What are all the restrictions by Apple for iPhone development [closed] - iphone

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am new to iPhone development and I would like to know that what are all the restrictions by Apple for iPhone developers. What shouldn't be used by the developers in order to get the app approved by Apple? I searched a lot and I found the Apple recommendations and guidelines but I didn't find the restrictions of Apple for iPhone development.
Thanks for your answers.
Appstore review guidelines.

Don't try to access files outside of your App's sandbox. Don't load shared libraries. Don't link to Apple's private frameworks.
Don't use a jailbreak - or if you do, sell your App in one of the stores for jailbreak Apps, but not Apple's App Store. Jailbreak Apps are perfectly legal, provided you didn't sign the iPhone Developer Agreement that you have to sign to get an iOS developer program membership.
You can use a cross-platform application framework, but you cannot run a code interpreter, and you cannot download code from the Internet. Why Apple considers that a problem is completely beyond my comprehension, because any App can use the iOS-provided UIWebView, which includes a Javascript interpreter, so in principle your native App could be a front-end for a purely interpreted App written entirely in Javascript.
Apple is down with Javascript, just don't try using Java, Flash, Perl or Python.
Don't reverse engineer the iOS or your devices.
If you don't sign the iOS developer program agreement, you can do just about anything you damn well please, but if you violate any of the above, Apple won't accept your App in the App Store. But if you do sign the agreement, violating any of these terms might result in a B-52 bomber dropping Thousand Pound Lawyer Bombs on your office.

Make sure you also read this:
App store review guidelines for iOS

Have a look at these links:
1 ) http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4213
2) http://techcrunch.com/2008/03/07/iphone-sdk-some-of-the-details-arent-great/
3) http://blog.mcohen.me/2008/03/07/iphone-sdk-restrictions/


Is objective C mandatory for creating an iphone app? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Is it mandatory for a developer to be well versed with Objective-C if planning to develop a simple app for iphone?
There are a number of non Objective-C solutions, but they're clunky as heck and users can sense pretty quickly that these apps aren't necessarily optimized for iOS.
Still, people use them.
E.G. Xamarin (e.g. MonoTouch), Titanium, Sencha, good ol' PhoneGap, etc.
It's not mandatory because App Store Review Guidelines doesn't say you have to use iOS SDK to make App Store apps.
Meanwhile, there's also an application called AppStudio that lets you develop iOS and Android apps. Just as Mr. Dautemann says, I wouldn't use it. Developing iOS apps with it is like developing Mac applications with REAL Studio, which is bug-infested and is never ready for the Cocoa-build.
I think Titanium Appcelerator is the best option to program in ios development, you can coding in titanium just like JavaScript. And this code will be compile to objective c code, means you are just using native control of cocoa framework. And of the benefit is you can simply port this code to Android also.
There are many solutions if you don't want to learn Objective-c. You can use any cross platform like PhoneGap, Sencha as Michael Dautermann said.
But I will tell you little difference. If you want to develop iOS application Sencha Touch Framework is Excellent Framework. It provides structruing of the web app and many more.But you need to learn their language too.
If you go for PhoneGap you just require HTML,CSS and Javascript. Its very easy, but disadvantage of the phonegap is that your app will not be be as smooth native application. It's kind of Hybrid Web Application.
Moral: This tools are useful if you want to develop application for all the platform but if you want to develop application for iOS only, then go for Objective-c. Its much better.

Mobile App Development Tool for Web Developers/Designers [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am a web developer and thus I code in xhtml, css, php, sql databases, etc. I want to create an app for a few sites which interact with my website. However, I have absolutely no knowledge of software programming (ie: C) and don't own a mac.
I have come across phonegap.com which appears to allow people like me to create these apps without any further know-how with software programming.
Before I jump in and start using there solution, I was wondering if anyone else knew any other development tools which might help be develop iphone, ipad and android apps?
It's key that I can access some way to upload files from the device.
there are many other frameworks
like appcelerator
but phonegap is best one I had found yet
, you can go with it, because,
supports many device. I had use it for android, iPhone and now I'm using for BB too.
you can write the HTML/CSS code as you like or choose any framework like jQueryMobile, sencha, jQtouch etc, which you cannot in appcelerator.
I suggest you to go with PhoneGap.
other thing, is for creating iPhone app, you need Apple computer (intel base) . it is necessary for any framework

IPhone over Android and vice versa [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I develop applications on both IPhone and Android. As a part of my organization's Technical Session program I have myself delivering the next session on iPhone or Android. Getting the session made me start comparing both technologies, which believe me, is really a tough job. As a programmer in both technologies I often think how will the Application seem to be if I used the other one. Which further makes me list out pros and cons of both.
Android ahead of iPhone:
There are couple of factors where Android steps ahead of iPhone.
Multiple apps at same time
Information visible on home screen
Better notifications
Hardware flexibility
iPhone ahead of Android:
Following are the factors:
UI Smoothness and Consistency
Language support
Accessibility options
Battery life
Resource efficiency
Hardware quality
Better App Store
However, as a programmer, I want my session to be more of technical rather than a being a general overview of both technologies. For which I need some help. For instance Android's memory management is way ahead of that of iPhone's. On the other hand IPhone's UI has no comparison at all.
What more (technical) points can I include in my session? Also, kindly correct me if I am wrong somewhere above.
As far as the UI goes. I'm interested (as a programmer) to understand why exactly you consider iOS to be superior because in android the layouts that can be used are ever expanding and can be customized from the ground up where as in iPhone if you step outside of Apples box you get booted from the app store.

Is there any iphone friendly feedback service [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm looking for an iphone friendly feedback service that can be visited by web browser in my iphone application
I have been checked uservoice and getsatifaction, they are only for desktop browsing, not friendly for iphone
Crittercism (http://www.crittercism.com) also has a great product optimized for iphone/ipad and android. They also do crash reporting which is nice.
Zendesk http://www.zendesk.com/ is more for customer service but works great in iphones (and blackberry etc)
Neewmare (www.neemware.com) provides app developers the ability to ask very targeted questions inside their app on any screen. You could check it out. (Disclaimer: I work at Neemware.)
We have a native iOS feedback form that you can link with your iphone app.
For more info: Adding Feedback To Your iPhone App
The page also has a link to our free app in the AppStore that shows the feedback form in action.
Our service also provides a feedback button and feedback form for websites and WordPress blogs.
Get Satisfaction does have a great iPhone client framework. It's called Satisfaction Remote Component. If you want to see it live, check out the app Ambiance

I want to learn all the internals and structure of the iPhone [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Does anyone know of a website or resource to learn about important files / directory structures or data within the iPhone?
Soon i'll be learning to develop iPhone applications and I want to know everything about its internals, if anyone knows a resourse that would be great.
What I want to do is.
How to access the database.
Where system settings are stored.
How to gain access to the Mobile Comm Server
All the information you'll need is available from Apple in their developer site.
File structure and other internals matter less than you'd think, as your app won't be able to get outside its sandboxed resources (unless you're writing jailbroken apps).
Begining IPhone Development by Jeff LaMarche and David Mark
You keep mentioning database. What database are you talking about? In your last question about gaining access to a database, I assumed it was a database that you had as part of your app. The iPhone OS probably has many databases, including the Contacts database, the songs database, the album photos database, etc. There are some limited ways to access this data, but they're on Apple's terms and I have to emphasize the word "limited".
As a previous respondent said, the best place to start is at Apple's iPhone Dev Center, but you won't find anything on jailbroken phones, accessing any of the cell or communication systems, nor the system settings, among many other things.