Beginner's guide to SBT 0.10 and IDEA - scala

I'm new to SBT and am unsure how to get a project started. Can someone point me to a beginner's guide to creating a Hello World type project, or give me some clues?
My preferred IDE is IDEA. I have run sbt-idea according to the instruction on the IDEA Plugins page. At the moment I'm a bit confused because
there are no source folders created - where / how am I supposed to create them and how will SBT know where to look?
why is it trying to use Scala 2.8.1, when I have already put scalaVersion := "2.9.0" in the build.sbt file? This means IDEA doesn't recognize object HelloWorld extends App {}.
the instructions on the plugins page above suggest changing the Before Launch options of "a Run Configuration (including the Default Run Configuration)". There are 13 different default configurations for different things listed - which one to change? Should I be creating a new one? Are these default configurations just for this project or will it adversely affect all my other projects that don't use SBT?

This worked for me:
First get sbt and the gen-idea plugin going...
Download the sbt-launch.jar and create the script for launching it as described on the SBT Github wiki.
Create a directory for your new project, such as (on linux) ~/myCode/myNewProject and change to that directory
Run sbt command. This should download the scala libraries and create a 'project' and 'target' directories.
Change to the 'project' directory.
Create a new file 'build.sbt' in this directory with the following lines, as described on the sbt-idea plugin Github wiki:
resolvers += "sbt-idea-repo" at ""
addSbtPlugin("com.github.mpeltonen" % "sbt-idea" % "1.0.0")
Change back to your main project directory such as ~/myCode/myNewProject. Run sbt. It should download the gen-idea plugin.
From the sbt console (which should be running now), run the gen-idea command. It should create the IDEA project directories. For me, it also emits copious warnings.
Now get the IDEA SBT console plugin going...
Open IDEA and install the "SBT" plugin from the plugin manager and restart IDEA. (Note this is the IDEA plugin, not the sbt plugin described above.)
Configure the SBT plugin as described on its wiki (run configurations, location of sbt-launch.jar etc).
Open the freshly generated IDEA project in IDEA.
Put your code and other things in the expected default directories as described on the sbt wiki under 'Directory Layout'. You need to create these directories yourself - sbt doesn't create them automatically. The 'src' and 'test' directories should be at the same level as the 'project' and 'target' directories that sbt created.
Make up a new 'build.sbt' file and put it in ~/myCode/myProject (or whatever you called it). Since I am just figuring out sbt, mine is simple so far - just nominates scalatest as a dependency and uses Scala 2.9:
name := "myProject"
version := "0.1"
organization := "me"
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" % "scalatest_2.9.0" % "1.6.1"
scalaVersion := "2.9.0"
Enter the reload command in the SBT console at the bottom of the IDEA screen. It should download scalatest and Scala 2.9 for you. Maybe you need to run 'update' too.

I wrote a very quick guide about it. It is not intended to be an SBT guide -- there's no way to beat the SBT Wiki for that. It would be pointless too, since one can just contribute to the wiki itself.
But, I think my very quick guide will get you up and running as you wish.
As for directory creation, the answer I got was that SBT expects the IDE to handle that -- I don't really like that attitude, but a plugin can do the job. You'll see I install the sbt eclipse plugin just so it will do it for me, even though I use IDEA myself (when I use an IDE).
Also, note that, ideally, you use both the IDEA plugin for SBT that you mentioned, and the SBT plugin for IDEA. See here for the list of plugins.
Unless the IDEA plugin has evolved a lot, you really need to generate an IDEA configuration from SBT iself -- IDEA won't "read" your configuration. That's what the SBT plugin for IDEA does. Install it, and sbt gen-idea. I expect that will solve the problem you mentioned.
Note, however, that the version of Scala you use to compile your project and the version of Scala that SBT uses for itself are different indeed. This is not a problem, it is as expected. I'm not sure from your question if the 2.8.1 version you mentioned is the one used by SBT, or one used by IDEA -- or even one used to compile your project, indicating that something is not working.
Where did you put the example you mentioned anyway? You should follow maven-style directory hierarchy, which means putting it on src/main/scala/, and possibly a subdirectory of that related to the package, if you follow Java convention as well.
And try to compile with sbt, to make sure that is working, before proceeding to IDEA.

I normally put the src into a folder "src/test/scala" and "src/main/scala". sbt-idea will add this folders ase source/test folder in idea.
sbt itself needs Scala 2.8.1 but this version has nothing to do with the version of your code. If you try to compile some source sbt will download Scala 2.9.0.


How do I handle MANIFEST.MF with sbt and Intellij?

I'm writing an application in Scala using IntelliJ and sbt (latest stable version on everything).
I can run and debug it just fine from within intellij but if I try to run the standalone artifact it complains that it can't find Main and I should add a MANIFEST.MF file in META-INF. If I add this manually to the jar, it runs fine. But if I add this to my source tree to be automatically included inn the jar, the program won't start in Intellij because 'duplicate MANIFEST.MF' and there isn't any one else. So I assume Intellij adds one on it's own.
I've tried all the tricks I've found regarding mergestrategy with no luck.
What is the correct this?

Why does IDEA report errors for build.sbt in a new sbt project?

I'm running IntelliJ 13.1.5 community edition. I've got JDK, Scala, SBT installed. The JAVA_HOME, JDK_HOME, SCALA_HOME and SBT_HOME variables are set. If I create a new SBT project, after initial sbt refresh, I get this:
The thing compiles and runs fine, even if I add dependencies, but the file itself shows tonnes of errors. F4 settings show empty SBT module stuff:
I then installed and ran sbt gen-idea in the project folder. This created a bunch of files, and reloading the project, the reds in the sbt file went away.
This is on my laptop. However, on my work machine, simply creating a new project works fine, and the sbt file isn't filled with red. Can't seem to figure out how that machine's different. Any pointers on how to resolve this annoying issue?
In case IntelliJ IDEA struggles a bit with caching, try the first and if still not working the second should definitely do the trick:
File -> Invalidate cache and restart
Close IDEA, delete .idea, re-import your project
I was also getting highlighted errors in all of the build.sbt file.
What fixed it was to select to Download "Sources for SBT and plugins" in the Import Project from SBT window.
Please, check if you added the “scala-library*.jar” to Scala compiler library
This link might be helpful:
If you are using windows or linux, please also see:
Update on 2020, Apr
This works for scala 2.13 and Intellij 2020.1 when:
sbt files has error
project structure is wrong
Reason is 'External libraries' from sbt is not loading for IDE.
To do so, similar to old version:
1. rm -rf .ida
2. Click Menu item: Open... to pick the project directory
If not working, I assume you need to setup Global SDK for intellij by
cmd+; and pick the path of scala.
In case of mac,
brew install scala normally echo out the path /usr/local/opt/scala/idea
Let ide browse to this path by holding cmd+shift+G to open path.
IDE should find the path like /usr/local/Cellar/scala/2.13.1/idea/lib/scala-library.jar and scala-compiler.jar and scala-reflect.jar
There might be better way to do the global scala setting though.

How to use existing Intellij projects as a I move forward with SBT?

Novice SBT question - Now that I've started with some basic SBT tutorials, I'd like to start using SBT build files (within Intellij) a lot more often. However, there's a couple of problems with this :
1) Existing projects that I currently publish to a jar, and later import into other projects... how do I publish this jar file to my local repository? SBT publish-local doesn't seem to fit my situation, because the project was made in Intellij and is not (yet) an SBT project.
2) Suppose I do convert the project to an SBT build setup (and then import it into Intellij).. how do I configure Intellij to to publish-local (update) each time I build the project? I do not see many configurable settings around SBT within the new Intellij SBT support.
Using Intellij 13 and SBT 0.13.1
to get you started up quickly on using SBT to drive Idea, have a look at my template project called skeleton
It supports most of the basic tasks you'd want to do.
To publish to your repository, use the publish task.
hope that helps!
For publishing, you simply use the publish action:
To specify the repository, assign a repository to publishTo and optionally set the publishing style. For example, to upload to Nexus:
publishTo := Some("Sonatype Snapshots Nexus" at "")
As for your second question, despite being a JetBrains fanboy, I have found SBT integration quite disappointing. For one thing, as the JetBrains documentation states itself, you need two plugins: their plugin and sbt-idea. You use sbt-idea to synchronize the IDEA module structure with the SBT build, and you use JetBrains' idea-sbt-plugin to execute SBT tasks in the "Before Launch" action in Run Configurations.
It sounds like you want to do an "install" on every build, so "Before Launch" action support isn't useful. I would suggest writing your own custom SBT task to install on build and using the Command Line Tools Console to execute that task with SBT as if from the command line. I know; that indirection is annoying.
Bear in mind one more thing. I have found numerous bugs with idea-sbt-plugin. At least on Mac. JetBrains told me the next version will be much better, and you can see for yourself with the next EAP version.
I certainly welcome others who have managed to have more success than I have to chime in.

How to pull dependency using sbt

Disclaimer: I'm scala beginner. All defaults works nice for me, but whenever I want to have custom layout/build I run into a problem.
So, as part of my build I need to pull .war(web app) from project A and .jar(jetty launcher) from project B into some directory of project C(tanuki service wrapper).
Can anybody please provide an an example how to do this in the most effective way.
Not sure if it works with war files, but for making jars locally available you could use sbt's publish-local command. Say you have an sbt project "mylibrary" and another sbt project "mymain". If you locally publish "mylibrary.jar", you can add it as a dependency to "mymain" just like you add any other sbt-managed dependency, i.e., by adding a line such as
libraryDependencies += "" %% "mylibrary" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
to the build.sbt of "mymain".
If that is not possible you might want to write an sbt plugin/command that copies the files into a given directory. I don't have experience with extending sbt, so I can't help with that, but other stackoverflowers surely can :-)
EDIT: (addressing a comment by the OP)
No, I don't have a particular Sbt tutorial. If I need help I turn to the usual suspects, the wiki, the mailing list, Stackoverflow, Sbt's source code. Sbt has an IO package which offers a copyFile method, which, according to this thread, comes in handy. Searching for 'copying files' on the mailing list also yields other results that might help you.

How to set up a scala project in IntelliJ IDEA that uses git libraries

I would like to give IntelliJ IDEA a try, but I have no idea how to get going.
I am simply trying to create a new project that uses Finagle Echo Server, hosted on github, as starting point.
Assuming I'm starting with a clean install on Mac. I installed IDEA and added the Scala and SBT plugins. What steps should I take to create a project, that uses Finagle and run the code in the http server example?
PLEASE help. I realize my question sounds like a stupid question, but there are so many different approaches to working with Scala projects from SBT command line, Scala-IDE, Idea, etc, that I simply don't know how to get a comfortable development environment going.
A manual solution that doesn't require you to use SBT for your project might be more straightforward, given the SBT versioning issues. You'll still use SBT to build finagle, though.
Install the SBT runner script per step 1 above. (It can handle SBT 0.7 projects too).
Manually git clone git://
cd to the finagle directory and type "sbt package". Its dependencies should end up under lib_managed, and it should produce the finagle jars themselves under target/ or some such (just note the locations in the command output).
Create an IDEA project from scratch, and manually add dependencies to the finagle jars and their dependencies (under Project Structure->Dependencies).
This answer assumes that you want to use SBT. Also, I should qualify that this is my usual procedure, but I haven't confirmed that it works with finagle in particular.
0. Install IDEA, with Scala and SBT plugins. (Done by the OP; here for others)
1. Install SBT (automatic method). Copy this handy sbt runner script to a convenient location (or, if you want to keep it up to date, git clone and symlink the script into ~/bin), and make sure it's executable. It will automatically download whatever it needs based on the sbt.version specified in your
2. Install sbt-idea. sbt-idea is an SBT plugin (not an IDEA plugin) that generates IDEA module files from an SBT project. It's convenient to install this globally since it's not project-specific. You don't have to download anything manually; just add this to ~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt:
resolvers += "sbt-idea-repo" at ""
addSbtPlugin("com.github.mpeltonen" % "sbt-idea" % "0.11.0")
3. Create SBT project. Create a directory for your project, and a "project" directory within it. Create project/Build.scala as follows:
import sbt._
object MyBuild extends Build {
lazy val root = Project("root", file(".")) dependsOn finagle
lazy val finagle = RootProject(uri("git://"))
See the SBT documentation for lots more options re configuring your project. Note we have to use the Full Configuration here (not just build.sbt) in order to express the github dependency.
It's also a good idea to create project/
4. Generate IDEA project. cd to the directory containing the sbt-based project. type "sbt gen-idea". If all goes well, the directory will now have ".idea" and ".idea_modules" subdirectories.
5. Open the project in IDEA. It may be necessary to fix the target JDK version in the project settings. Aside from that, the project should be ready to go, with all source paths, library dependencies, etc. properly configured.