UIPickerView and UITableView subview: problem with scroll after new data given - iphone

I need assistance. I made a UIPickerView that has a UITableview subview. I iterate over the pickerArray to generate data for the table. As one chooses the component the tableArray changes. Everything works fine except the scroll. If you scroll down and then select another component the tableArray changes but the position you chose remains static. So, if you scroll to the middle of the table and then select another component you will be looking at the new table data from the middle as well. I want the table to scroll back to the top of the table and not stay at the middle.

On your table view, call:
[self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:0] atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated:YES];


UITableView won't reload contentSize

I have a UITableView, that add's some data after the UITableView reloaded for the first time, but I can't scroll down to the new data if I scroll I see the new data but then it scrolls back automatically, and yes I reloaded my UITableView, so I checked my UITableView contentSize and it won't change after the reload but after I go to another view (UINavigationController) and pop back the UITableView contentSize does change and it works! How can I fix this?
I had a similar issue and solved it using the same technique as Daan (as far as I can tell).
In my case I was using a static UITableView that had some of its rows and sections hidden initially (by setting appropriate return values from numberOfSectionsInTableView: and tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:). I was pushing a VC onto the nav stack to collect additional data which I would then use to fill in the hidden tableview sections, calling reloadData on the tableview to refresh it.
This worked fine in iOS7, but in iOS6 the tableview's contentSize.height never changed from its initial value (218 pts) to the taller value (504 pts) derived from the addition of the new sections. As such, you could not scroll to the content at the bottom of the tableview. Trying to force the contentSize did not work as it was immediately set back to 218.
Changing the tableView's contentOffset allowed me to scroll to the bottom of the content, but if you tapped the UITextField in the last cell, it would whip off screen as the keyboard was shown.
I finally was able to come up with a solution that worked in both iOS6 and iOS7 without issue. I used the old beginUpdates / insert or delete rows and sections / endUpdates methods of UITableView, as follows:
// change the tableView's data source to reflect insertions/deletions
[self.tableView beginUpdates];
[self.tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:#[ [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:1 inSection:0] ] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic];
[self.tableView insertSections:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSRangeFromString(#"1,3")] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic];
[self.tableView endUpdates];
As you can see, in this particular case I had to remove a row from the first (and only) section and add three sections to the end of the tableview.

updating tableViewCell with modifications done in another view

In my app am using tableview in which each cell am adding UIScrollView, in that scrollView again am adding UIView(this view is adding from another view class). When touch actions of view is performing but when i scroll the table all the modifications in view is reloading with what is there at the time of loading.
So how can we save the modifications of view which are done in another class in present tablecell.
in touchesEnded method am using
[music.createTableView beginUpdates];
[music.createTableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:indexPath, nil] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationNone];
[music.createTableView endUpdates];
Any help or suggestion.
Thanks in advance.
Suppose, you are using NSArray to show data in rows of tableview. Inside that, you will keep another NSArray to show array of UIViews inside a every row. If you use NSDictionary to store data of UIView, you can set a flag in that dictionary which will change according to user touch. Hope it will help you.

how to center uitableview selection with indexpath value

I am saving the indexPath selection from a subview and passing it to the parent view with delegates. When I got back to my subview from my main view I pass the indexPath back to it and show the user which cell they previously selected with a tick in the accessory view of the tableviewcell.
One problem being if the user has selected a cell out of a fairly big list its hard to find the cell they selected again incase they wanted to change it (being that they made a mistake)
I would like to know if their is a way to use indexPath or something similar to center the previously selected cell of the uitableview to the center of the screen?
Here is a graphical view of what I am trying to achive to make it abit more understandable..
step one : select cell then go to subview and select the cell (value) you want to pass back to main view (save indexPath of selected cell)
step two: user either wants to change his selection or made a mistake and was ment to select the cell below the one they chose... repeat previous steps but display previously selected cell in the center of the view..
Have you tried the following function
[tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath: atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionMiddle animated:YES]
a UITableView is a subclass of UIScrollView - try setting the Content Offset (figure out how much with the cell height and indexPath).
[tableView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, indexPath.row*cellHeight) animated:YES];
should work. You might want to do the math a little differently.

how to show the UItableViewcell where the user is writing?

I have a tableView with a lot of field, like a form. The question is that when the user is changing to the next row, if the row is bellow the keyboard, the user does not see the label nor the text his writing.
I have try to use:
NSIndexPath *path = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:indexPath.row + 1 inSection:indexPath.section];
[self.theTable scrollToRowAtIndexPath:path atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated:YES];
but without success.
Let me tell you that the viewController is controlling a view, with a table inside it. The table is not the view itself.
How can I make the cell becomes visible, so that the user can see, even if that's the last row of the table (has about 20 rows)?
Either use a subclass of UITableViewController (which already handles this automatically) or resize your table view when the keyboard becomes visible, so that it's not behind the keyboard. You can also use the contentInset property instead of changing the table view's frame.
To be notified when the keyboard shows or hides, listen for UIKeyboardWillShowNotification and UIKeyboardWillHideNotification.
For handling the keyboard yourself look at this answer resize UIView when showing the keyboard for iphone, how to?

Displaying dynamic subview in tableviewcell

After the user taps a tableview cell, I'd like to slide open a small view just below the cell . The first screenshot of these two apps show this:
Tweetie 2: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tweetie-2/id333903271?mt=8
Pastebot: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id344614116?mt=8
I know how to dynamically increase the height of a cell but that is a different effect than the above. The slide out view affect doesn't seem to increase the cell's height. Also, the new view isn't as wide. Any suggestions on how to go about designing that?
You could create and insert, with animation, a new custom cell under it. Check out insertRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:.
I also really like your idea of using a "slideout" view, but I agree with TechZen that this should be added as a subview of the cell.
If you want to increase the height of the cell, you need to return the correct heights for all the cells from the delegate method tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:. You will need to return the same height (standard is 44) for all rows except the one with the extra view which will be increased by the height of the new view.
I don't think they're sliding a view beneath the cell view, I think they're inserting the view into the cell itself and modifying the graphics to create the illusion of an overlying view.
I don't really know how they did that, but in the last minutes I tried some experiments and... the easiest solution is definitely:
NSIndexPath *myIndexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:[selectedCell intValue]+1 inSection:0];
[tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:[NSArray arrayWithObject:myIndexPath] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationTop];
Insert some custom graphics (cellForRowAtIndexPath) and it looks quite the same.
Those two apps are doing things that are quite different. Tweetie is overlaying a new cell on top of an existing one, while PasteBot is creating a new one underneath, and animating the expansion of the table view. Mooch! does the same thing as PasteBot, and it's a really cool effect that I'd like to duplicate.