how do I use grails.serverURL in config.groovy? - deployment

I changed some lines in my config.groovy to this:
// set per-environment serverURL stem for creating absolute links
environments {
production {
grails.serverURL = ""
development {
grails.serverURL = "http://localhost:8099/${appName}"
test {
grails.serverURL = "http://localhost:8080/${appName}"
But when I do run-app it still gives me
Server running. Browse to http://localhost:8080/myProject
Is there somewhere I need to tell it to use config.groovy? Why won't it go on 8099?

By default grails run-app always runs on port 8080. The Config.groovy settings don't effect this. To change the port use the -Dserver.port setting on the run-app command. You can find out more about it in the documentation.
grails -Dserver.port=8099 run-app
That will start your application on port 8099. The Config.groovy values are used when creating absolute links.
As a follow up, you can change the default port. However, this modifies the default port for ALL of your Grails projects.
Edit the following line in $GRAILS_HOME/scripts/_GrailsSettings.groovy (approximately line 92):
serverPort = getPropertyValue("server.port", 8080).toInteger()

Another option would be to set the port for each of your applications. You can do this by adding the following setting to Build.config:
grails.server.port.http = 8081


How do I overwrite config settings from an included file

I have defined some akka remote settings in my application.conf:
akka {
actor {
provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider"
warn-about-java-serializer-usage = false
remote {
enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
netty.tcp {
hostname = "myhost"
port = 2561
maximum-frame-size = 256000b
But then I have another program that needs to access other configuration settings from my application.conf. But I need to ignore the akka config settings. So I've tried the following for the second program:
include "application"
akka {}
But the akka settings from application.conf are still being applied. I know this because I get a bind exception on the akka port eventhough there should be no remote akka in my second app
What is the best way for me clear/ignore the akka config settings from my application.conf?
Let's say you want to override the akka.remote.netty.tcp.port in your another.conf, you simply
include "application.conf"
akka.remote.netty.tcp.port = 2562
It will override the netty tcp port while leaving the rest unchanged and inherited
After some experimentation, the best bet IMO is to factor out your application.conf so that your common settings are in their own conf files.
So you might put the common settings in a common-settings.conf and then in your Akka application you would have
include "common-settings"
akka {
// Akka settings here
And the other modules that need common-settings can just, in their application.conf:
include "common-settings"
This may work better with a multi-module build. If they're the same, e.g., sbt module, then you'll probably replace the canonical application.conf with akka-application.conf and other-application.conf and point your ActorSystem setup code to akka-application.conf instead of application.conf (which probably shouldn't exist in this scenario, as you'd want bare ConfigFactory.load() calls to fail very quickly (the alternative here is to have different programs fighting over who owns application.conf).
The issue you are facing is actually by design. From the HOCON first page documentation:
Duplicate keys are allowed; later values override earlier, except for object-valued keys where the two objects are merged recursively
Therefore, when you add in your second file an akka {} it is just being merged, and not overwritten.
As I can see it, you have 2 options.
Copying the configuration, and override all properties with the one you actually want. That means, that in the second program, you can add:
akka {
actor {
provider = "new value"
warn-about-java-serializer-usage = false
remote {
enabled-transports = ["completely new values"]
netty.tcp {
hostname = "etc..."
port = 2561
maximum-frame-size = 256000b
The other option, which I like less, is to overwrite the object called akka. For doing that, you need to assign to it something that is not an object. Otherwise it will just be merged. For instance, if you add the the second program akka=4, so it will completely remove all of the other values. But! In this case, you have your program to deal with those properties to be missing. That means, that somewhere in your code you will have to write something like (don't forget that config throws on missing):
Try(config.getString("")).getOrElse(Do something here)
You have to do that because now akka is a string, and you cannot look into that as an object.

Unable to download embedded MongoDB, behind proxy, using automatic configuration script

I have a Spring Boot project, built using Maven, where I intend to use embedded mongo db. I am using Eclipse on Windows 7.
I am behind a proxy that uses automatic configuration script, as I have observed in the Connection tab of Internet Options.
I am getting the following exception when I try to run the application. Could not open inputStream for
at ~[de.flapdoodle.embed.process-2.0.1.jar:na]
at ~[de.flapdoodle.embed.process-2.0.1.jar:na]
MongoDB gets downloaded just fine, when I hit the following URL in my web browser:
This leads me to believe that probably I'm missing some configuration in my Eclipse or may be the maven project itself.
Please help me to find the right configuration.
What worked for me on a windows machine:
Download the zip file (
manually and put it (not unpack) into this folder:
Indeed the problem is about your proxy (a corporate one I guess).
If the proxy do not require authentication, you can solve your problem easily just by adding the appropriate -Dhttp.proxyHost=... and -Dhttp.proxyPort=... (or/and the same with "https.[...]") as JVM arguments in your eclipse junit Runner, as suggested here :
One solution to your problem is to do the following.
Download MongoDB and place it on a ftp server which is inside your corporate network (for which you would not need proxy).
Then write a configuration in your project like this
public IRuntimeConfig embeddedMongoRuntimeConfig() {
final Command command = Command.MongoD;
final IRuntimeConfig runtimeConfig = new RuntimeConfigBuilder()
.artifactStore(new ExtractedArtifactStoreBuilder()
.download(new DownloadConfigBuilder()
return runtimeConfig;
With the property mongo.proxy you can control whether Spring Boot downloads MongoDB from your ftp server or from outside. If it is set to true then it downloads from the ftp server. If not then it tries to download from the internet.
The easiest way seems to me to customize the default configuration:
DownloadConfigBuilderCustomizer mongoProxyCustomizer() {
return configBuilder -> {
configBuilder.proxyFactory(new HttpProxyFactory(host, port));
Got the same issue (with Spring Boot 2.6.1 the spring.mongodb.embedded.version property is mandatory).
To configure the proxy, I've added the configuration bean by myself:
private String proxyDomain;
private Integer proxyPort;
RuntimeConfig embeddedMongoRuntimeConfig(ObjectProvider<DownloadConfigBuilderCustomizer> downloadConfigBuilderCustomizers) {
Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass().getPackage().getName() + ".EmbeddedMongo");
ProcessOutput processOutput = new ProcessOutput(Processors.logTo(logger, Slf4jLevel.INFO), Processors.logTo(logger, Slf4jLevel.ERROR), Processors.named("[console>]", Processors.logTo(logger, Slf4jLevel.DEBUG)));
return Defaults.runtimeConfigFor(Command.MongoD, logger).processOutput(processOutput).artifactStore(this.getArtifactStore(logger, downloadConfigBuilderCustomizers.orderedStream())).isDaemonProcess(false).build();
private ExtractedArtifactStore getArtifactStore(Logger logger, Stream<DownloadConfigBuilderCustomizer> downloadConfigBuilderCustomizers) { downloadConfigBuilder = Defaults.downloadConfigFor(Command.MongoD);
downloadConfigBuilder.progressListener(new Slf4jProgressListener(logger));
downloadConfigBuilderCustomizers.forEach((customizer) -> {
DownloadConfig downloadConfig = downloadConfigBuilder
.proxyFactory(new HttpProxyFactory(proxyDomain, proxyPort)) // <--- HERE
return Defaults.extractedArtifactStoreFor(Command.MongoD).withDownloadConfig(downloadConfig);
In my case, I had to add the HTTPS corporate proxy to Intellij Run Configuration.
Https because it was trying to download:
Please keep in mind this is a (DEV) setup.

How to have multiple http configurations with akka-http

With akka-http, you can provide typesafe config as described here which is put in application.conf. so a minified config can look like following:
akka.http {
client {
connecting-timeout = 10s
host-connection-pool {
max-connections = 4
max-open-requests = 32
My question is if I have to call different external services in the app, I create different pool to those. How do I change these config(max-connections, max-open-requests) for these different pools calling different external services.
One solution I have found so far for this is, overwriting the connectionPoolSettings and passing it when creating http pool:
settings = ConnectionPoolSettings(httpActorSystem).withMaxOpenRequests(1).withMaxConnections(1)
Here I can provide appropriate config for maxOpenRequests and maxConnectionsas par my requirement.

Setting DNS lookup's TimeToLive in Scala Play

I am trying to set the TimeToLive setting for DNS Lookup in my Scala-Play application. I use Play 2.5.9 and Scala 2.11.8 and follow the AWS guide. I tried the following ways:
in application.conf
// Set DNS lookup time-to-live to one minute
in AppModule or EagerSingleton (the code would be similar)
class AppModule() extends AbstractModule {
Security.setProperty("networkaddress.cache.ttl", "1")
Security.setProperty("networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl", "1")
passing as environment variable:
sbt clean run
I have the following piece of test code in the application:
for (i <- 1 to 25) {
This always prints the same IP address, e.g. To me it looks like none of the approaches specified above have any effect. However, maybe I am testing something else and not actually the value of TTL. Therefore, I have two questions:
what is the correct way to pass a security variable into a Play application?
how to test it?
To change the settings for DNS cache via you have to provide a custom application loader.
package modules
class ApplicationLoader extends GuiceApplicationLoader {
override protected def builder(context: Context): GuiceApplicationBuilder = {"networkaddress.cache.ttl", "1")
When you build this application loader you can enable it in your application.conf
play.application.loader = "modules.ApplicationLoader"
after that you could use your code above and check if the DNS cache is behaving like you set it up. But keep in mind that your system is accessing a DNS server which is caching itself so you wont see change then.
If you want to be sure that you get different addresses for you should use an authority name server like
If you want to write a test on that you could maybe write a test which requests the address and then waits for the specified amount of time until it resolves again. But with a DNS system out of your control like this could be a problem, if you hit a DNS server with caching.
If you want to write such a check you could do it with
class DnsTests extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
"DNS Cache ttl" should "refresh after 1 second"
in new WithApplicationLoader(new modules.ApplicationLoader) {
// put your test code here
As you can see you can put the custom application loader in the context of the application starting behind your test.

Diacritic Letters are mistreated by Rest Client

I'm using rest:0.8 to connect my main Grails project to another Grails project that serves as a report generator using this line of code:
Map<String, String> adminConfigService = [
webURL: "",
Map params = [
name: "Iñigo",
withHttp(uri: adminConfigService.webURL) {
html = get(query: params)
And then the receiving REST client will process that data. Running the two projects in my local machine works fine. Although when I deploy the war file of the report generator to our tomcat server, it converts the letter "ñ" to "├â┬æ", so the name "Iñigo" is treated as "I├â┬æigo".
Since the Report Generator project works fine when run on my local machine, does that means I need to change some conf files on my Tomcat Server? What setting file do I need to change?
It seems like encoding issue.
Check Config.groovy:
grails.converters.encoding = "UTF-8"
Check file's encoding of controllers and services where you use rest:0.8.
Check URIEncoding in tomcat's server.xml (must be UTF-8).
Also try to set useBodyEncodingForURI="true" (in connector, like URIEncoding parameter).
Do you save this data to the database? If that so, check your DataSource.groovy url parameter:
url = "jdbc:mysql://"
Also check encoding and collation of you table and fields in the database.