How to show all files in Eclipse navigator/explorer? - eclipse

I do not see some of my files in the Eclipse Navigator view (or Projet Explorer or PyDev Package Explorer).
I tried to go to "Customize View..." and remove all filters. It didn't show *.pickle files, but it did unhide some other file types (.* resources).

Remember to refresh the view: Right-click the background of the Explorer/Navigator view to open a context menu, then choose "Refresh" (F5).
Restarting Eclipse doesn't help.

If you are using a Working Set, you can try the similar procedure that helped me with PHP Explorer and Navigator.
Look for the answer with pictures here:
Folders and files don't appear in PHP Explorer in Eclipse IDE


Eclipse projects are not visible in workspace folder

The weird part is I can see my projects through package explorer.
I can also export them.
But when I want to access them elsewhere e.g windows explorer, they are not there.
All I see is .metadata folder.
An unexpected shutdown of the system occurred not too long ago.
Edit: When I switched the workspace, created and opened a project, they're still not visible/accessible outside of the eclipse project explorer.
Any ideas?
You most likely haven't ticked "Copy projects into workspace" checkbox option.
File -> Import -> Existing projects into workspace:
It is possible that the projects were not put into the default, workspace folder.
To check this, right click on such a project, select Properties (it is usually available at the bottom of the list), go to the Resources tab, where you have the location of the project files displayed.
Obviously, there is a problem with Windows explorer and OneDrive in particular.
When I navigate to C:/Users/username/OneDrive/Documents/workspace or through command line I do see my eclipse projects.
But when I try to use 'Open file..' option from any application or navigate through Windows explorer, projects are not recognized nor displayed.

Eclipse changed package view to folder view in Package Explorer?

I have the Problem that Eclipse shows all my packages as normal folders. I have to get back to the normal package View because in the folder view the most plugins like Windowbuilder are not working.
I already tried to change the Package Presentation -> Flat or Hierarchical no change.
I tried to add the folder or the Project as Source Folder but the he is using the he is using the first Folder as a Package and the subfolder also e.g.
the Folder
are shown as
but I need
does anyone have a solution for this?
thx for help
What you are looking for (at least in the Luna Release (4.4.0)) is the Package Explorer view instead of the Navigator view.
You can toggle it from the Window tab:
Window > Show Menu > Package Explorer
This Problem generally appears if you delete a folder and did not consider any adjustment on other structure under that folder. The best thing is to go to the package explorer and click on " Source > Build Path>use as source folder". Refresh the project and restart the eclipse.
I have been through this situation couple of times, and it always works for me. Sorry, if I didnt understand your question properly.
In Package Explorer tab, click the little triangle next to Link with Editor called View Menu, then choose Package Presentation > Hierarchical.

pydev plugin in eclipse not showing the files in the project explorer

I am using pydev plugin in eclipse. I can create the project, but I cannot see the files in the project explorer.
I am attaching the screenshot. Any idea how to fix it.
in Pydev explorer Ctrl+F10 then from Top Level Elements choose Projects. It will show the projects in your workspace
I got a little workaround. I'm not sure what the difference between "PyDev Package Explorer" and "Package Explorer" is supposed to be, but it's clear that one of them is buggy.
I'm well aware that this is from 2011, but I came across this question while searching for it. I hope my answer will help someone.
Ensure you are in the "PyDev" perspective.
Top menu bar > Window > Customize Perspective...
Menu Visibility tab
Under "Edit", tick the "Show views" box (it might be half-ticked somehow depending on how your OS displays that). Press OK.
Top menu bar > Window > Show view > Package Explorer
A new 'view' should now be visible, called "Package Explorer". Move Package Explorer to an appropriate space (click and drag).
Delete the old "PyDev Package Explorer".
It seems that Eclipse does not have the resources up to date...
Have you configured Eclipse to do automatic refresh of resources?
Preferences > General > Startup and Shutdown: check 'Refresh workspace on startup'
Preferences > Workspace: check: Refresh automatically (this depends on your Eclipse version -- in 3.7 the settings were changed a bit, but it should be easy to know which configurations are related).
You can also try making a manual refresh: either F5 or right-click: refresh.
Another thing to check is if the path of the project is actually the path you're expecting (i.e.: the path that has the resources) -- you can press Alt+Enter to open the properties for the project and check if the location is actually correct.

How to prevent Eclipse from showing the opened file in package explorer

somehow I've ended up in a situation such that when I navigate through source files with Eclipse, the Eclipse always selects (and expands) the opened file with package explorer. With this I end up
losing my location on Package Explorer
Having my Package explorer expanded and pretty confusing.
With brief googling/exploring on the preferences I couldn't find this one..
Eclipse version is 3.4 if that happens to matter.
Thanks in advance,
Turn off the "Link with Editor" option in the Package Explorer toolbar.
(the left/right arrow icon, turned on here)
Select a source file, right click on it, choose "Open with" and then "Java Editor". The Java Editor should be the default after that for all java files.

Eclipse folder Referenced Libraries disappears

In Java projects in Eclipse version 3.4.1 sometimes the folder "Referenced Libraries" disappears from the "Project Explorer" view. All third party jars are shown directly in the root of the project folder. The project compiles and runs fine. It seems to be a GUI problem.
How can I get this folder back?
First, bring up the "Package Explorer" view (instead of the "Project Explorer" view).
Then, if the referenced .jar files still are visible in the root of the project, click on the little "down arrow" icon in the top-right corner of the Package Explorer view. In the context menu that appears, one of the items on the menu is "Show 'Referenced Libraries' Node." Click on that menu item.
I've been struggling with this thing for a while in Eclipse Juno because it's a little bit different.
click the little down arrow as before
click Customize view
check Libraries from external
For those hitting the issue today (Kepler): it is possible that you are in the "Java EE" perspective, which by default has the Project Explorer. Simply switch to the "Java" perspective and it will replace Project Explorer with Package Explorer, which will have the missing Referenced Libraries folder.
Make sure you're actually in Project Explorer and not in some other view like Navigator, like my friend was...
Use the Package Explorer view instead of the Project Explorer view.