MongoDB - DBRef to a DBObject - mongodb

Using Java ... not that it matters.
Having a problem and maybe it is just a design issue.
I assign "_id" field to all of my documents, even embedded ones.
I have a parent document ( and the collection for those ) which has an embedded document
So I have something like:
{ "_id" : "49902cde5162504500b45c2c" ,
"name" : "MongoDB" ,
"type" : "database" ,
"count" : 1 ,
"info" : { "_id" : "49902cde5162504500b45c2y",
"x" : 203 ,
"y" : 102
Now I want to have another document which references my "info" via a DBRef, don't want a copy. So, I create a DBRef which points to the collection of the parent document and specifies the _id as xxxx5c2y. However, calling fetch() on the DBRef gives a NULL.
Does it mean that DBRef and fetch() only works on top level collection entry "_id" fields?
I would have expected that fetch() would consume all keys:values within the braces of the document .. but maybe that is asking too much. Does anyone know?? Is there no way to create cross document references except at the top level?

Yes, your DBRef _id references need to be to documents in your collection, not to embedded documents.
If you want to find the embedded document you'll need to do a query on info._id and you'll need to add an index on that too (for performance) OR you'll need to store that embedded document in a collection and treat the embedded one as a copy. Copying is OK in MongoDB ... 'one fact one place' doesn't apply here ... provided you have some way to update the copy when the main one changes (eventual consistency).
BTW, on DBRef's, the official guidance says "Most developers only use DBRefs if the collection can change from one document to the next. If your referenced collection will always be the same, the manual references outlined above are more efficient."
Also, why do you want to reference info within a document? If it was an array I could understand why you might want to refer to individual entries but since it doesn't appear to be an array in your example, why not just refer to the containing document by its _id?


How to query for MongoDB Document With duplicate Key?

I am having Mongo Documents with duplicate Key,
"_id" : ObjectId("576a3b4a2bf2bc22bccb80ec"),
"Name" : "User1",
"Name" : "User2"
"_id" : ObjectId("576a3b4a2bf2bc22bccb80ab"),
"Name" : "User2",
"Name" : "User1"
When I try to query for Name as "User1". I always get one document only. But result should be two documents. Is there any way that I get correct result?
Thanks in advance
Note: I know my design is wrong I am just trying to make it success.
Please note that according to the docs, it IS possible to have duplicate key names, but depending on the driver you either might not be able to insert or read such data:
BSON documents may have more than one field with the same name. Most MongoDB interfaces, however, represent MongoDB with a structure (e.g. a hash table) that does not support duplicate field names. If you need to manipulate documents that have more than one field with the same name, see the driver documentation for your driver.
Unfortunately, in order to correct your existing data, you will have to use a driver which can handle duplicate keys.
You cannot have two fields with same name in a collection in MongoDB .
When you try to insert a document with two fields with same key , MongoDB will update with the latest value rather than creating a separate fields.
Example :
Will result in inserting 2 documents as shown below
{ "_id" : ObjectId("576a8b4731157693143d0571"), "Name" : "user2" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("576a8b5531157693143d0572"), "Name" : "user1" }
db.collection_name.find({"Name" : "User1"})
For a collection the ObjectId in MongoDB are unique because it acts as the primary key for that collection. As per the MongoDB Manual You can never have two documents in the same collection with same ObjectId.
But for different collections, there's a possibility of having the same ObjectID. And in that case while querying you obviously have to mention the collection name.
Hope this helps

mongodb query on DBRef type

How do I turn this query in a valid mongodb Query in mongodb shell.
{ 'cars.owner.$ref' : 'users' }
cars.owner is a DBRef here, but $ref is invalid
I get this error:
"$err" : "Positional operator does not match the query specifier."
My objective here is to figure out if there are any cars "owned" by different collections then users.
You can query the DBRef in the Mongo shell, but you have to use the DBRef() function. The reference must include at least the $ref and $id. From the docs:
DBRef documents resemble the following document:
{ "$ref" : <value>, "$id" : <value>, "$db" : <value> }
When cars.owner is a reference to a document in the users collection, a query to find all cars where owner is a certain _id might look like (assuming both collections are in the same database):{ "owner" : DBRef("users", ObjectId("<user _id value>")) })
The $ref and $id values cannot be queried directly. The DBRef is most useful in the case where there are multiple references to different collections in the same document. Using DBRef might be overkill when there is only one reference in the document, as others have mentioned.
If you need to reference different collections in your owners field, you are probably better served by using separate owner_collection and owner_id fields. The query to find all owners that are not users would then be a standard query:{ owner_collection: { $ne: "users" } })
MongoDB documentation (database-reference) says following:
MongoDB applications use one of two methods for relating documents:
Manual references where you save the _id field of one document in another document as a reference. Then your application can run a second query to return the related data. These references are simple and sufficient for most use cases.
DBRefs are references from one document to another using the value of the first document’s _id field, collection name, and, optionally, its database name. By including these names, DBRefs allow documents located in multiple collections to be more easily linked with documents from a single collection. To resolve DBRefs, your application must perform additional queries to return the referenced documents. Many drivers have helper methods that form the query for the DBRef automatically. The drivers 1 do not automatically resolve DBRefs into documents.
I don't know about any plans, but I have read that DBRefs should be deprecated(?) nowadays. However, you can use fetch() -method to load referenced documents. For example, I have formView collection which stores documents that contains (DBRef) references to documents in formContent collection. So, running:
var view = db.formView.findOne()
...Will result in following output:
DBRef("formContent", ObjectId("56cb155ea826872b67373e76"))
"_id" : ObjectId("56cb155ea826872b67373e76"),
"code" : "test_content",
"version" : 0
<parameterName>: DBRef("CollectionName", "_id Value")
put in collection.Then Create a Bean having feild name as parameterName, and put #Reference annotation of morphia orm then do operations you want

Denormalization Data in MongoDb Doctrine Symfony 2

I'm Following this Doc
When I Save My Document, I have two Collection
like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("5458e370d16fb63f250041a7"),
"name" : "A Foo Bar",
"price" : 19.99,
"posts" : [
"$ref" : "Embedd",
"$id" : ObjectId("5458e370d16fb63f250041a8"),
"$db" : "test_database"
I'd like have
"_id" : ObjectId("5458e370d16fb63f250041a7"),
"name" : "A Foo Bar",
"price" : 19.99,
"posts" : [
"mycomment" :"dsdsds"
" date" : date
I want denormalization my data. How Can i Do it?
Can I use Methods like $push,$addToSet etc of mongoDb?
Doctrine ODM supports both references and embedded documents.
In your first example, you're using references. The main document (let's assume it's called Product) references many Post documents. Those Post documents live in their own collection (for some reason this is named Embedd -- I would suggest renaming that if you keep this schema). By default, ODM uses the DBRef convention for references, so each reference is itself a small embedded document with $ref, $id, and $db fields.
Denormalization can be achieved by using embedded documents (an #EmbedMany mapping in your case). If you were embedding a Post document, the Post class should be mapped as an #EmbeddedDocument. This tells ODM that it's not a first-class document (belonging to its own collection), so it won't have to worry about tracking it by _id and the like (in fact, embedded documents won't even need identifiers unless you want to map one).
My rule of thumb for deciding to embed or references has generally been asking myself, "Will I need this document outside of the context of the parent document?" If a Post will not have an identity outside of the Product record, I'm comfortable embedding it; however, if I find later that my application also wants to show users a list of all of their Posts, or that I need to query by Posts (e.g. a feed of all recent Posts, irrespective of Product), then I may want to reference documents in a Posts collection (or simply duplicate embedded Posts as needed).
Alternatively, you may decide that Posts should exist in both their own collection and be embedded on Product. In that case, you can create an AbstractPost class as a #MappedSuperclass and define common fields there. Then, extend this with both Post and EmbeddedPost sub-classes (mapped accordingly). You'll be responsible for creating some code to generate an EmbeddedPost from a Post document, which will be suitable for embedding in the Product.posts array. Furthermore, you'll need to handle data synchronization between the top-level and embedded Posts (e.g. if someone edits a Post comment, you may want all the corresponding embedded versions updated as well).
On the subject of references: ODM also supports a simple option for reference mappings, in which case it will just store the referenced document's _id instead of the larger DBRef object. In most cases, having DBRef store the collection and database name for each referenced document is quite redundant; however, DBRef is actually useful if you're using single-collection inheritance, as ODM uses the object to store extra discriminator information (i.e. the class of the referenced object).

Sort collection permanently in Mongodb

Whenever we do db.Collection.find().sort(), only our output is sorted, not the collection itself,
i.e. If i do db.collection.find() then i see the original collection, not the sorted one.
Is there any way to sort the collection itself insted of just sorting the output?
Exporting the sorted result into entire new collection would also work.
if i have numbered _id field.(like _id:1 , _id_2 , _id:3 and so on)
Also I do not see any reason for doing this (index on the field on which you are going to sort it will help you to get this sort fast), here is a solution for your problem:
You have your test collection this way
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5273f6987c6c502364ddfe94"), "n" : 5 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5273f6e57c6c502364ddfe95"), "n" : 14}
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5273f6ee7c6c502364ddfe96"), "n" : -5}
Then the following command will create a sorted collection for you
db.test.find().sort({n : 1}).forEach(function(e){
Completely the same way you can achieve with this (which I assume might perform a faster, but I have not done any testing):
db.testSorted.insert(db.test.find().sort({n : 1}).toArray());
And just to make this answer complete, also I understand that this is an overkill, you can do this with aggregation framework option $out.
Just to highlight: with all this you can solve bigger problem: save into another collection some sort of modification/subset of previous collection.
Documents in a collection are stored in natural order which is affected by document moves (when the document grows larger than the current record space allocated) and deletions (free space can be reused for inserted/moved documents). There is currently (as at MongoDB 2.4) no option to control the order of documents on disk aside from using a capped collection, which is a fixed-size collection that maintains insertion order but is subject to a number of restrictions.
An index is the appropriate way to efficiently return documents in an expected sort order. For more information see: Using Indexes to Sort Query Results in the MongoDB manual.
A related feature is a clustered index, which would store documents on disk to match an index ordering. This is not a current feature of MongoDB, although it has been requested (see SERVER-3294).

Adding an index to a MongoDB collection hash field

I have a MongoDB collection that I would like to add an index on. For the purpose of this post, let's say the collection name is Cats. I have a hash key on the Cats collection so if you do db.cats.findOne(); it'll look like the following:
> db.cats.findOne();
"_id" : ObjectId("4f248f8ae4b0b775c9eb002d"),
"metaData" : {
"type" : "cute",
"id" : "4ed3b6c599114b488be52bc3"
I query very often (using Mongoid), with something like this:
Cat.first(:conditions => { "" => an_id }
I'd really like to be able to take advantages of indexes here, but I'm not entirely sure if I should index all of metaData or just (I query against id specifically, and very often).
Would love any solution to this problem because I think I can dramatically speed up queries if I do the right thing here. Also, this is a unique index.
also metaData is not an embedded document. it does not have its own collection. it is simply a hash with a 1:1 mapping in each cats object.
You can just define an index on the embedded document. This is covered here:
For your specific example, this would be:
db.Cats.ensureIndex({ "" : 1}, {unique : true})
To compare your results do some of your standard queries in the shell with a .explain() to compare the speed with and without the index. If you are not doing a lot of queries you might need to hint the index to use so that it doesn't cache the "best" index (don't forget there is one on _id by default). More explain info here: