iPhone Application universal app - iphone

I am working on one application and in which I am downloading 2000 images and store some data in SQlite database using connection from server.This works fine in simulator but crash in iPhone device.I am using try..catch for handel error but it simply crash and not display any error.So please help me to run this application in device also.

I have developed an app in which i used to download more than 600 images n each of the image was about 700kb and more, the app was working perfect in the simulator but the performace was poor in the device. As the App was for IOS3, Shark tool helped me out, and the only reason was leakage of memory which i had never expected. To my knowledge, the reason of memory leakage must be the main reason. And do try to have a deep look on how the things are working in the main thread, try to run most og the things in backend.

But i can help you out for showing the processes taking place in the main thread. and if i am not wrong do go through this post iPhone: Existence of a Memory Leak Profiler?


Any app for finding memory usage in ipad

Is there any app for monitoring memory usage while running an app in ipad, just like instruments. I am not able to track the memory usage with instruments from ipad. I found an application named console. It will show all log files.
I'm not sure that this is what you are looking for, but you can check XSysInfo app http://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/id354129029?mt=8
Hope this'll help
Go to this link: (and memory management is about code not about device)

how to solve problem exit status with 10 in device?

I have implemented pdf reader application for ipad.Its working fine in simulator.But its terminated in device with exit status 10.I done know whats happning.Please help me solve this problem.
Thanks in advance.
Most likely it is a memory leak that is causing the app to get killed for consuming too much memory. Run the app with the Leaks tool (in the Run menu of XCode) and check how much memory gets allocated on load or during use.
Try it on the simulator first since you said it won't work on the device. Also, be sure you are releasing all objects you create after using them (but only the ones you create, not the ones Apple does).
A good reference guide to memory management: http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/cocoa/Conceptual/MemoryMgmt/MemoryMgmt.pdf

Is it normal for memory warnings to disappear?

I've had lots of problems getting a simple UIImagePicker working (see my other posts), and I've been getting memory warning notifications after taking a picture and before I even get a chance to dismiss the UIImagePicker
Now, however... I've loaded up my app in Xcode today and all is working fine. Can't get the memory warning at all, under the same build settings etc.
My question is.. is this normal? Perhaps it was cleared by an iPhone restart, or XCode restart. Or should I be worried that I've still got a hidden memory warning, only now it's hiding from me?
yes, very normal. memory is used by lots of background tasks on the phone, so it really depends what your email client is doing, whether you're installing apps in the background, and lots more.
It also depends a lot on the device you're testing on too. For example, if you're testing on an iPhone 2G, you'll have a significantly lower amount of memory to play with than if you were testing on a 3GS for example.
Depending on what kind of requirements your app has, and what choices you're making in terms of what to target (3.0 only? 3G upwards, etc) its best to always test on the least capable device so that you can get an accurate idea of how the app will perform on that device.

Memory footprint of an app on iPhone

I recently had an app rejected from the app store because of Low Memory Exception. The app doesn't leak memory, but its base memory footprint seems to be too high. According to the crash logs sent by apple, it was taking about 14000 pages in the memory (mostly due to huge textures). There were 2 strange things though:
I tested it on 5 devices rigorously before submitting, and never got this crash on any one of them.
I did optimize the textures after the rejection, and brought them to about half the original size (texture memory consumption).
I have no way of knowing how many pages my app is taking now, unless I can reproduce the same crash as apple (which I never could). Is there another way to be able to find out the memory footprint of my app, so that I can be sure that it is optimized enough now.
I did try instruments, but my app crashes when I try to run it through my XCode (must be some problem with my XCode). But it works perfectly when I run it directly on my iPhones/iPods. Any help in finding out the memory footprint of my app on iPhone (if there is something analogous to task manager of windows), would be appreciated.
Launching the app from XCode gives the following error in the console:
"Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process 553."
Launching the app with Activity Monitor gives the following error:
"Target terminated too early to collect data"
I was able to run my app with Activity Monitor, by using a dev profile instead of distribution profile. But now there are several sections in the Activity Monitor - Physical Memory Used, Real Memory, Virtual Memory. Which one of these do I consider. To sum it up, I need to know which one of these causes the iPhone to throw a Low Memory exception.
XCode -> Run -> Run With Performance Tool -> Activity Monitor.
If the device is connected, Activity Monitor runs on the iPhone/iTouch.
I think you're coming at this from the wrong angle. You're asking how to find the memory footprint without using XCode. I think the question you should be asking is: why can you not use XCode? Presumably that's what you used to develop the application in the first place?
Without XCode you're pretty much flying blind. You say you halved the size of your textures, but how do you know? Does your app release any extraneous memory when it gets a low memory warning? (applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning:)
First, have you looked at the crash logs from when you run your app from XCode? You should be able to see them in the Organiser in XCode.
I'm not sure there's a single solution to stop your app crashing with XCode. Normally when my iPhone won't allow debugging I just restart xCode and my handset and it starts working again. Restarting XCode sometimes helps. I would also try reinstalling both XCode and the iPhone SDK.

Game crashes on the actual iPhone but simulator? memory problem?

I have built my first game using Cocos2D. It worked fine on the simulator. But when it runs on the actual iPhone, it crashes. I don know why. Thought it was memory leaks, so i tried to detect, but no leaks found. I tried to increase and decrease frame rate, neither both succeeded. Anyone experienced please help me out. I am really stressed now. If anyone had the same issue please share with me your opinion.
Yours thanksfully.
I've run into similar issues (I also use Cocos, but I don't think this is Cocos specific). The best thing to do is plug-in your iPhone and watch the stacktrace when it crashes (or retrieve the stacktrace after the fact)
This happened to me a lot because the resources between the iPhone and the simulator were not in sync; in other words, some how resources would be available to the simulator (eg: images) but those same resources were not transferred to the iPhone for whatever reason. Sometimes, if I ran 'clean' on the simulator, I would observe the same issue.
It's extremely frustrating to debug these types of issues, but you'll get used to it.
I agree with Dominic - we definitely need more information to be able to help you - do you have the output from the console or the stack from the debugger?
Also, while memory leaks are a Bad Thing, they rarely lead to crashes directly. They will increase the amount of memory used by your app so if you're memory intensive then you might get a problem but they're not the first place I'd look to try to debug this.
Try running the app in Instruments and watch the memory usage graph - then not only can you see the total that your app is using but you can get an idea of which sections of your app use the most and can focus your efforts in reducing it.
Sorry, but you need to specify more details. How does it crash? What does the error log say? One thing you might look into is the amount of memory, your game consumes. If it uses more than 64 MB on the actual device, the OS will very likely just terminate it. In the simulator on the other hand, your app might use lots more memory without a problem.
I have found tools like Instruments and NSZombieEnabled to be very helpful in tracking down issues such as these.
Without more information, I would try the following steps:
Delete the app from the device and simulator (using the tap-and-hold technique to make your icons jiggle) and reinstall it. Sometimes a setting (or lack of a setting) in the user defaults will cause a crash, and those don't get wiped out unless you delete and re-run your app.
Also try the "simulate memory warning" option in the simulator and see if that gets it to crash.