How does filepicker work in XUL::Gui? - perl

I'm starting to have a love/hate relationship with XUL::Gui. I love it because the simple pieces are easy to use, but I hate it because its documentation is horrible.
In particular, I'm trying to use the filepicker function (listed under gui functions in the main doc), but whenever I try to use it--even by copying and pasting the code example in the documentation--the filepicker command seems to go unrecognized ("Bareword 'filepicker' not allowed while 'strict subs' in use").
My apologies if I'm missing anything obvious, but how is this function used in XUL::Gui?

The filepicker is not exported by default, it is part of the :widgets export tag.
You can either use use XUL::Gui ':all'; to get everything, or use use XUL::Gui qw(:default filepicker); to get the default set of imports and the filepicker.
Take a look at the EXPORT heading for more details.
Sorry the documentation is horrible, its a work in progress :)


How to access per project / per preset configuration data in vue-cli 3.x?

I'm looking to create a vue-cli 3.x plugin that generates extra files in the project when invoked and templates these based on configuration info entered by the user.
It's rather easy to collect this information from user prompts but it'd be much nicer if users could put this info into some sort of configuration file and have the plugin read it from there.
I understand vue-cli now uses a vue.config.js file on the project level and ~/.vuerc on a more global (preset) level. However, it doesn't look like my generator function would have access to either one of those files.
"The entire preset" should be passed as the third argument to the function when invoking the plugin with module.exports = (api, options, rootOptions) => {} in ./generator/index.js, rootOptions is undefined.
Sililarly, the use of vue.config.js is discussed in the documentation when talking about service plugins, but there's no mention how to use it in a generator function.
Am I missing something obvious here or is there really no officially sanctioned way to do this? Nothing stops me from reading vue.config.js in my function, but this feels hacky. And I wouldn't even know how to find out which preset was used to create the project.
So your problem is that you can't find ~/.vuerc?
I had the same issue and I found the solution here.
The solution is to use the command line
vue config
to see .vuerc, and then use
vue config --delete presets.yourPresetName
to delete your preset.
As well, if you can't type in your preset name in the terminal because it contains a space or an apostrophe, you can use
vue config --edit
to open .vuerc with a text editor and just edit it there

Modern core method of uploading file in Perl

I'm looking to write a script that lets a user upload an image from a webpage, for later use on that website. As per usual, all I can find is examples involving Are there any core modules that I can use as a replacement?
The Perl core distribution contains no modules for writing web applications. I think you probably want something based on Plack::Request and Plack::Request::Upload (for example Dancer2::Core::Request::Upload).
The solution I ended up going with may not be the best, but it's functioning, and simple.
Using I can simply use
open(VAR, ">output/file.png");
binmode VAR;
print VAR $in{input};
and it gets the job done.
If there are any notable problems with this, please let me know.

HtmlElements and Thucydides

I want to use HtmlElements with my test-project based on Thucydides framework.
It's not clear where to start and how it can be used.
If I use it as in example in main project README, it does not populate elements without additional magic. Is there any examples or start guides?
You can find required magic in htmlelements-thucydides module. Long story short you just need to use BlockPageObject from the package above instead of PageObject provided by Thucydides. Here is a working example as well.

Equivalent for Dancer of Mojolicious Mojolicious::Plugin::PODRenderer?

I would like to generate documentation in a Dancer application in the same way that Mojolicious does with Mojolicious::Plugin::PODRenderer, I mean in the browser, under the /perldoc path.
Does somebody knows a module that can help? I found no ready-made plugin for Dancer. If it don't exist, any recommandation is welcome.
Porting Mojolicious' PODRenderer to Dancer should be fairly simple - it's an example plugin and the code is fairly short. I've done this for my own use in my CGI framework at work.
Essentially what the plugin does is define the route /perldoc/:module to call the _perldoc method; the _perldoc method uses Pod::Simple::Search to find a documentation file matching the module param in the #INC directories; If it doesn't, it redirects the search to MetaCPAN. If it does, it uses Pod::Simple::HTML to convert the documentation to HTML, which is then tidied up with Mojo::DOM and wrapped in a lovely template.
Finding the location of that template is left as an exercise for... oh, nevermind, here it is:

Gtkwebkit, save html to pdf

Last days I search for best and shortest way to convert html files to pdf. Since I create my html files with C program and see them through gtkwebkit which uses cairo it should be some efficient and direct way to convert content of showed page to html with C (I think).
But can't find any example or direction to go on the net.
Until now, among different virtual printers, I find only commandline tools which are maded in perl or which depends on qt what is not wanted.
Please for any suggestion, example or advice to get this functionality from gtkwebkit and if not, maybe something with some tiny C library.
As far as I can tell from reading the documentation (haven't tried it out myself):
Get the main frame with webkit_web_view_get_main_frame().
Create a GtkPrintOperation with gtk_print_operation_new().
Set the export-file property on your print operation to be the name of the PDF you want to export to.
Print the frame with webkit_web_frame_print_full(). Make sure to pass GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_ACTION_EXPORT as the 'action' parameter.
I once wrote some code, to accomplish that without opening a window. But then I ran into a problem with using that code from multiple threads (in a webserver e.g.). I made some research and I figured out that gtk itself is single threaded. So I made my code thread safe, by queuing the print operations to the main thread. Anyway, if it helps, check it out...