File copy error while deploying wsp in sharepoint 2010 - deployment

We get the following error when we add and deploy a wsp in sharepoint 2010.
Add is successful.
Deploy to a particular web-application gives this error:
Error: The copying of this file failed: Feature.xml.
Type 'System.Security.Principal.WindowsImpersonationContext' in Assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' is not marked as serializable.
The wsp has about 5 features. Looking at the ULS log viewer we were able to figure out that the error occurs when the feature.xml belonging to the first feature (first in alphabetical order) is getting deployed. Removing this feature, repackaging and redeploying does not help still. This time, the deployment fails with the second feature (which is now first in alphabetical order, because the former was removed).
The wsp is deployed with the user who is a farm administrator.Its a farm solution.
The deployment was tried using stsadm/Powershell/Central admin UI and failed in all three cases with the same error.
What is weird is, the same wsp successfully deploys in another 2010 machine(which happens to be our dev machine), but fails in our test environment.
Any ideas?


I am not able to add migrations in visual studio 2022 , dot net core based project I am seeing the below error and I have tried different methods

I am running a migration script using package manager console after setting dependencies in corresponding files in dot net core based project and i am receiving below error after running the below migration command in package manager console ,
Add-Migration "InitialCreate"
Error received :
Unable to create an object of type 'PaymentDetailContext'. For the different patterns supported at design time, see
I have gone through different ways to troubleshoot this issue inorder to create a migration file
I am logging using windows authentication method and kindly help me to resolve this issue in visual studio 2022
Entity framework Dot Net Core Error In Adding Migrations
I have tried to check all the corresponding files whether any spelling mistakes in connection string file , added corresponding packages using browse option and installed
I am expecting this error to be resolved (below one ) after executing the script
Add-Migration "InitialCreate"
Unable to create an object of type 'PaymentDetailContext'. For the different patterns supported at design time, see
and thereby generating the migration script inside web api project

New-AzureHDInsightCluster / Get-AzureHDInsightJobStatus error

Since the updated version of Azure PowerShell (0.9.7) was released on August 14th 2015, I'm getting the following error whenever I run New-AzureHDInsightCluster or Get-AzureHDInsightJobStatus. Both worked without issue before installing the new release. Any ideas?
Validating connection to '' failed. Inner
exception:Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
The new PowerShell release uses Azure Resource Manager mode instead of Azure Service mode. For more information on the ARM mode, see and
First you need to decide which mode to use. Either way, I would recommended to use the following cmdlet to confirm the mode you are in:
Switch-AzureMode AzureResourceManager
The following article shows you how to provision a cluster using the ARM mode.

TFS to VisualStudio Online Migration - Access to directory is denied

I'm trying the new OpsHub TFS to Visual Studio Online migration tool and have run into a snag. After successfully setting up the migration configuration, I begin the migration.
On the first changeset of the migration, I receive the error:
"OH_SCM_009: Error occurred while sync. Access to the path 'O:\w15_2\ProjectName'"
Where ProjectName is the name of my project.
Through deletion and recreation of the project in VSOnline, I found that the folder 'w15_2' would change, an indication that this path (and subsequent access failure) is in VSOnline. I have confirmed the user I am using for migration is a project collection admin, project admin, and project collection service account (per the OpsHub help page).
I'm not really sure where to go from here... any ideas how to get around this access denied error?
The error indicates that the utility does not have ability to write at location at :\Program Files\OpsHub Visual Studio Online Migration Utility\TFS_Temp which is used by the utility for temp work space. (It is aliased to O drive). Please check to make sure that this location is writeable.

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Unable to resolve assembly 'nameOfDll'

Have a Visual Studio 2010 application that use Entity Framwork to bind controls. After publishing the application to IIS 7.5, I get the following error stack trace message.
This does not happen when run local!
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Unable to resolve assembly 'nameOfDll'.
After many hours and days of research and following all suggestions, the error still is rendered.
I made sure that all references were loaded locally and set CopyTo: to true for each reference. The only other suggestion was to set the ContextTypeName in the EntityDataSource definition. I am not certain the correct value to enter.
I have also encountered this on IIS 6.0.
You will often get this type of error when there is a version or culture mismatch for a DLL where a specific version and/or culture is demanded.
Use the Fusion Log Viewer (Fuslogvw) to log binding errors. NOTE: You must run it as Administrator or it will silently fail to log.
The output of Fuslogvw will tell you exactly what attempts were made to satisfy binding requests, and why they failed.
If this is in an environment where you can do so, stop IIS, start Fuslogvw, start Fuslogvw logging, then start IIS again and browse to the problematic website. If you cannot stop IIS, I believe it should be sufficient to recycle the relevant application pool with Fuslogvw running and logging. MVC 4 deploy on azure Could not load file or assembly 'DotNetOpenAuth.Core'

Hello I am trying to deploy MVC 4 project on azure
but I get this problem. I searched a lot about the solution but it looks like none
suit my case, this is the Error message I get :
Could not load file or assembly 'DotNetOpenAuth.Core, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2780ccd10d57b246' or one of its
dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not
match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
Before the dotnetopenAuth have no reference in my project I downloaded
but still get the same error .
Anyone have an idea?
I know this is old, but I came across a similar problem and this question popped up as the closest case. This was my issue:
Being, a previous MVC project had been deployed, which contained these references. I deleted them by downloading the publish profile, and, with the "Remove additional files at destination" option checked, I published to Azure.
While publishing, you can select "Remove additional files at destination" and then publish again.
I ran into this issue with continuous deploy between visual studio online and azure.
I modified my build file and changed the "Do Not Delete" setting under "Deployment" in the "Process" Tab to False.
Good to go.
This is a case of version mismatch. The error itself says that manifest definition does not match.
Look carefully at the version of the referenced assembly and the version shown in error message.
In case you are not using openauth you can remove it's reference all together.