by running the Sample "WebHttpSample" from AppfabricSDK 1.5 samples with Proxy (in my Company) I get the following exception:
The token provider was unable to provide a security token while accessing ''. Token provider returned message: 'Die Verbindung mit dem Remoteserver kann nicht hergestellt werden.'.
in the app.config I add the proxy settings:
<defaultProxy enabled="true" useDefaultCredentials="true">
<proxy usesystemdefault="True"/>
The Connectivity Mode is Http. outbound TCP Connection is not possible.
The same code works at home.
Can anybody help me? Thanks!!
We are looking to migrate some systems away from MSSQL. We have our first few environments built and currently using LDAP, which is OK but has a good number of flaws.
I followed this link to setup Kreberos\GSS for the most part:
Off the bat I got the below error when trying to connect:
psql: error: SSPI continuation error: The specified target is unknown or unreachable
I believe the SPN is setup properly:
setspn -S POSTGRES/server.domain.local domain\service_account
I suspect something is wrong in the keytab file, as there is an extra "" between the server FQDN and domain:
Keytab name: FILE:/opt/pgsql/server.keytab
KVNO Principal
---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 postgres#server.domain.local\#DOMAIN.LOCAL
Server side error:
2020-12-28 18:37:43.820 EST [64534] user#DOMAIN.LOCAL#postgres FATAL: GSSAPI authentication failed for user "user#DOMAIN.LOCAL"
2020-12-28 18:37:43.820 EST [64534] user#DOMAIN.LOCAL#postgres DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 95: "host all all gss"
I'd appreciate any feedback and thank you!
I'm getting the following error when I try to run the powershell script generated by Azure Devops to config my deployment group. How do I fix this.
"The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required."
It looks like you're behind an authenticating proxy. Powershell isn't great at handling them - some PS commands use the system proxy, some don't. There's several ways of working around it though if you search for that specific issue.
You could try this added to your script (just insert at the start of the script), which takes your current credential/proxy and passes it to the any web requests:
[System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy = [System.Net.WebRequest]::GetSystemWebProxy()
[System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
These types of messages are not unique to anything with Azure. It's purely an environmental network issue, that you must implement in your code.
Similar posts have been asked here...
The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required
... but they actually showed what their code looks like when making a request ...
myProxy.Credentials = NetworkCredential("user", "password", "domain");
<defaultProxy enabled="true" useDefaultCredentials="true">
<clear />
<proxy proxyaddress="myproxy:9000"
autoDetect="False" />
... whereas you are not. I point you back to the SO rules in my comment.
So, see that SO, to determine if anything in that thread helps you.
Checking the powershell script, you can find it calls .\config.cmd --deploymentgroup ....
So, you can edit it to specify proxy information:
./config.cmd --proxyurl xxx --proxyusername "myuser" --proxypassword "mypass" --deploymentgroup ...
More information: Run a self-hosted agent behind a web proxy
I am libstrophe example client program bot.c and trying to connect with ejabberd server.
I am facing authentication failure. Please refer the log below.
xmpp DEBUG Connecting via altdomain.
xmpp DEBUG sock_connect() to returned 3
xmpp DEBUG Attempting to connect to
xmpp DEBUG connection successful
conn DEBUG SENT: <?xml version="1.0"?><stream:stream to="" xml:lang="en" version="1.0" xmlns="jabber:client" xmlns:stream="">
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <stream:stream id="16900185530209358531" version="1.0" lang="en" from="">
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <features xmlns=""><c hash="sha-1" xmlns="" node="" ver="LSc28EBBWo2uA2P3nRDU+sBlbsc="/><mechanisms xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><mechanism>PLAIN</mechanism><mechanism>DIGEST-MD5</mechanism><mechanism>X-OAUTH2</mechanism><mechanism>SCRAM-SHA-1</mechanism></mechanisms></features>
conn DEBUG SENT: <auth mechanism="SCRAM-SHA-1" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">biwsbj1CVlAscj0zZjMwOTQ5N2IyYTEwZDYzNjUwZTRiNzEwMmY3Zjk1</auth>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <failure xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><not-authorized/></failure>
xmpp DEBUG handle SCRAM-SHA-1 (challenge) called for failure
xmpp DEBUG SASL SCRAM-SHA-1 auth failed
conn DEBUG SENT: <auth mechanism="DIGEST-MD5" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"/>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <challenge xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">bm9uY2U9IjcwOTEwMTI1NzE1NzkzNzMyOTkiLHFvcD0iYXV0aCIsY2hhcnNldD11dGYtOCxhbGdvcml0aG09bWQ1LXNlc3M=</challenge>
xmpp DEBUG handle digest-md5 (challenge) called for challenge
conn DEBUG SENT: <response xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">dXNlcm5hbWU9IkJWUCIscmVhbG09InByYWthc2guY29tIixub25jZT0iNzA5MTAxMjU3MTU3OTM3MzI5OSIsY25vbmNlPSJhMjZkZWQ0M2Y4MmMiLG5jPTAwMDAwMDAxLHFvcD1hdXRoLGRpZ2VzdC11cmk9InhtcHAvcHJha2FzaC5jb20iLHJlc3BvbnNlPWEyYTVlMDIwYTNkZjc1NmY1NTAxZDBkYzMyMDliOGQ5LGNoYXJzZXQ9dXRmLTg=</response>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <failure xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><not-authorized/></failure>
xmpp DEBUG handle digest-md5 (rspauth) called for failure
xmpp DEBUG SASL DIGEST-MD5 auth failed
conn DEBUG SENT: <auth mechanism="PLAIN" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">AEJWUABhZG1pbjEyMw==</auth>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <failure xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><not-authorized/></failure>
xmpp DEBUG SASL PLAIN auth failed
auth ERROR Cannot authenticate without resource
conn DEBUG SENT: </stream:stream>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: </stream:stream>
xmpp DEBUG Closing socket.
DEBUG: disconnected
event DEBUG Stopping event loop.
event DEBUG Event loop completed.
Can someone help me on this how to resolve this authentication problem?
Libstrophe tries supported authentication mechanisms one by one until one succeeds or all fail. The problem is on server side and given logs don't provide enough information to reveal it.
SCRAM-SHA-1 mechanism fails after the 1st stanza. This means that server rejects authentication when only username is sent. I would suggest to check if such a user exists (I'm not sure if it case-sensitive). If this doesn't help look at ejabberd logs.
Take into account that PLAIN mechanism sends base64-encoded login/password and anyone can decode it. Therefore, I would suggest to remove encoded password from libstrophe's logs like this:
conn DEBUG SENT: <auth mechanism="PLAIN" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">*REDACTED*</auth>
When all authentication mechanisms fail libstrophe tries legacy client authentication. In this case it needs a resource to build <iq> stanza. Logs show the next error message since a resource was not added to jid:
auth ERROR Cannot authenticate without resource
When login/password are correct and there is no problem with jabber server the authentication should succeed on the 1st supported mechanism and legacy authentication shouldn't be called. Therefore, it is safe to ignore the last error message.
Edit the below parameters in ejabbered.yml file.
auth_password_format: scram
- "no_sslv3"
save the file .
Stop and start the ejabbered Server.
Now Register the user in the server side and run the bot example in the libstrophe library.
Hoping you will be doing good i am having some problem on my hosting server when i implement PayPal using Rest API Sample of Paypal and using Log4net
<section name="paypal" type="PayPal.Manager.SDKConfigHandler, PayPalCoreSDK" requirePermission="false"/>
<section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net" requirePermission="false"/>
All working fine on Local System but when i deploy it to my GoDaddy Server its not working. Currently i am using SandBox Credentials.
It is showing Error
"Request for ConfigurationPermission failed while attempting to access configuration section 'paypal'. To allow all callers to access the data for this section, set section attribute 'requirePermission' equal 'false' in the configuration file where this section is declared."
And sometime is is showing this error: "Request Failed"
Please help in this context.
I'm having some difficulty connecting to an ADAM instance from my Commerce Server 2007 ASP .NET solution, and I believe it relates to my config file somehow. The short version is that I can connect to ADAM through ADAM-ADSIEdit with my current username/password, but when I put this in my web.config i get "Parser Error Message: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password."
<add name="LDAPConnection" connectionString="LDAP://<domain/>:389/<Partition DN>" />
<membership defaultProvider="MembershipADAMProvider">
<add name="MembershipADAMProvider"
type="System.Web.Security.ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
I've tried a bunch of things to fix this and haven't come up with any kind of reasonable solution. I started with just the connection String and no username or password. I got an error saying that I could not make a secure connection. that's when I added the connectionProtection="None" line. Then it said I could not use default credentials without a secure connection, so I added the Username and Password fields. When I created the ADAM instance, I used the current Windows login credentials. I've tried to use my windows login credentials here in web.config, and I've tried with various domain names, pretty much anything I could think of. I'm totally lost why I cant bind with ldp and I can connect in ASIEdit with these domain\username and password but can't from my CommerceServer ASP .NET application...Is there some other step I'm missing?
You should follow the information here, there is a lot of good stuff about secure connections and how to disable them within your ADAM instance for development purposes.