Does iPhone app updation remove apps Data from iPhone - iphone

I wanted to know that if i have installed an application in my iPhone and it has a database attached with that which is saved into the particular app folder in iPhone. Now from my application i am updating the database with adding more records and filling up the database fields.
Now my app has a newer version available. I updated my iphone app. Now does it remove all the database records and create the a new empty database ?? or my all my app personal data will remain there as untouched when app has been updated to newer version.
please guide me friends

Well that all depends, all the data in the app bundle will be replaced, If you placed your data in the document directory it will be unaffected.


IOS App on iOS 5 , does the files in app changes when the iphone is upgraded to new version

I am writing an IOS App on iOS 5 , does the files in app changes when the iphone OS is upgraded to new IOS. And If Yes How to detect and manage the changes?
could Anyone Help.
No, it does not change. Only Some methods that is not supported with the ugraded OS gets deprecated.
Your Second question, how to detect it?
Here's the answer :
You will get warning at the place where the methods are deprecated.
Enjoy Programming!
No, it's never change when iPhone OS is upgraded to new IOS.
Files stored in the document directory will persist after the app update
Use this directory to store critical user documents and app data
files. Critical data is any data that cannot be recreated by your app,
such as user-generated content. The contents of this directory can be
made available to the user through file sharing. The contents of this
directory are backed up by iTunes.
Refer below answer for further clarifications
First App Update, User Data Lost (was stored in Documents directory)

How do I download an sqlite database from an app on my iPhone?

I made an iPhone app that allows data entry. Over the past month I have been using it and input a lot of data that is now only on my iPhone in the sqlite database used by the app. I want to get the data off my phone now and store it somewhere else.
Is there anyway to access the sqlite database on the iPhone? If so can this data be updated externally or would the database need to be "re-embedded" and copied back over to the iPhone at build?
Try the iPhone Backup Extractor.
If it is a development version, you can download data in Xcode. Plug in your device and find it in the area you do provisioning. Look for your app icon and there's a download button.

Does a TestFlight upgrade break Core Data schemes in an app?

I've got an app that I'd like to send to beta testers using TestFlight.
We won't be changing the Core Data model, but I'm curious about two things:
When I send out an updated beta, is there any risk that the Core Data will be corrupted with the update?
When the app goes to the App Store, will our beta testers have to start fresh from the App Store version, or will their Core Data still appear in the App Store version?
The user's data is stored in their own documents directory. If you haven't changed the scheme (or if you have and you have a proper migration set up) then just updating the app will not affect their own data - unless they delete and install the application again.
If you haven't changed the bundle identifier - and they don't delete and re-install their app - the data will still exist in the Document directory.


I am a little curious what happens in the situation when the user downloads a new version of application from App Store. I have an existing app, an eBook reader on the iTunes store (downloaded with customers).
Assuming that the customers have downloaded books to the existing version of application onto their iPad, now that a new version is available on app store & user downloads the same along with the app update i want the user downloaded books(on the previous version) to be backed up when a new updated version is installed.
Currently in my application i'm string these books in Caches Directory of Application Sandbox.
If there is a possibility of doing this, please provide some references?
A proper update will not remove the previous content of your sandboxed folders - hence I do not see a reason for a backup. Proper update means the user uses the iTunes update functionality.
Only once the user entirely removes the previous version and then installs the new version, the sandboxed files of the previous version will be gone.

iPhone Application Version Upgrade will remove file stored in iphone memory?

Currently I have my application in which I am creating some plist file in User's Device and storing some local data.
Now, my confusion is that what happen if i will launch next version of my application and once user will upgrade my application's current version then what happen with that plist file which is stored in Users iPhone Device ?
Thanks in advance...
When users update application only the application bundle changes and other folders in application sandbox should remain intact.So if you store your data in Documents folder then it will persist after application update.
Edit: See Files Saved During Application Updates section in "Application Development Guide"
Nothing will happen to the files stored in the App's Documents directory. They will still be intact after the app is upgraded.