how to annotate files - when long filenames are not enough - metadata

I work with many files doing general data analysis.
Things I want to know about my files include:
what data is contained in the file (in long and very long descriptive, english text)?
is the file downloaded from somewhere (where? when?) or generated by a program (which one?)
why I made this file, verbal description what I want to do with it, where it belongs in my data analysis workflow (additional english text description, can get very long as well)
For this, long filenames are simply not the solution! Even long filenames are too short for the full descriptions, and when actually working with the files (perl, awk, R) the long filenames get in the way.
What I do right now is make a readme in each dir with the filename, tab-separator, and the long description. However this solution is very cumbersome as you can imagine because the descriptions are completely separated from the filesystem and everything, the readme has to be maintained and updated separatedly etc.
Is there any tool one can use for really verbose, systematic descriptions of filenames? Maybe even integrated into the filesystem?
Operating system used: Windows 7 and Cygwin, various flavours of linux/unix through SSH and importing X


Can VSCode display a binary file if there is an executable that will convert it to an equivalent text file?

I sometimes use VSCode for a Delphi 7 project because I like VSCode's git functionality and for a few other reasons (superior string search, diff, etc).
Delphi 7 is a pain, and to get it to consistently compile I need to convert the dfm files to their binary version (all 2300 of them). This of course makes them unviewable in the diff viewer, or to just open the file?
Is there a setting where if I open that file, it will first pass it through the convert.exe (that's its actual name) util so that it can be viewed as a text? I understand that this might be read-only, which would be sufficient to my needs (though if on save it could just pass it back through, that'd be great too).
I'm having trouble figuring out what exactly to to search for on Google (the keywords seem too generic), but I can imagine some generalized functionality that would work for other environments beyond just Delphi/pascal.

Rename a group of .txt files based on content that appears after a specific string in the text file?

I have a folder with hundreds of text files in it. The file names have zero meaning. I am trying to extract a variable number that appears after a string in each file and and rename the files using it. I'm somewhat of a Powershell newbie (an old timer form the DOS world) but I have written many useful scripts with it. I've searched high an low, this one has me stumped.
Any and all suggestions are welcome, or I'd happily pay someone for the snippet of code. -Ed

Opening .py files with micropython on TI Nspire

I uploaded Fabian Vogt's micropython port to my TI Nspire CX CAS, together with a couple of *.py.tns files to try. I can't find a way to load/launch those files.
As micropython does not include the os module, I can't use os.chdir to change the current directory and load the *.py files from the python shell. I tried from python shell: open("documents/mydirectory/myfile")
with different extensions .py or .py.tns, without success.
I don't think the Nspire has anything like the terminal commmand line either.
Thanks for your help,
There are 2 ways that you could do this, one easy way and one tedious way.
1. Map .py to micropython in your ndless.cfg
(ndless.cfg should be at /documents/ndless/ndless.cfg)
Like so:
You can edit this file either by copying it back and forth from your computer using TiLP or the official software, or you can edit it on-calc using nTxt. (This requires a bit of fiddling with making a copy of ndless.cfg so that the mappings still exist to open the copied file ndless.txt).
Ndless should come with a standard ndless.cfg containing basic bindings for nTxt and a few popular emulators. If you don't have one, get the standard one here. It will scan all directories (at least /documents/*, AFAIK) for programs. I've found that removing lines related to programs not on your Nspire will decrease load time.
2. Proper way to run a file in Python
To run a file in Python, you should do something like this:
with open("/documents/","r") as file:
This will properly close the file after executing, which I've noticed is quite important on the Nspire, as leaving files open has given me trouble before. Of course, if you'd like, you can do exec(open("...","r").read()) and then handle closing the file yourself, but be warned: bad things can happen if you forget.
Also, you must remember to add the leading / and the .tns extension, or else strange things will happen, especially with writing to files.
That's about it! Feel free to ask more questions if needed, I'll be watching the ti-nspire tag.
(Just realized this question is quite old, but I guess it still might be helpful for others who end up on empty questions months later while trying to figure something out :P)

use matlab to open a file with an outside program and execute 'save as'

Alright, here's what I'm dealing with (you can skip to TLDR if all you need to see is what I want to run):
I'm having an issue with file formatting for a nasty conglomeration of several ancient programs I've strung together. I have some data in .CSV format, and I need to put it into .SPC format. I've tried a set of proprietary MATLAB programs called 'GS tools' for fast and easy conversion, but fast and easy doesn't look like its gonna happen here since there are discrepancies in how .spc files are organized now and how they were organized back when my ancient programs were written.
If I could find the source code for the old programs I could probably alter the GS tools code to write my .spc files appropriately, but all I can find are broken links circa 2002 and earlier. Seeing as I don't know what my programs are looking for, I have no choice but to try resaving my data with other programs until one of them produces something workable.
I found my Cinderella program: if I open the data I have in a program called Spekwin and save the file with a .spc extension... viola! Everything else runs on those files. The problem is that I have hundreds of these files and I'd like to automate the conversion process.
I either need to extract the writing rubric Spekwin uses for .spc files (I believe that info is stored in a dll file within the program, but I'm not sure if that actually makes sense) and use it as a rule to write a file from my input data, or I need a piece of code that will open a file with Spekwin, tell Spekwin to save that file under the .spc extension, and terminate Spekwin.
TLDR: Need a command that tells the computer to open a file with a certain program, save that file under a different extension through that program (essentially open*.csv>save as>*.spc), then terminate the program.
OR--I need a way to tell MATLAB to write a file according to rules specified by a .dll, but I'm not sure I fully understand what that entails.
Of course I'm open to suggestions on other ways to handle this.

Using version control for RTF documents?

I have recently started a new job as a Business Systemd Analyst. The company has an in-house document management system that reads/parses RTF documents that have a BBCode-like syntax to do basic conditional, looping and inserting of data from a database; my role is to modify these RTF files with the code blocks to make them dynamic.
For my own personal use I would like to utilize a version control system to better handle revisions and so I don't have to have dozens of copies of a file during the various stages I'm working on them, probably Mercurial (I don't feel like dealing with Cygwin), but seeing as I'm more used to source code in an IDE than a rich text document template, I'm not quite sure if a VCS system is even the appropriate solution to use as I couldn't really use them to diff files, just as storage and tracking.
Any suggestions for this? Could I get by with a VCS system or am I applying programmer logic to a non-programming problem? :)
seeing as I'm more used to source code in an IDE than a rich text
document template
It is a look at a strange angle: you can version all, always, anytime. Just sometimes it's less usable, sometimes - more.
If your files are basically text - you can version/compare/rollback, if your files are readable by special viewers texts - you can also diff revisons, if your files are readable by eyes - you can also merge sources. If you have GUI, you have all power of SCM and usability of tools.
...And be glad that you did not have to work with something like this
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1251\deff0\deflang1049{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset204{\*\fname Arial;}Arial CYR;}}
{\colortbl ;\red0\green128\blue0;}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20\'dd\'f2\'ee \'ef\'e5\'f0\'e2\'e0\'ff \'f1\'f2\'f0\'ee\'ea\'e0\par
\'dd\'f2\'ee \b\'e2\'f2\'ee\'f0\'e0\'ff \cf1\b0\'f1\'f2\'f0\'ee\'ea\'e0\cf0\par
(ordinary pure-RTF with short russian text in it)