HLS Streaming media player for iPhone4 - iphone

I am looking for a good HLS streaming media player for my iPhone-4.
I have developed one sample Http live media streaming server which stream MPEG2/TS transport stream and i want to test this server on iPhone4. For this i want one MPEG2/TS stream player. Where i will provide name of my HLS server and it will request playlist and then will play it accordingly.
Does anyone know simple HLS player for iPhone4.

The built-in media player in iOS (from 3.0) supports HLS.
You can type the m3u8 path in safari address bar and it will play it.


iOS - Develop iPhone app to stream camera video to a computer?

I'm looking for a way to create an app that will allow captured camera video to be streamed on a computer. For example, one person could be walking an iPhone around a room and another person could have that video streamed on their computer. Something kind of like a one-way Facetime except the receiver is on a computer. Also, I can't just use an existing app as later I would like to change the program to do some computer vision processing on the incoming data.
At the moment, I've found that AV Foundation should be the correct option for the video capture (from this question). However, I'm having difficulty finding the method by which I can actually stream this data. In particular, searching for how to create the apps on the iPhone frequently results in existing apps that do the task, but not how to create the app.
Can anyone give me a pointer to the information on how to stream the video capture from the iPhone? Thank you much.
You can use "Wowza media Server" for Streaming purpose
For wowza media server doenload :
Wowza Download
After installing wowza Now you need to set up live setting in wowza for that purpose you need:
Setting Up Live Application
For iOS side there is library is useful for video streaming using RTMP connection
You can get Library at
RTMP library for Streaming
Library example
RTMP library for Streaming example
In this good example of Streaming from iOS side
I had success with ANGL lib and Wowza media server. It gives smooths RTMP stream.

Streaming video, cloud servers, and videojs

I'm interested in setting up a streaming video server (perhaps on a cloudfront server) with videojs. I understand that flash video can be streamed, however, is it possible to stream video using videojs and a different codec? (like h246). I tried looking through the videojs documentation and forums but did not find any additional info.
Video.js has limited support for RTMP streaming in Flash, but hopefully more in the next few months.
HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) is the most supported streaming format for HTML5 (iOS, Safari, latest Android). Video.js can support that on the devices that support HLS natively.
I think you would have to transcode the h264 file on the fly to get the effect you want. Subsonic is a program which will read your file structure, display your videos and music in a webui, transcode the audio/video and stream it--but it uses jwplayer, not videojs.
However, it is opensource, so if you want to try to modify that, I'm sure it would be possible.

RTMP (Real Time Media Player) format in iPhone

Is iPhone supports RTMP (Real Time Media Player) Video format to play into iphone/ipod or ipad?
On website, it is working with flash player, like JWPlayer, but i doubt whether its supported with iPhone as we will be generating APIs parsing XML.
Any ideas, would be appreciated.
Thanks !
There is no RTMP streaming to IOS devices. Apple is keen on HTTP Live Streaming, which is closely related to MPEG-TS.

Stream video from the server . {iPhone SDK}

I'm trying to stream video with static IP :
via iPhone. Can you show me some information as to how I could implement this? I see an apple video stream app but it seems it can show only .mp4 movies? Am I right?
I want my app to load the HTTP address and play the movie, that's it.
This link works on media player.
The iPhone does not support all streaming video formats.
You should start by reading HTTP Live Streaming Overview
iOS native video player (AVPlayer, MPMoviePlayerViewController ...) can stream from http server in m3u8 format.
I looked at the link, that you mentioned(GemTVLink), it's an mms stream, iOS can not stream from microsoft streaming servers (mms), if you want to do that, you should use ffmpeg library, as this library can connect any streaming server (supporting rtsp, mms, tcp, udp ,rtmp ...) and then draw pictures to the screen.. (for drawing you can use opengles or uiimage also works)
First of all, use avformat_open_input to connect to your ip address then use avcodec_find_decoder & avcodec_open2 to find codecs and to open them (you should call them for both audio & video)
Then, in a while loop read packets from server by using av_read_frame method When you get frame, if it is audio then sent it to AudioUnit or AudioQueue, if it is video, then convert it from yuv to rgb format by using sws_scale method and draw the picture to the screen.
That's all.
look at this wrapper also (http://www.videostreamsdk.com), it's written on ffmpeg library and supports iOS

How do I stream video and play it?

How can I stream video data from the network and play it on an iPhone?
First, are you developing a Web app optimized for iPhone or a native application ?
In the first case, your only option is to transcode your video files to Quicktime H.264 (m4v or mp4 extension). You can use Quicktime Pro (use the export menu) or VLC (as a free alternative). Then simply add a hyperlink to the video file on your HTTP server. Make sure it presents the right content-type and stuff (read Safari Web Content Guide for iPhone OS: Configuring Your Server). That'll work for web and native apps (in a native app you would use the MPMoviePlayerController view). So can "stream" (technically called progressive download of a Quicktime movie file).
If you're talking about streaming live content (i.e. content that you produce live or transcode a live feed) there is currently no official way of doing it (as of iPhone OS 2.2). iPhone OS does not support RTSP/RTP streaming. A number of native iPhone applications (such as UStream.tv and Orb Live) have created their custom live streaming solution (most of them transfer a delayed streams with many seconds of latency over HTTP then somehow decode it on the phone using FFmpeg or other libraries).
Are you trying to stream video in your app or just streaming on your iPhone? For streaming video through an app, use the MPMoviePlayerController and pass the URL of your video to it. The MPMoviePlayerController will itself stream the video and play it for you.
If you're looking for a server based solution (with a very affordable Amazon EC2 option), be sure to check out Wowza at http://www.wowzamedia.com/advanced.php
It streams directly to iPhone/iPod Touch without a custom app.
note: I'm not affiliated with them at all... just a fan/customer.
edit: Just noticed how old this question was. :)