How to create custom field and Add more button along with custom field in sugarCRM - sugarcrm

I want to create a custom field which should have 'Add more button' so that we can add as many as we want..(like email address field with + symbol to add more you can see in Contact Module).Is it possible in SugarCRM studio ?

You can't do this in Studio.
A alternate way to do this, is using relationship. But one-many relationship must be managed with in subpanel.

You'll want to look at using the Collection Field type; it's what's used to power the Email address and Teams fields.


Suite CRM - Label missing in subpanel

I have added a new field in the contacts subpanel of Accounts. The added field's name is coming in the Admin ->Studio->Accounts->labels. But it is not coming in the subpanel contacts lists. If i added another label also, it is coming in the Labels list of accounts in studio. Where i missed. Please help. Thanks.
You need add the label to the contacts module. As the sub panels are relationships to other modules. In this case the contacts module.

Dynamic CRM - insert external hyperlink with dynamic parameters in Email workflow

I have a Workflow in CRM 2016 on premise that sends an email to a customer when an order is created. The email contains a URL link to external website used for scheduling. The problem is that the hyperlink in the email doesn't fill the parameters we are using from the CRM entities.
I tried several ways to do this. the first way was using the Insert Hyperlink when creating the email through the workflow. this creates the following tags:
<hyperlink><name>Pro Services Online Scheduling Portal</name><value>{Ship To Contact(Order (Order))}&email={Email(Ship To Account (Account))}&OrderID={Order ID(Order (Order))}&Company={Customer(Order (Order))}&skip=0</value></hyperlink>
This correctly adds the hyperlink into the email but the actual link looks exactly as it does in value tag without the CRM values.
I tried just adding the link as plain text like so:{Ship To Contact(Order (Order))}&email={Email(Ship To Account (Account))}&OrderID={Order ID(Order (Order))}&Company={Customer(Order (Order))}&skip=0
This displays the correct URL with the correct CRM values like:
However, the URL itself is still missing the values so if the customer clicks on the link, the incorrect parameters will be sent. It does work if the customer were to copy and paste the link text instead of clicking the URL but most customers would rather click the link.
I even tried used an HTML anchor tag but that also didnt work.
Has anyone else encountered this problem?
Any help would be appreciated.
Here's some blog posts that helped but still looking for answers.
If you want to use hyperlink then you have to do something similiar to what CRM does for field Record URL(Dynamic).
You can create a new field on the entity say 'EntityName Hyperlink'. Then use plugins to set this value to the desired link on create event.
You can then use this field to create your hyperlink. We do something similair for our case entity we have field Case Hyperlink which i set on create event.
Then we insert it on outgoing emails like this
<hyperlink><name>Hyperlink</name><value>{Case Hyperlink(Case)}</value></hyperlink>
We ended up creating a custom workflow activity to add the hyperlink using SparkleXRM

Change the default form in created contacts in Outlook

You know that Outlook has a default form to show contacts(this one)
and I have my own form created(this one)
I want to see all my contacts like my own form,but I only can create new contacts with that form.I can't modify the created ones,which are with the default form.
How can I do that?
Could I do it with a macro?Any idea?
Thank you very much
Forms are associated with the message class. You need to change the MessageClass property values for contacts where you want to get the form shown. For example, when an item is selected, Outlook uses the message class to locate the form and expose its properties.

vbulletin custom field plugin

I have a question about the vbulletin 4 plugins .
I need to create a plugin that add a new custom field to the registration form .
I don’t want to modify the "register" template or to add this custom field from the admin panel.
sorry i'm new to vbulletin developing and i need your help , or some references on how to work with plugins and custom fields.
Many thanks
Go to ACP - User Profile Fields - Add New User Profile Field and add a new field here. You do not need to modify anything.:)

Add extra fields to Joomla registration forms

I need to add some extra field to Joomla registration form without using any extension. Please does anyone know how I can go about. I have created the extra fields in the db and added the html for the textfields but I don't know what to do next.
Some articles here that describe how to add extra fields: