to update some data to my application. Consider the application is in the background state, it is neither Voip or Music or GPS. Is it possible to update/send data to the application which is in background?
NOTE: I dont want to notify the user so that the application becomes active.
Can anyone help me ??
The answer is yes and no.
Apple does allow you app to complete a lengthy process in the background. But if you does not fall in the Voip, music or GPS category then you can't run in background.
If for example you want to send some data to a server, which could take some time, then you can mark that process to back executed until it is finished (or 10min. have passed).
You will find some about Executing a Finite-Length Task in the Background
There is not way to run timers or any thing like that in the backgroud, you can only finish a task you started before the app is backgrounded.
The alert which is displayed is an inbuilt functionality. You can't do anything for that. If a notification is fired from the server and application is in background then the alert will be displayed.
I have done a lot of search in past for this stuff.
I have done this in one of my work. this is what i did.
when application enter : - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
I send data to server using ASIHTTPRequest with property :
[request setShouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground:YES];
But after finished, i didn't do anymore connection or data manipulation. So, only the connection is running at background and not your app. you can't do much after the connection finish.
As #rckoenes was mentioned, you may not execute task too long.
If you would like to update server data while your app is running in the background mode, the application should be active at that time. It can only be active if it uses "music, or voip, or location tracking", otherwise the app will be paused in background mode.
One way to avoid this is to develop your application, and to set it to use, for example, «location tracking». This will allow it to meet the requirements for active background process and you will be able to update server data.
Unfortunately, I do not know whether the app can pass app store approval with this set-up.
However, if you are interested in this solution, you can find an example here.

How to Execute Network background in ios4

Our app does not use the default email app for emailing, instead uses an SMTP implementation. Right now when the app is in foreground - the email gets sent using the SMTP connection. But say if I hit send and then switch to another application - the email is not getting sent. It is sent only when we resume back to the app. Typically we are looking to send the email when the app is in backgrond as well. Any tips are welcome. How are chat applications polling for new messages - if we get any tips around this - we can accomplish our task as well.
This is a good question.
According to the Apple documentation about Multi Tasking:
In addition to the preceding keys, iOS
provides two other ways to do work in
the background:
Task completion — applications can ask
the system for extra time to complete
a given task. Local
notifications — applications can
schedule local notifications to be
delivered at a predetermined time.
If your task is not a long and continuous task, such as a VOIP service, GPS service or Audio service, you can declare it as "finite length task" and you can complete this task in the background. Remember that the MU is available only from iOS 4.0 and only for 3GS and 4 devices. You should also manage those tasks for other devices that don't support the MU.
Always according to the official documentation, you can do that:
You can use task completion to ensure
that important but potentially
long-running operations do not end
abruptly when the user leaves the
application. For example, you might
use this technique to save user data
to disk or finish downloading an
important file from a network server.
There are a couple of design patterns
you can use to initiate such tasks:
Wrap any long-running critical tasks
-[UIApplication beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:]
and -[UIApplication endBackgroundTask:] calls. This
protects those tasks in situations
where your application is suddenly
moved to the background.
Wait for your
application delegate’s
applicationDidEnterBackground: method
to be called and start one or more
tasks then.
One of the apple's requirements to third party apps is that you cannot run your app in the background. I think, you can do your task by returning NO in your applicationShouldTerminate method, but your app will not be approved by apple to be posted in AppStore.

iPhone app, running http requests while application in background

In my iPhone app I would like to run several queries when the
application is in background.
I already use ASIHttpRequest to make the queries, that works fine but
now I try to find a way to trigger them in background.
In the app delegate, I have added a call to the method making the request:
   [self getItemsFromServer]
getItemsFromServer runs an asynchronous request (on the simulator I
saw the log of this methods once I get back the application to the
How can I use some kind of timer to have this method ran every 10
minutes (I just need to run it 4 or 5 times, not each 10 minutes until
it goes back to foreground :-) )?
thanks a lot,
Best Regards,
iOS4 allows your app to run for X amount of time, granted that iOS4 grants you the time you request. Check out: Completing a Long-Running Task in the Background.
Any time before it is suspended, an application can call the beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler: method to ask the system for extra time to complete some long-running task in the background. If the request is granted, and if the application goes into the background while the task is in progress, the system lets the application run for an additional amount of time instead of suspending it
You could probably use Task Finishing to do that. In iOS you can mark a thread as finishing and give it a specific time to live. This would let you do a few more calls to your web server.
Have a look at Executing Code in the Background
Actually, you are specially not allowed to make general HTTP calls while in background. The only apps that can be active in the background are those that play audio, do location or are running VOIP calls. I believe Apple's whole philosophy with background is that apps shouldn't be doing 'work' other than these limited cases because there are limited resources available. THe suggested way to work around this is to use (ugh) notifications or just do a refresh when your application wakes up. The doc that willcodejavaforfood references explains this.