Perl "Not an ARRAY reference" error - perl

I'll be glad if someone can enlighten me as to my mistake:
my %mymap;
#mymap{"balloon"} = {1,2,3};
print $mymap{"balloon"}[0] . "\n";

$mymap{'balloon'} is a hash not an array. The expression {1,2,3} creates a hash:
'1' => 2,
'3' => undef
You assigned it to a slice of %mymap corresponding to the list of keys: ('balloon'). Since the key list was 1 item and the value list was one item, you did the same thing as
$mymap{'balloon'} = { 1 => 2, 3 => undef };
If you had used strict and warnings it would have clued you in to your error. I got:
Scalar value #mymap{"balloon"} better written as $mymap{"balloon"} at - line 3.
Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at - line 3.

If you had used 'use strict; use warnings;' on the top of your code you probably have had better error messages.
What you're doing is creating a hash called mymap. A hash stores data as key => value pairs.
You're then assigning an array reference to the key balloon. Your small code snipped had two issues: 1. you did not addressed the mymap hash, 2. if you want to pass a list, you should use square brackets:
my %mymap;
$mymap{"balloon"} = [1,2,3];
print $mymap{"balloon"}[0] . "\n";
this prints '1'.
You can also just use an array:
my #balloon = (1,2,3);
print $balloon[0] . "\n";

Well, first off, always use strict; use warnings;. If you had, it might have told you about what is wrong here.
Here's what you do in your program:
my %mymap; # declare hash %mymap
#mymap{"balloon"} = {1,2,3}; # attempt to use a hash key on an undeclared
# array slice and assign an anonymous hash to it
print $mymap{"balloon"}[0] . "\n"; # print the first element of a scalar hash value
For it to do what you expect, do:
my %mymap = ( 'balloon' => [ 1,2,3 ] );
print $mymap{'balloon'}[0];

Okay, a few things...
%mymap is a hash. $mymap{"balloon"} is a scalar--namely, the value of the hash %mymap corresponding to the key "balloon". #mymap{"balloon"} is an attempt at what's called a hash slice--basically, you can use these to assign a bunch of values to a bunch of keys at once: #hash{#keys}=#values.
So, if you want to assign an array reference to $mymap{"balloon"}, you'd need something like:
To access the elements, you can use -> like so:
$mymap{"balloon"}->[0] #equals 1
$mymap{"balloon"}->[1] #equals 2
$mymap{"balloon"}->[2] #equals 3
Or, you can omit the arrows: $mymap{"balloon"}[0], etc.


Is it possible to push a key-value pair directly to hash in perl?

I know pushing is only passible to array, not hash. But it would be much more convenient to allow pushing key-value pair directly to hash (and I am still surprise it is not possible in perl). I have an example:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#superior words begin first, example of that word follow
my #ar = qw[Animals,dog Money,pound Jobs,doctor Food];
my %hash;
my $bool = 1;
sub marine{
my $ar = shift if $bool;
my #ar2 = split /,/, $_;
push %hash, ($ar2[0] => $ar2[1]);
print "$_\n" for keys %hash;
Here I have an array, which has 2 words separately by , comma. I would like to make a hash from it, making the first a key, and the second a value (and if it lacks the value, as does the last Food word, then no value at all -> simply undef. How to make it in perl?
Possible attempt to separate words with commas at ./a line 4.
Experimental push on scalar is now forbidden at ./a line 12, near ");"
Execution of ./a aborted due to compilation errors.
I might be oversimplyfing things here, but why not simply assign to the hash rather than trying to push into it?
That is, replace this unsupported expression:
push %hash, ($ar2[0] => $ar2[1]);
$hash{$ar2[0]} = $ar2[1];
If I incoporate this in your code, and then dump the resulting hash at the end, I get:
$VAR1 = {
'Food' => undef,
'Money' => 'pound',
'Animals' => 'dog',
'Jobs' => 'doctor'
Split inside map and assign directly to a hash like so:
my #ar = qw[Animals,dog Money,pound Jobs,doctor Food];
my %hash_new = map {
my #a = split /,/, $_, 2;
#a == 2 ? #a : (#a, undef)
} #ar;
Note that this can also handle the case with more than one comma delimiter (hence splitting into a max of 2 elements). This can also handle the case with no commas, such as Food - in this case, the list with the single element plus the undef is returned.
If you need to push multiple key/value pairs to (another) hash, or merge hashes, you can assign a list of hashes like so:
%hash = (%hash_old, %hash_new);
Note that the same keys in the old hash will be overwritten by the new hash.
We can assign this array to a hash and perl will automatically look at the values in the array as if they were key-value pairs. The odd elements (first, third, fifth) will become the keys and the even elements (second, fourth, sixth) will become the corresponding values. check url
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
my #ar;
my %hash;
#The code in the enclosing block has warnings enabled,
#but the inner block has disabled (misc and qw) related warnings.
#You specified an odd number of elements to initialize a hash, which is odd,
#because hashes come in key/value pairs.
no warnings 'misc';
#If your code has use warnings turned on, as it should, then you'll get a warning about
#Possible attempt to separate words with commas
no warnings 'qw';
#ar = qw[Animals,dog Money,pound Jobs,doctor Food];
# join the content of array with comma => Animals,dog,Money,pound,Jobs,doctor,Food
# split the content using comma and assign to hash
# split function returns the list in list context, or the size of the list in scalar context.
%hash = split(",", (join(",", #ar)));
print Dumper(\%hash);
$VAR1 = {
'Animals' => 'dog',
'Money' => 'pound',
'Jobs' => 'doctor',
'Food' => undef

Initialize hash elements to 0

I declare a hash in Perl by doing this:
my %hash = ();
I go on adding elements to the hashes. Sometimes, $hash{$x} is not defined, meaning it probably is null. So when I try to print it, I do not get anything. I expect to see a 0 in case that entry $x is not defined. Can someone tell me how do I do this? How do I initialize hash elements to 0 initially?
Instead of trying to set a default value, you can print a default value when you encounter an undefined value by using the defined-or operator, // (works for Perl 5.10 and higher).
In this example, when you print your hash elements, you either print the element, or if it is not defined, 0:
use 5.010;
say $hash{$x} // 0;
There is no such of thing as default value for non defined hash key
the correct way to manipulate hash is to test if your key is defined, with 'defined' function (see perl defined)
[~]=> perl -e '%x = (a=>1, c=>5); for (a..d) { print "$_ => " . (defined $x{$_} ? $x{$_} :0) . "\n" }'
a => 1
b => 0
c => 5
d => 0
Note that one doesn't test if a key is defined, but if a key exists using the exists key word. One tests to see if the value is defined with the defined keyword.
print "Exists\n" if exists $hash{$key};
print "Defined\n" if defined $hash{$key};
print "True\n" if $hash{$key};
The first tests if the key exists,
the 2nd if the value is defined and
the 3rd if the value returns a true value.
It is possible to initialise the hash.
my %hash = ();
#hash{#keys} = (0) x #keys;
This will create a hash, give it an element for each key and then set the values to an array of 0's as long as the key array.

Subroutine that returns hash - breaks it into separate variables

I have a subroutine that returns a hash. Last lines of the subroutine:
print Dumper(\%fileDetails);
return %fileDetails;
in this case the dumper prints:
$VAR1 = {
'somthing' => 0,
'somthingelse' => 7.68016712043654,
'else' => 'burst'
But when I try to dump it calling the subroutine with this line:
print Dumper(\fileDetailsSub($files[$i]));
the dumper prints:
$VAR1 = \'somthing';
$VAR2 = \0;
$VAR3 = \'somthingelse';
$VAR4 = \7.68016712043654;
$VAR5 = \'else';
$VAR6 = \'burst';
Once the hash is broken, I can't use it anymore.
Why does it happen? And how can I preserve the proper structure on subroutine return?
There's no such thing as returning a hash in Perl.
Subroutines take lists as their arguments and they can return lists as their result. Note that a list is a very different creature from an array.
When you write
return %fileDetails;
This is equivalent to:
return ( 'something', 0, 'somethingelse', 7.68016712043654, 'else', 'burst' );
When you invoke the subroutine and get that list back, one thing you can do is assign it to a new hash:
my %result = fileDetailsSub();
That works because a hash can be initialized with a list of key-value pairs. (Remember that (foo => 42, bar => 43 ) is the same thing as ('foo', 42, 'bar', 43).
Now, when you use the backslash reference operator on a hash, as in \%fileDetails, you get a hash reference which is a scalar the points to a hash.
Similarly, if you write \#array, you get an array reference.
But when you use the reference operator on a list, you don't get a reference to a list (since lists are not variables (they are ephemeral), they can't be referenced.) Instead, the reference operator distributes over list items, so
\( 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' );
makes a new list:
( \'foo', \'bar', \'baz' );
(In this case we get a list full of scalar references.) And this is what you're seeing when you try to Dumper the results of your subroutine: a reference operator distributed over the list of items returned from your sub.
So, one solution is to assign the result list to an actual hash variable before using Dumper. Another is to return a hash reference (what you're Dumpering anyway) from the sub:
return \%fileDetails;
my $details_ref = fileDetailsSub();
print Dumper( $details_ref );
# access it like this:
my $elem = $details_ref->{something};
my %copy = %{ $details_ref };
For more fun, see:
perldoc perlreftut - the Perl reference tutorial, and
perldoc perlref - the Perl reference reference.
Why not return a reference to the hash instead?
return \%fileDetails;
As long as it is a lexical variable, it will not complicate things with other uses of the subroutine. I.e.:
sub fileDetails {
my %fileDetails;
... # assign stuff
return \%fileDetails;
When the execution leaves the subroutine, the variable goes out of scope, but the data contained in memory remains.
The reason the Dumper output looks like that is that you are feeding it a referenced list. Subroutines cannot return arrays or hashes, they can only return lists of scalars. What you are doing is something like this:
print Dumper \(qw(something 0 somethingelse 7.123 else burst));
Perl functions can not return hashes, only lists. A return %foo statement will flatten out %foo into a list and returns the flattened list. To get the return value to be interpreted as a hash, you can assign it to a named hash
%new_hash = fileDetailsSub(...);
print Dumper(\%new_hash);
or cast it (not sure if that is the best word for it) with a %{{...}} sequence of operations:
print Dumper( \%{ {fileDetailsSub(...)} } );
Another approach, as TLP points out, is to return a hash reference from your function.
You can't return a hash directly, but perl can automatically convert between hashes and lists as needed. So perl is converting that into a list, and you are capturing it as a list. i.e.
Dumper( filedetail() ) # list
my %fd = filedetail(); Dumper( \%fd ); #hash
In list context, Perl does not distinguish between a hash and a list of key/value pairs. That is, if a subroutine returns a hash, what it really returns is an list of (key1, value1, key2, value2...). Fortunately, that works both ways; if you take such a list and assign it to a hash, you get a faithful copy of the original:
my %fileDetailsCopy = subroutineName();
But if it wouldn't break other code, it would probably make more sense to have the sub return a reference to the hash instead, as TLP said.

Array initialization in Perl

How do I initialize an array to 0?
I have tried this.
my #arr = ();
But it always throws me a warning, "Use of uninitialized value". I do not know the size of the array beforehand. I fill it dynamically. I thought the above piece of code was supposed to initialize it to 0.
How do I do this?
If I understand you, perhaps you don't need an array of zeroes; rather, you need a hash. The hash keys will be the values in the other array and the hash values will be the number of times the value exists in the other array:
use strict;
use warnings;
my #other_array = (0,0,0,1,2,2,3,3,3,4);
my %tallies;
$tallies{$_} ++ for #other_array;
print "$_ => $tallies{$_}\n" for sort {$a <=> $b} keys %tallies;
0 => 3
1 => 1
2 => 2
3 => 3
4 => 1
To answer your specific question more directly, to create an array populated with a bunch of zeroes, you can use the technique in these two examples:
my #zeroes = (0) x 5; # (0,0,0,0,0)
my #zeroes = (0) x #other_array; # A zero for each item in #other_array.
# This works because in scalar context
# an array evaluates to its size.
What do you mean by "initialize an array to zero"? Arrays don't contain "zero" -- they can contain "zero elements", which is the same as "an empty list". Or, you could have an array with one element, where that element is a zero: my #array = (0);
my #array = (); should work just fine -- it allocates a new array called #array, and then assigns it the empty list, (). Note that this is identical to simply saying my #array;, since the initial value of a new array is the empty list anyway.
Are you sure you are getting an error from this line, and not somewhere else in your code? Ensure you have use strict; use warnings; in your module or script, and check the line number of the error you get. (Posting some contextual code here might help, too.)
To produce the output in your comment to your post, this will do it:
use strict;
use warnings;
my #other_array = (0,0,0,1,2,2,3,3,3,4);
my #array;
my %uniqs;
$uniqs{$_}++ for #other_array;
foreach (keys %uniqs) { $array[$_]=$uniqs{$_} }
print "array[$_] = $array[$_]\n" for (0..$#array);
array[0] = 3
array[1] = 1
array[2] = 2
array[3] = 3
array[4] = 1
This is different than your stated algorithm of producing a parallel array with zero values, but it is a more Perly way of doing it...
If you must have a parallel array that is the same size as your first array with the elements initialized to 0, this statement will dynamically do it: #array=(0) x scalar(#other_array); but really, you don't need to do that.

How do I access the array's element stored in my hash in Perl?

# I have a hash
my %my_hash;
# I have an array
#my_array = ["aa" , "bbb"];
# I store the array in my hash
$my_hash{"Kunjan"} = #my_array;
# But I can't print my array's element
print $my_hash{"Kunjan"}[0];
I am new to Perl. Please help me.
Your array syntax is incorrect. You are creating an anonymous list reference, and #my_array is a single-element list containing that reference.
You can either work with the reference properly, as a scalar:
$my_array = ["aa" , "bbb"];
$my_hash{"Kunjan"} = $my_array;
Or you can work with the list as a list, creating the reference only when putting it into the hash:
#my_array = ("aa" , "bbb");
$my_hash{"Kunjan"} = \#my_array;
If you had only put this at the top of your script:
use strict;
use warnings; would have gotten some error messages indicating what was wrong:
Global symbol "#my_array" requires explicit package name at line 8.
Global symbol "#my_array" requires explicit package name at line 11.
So, declare the array first with my #my_array; and then you would get:
Can't use string ("1") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at line 14.
You created an arrayref and attempted to assign it to an array - see perldoc perldata for how to declare an array
You attempted to assign an array to a hash (you can only assign scalars, such as an arrayref - see perldoc perlref for more about references)
You need to dereference the hash element to get at the array element, e.g. $my_hash{"Kunjan"}->[0] - again see perldoc perlref for how to dereference a hashref
You have a few errors in your program:
my #my_array = ("aa" , "bbb");
$my_hash{"Kunjan"} = \#my_array;
print $my_hash{"Kunjan"}[0];
I made three changes:
Added my in front of #my_array on the first line
Change the [...] to (...) on the first line
Add a \ in front of #my_array on the second line
Try these amendments:
my %my_hash;
# ["aa" , "bbb"] produces an array reference. Use () instead
my #my_array = ("aa" , "bbb");
# 'Kunjan' hash is given reference to #my_array
$my_hash{ Kunjan } = \#my_array;
# bareword for hash key is nicer on the eye IMHO
print $my_hash{ Kunjan }[0];
However there is still one thing you need to consider if you use this method:
unshift #my_array, 'AA';
print $my_hash{ Kunjan }[0]; # => AA - probably not what u wanted!
So what you are probably after is:
$my_hash{ Kunjan } = ["aa" , "bbb"];
Then the hash is no longer referencing #my_array.
Others already explained nicely what's what, but I would like to add, that (especially if you're new to Perl), it would be great if you spend some time and read the perldsc and perllol docs.