Background image on iPhone 4 causes webapp to run slow - iphone

I'm porting one of my projects to iPhone 4.
It's a Sencha Touch application, running via PhoneGap wrapper (that means UIWebView). Everything runs rather smoothly on iPhone 3(GS) and the simulator ofc. But on iPhone 4 (we've tested on several phones) the css rule for panel background makes the whole app run very slow including scrolling and tab transitions:
background-image: url(../images/background/main_panel__background.png); /*320x317*/
That causes all the stutter and lags.
I've tried to convert the image to JPEG and replace it - still nothing helps.
What could it be? I know that WebKit rendering engine does some scaling (1x1 -> 2x2) to accomodate for high resolution of "Retina" displays, but why would it cause such slowdown?
Thank you.

I discovered the same issue with background image and i am not sure what could be the reason. Actually i suspected the Alpha of my png to cause the issue, but apparently you had it with jpg too... For now i remove the picture. We could use CSS to remove it only for iPhones...


Is there a max size for images being loaded onto canvas on iPhone?

I am building a webapp game that has a scrolling background. The background is just a really tall image that is copied to the smaller canvas in slices to give the sensation of movement. The image file I started with was 6000px tall (my canvas is 640px tall). All desktop browsers and iPad2 (iOS 6) loaded the image file fine and the animation looks great.
However, on iPhone 4S (iOS 5) - the background never loads at all! I solved the problem by just cutting the big background image down until it was under 2000px tall, and there the iPhone finally loaded the graphics onto the canvas and everything works great from there.
So my question is - is there a maximum file size that the javascript canvas.context can handle? Maybe just on certain devices?
I tried all kinds of other work arounds to ensure the file was completely loaded before the JS code ran on the canvas, to no avail.

Cocos2d iphone app runs oddly on actual iphone

I have a simple application using Cocos2d, and all the images show up fine when running on the simulator. However, when i run it on an iphone, all the images are scaled up and incredible amount, making the game unplayable.
Has anyone got any ideas as to why this is happening, and how to fix it?
You need to consider the possibility that your simulator is running retina. Probably you are trying to display an image that is at the higher resolution on an older, non-retina device.
You can also just add the suffix "-hd" to any image, and then cocos2d will recognize it as being at the higher resolution automatically. But when you actually finish your app you will want to have 2 copies of each image, one at each resolution.
I found out that the problem was that when i initialised the sprite, using spriteWithFile, it set it to a certain size. When i changed the sprites texture later on, it kept the size of the last image, but had a different texture.

iOS 5 - animated gifs showing in wrong colors sometimes

I'm using some animated gifs on our mobile-site. It's a clock-animation and since the iOS 5 update it sometimes happens that the clock gets blue instead of red, as planned. Happens on iPhone4 and iPhone5 with the new os.
Any ideas what could cause the problems? It's hard to reconstruct this failure but it happens from time to time.
Any help would be appreciated.
Sometimes ios devices may not be able to process all the images because of its relatively low graphics ability compared to that of a computer. Instead of using a GIF I would suggest using an animated PNG. This has been more popular among the ios devices as using GIFs has become obsolete when working with ios devices. I am not sure how fast this would be, but I would say it can apply less stress then that of a gif. Another idea, because it is a clock gif is to analyze the gif in a program and determine any problems. Also use imgoptim (for mac) or pngcrush for windows to reduce the size of the gif to reduce the stress on the processor.
use GIF 128 Dither and Please make sure that images size has to be base on the resolution it happen some time if your images size is not depend on retina or normal resolutions. And if I am not wrong you facing problem only in retina device, may be below details will help
iPhone Retina Display
Width - 640px
Height - 960px : including 40px status bar
DPI - 326
You can use Cocos2D framework, Cocos2d and UIKIT both work great with out any graphic related errors... Sprite sheets reduces the memory usage and also support all transparant images , you can run animation ,stop and repeat them. Good luck..

iphone 4 higher resolution pics vs 3gs

i just have a 3gs for testing (here in romania i still cant get a iphone 4)
When I just create full screen images for iPhone 4 .. would they be displayed resized on the 3gs?
I just cant make a bundle version for 3gs and 4 with 2 times my images, they are already a lot. Do I have to make now 2 Apps ??
Could this be a trick: In my xib i define a 320x480 UIImageView (it will be resized automaticly on the iPhone4) when I there define "scale to fill" and make high resolution images, would they come more sharp on the iPhone 4?
Now I am just wondering how to work best right now for big animations.
Just found out in my case its fine to use higher resolution pics into a 320x480 frame like for 3GS and make Aspect FILL.
When I test on a iPhone 4 Simulator it shows much higher resolution and same on iPad if I click 2x :)
you can also create alternative high resolution images with a name ending in "#2x". so if you have an image called "arrow.png", create one with twice the resolution called "arrow#2x.png" and the iphone 4 will use that.
check out this article:
Try it and find out, but my suspicion is that even if they do work, they won't work on OS 3.0 or OS 3.1, and plenty of people have not upgraded yet.
Also note that even if it displays them at half-size, I'm pretty sure that they'll still be "#2x" images. This means they'll use more memory and generally perform worse.
What's wrong with adding a handful of new images? The normal-size images are a lot smaller than the #2x images.
EDIT: If you have a lot of images, you may find it beneficial to use JPEGs where appropriate (e.g. for photos or photo-like backgrounds). I'm not sure, but I think they should work with +[UIImage imageNamed:] though you might have to specify ".jpg" explicitly.

iPhone game display is off the screen by 10 pixels or so on the device

I recently deployed my first iPhone app, a simple game, to my testing iPhone for the first time. Everything looks and runs fine on the simulator in Xcode, but on the iPhone the whole image is shifted up about 10 pixels or so. So the gameplay goes slightly offscreen on top and has a slim white/grey bar at the bottom. Has anyone encountered this before? I do have the status bar display turned off, I'm wondering if the device handles that flag differently than the simulator. I also have the rotation hardcoded to be in portraitRight mode at all times, and I have an extra line in the code to make the simulator do that automatically that's apparently not necessary on the device.
Everything is very simple, so I'm not sure where this glitch is coming from or even where to look.
Did you use Interface Builder to create your UI? If you did, then go and check each and every XIB file(s) objects' Size & Position as well as Autosizing in Size Inspector (command-3).
It's very important to check both: your coordinates might have gone wrong after some change you did and autoscaling works in weird ways unless you attach to correct edges. Apple documentation should help