Running Jasper Reports against an in-memory h2 datasource? - postgresql

I'm trying to run jasper reports against a live and reporting database, but any reports run against the live database throw exceptions about not finding the right tables (although the default PUBLIC schema is found). It looks like the main DataSource connection isn't honoring the H2 connection settings which specify IGNORECASE=true, as the generated columns and tables are capitalized, by my queries are not.
DataSource.groovy dataSource:
dataSource {
hibernate {
cache.use_second_level_cache = false
cache.use_query_cache = false
dbCreate = "create-drop" // one of 'create', 'create-drop','update'
pooled = true
driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver"
username = "sa"
password = ""
url = "jdbc:h2:mem:testDb;MODE=PostgreSQL;IGNORECASE=TRUE;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=false"
jndiName = null
dialect = null
Datasources.groovy dataSource:
datasource(name: 'reporting') {
environments(['development', 'test'])
hibernate {
cache {
What fails:
JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(compiledReport, params,dataSource.getConnection())
While debugging, the only difference I've found is that the live dataSource, when injected or looked up with DatasourcesUtils.getDataSource(null), is a TransactionAwareDatasourceProxy, and DatasourcesUtils.getDataSource('reporting') is a BasicDataSource
What do I need to do for Jasper to operate on the active in-memory H2 database?
This failure is not reproducible against a real postgres database.

Probably you are opening a different database. Using the database URL jdbc:h2:mem:testDb will open an in-memory database within the same process and class loader.
Did you try already using a regular persistent database, using the database URL jdbc:h2:~/testDb?
To use open an in-memory database that is running in a different process or class loader, you need to use the server mode. That means, you need to start a server where the database is running, and connect to it using jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/mem:testDb.
See also the database URL overview.

H2 doesn't currently support case-insensitive identifiers (table names, column names). I know other databases support it, but currently H2 uses regular java.util.HashMap<String, ..> for metadata, and that's case sensitive (whether or not IGNORECASE is used).
In this case, the identifier names are case-sensitive. I tried with the database URL jdbc:h2:mem:testReportingDb;MODE=PostgreSQL;IGNORECASE=TRUE;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=false using the H2 Console:
CREATE TABLE lower(name VARCHAR(255));
-- ok:
SELECT * FROM lower;
-- fail (table not found):
SELECT * FROM upper;
So, the question is: when creating the tables, were they created with uppercase identifiers or a different database URL? Is it possible to change that? If not: is it possible to use a different database URL?

Just don't run reports against in-memory datasources, and this won't be an issue.


What could cause Firebird to silently turn calculated fields into "normal" fields?

I'm using Firebird 2.5.8 to store information for a software I designed.
A customer contacted me today to inform me of multiple errors that I couldn't understand, and I used the "IBExpert" tool to inspect its database.
To my surprise, all the calculated fields had been transformed into "standard" fields. This is clearly visible in the "DDL" tab of the database tool, which displays tables definition as SQL code.
For instance, the following table definition:
has been "changed" in the client database into this:
How can such a thing be possible?
I've been using Firebird for more than 10 years, and I've never seen such a behavior until now. Is it possible that it could be a corruption of RDB$FIELDS.RDB$COMPUTED_SOURCE fields?
What would you advise?
To summarize the discussion on firebird-support (and comments above):
The likely cause of this happening is that the database was backed up and restored using gbak, and the restore did not complete successfully. If this happens, gbak will have ended in an error, and the database is in single shutdown state (which means only SYSDBA or the database owner is allowed to create one connection). If the database is not currently in single shutdown mode, someone used gfix to bring the database online again in normal state.
When a database is restored using gbak, calculated fields are initially created as normal fields (though their values are not part of the backup). After data is restored successfully, those fields are altered to be calculated fields. If there are any errors before or during redefinition of the calculated fields, the restore will fail, and the database will be in single shutdown state, and the calculated fields will still be "normal" fields.
I recommend doing a structural comparison of the database to check if calculated fields are the only problem, or if other things (e.g. constraints) are missing. A simple way to do this is to export the DDL of the database and a "known-good" database, for example using ISQL (command line option -extract), and comparing them with a diff tool.
Then either fix the existing database by executing the necessary DDL to restore calculated fields (and other things), or create a new empty database, and move the data from the old to the new (using a datapump tool).
Also check if any data is missing. By default, gbak restores the data in a single transaction, so in that case either all data is present or all data is missing. However, gbak also has a "transaction-per-table" mode (-ONE_AT_A_TIME or -O), which could mean some tables have data, and others have no data.

How to use pyodbc to migrate tables from MS Access to Postgres?

I need to migrate tables from MS Access to Postgres. I'd like to use pyodbc to do this as it allows me to connect to the Access database using python and query the data.
The problem I have is I'm not exactly sure how to programmatically create a table with the same schema other than just creating a SQL statement using string formatting. pyodbc provides the ability to list all of the fields, field types and field lengths, so I can create a long SQL statement with all of the relevant information, however how can I do this for a bunch of tables? would I need to build SQL string statements for each table?
import pyodbc
access_conn_str = (r'DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)}; 'r'DBQ=C:\Users\bob\access_database.accdb;')
access_conn = pyodbc.connect(access_conn_str)
access_cursor = access_conn.cursor()
postgres_conn_str = ("DRIVER={PostgreSQL Unicode};""DATABASE=access_database;""UID=user;""PWD=password;""SERVER=localhost;""PORT=5433;")
postgres_conn = pyodbc.connect(postgres_conn_str)
postgres_cursor = postgres_conn.cursor()
table_ditc = {}
row_dict = {}
for row in access_cursor.columns(table='table1'):
row_dict[row.column_name] = [row.type_name, row.column_size]
table_ditc['table1'] = row_dict
for table, values in table_ditc.items():
print(f"Creating table for {table}")
access_cursor.execute(f'SELECT * FROM {table}')
result = access_cursor.fetchall()
postgres_cursor.execute(f'''CREATE TABLE {table} (Do I just put a bunch of string formatting in here?);''')
postgres_cursor.executemany(f'INSERT INTO {table} (Do I just put a bunch of string formatting) VALUES (string formatting?)', result)
As you can see, with pyodbc I'm not exactly sure how to build the SQL statements. I know I could build a long string by hand, but if I were doing a bunch of different tables, with different fields etc. that would not be realistic. Is there a better, easier way to create the table and insert rows based off of the schema of the Access database?
I ultimately ended up using a combination of pyodbc and pywin32. pywin32 is "basically a very thin wrapper of python that allows us to interact with COM objects and automate Windows applications with python" (quoted from second link below).
I was able to programmatically interact with Access and export the tables directly to Postgres with DoCmd.TransferDatabase
import win32com.client
import pyodbc
import logging
from pathlib import Path
conn_str = (r'DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)}; 'rf'DBQ={access_database_location};')
conn = pyodbc.connect(conn_str)
cursor = conn.cursor()
a = win32com.client.Dispatch("Access.Application")
table_list = []
for table_info in cursor.tables(tableType='TABLE'):
for table in table_list:"Exporting: {table}")
acExport = 1
acTable = 0
db_name = Path(access_database_location).stem.lower()
a.DoCmd.TransferDatabase(acExport, "ODBC Database", "ODBC;DRIVER={PostgreSQL Unicode};"f"DATABASE={db_name};"f"UID={pg_user};"f"PWD={pg_pwd};""SERVER=localhost;"f"PORT={pg_port};", acTable, f"{table}", f"{table.lower()}_export_from_access")"Finished Export of Table: {table}")"Creating empty table in EGDB based off of this")
This approach seems to be working for me. I like how the creation of the table/fields as well as insertion of data is all handled automatically (which was the original problem I was having with pyodbc).
If anyone has better approaches I'm open to suggestions.

Loopback (DB2) - Can not create an instance of PersistedModel that uses a schema other than the userid

I am trying to define a model that is based on the PersistedModel to access a table in DB2, call it MY_SCHEMA.MY_TABLE.
I created the model MY_TABLE, based on PersistedModel, with a Data Source (datasources.json) where the definition includes the attribute "schema": "MY_SCHEMA". The data source also contains the userid my_userid, used for the connection.
Current Behavior
When I try to call the API for this model, it tries to access the table my_userid.MY_TABLE.
Expected Behavior
It should access MY_SCHEMA.MY_TABLE.
The DB2 instance happens to be on a System Z. I have created a table called my_userid.MY_TABLE and that will work, however for the solution we are trying to build, there are multiple schemas required.
Note that this only appears to be an issue with Db2 on System Z. I can change schemas on Db2 LUW.
What LoopBack connector are you using? What version? Can you also check what version of loopback-ibmdb is installed in your node_modules folder?
AFAICT, LoopBack's DB2-related connectors support schema field, see
self.schema = this.username;
if (settings.schema) {
self.schema = settings.schema.toUpperCase();
self.connStr += ';CurrentSchema=' + self.schema;
Have you considered configuring the database connection using DSN instead of individual fields like hostname and username?
In your datasource config JSON:
"dsn": "DATABASE={dbname};HOSTNAME={hostname};UID={username};PWD={password};CurrentSchema=MY_SCHEMA"

Bi-directional database syncing for Postgres and Mongodb

Let's say I have a local server running and I also have an exactly similar server already running on amazon.
Both server can CRUD data to its databases.
Note that the servers use both `postgres` and `mongodb`.
Now when no one is using the wifi (usually in the night), I would like to sync both postgres and mongodb databases so that all writes from each database on server to each database on local gets properly applied.
I don't want to use Multi-Master because:
MongoDB does not support this architecture itself, so perhaps I will need a complex alternative.
I want to control when and how much I sync both databases.
I do not want to use network bandwidth when others are using the internet.
So can anyone show me right direction.
Also, if you list some tools that solve my problem, it will be very helpful.
We have several drivers what would be able to help you with this process. I'm presuming some knowledge of software development and will showcase our ADO.NET Provider for MongoDB, which using the familiar-looking MongoDBConnection, MongoDBCommand, and MongoDBDataReader objects.
First, you'll want to create your connection string for connecting with you cloud MongoDB instance:
string connString = "Auth Database=test;Database=test;Password=test;Port=27117;Server=http://clouddbaddress;User=test;Flatten Objects=false";
You'll note that we have the Flatten Objects property set to false, this ensures that any JSON/BSON objects contained in the documents will be returned as raw JSON/BSON.
After you create the connection string, you can establish the connection and read data from the database. You'll want to store the returned data in some way that would let you access it easily for future use.
List<string> columns = new List<string>();
List<object> values;
List<List<object>> rows = new List<List<object>>();
using (MongoDBConnection conn = new MongoDBConnection(connString))
//create a WHERE clause that will limit the results to newly added documents
MongoDBCommand cmd = new MongoDBCommand("SELECT * FROM SomeTable WHERE ...", conn);
rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
results = 0;
while (rdr.Read())
values = new List<object>();
for (int i = 0; i < rdr.FieldCount; i++)
if (results == 0)
After you've collected all of the data for each of the objects that you want to replicated, you can configure a new connection to your local MongoDB instance and build queries to insert the new documents.
connString = "Auth Database=testSync;Database=testSync;Password=testSync;Port=27117;Server=localhost;User=testSync;Flatten Objects=false";
using (MongoDBConnection conn = new MongoDBConnection(connString)) {
foreach (var row in rows) {
//code here to create comma-separated strings for the columns
// and values to be inserted in a SQL statement
String sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO backup_table (" + column_names + ") VALUES (" + column_values + ")";
MongoDBCommand cmd = new MongoDBCommand(sqlInsert, conn);
At this point, you'll have inserted all of the new documents. You could then change your filter (the WHERE clause at the beginning) to filter based on updated date/time and update their corresponding entries in the local MongoDB instance using the UPDATE command.
Things to look out for:
Be sure that you're properly filtering out new/updated entries.
Be sure that you're properly interpreting the type of variable so that you properly surround with quotes (or not) when entering the values in the SQL query.
We have a few drivers that might be useful to you. I demonstrated the ADO.NET Provider above, but we also have a driver for writing apps in Xamarin and a JDBC driver (for Java).

Code first migration for a SQL Server CE database file

MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion is used. The database that is stored within SQL Server Express is updated.
When opening a local stored .sdf file (SQL Server CE database) with a valid path and file name, this file is not updated.
Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<DTDataContext, Configuration>());
var connection = DTDataContext.GetConnectionSqlServerCE40(fullPathName);
dataBaseContext = new DTDataContext(connection, true);
The MigrationHistory entries will be made in SQL Server Express and not in the local SQL Server CE database file.
What would be the easiest way to update a local SQL Server CE database file?
After a few experiments, an adequate solution was found (which fits for my purpose).
The question was focused about the old sdf(s) that were previously written but with an older model in contrast to the code.
I decided not to migrate old files (which are applied as a kind of backups).
Only reading will be made within those files. Obviously, it is possible that newer sdf(s) will be read once in the future but that's not a big deal.
Before reading stuff of an entity that could maybe not exist (in a sdf), it will be checked via SqlQuery and count(*).
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage( "Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes" )]
private bool TestIfTableExists( string tableName, DTDataContext dataContext )
int cnt = dataContext.Database.SqlQuery<int>( "select count(*) from " + tableName ).First();
return cnt > 0;
catch( Exception ex ) { /*available SqlCeException assembly does not fit --- table does not exist*/ return false; }
btw When using SqlCeException (v3.5), which could be provided as a reference via the assembly search, the above situation would fail (=unhandled exception!). Have not tested it with v4 because I wanna avoid a 'manual' reference because it must be checked in (no need for any path problems with other workstations).
Concerning writing a sdf:
When writing a new sdf with the current model, this is not a problem at all.
Database.CreateIfNotExists() was applied.
In my case, updating a sdf was not necessary --- and a quick solution for that was not found.