Emacs incorrectly looking for .el instead of .elc - emacs

I recently started using django-html-mumamo-mode which is part of nXhtml in emacs and everything seems to work except that when I start writing javascript code in an html page, I get the warning/error
Can't find library /usr/share/emacs/23.2/lisp/progmodes/js.el
I checked in that folder and all of the files have the .elc extension including js.elc, which is probably why emacs can't find it. Can I change something to make emacs just load the .elc file?
Edit: This continues to occur if I run M-x load-library js or M-x load-library js.elc
Edit2: I have confirmed that load-suffixes is set to ("el" "elc"), and that js.elc is in the progmodes folder, which is in load-path and that all users have read permissions for that file. I am using emacs version 23.2.1, and when I set debug-on-error to t I got a traceback, and it looks like the following part contains the error:
error("Can't find library %s" "/usr/share/emacs/23.2/lisp/progmodes/js.el")
find-function-search-for-symbol(js-indent-line nil "/usr/share/emacs/23.2/lisp/progmodes/js.elc")
(let* ((lib ...) (where ...) (buf ...) (pos ...)) (with-current-buffer buf (let ... ... ... ...)) (put fun (quote mumamo-evaled) t))
(if (get fun (quote mumamo-evaled)) nil (let* (... ... ... ...) (with-current-buffer buf ...) (put fun ... t)))
(unless (get fun (quote mumamo-evaled)) (let* (... ... ... ...) (with-current-buffer buf ...) (put fun ... t)))
(progn (unless (get fun ...) (let* ... ... ...)))
(if mumamo-stop-widen (progn (unless ... ...)))
(when mumamo-stop-widen (unless (get fun ...) (let* ... ... ...)))
Notably, the third line contains a reference to the correct file, but it ends up trying to load the wrong one. Has anyone seen this kind of thing before or have any idea how to fix it?

If you read the section in the Emacs manual on "How Programs Do Loading, the js.elc file should be loaded if normal library -loading commands (e.g. - "require", "autoload", "load-file", etc) are being used. Some things to do to debug this:
Does your userid have system security permissions to access the js.el file in that location?
If you type M-x emacs-version, what version of Emacs are you running?
The "load-library" command searches for lisp files in the "load-path". When you examine the contents of your load-path, is the specified directory in it?
Set the variable "debug-on-error" to "t" and re-attempt to write javascript code in an html page - when the error occurs, check the source line where the error occurs and, if it's not apparent from that what is causing the problem, post an update to your question with a few lines of the source where the error occurred as well as the stack trace that was produced by Emacs.
EDIT: Ok, now that you've added the stack trace, it's possible to see why the error is occurring. Here are the key lines from the "find-function-search-for-symbol" function (which is the function where the error is occurring in):
(when (string-match "\\.el\\(c\\)\\'" library)
(setq library (substring library 0 (match-beginning 1))))
;; Strip extension from .emacs.el to make sure symbol is searched in
;; .emacs too.
(when (string-match "\\.emacs\\(.el\\)" library)
(setq library (substring library 0 (match-beginning 1))))
(let* ((filename (find-library-name library))
In line#2, the function is setting the library name equal to the "*.elc" library name minus the "c" (e.g. it's converting it from "/usr/share/emacs/23.2/lisp/progmodes/js.elc" to "/usr/share/emacs/23.2/lisp/progmodes/js.el". Then, in line#7 of the above code, it's trying to find that source member (and failing as it doesn't exist). Looking further at the stack trace, the key line is:
(if (get fun (quote mumamo-evaled)) nil (let* (... ... ... ...) (with-current-buffer buf ...) (put fun ... t)))
which is called in the nXhtml "mumamo-funcall-evaled" function. The author of nXhtml obviously has not considered that the ".elc" file may exist but that the ".el" is not in the same directory. It appears that he used to distribute js.el with nXhtml but stopped doing so since it is now shipped with most recent Emacs distributions. So, in his environment, he probably has the ".el" files in the same directory as the ".elc" files and hasn't encountered this problem.So, you should probably do 2 things:
Notify the author of the nXhtml library so that he can fix the bug in his code.
Copy the necessary ".el" source files to "/usr/share/emacs/23.2/lisp/progmodes/" so that you don't get the error. Alternatively, you may choose to re-install js.el (and possibly some other modules) in another directory and put that directory ahead of "/usr/share/emacs/23.2/lisp/progmodes/" in your "load-path".
Doing #1 will get the problem fixed in the long-term while doing #2 should let you use nXhtml in the short-term.

Check your value of load-suffixes
C-h v load-suffixes. You probably want this to be something like (".elc" ".el"). If it is make sure that your mode hasn't set it to something weird, or bound it dynamically.


Determine how library or feature was loaded

How can I determine where the load point is for an emacs library? For example, I'm trying to track down and remove any runtime requires of subr-x during initialization, so I'd like to know which library loaded it.
The load-history lists loaded files along with the requires they made when they were loaded, but doesn't seem to provide information about any requires that weren't evaluated initially, but may have been later.
As a simple example, if I M-xload-file "/path/to/the/following/test.el"
(defun my-f ()
(require 'misc))
(provide 'my-test)
I see the first entry in load-history is
(defun . my-f)
(provide . my-test))
Then, evaluating (my-f), adds an entry for "misc.el", but there is no indication where it was loaded from (neither is the above entry updated).
How can I find that out?
How can I determine where the load point is for an emacs library?
You can't. There are many reasons an Emacs library will be loaded, for example,
C-x C-e some lisp code
M-: some lisp code
M-x load-library
For example, I'm trying to track down and remove any runtime requires of subr-x during initialization, so I'd like to know which library loaded it.
Use C-h v load-history, the order is meaningful, for example, your init file loads foo.el, and foo.el requires bar.el, then bar.el requires subr-x.el, load-history should looks like
(foo.el bar.el subr-x.el)
It's not an elegant solution, but worked for me.
As a starting point, that seems works fine for my purposes, I ended up "watching" for an initial call by load or require to a specific library. It's easy to get the name of the file where the require/load took place when an actual load is in progress and load-file-name is defined.
I was less interested in other cases, eg. interactive evaluation, but the following still works -- at least after very minimal testing, it just dumps a backtrace instead of the filename. From the backtrace, it's not hard to find the calling function, and if desired, the calling function's file could presumably be found with symbol-file.
Running the following locates loads/requires of subr-x, reporting in the message buffer the filenames of packages where it was loaded and dumping backtraces around deferred loading locations.
emacs -q -l /path/to/this.el -f find-initial-load
(require 'cl-lib)
(defvar path-to-init-file "~/.emacs.d/init.elc")
(defun find-load-point (lib &optional continue)
"During the first `require' or `load', print `load-file-name' when defined.
Otherwise, dump a backtrace around the loading call.
If CONTINUE is non-nil, don't stop after first load."
(let* ((lib-sym (intern lib))
(lib-path (or (locate-library lib) lib))
(load-syms (mapcar
(lambda (s)
(cons s (intern (format "%s#watch-%s" s lib-sym))))
'(require load)))
(cleanup (unless continue
(cl-loop for (ls . n) in load-syms
collect `(advice-remove ',ls ',n)))))
(pcase-dolist (`(,load-sym . ,name) load-syms)
load-sym :around
(defalias `,name
`(lambda (f sym &rest args)
(when (or (equal sym ',lib-sym)
(and (stringp sym)
(or (string= sym ,lib)
(file-equal-p sym ',lib-path))))
(prin1 (or (and load-in-progress
(format "%s => %s" ',lib-sym load-file-name))
(apply f sym args)))))))
(defun find-initial-load ()
"Call with 'emacs -q -l /this/file.el -f find-initial-load'."
(find-load-point "subr-x" 'continue)
(load path-to-init-file))
;; test that deferred requires still get reported
(defun my-f () (require 'subr-x))
(add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook #'my-f)

Emacs: fix 'changed on disk'/'Reread from disk' when file has not changed [duplicate]

How to disable Emacs from checking the buffer file was changed outside the editor?
Emacs is really trying to help you here. Read the info page on Protection against Simultaneous Editing.
But, if you still want to avoid that message/prompt, you can redefine the function that is doing the prompting:
(defun ask-user-about-supersession-threat (fn)
"blatantly ignore files that changed on disk"
(defun ask-user-about-lock (file opponent)
"always grab lock"
The second function there is for when two people are using Emacs to edit the same file, and would provide a similar prompt (but not the one you seemed to refer to in the question).
I'd advise against overriding the two routines, but it's there if you want.
On the off chance global-auto-revert-mode is on, you could disable that. Add this to your .emacs:
(global-auto-revert-mode -1)
You can tell if the mode is on by looking at the variable of the same name:
C-h v global-auto-revert-mode RET
If the value is t, then the mode is on, otherwise it is off.
I have the following in my .emacs. It makes Emacs only ask about really changed files. If a file remains the same bytewise, just its timestamp is updated, as often happens when you switch branches in VCS, this "change" is ignored by Emacs.
;; Ignore modification-time-only changes in files, i.e. ones that
;; don't really change the contents. This happens often with
;; switching between different VC buffers.
(defun update-buffer-modtime-if-byte-identical ()
(let* ((size (buffer-size))
(byte-size (position-bytes size))
(filename buffer-file-name))
(when (and byte-size (<= size 1000000))
(let* ((attributes (file-attributes filename))
(file-size (nth 7 attributes)))
(when (and file-size
(= file-size byte-size)
(string= (buffer-substring-no-properties 1 (1+ size))
(insert-file-contents filename)
(set-visited-file-modtime (nth 5 attributes))
(defun verify-visited-file-modtime--ignore-byte-identical (original &optional buffer)
(or (funcall original buffer)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(advice-add 'verify-visited-file-modtime :around #'verify-visited-file-modtime--ignore-byte-identical)
(defun ask-user-about-supersession-threat--ignore-byte-identical (original &rest arguments)
(unless (update-buffer-modtime-if-byte-identical)
(apply original arguments)))
(advice-add 'ask-user-about-supersession-threat :around #'ask-user-about-supersession-threat--ignore-byte-identical)
In my case I wanted:
(setq revert-without-query '(".*"))
Documentation for revert-without-query:
Specify which files should be reverted without query.
The value is a list of regular expressions.
If the file name matches one of these regular expressions,
then ‘revert-buffer’ reverts the file without querying
if the file has changed on disk and you have not edited the buffer.
I had annoyance with this because every time I switched branches in git, emacs thought all my files had changed.
Revbuffs helps you cope with the symptoms of this. It allows you to cause all your buffers to be reloaded.
You can also try (global-auto-revert-mode) which will automatically revert your files to what's on disk.

How to determine whether a package is installed in elisp?

I want to customize environment while the specific package is installed properly. How to check whether some package is installed in elisp?
Something like this?:
(if (require 'ecb)
(progn (setq ....))
(message "ECB not installed!"))
tripleee's answer is a handy example of error handling, but unnecessary in this instance.
(when (require 'some-library nil 'noerror)
That 'noerror can be any non-nil value, but of course it's more descriptive this way. I often see :noerror used as well, but I've no idea if there's any particular advantage to using a keyword argument over a symbol (comments, anyone? I'm quite interested to know).
require is a built-in function in C source code.
(require FEATURE &optional FILENAME NOERROR)
If feature FEATURE is not loaded, load it from FILENAME.
If FEATURE is not a member of the list features, then the feature
is not loaded; so load the file FILENAME.
If FILENAME is omitted, the printname of FEATURE is used as the file name,
and load will try to load this name appended with the suffix .elc or
.el, in that order. The name without appended suffix will not be used.
See get-load-suffixes for the complete list of suffixes.
If the optional third argument NOERROR is non-nil,
then return nil if the file is not found instead of signaling an error.
Normally the return value is FEATURE.
The normal messages at start and end of loading FILENAME are suppressed.
The (require) will throw an error if it fails. That should really be all you need.
If you want to configure ECB's behavior only when it is available, look primarily into adding stuff to ecb-hook -- this is the normal way to configure an Emacs package conditionally.
If no hook is available, or you want to roll it by hand for some reason, try something like
(eval-after-load 'ecb '(setq ecb-be-more-like-better-yes-p t))
If you really really want to roll this by hand, you can trap the error from a failed require like this:
(condition-case nil
(require 'ecb)
(setq ecb-be-more-like-better-yes-p t) )
(file-error (message "ECB not available; not configuring") ))
Note that the condition-case will catch any file-error from inside the progn so you want to make sure you don't do any other file operations inside. Ultimately you may want to put just the require inside a condition-case and use that as the condition for your original if form, but this is already getting out of hand ...
(if (condition-case nil (require 'ecb) (error nil))
(setq ecb-be-more-like-better-yes-p t)
(message "ECB not available; not configuring") )
Why not using "featurep"?
(featurep FEATURE &optional SUBFEATURE)
Return t if FEATURE is present in this Emacs.
(if (featurep 'ecb)
(message "ECB is there!"))
For people wondering how to check if a package.el package is installed, use package-installed-p.
Four years late on this question, but... here's a simple macro that will do this for you.
(defmacro when-feature-loaded (feature &rest body)
"Executes BODY if and only if FEATURE is loaded."
(declare (indent defun))
`(when (featurep ,module)
For example:
(when-feature-loaded 'foo
(message "foo is loaded!"))
Here's another version with an "else" case, in case you need to handle that as well.
(defmacro if-feature-loaded (module then-form else-form)
"Executes THEN-FORM if and only if MODULE is already loaded, otherwise executes ELSE-FORM."
(declare (indent 2))
`(if (featurep ,module)
The simplest answer is to use require and eval-after-load as stated in other answers.
However that is not always convenient, such as in a function called by a mode hook that wants to activate another minor mode but only if the package for it is installed. In this case featurep is relevant.
Emacs packages increasingly use autoload to improve startup time. If you test for the presence of a package by using require then you are wearing the cost of loading the file(s). If using ELPA/MELPA/Marmalade packages (available by default since version 24) then many packages may be available in an as-yet unloaded state, but a package foo with autoloads will provide a feature foo-autoloads. I wrote a function that is useful for testing whether a package is available in terms of already being loaded or set to autoload.
(defun autofeaturep (feature)
"For a feature symbol 'foo, return a result equivalent to:
(or (featurep 'foo-autoloads) (featurep 'foo))
Does not support subfeatures."
(catch 'result
(let ((feature-name (symbol-name feature)))
(unless (string-match "-autoloads$" feature-name)
(let ((feature-autoloads (intern-soft (concat feature-name "-autoloads"))))
(when (and feature-autoloads (featurep feature-autoloads))
(throw 'result t))))
(featurep feature))))
N.B.: Using (require ..) will load the package, which defeats the benefit of autoloads (deferred loading).
I use this in my code to configure functions which are autoloaded:
(when (fboundp 'some-function)
I have this in my init.el:
(when (fboundp 'ace-select-window)
(keymap-global-set "M-s-u" 'ace-select-window))
If you have ace-window installed, you can test this yourself by copying it into your own init file, restarting Emacs, and running:
(autoloadp (symbol-function 'ace-select-window))
It should return T. Then run the command, and execute that snippet again; it should return nil.
(newbie tip: Hit altshift:, then enter that, and press enter)
This avoids loading your package just to configure it (which is the point of autoloading).
(newbie tip nr 2: using fbound is for functions; use boundp for values)

Breaking out of .emacs script

I use two emacs (Aquamcs and text based emacs) on my Mac.
I normally use text based emacs for just editing something, so I don't want to load anything with it.
What I came up with is to have the checking code in .emacs to exit/break if it's text based emacs (darwin system but not aquamacs).
(when (and (equal system-type 'darwin) (not (boundp 'aquamacs-version)))
(exit) ??? (break) ????
It seems to work, but I don't know how to break out of .emacs. How to do that?
I just wanted to speed up in loading text based emacs on my mac, and I thought about breaking out as a solution. Based on the helpful answers, I came up with the following code that runs .emacs only when it's not a text based emacs.
(setq inhibit-splash-screen t)
(unless (null window-system)
I don't know of any way to do exactly what you want. Some workarounds:
You can stop the evaluation of your .emacs by evaluating (error "message") but that's a bit unpleasant.
You can re-order your .emacs so that there's a (unless (CONDITION) ...) around the whole of the file.
You can run emacs -Q FILE when you're at the command line.
Why do you want to do this? Are you concerned at the time it takes to load your .emacs? If so, you might consider using the Emacs client/server instead.
I am not sure how to exit as well but..... I would rather advice another kind of logic for your init file than a flat file with all different configurations.
Take for example your ~/.emacs (or better ~/.emacs.d/init.el) as your controller and files like ~/.emacs.d/aquamacs.el or ~/.emacs.d/textmode.el as your individual configuration files.
That would make your init having something like this :
(defun my-short-hostname()
(string-match "[0-9A-Za-z]+" system-name)
(substring system-name (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
;Load different config file in text mode or gui mode.
(if (null window-system)
(load-file "~/.emacs.d/texmode-emacs.el")
(load-file "~/.emacs.d/gui.el"))
;Load configuration for this host only, ie ~/.emacs.d/myhostname.el if exist
(if (file-exists-p
(downcase (concat "~/.emacs.d/" (my-short-hostname) ".el")))
(load-file (downcase "~/.emacs.d/" (my-short-hostname) ".el"))))
I suggest having specific, different files to load conditionally from your .emacs, one for one setup, another for another setup.
Alternatively, just wrap the code for each setup in a progn and do the conditional in place, in .emacs itself.

How can I check if a file exists using Emacs Lisp?

I would like emacs to mark files that are generated as read-only when they're opened. The part of the puzzle that I'm missing is how to check if a file "exists". I currently have the following:
;; get file extension
(defun get-ext (file-name)
(car (cdr (split-string file-name "\\."))))
;; get the base name of the file
(defun base-name (file-name)
(car (split-string file-name "\\.")))
;; if an 'lzz' file exists for this header, mark it as read only
(defun mark-read-only ()
(if (string= (get-ext (cur-file)) "h")
(if ( ??file-exists??? (concat (base-name (cur-file)) ".lzz") )
What can I use for "???file-exists???"?
Once I find this, I'll add "mark-read-only" to the appropriate hook (which I think is the find-file-hook).
We use lzz as a code generator to simplify our C/C++ development process. Briefly, lzz takes a single input file (which looks very like C/C++) and generates header and source files as appropriate.
By default, lzz includes #line directives so that the debugger points to the original source and not the generated source, however, to reduce compilation dependencies we normally disable these directives in header files. The result is that when debugging templates or inline functions, the debugger normally points to the generated header file and not the original source file.
This is not a big deal, however, recently I've found that when debugging I'll make a quick modification to the displayed file and then I'll rebuild. Of course this normally means that the change I made disappears because the file I edited is generated and so the changes are "blown away" during the library rebuild.
Thanks to everyone for their help and comments. A special thanks to cobbal for pointing out the correct function to use.
Here's the resulting code (with updates based on the other comments here too):
(defun cur-file ()
"Return the filename (without directory) of the current buffer"
(file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))
(defun mark-generated-as-read-only ()
"Mark generated source files as read only.
Mark generated files (lzz or gz) read only to avoid accidental updates."
(or (string= (file-name-extension (cur-file)) "h")
(string= (file-name-extension (cur-file)) "cpp"))
(file-exists-p (concat (file-name-sans-extension (cur-file)) ".lzz"))
(file-exists-p (concat (file-name-sans-extension (cur-file)) ".gz") )
try file-exists-p
"Return t if file filename exists (whether or not you can read it.)".
Note that it's not spesific to files and works for directories too.
Depending on what you need, you might want file-readable-p instead of file-exists-p.
Apropos will only get you so far. Icicles provides apropos completion and progressive completion which let you find help easily for command, function, variable, etc. names that match subparts in an arbitrary order (is it file-exists-p or exists-file-p?).
Use f.el, modern library for file and directory manipulation. You can use f-exists?, f-file?, f-directory? and many other predicates. The library is better than standard functions, because it's every file related function you'll ever need under one namespace.