Export effort and clocksum from org-mode? - emacs

I am tracking project in with org-mode, which is working well for me. I have all of my blocks of work scheduled out, tasks are estimated and time is tracked.
I export it ~ once a week for other people to look at, but I can't get the effort and CLOCKSUM to show in the exported file.
How do I do that?

You can either:
Set org-export-with-drawers to t. This will export the drawer properties below the header. It's exported as an example block, so if you want it to have it's own class for CSS selection, you'll have to define your own org-export-format-drawer function. I use the following configuration:
(setq org-export-with-drawers t)
(defun jbd-org-export-format-drawer (name content)
"Export drawers to drawer HTML class."
(setq content (org-remove-indentation content))
(format "#<div class=\"drawer\">%s#</div>\n" content))
(setq org-export-format-drawer-function 'jbd-org-export-format-drawer)
You can use dynamic blocks to capture the column view by typing C-c C-x i. This will insert a table that displays the column view that can be updated by typing C-c C-c while on the #+BEGIN: line.
I'm actually using both methods for a current project.


emacs > org mode > agenda - always use current buffer

I am using many different org mode files for various projects, and I rev them by adding the date to the filename eg filename-2020-09-17.org. I realize I could use version control but in this case that is not possible, due to needing to share the file with others who are not using VC.
I would like the Agenda to always show just the items for the current file/buffer.
When I save eg the file with filename-2020-09-16.org to filename-2020-09-17.org, then the agenda still shows the old file name unless I remove it from the agenda file list and add the new file.
I realize that I can use C-c a < a but I am lazy and would rather not have to type S-, each time to get the <.
I looked at
Agenda view of the current buffer
And the OP says the solution was simple but he/she/they did not provide the solution - at least I don't see it and I tried the posted code but it no works.
I also found https://www.reddit.com/r/orgmode/comments/bxwovd/agenda_for_current_buffer/ but that did not seem to meet my need.
Specifically I would like to put something in .emacs so that this would apply to all files all the time.
I also looked into a keystroke macro programs but this does not seem ideal.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks ahead of time.
Here's a simple function to do what you want, but there is no error checking to make sure e.g. that you are invoking it from a buffer that is visiting an Org mode file. The idea is that you set the org-agenda-files list to contain just the file which the buffer is visiting and then you call the regular org-agenda function. Binding the modified function to the C-c a key may or may not be what you want to do, but you can try and decide for yourself:
(defun org-agenda-current-buffer ()
(let ((org-agenda-files (list (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))))
(define-key global-map (kbd "C-c a") #'org-agenda-current-buffer)

Search selected text and show all occurrence of it in current (all other buffers) in emacs?

So in notepad++ I can select text, hit C-f, then, if I need to look for occurrence of selection in all opened files, i hit M-o and get nice clickable list with navigating to occurrence option. Or if I need list only for current file I point mouse to “Find all in current document” button do a click and get same nice clickable list only for currently active file. So is it possible to do exact thing in emac?
You can implement that functionality with the following lisp function:
(defun occur-selection ()
(when (region-active-p)
(let (deactivate-mark)
(occur (regexp-quote (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end)))))))
If you put that code in your ~/.emacs file together with the follwing line:
(global-set-key [(meta o)] 'occur-selection)
you should be able to select some text, hit M-o and get a list of all occurrences of the selected text displayed in a separate buffer.
User M-g n and M-g p do cycle through the matching lines in the original buffer.
Note, however, that multiple occurrences in a single line are not distinguished.
By default, Emacs has M-x occur which work similar but slightly differently. It allows you to specify a regular expression, all matches of which in the current buffer will be displayed and hyperlinked.
If your focus is more on navigation than on highlighting all matches of a search term, there might be an external alternative that could help you.
Emacs' original philosophy is not built around user interface metaphors such as clicking with a mouse, it comes from a keyboard only background. If you're interested in this approach, you might want to have a look at the Avy package for Emacs. It lets you quickly jump to one of multiple occurrences of a word.
Check out the excellent Emacs Rocks episode "Jumping Around" to see a precursor of Avy (called ace-jump-mode) in action: http://emacsrocks.com/e10.html
You can do the same thing with the helm package.
Emacs will search the word the cursor/"point" is on (you
don't need to highlight it).
To make helm search in all open files/buffers, use:
M-x helm-multi-swoop-all
To make helm search only in file/buffer you're currently in, use:
M-x helm-swoop
Press the ENTER key to drop into the selected file at the
selected line.
To bind these functions to the same key-comboes, you'd need
this in your .emacs:
(global-set-key (kbd "M-o") 'helm-multi-swoop-all)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-f") 'helm-swoop)
Helm is hosted in the MELPA repository.

Emacs org-mode tags not found

I'm learning to use emacs and org-mode. I create a few tags, in a .org file, as such :outline: lets say.
And then searched for them using:
C-c a m outline
C-c a t outline
C-c \ outline
And the output is always (basically, did't find anything):
Headlines with TAGS match: outline
Press `C-u r' to search again with new search string
What am I doing wrong. Can someone please tell me what I'm missing?
Thanks in advance.
Common problems when initially setting up org-mode include, but are not limited to, properly configuring the org-agenda-files variable. A user may choose to have one or more files, or a directory.
Here is an example of multiple files:
(setq org-agenda-files
(list "~/org/gtd.org" "~/org/work.org" "~/org/personal.org"))
Here is an example of a directory:
(setq org-agenda-files (list "~/"))
(setq org-agenda-file-regexp "\\`[^.].*\\.org\\|.todo\\'")
It is interesting to note that there is also non-interactive function with the same name, which looks up the configuration of the org-agenda-files variable -- the function is what org-mode generally relies upon when any other function looks up the value of the variable. To see an example of how that non-interactive function works, the user can do something like this:
M-x eval-expression RET (org-agenda-files) RET
The importance of setting the org-agenda-files variable can be seen by examining the function org-match-sparse-tree, which in turn calls org-scan-tags using org-make-tags-matcher, which uses org-global-tags-completion-table, which uses the function org-agenda-files, which uses the variable org-agenda-files. If the variable org-agenda-files is not set up correctly, a tags search and auto-completion of tags will not work correctly.
Another common issue arises when the variable org-tag-alist has not yet been properly set up -- here is a link to the manual page on that issue: http://www.orgmode.org/manual/Setting-tags.html

How to truncate the long task name in the agenda custom view?

In emacs org-mode, I define some org-agenda-custom-commands. But some task names are too long than the screen in the Org Agenda buffer.
How to truncate the long task name in the agenda custom view?
The display of the agenda will reflect the setting of Emacs' truncate-lines variable. The function toggle-truncate-lines is the easiest way to flip this on or off interactively. Org-mode also provides the org-startup-truncated variable which will govern what the default value for truncate-lines should be throughout org-mode:
Non-nil means entering Org-mode will set `truncate-lines'.
This is useful since some lines containing links can be very long and
uninteresting. Also tables look terrible when wrapped.
If you really want to have truncation turned off globally (including in Org-mode buffers) but you want lines in your agenda to wrap then you can add something to org-agenda-mode-hook to disable the option:
(defun my/org-agenda-mode-hook ()
(setq truncate-lines nil))
(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook

How to remove directory window and add a cscope window in Emacs ECB?

Yesterday I installed ECB on my Emacs, and I find method window and history window quite useful. But directory tree window and source window less useful, if I can hide them I will save more space for method window and history.
Another problem is that I use cscope to search through the project for definitions and callers, the result of cscope is shown by splitting the main window into two. I'd like to know is it possible to make cscope result window fixed in ECB window, just like method window and history window?
Many thanks.
Thanks to sanityinc and ecb documents, finally I create a layout with cscope fixed in it. I'll post code here in case it will help others.
(require 'ecb)
(ecb-layout-define "my-cscope-layout" left nil
(ecb-split-ver 0.5 t)
(other-window 1)
(ecb-split-ver 0.25 t)
(other-window 1)
(defecb-window-dedicator ecb-set-cscope-buffer " *ECB cscope-buf*"
(switch-to-buffer "*cscope*"))
(setq ecb-layout-name "my-cscope-layout")
;; Disable buckets so that history buffer can display more entries
(setq ecb-history-make-buckets 'never)
There are a bunch of layout presets, listed here, one of which might work for you. Also, you can create a custom layout following the directions here, which can even be done interactively using the ecb-create-new-layout command.
The latter page also describes how to add a new fixed window, of the type you want for cscope.