Difference between param[out] and return in doxygen? - doxygen

What is the difference between \param[out] and \return in Doxygen? They both seem to document the output / return of a function. Is the difference due to void functions which don't have a return value and only param[out] would be valid?

Out parameters are different from return values. Take this example in C:
* \param[in] val Value calculations are based off.
* \param[out] variable Function output is written to this variable.
* \return Nothing
void modify_value(int val, int *variable)
val *= 5;
int working = val % 44;
*variable = working;
The function returns nothing, but the value to which variable points is changed, hence we call it an output parameter. It represents an 'output' of the function in that we expect it to be modified somehow by the function. val, on the other hand, is an 'input' parameter because it is not modified (and, indeed, cannot be modified from the perspective of the function's caller, since it is passed as a value).
Here's a slightly more useful and realistic example:
typedef struct data {
int i;
int j;
} data;
* \param[in] val Initialising parameter for data.
* \param[out] dat Data pointer where the new object should be stored.
* \return True if the object was created, false if not
* (i.e., we're out of memory)
bool create_data(int val, data **dat)
data *newdata;
newdata = (data*)malloc(sizeof(data));
if(newdata == NULL)
*dat = NULL;
return false;
newdata->i = val;
*dat = newdata;
return true;
In this case, we construct some complex object inside the function. We return a simple status flag that lets the user know the object creation was successful. But we pass out the newly-created object using an out parameter.
(Although, of course, this function could easily just return a pointer. Some functions are more complex!)

As a simpler answer, [out] parameters are only for results returned via parameters not the return value. It is quite reasonable to have a function which has a return value and also has optional return data, eg: one I'm just writing has the signature:
Determine UTF type of a file.
Unless a UTF8 file has a BOM, it is regarded as unknown.
#param [in] path Path to file suitable for ifstream
#param [out] bomWasFound optional return flag to indicate a BOM was found, really only useful for UTF8
#return an enum indicating type, default utf_unknown
UtfType CheckFileType(const std::string& path, bool* bomWasFound=0);


Get the actual structure size before alignment

So it turns out that both dt struct and ?? sizeof struct return the total size the struct occupies in memory after alignment.
Is there a way to get the actual size of the struct before alignment?
I need this functionality for a function that returns the actual size of a field within a struct. For example:
__declspec(align(64)) struct ALIGNED_STRUCT {
char field;
running ?? sizeof(ALIGNED_STRUCT) one should get 0x40 which makes it hard to deduce the actual size of the internal field.
command outputs:
2:001> dt -v ALIGNED_STRUCT
struct ALIGNED_STRUCT, 1 elements, 0x40 bytes
+0x000 field : Char
3:001> ?? sizeof(ALIGNED_STRUCT)
No -- there isn't a way to return the structure size "before alignment". That's not really meaningful in any case. The compiler is always using the aligned size. The symbols have the aligned size. That's the size of the type.
If you are looking for things like the "size of an internal field", there are numerous ways to accomplish this. As mentioned in comments, you can do the quick dirty EE sizeof thing:
dx sizeof(((ALIGNED_STRUCT *)0)->field)
You can also get full access to the underlying type system via the data model APIs (in either a C/C++ extension or in JavaScript) which will allow you to find out pretty much whatever you want about the types: their fields, sizes, offsets, function parameter types, template arguments, etc...
From C/C++, you can:
QI for IDebugHostSymbols (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/ddi/dbgmodel/nn-dbgmodel-idebughostsymbols)
Get an IDebugHostModule (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/ddi/dbgmodel/nn-dbgmodel-idebughostmodule) for the module containing your structure by calling the FindModuleByName method.
Get an IDebugHostType (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/ddi/dbgmodel/nn-dbgmodel-idebughosttype) for the type you want to inquire about (e.g.: ALIGNED_STRUCT) by calling FindTypeByName
Enumerate its fields with EnumerateChildren, getting an IDebugHostField (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/ddi/dbgmodel/nn-dbgmodel-idebughostfield) for each
Get the offset of such field by calling GetOffset
Get the type of each field by calling GetType, getting you back to another IDebugHostType
Get the size of the field by calling GetSize
That might look something like this:
ComPtr<IDebugHostSymbols> spHostSymbols; /* QI this off IDebugClient, etc... */
ComPtr<IDebugHostModule> spMyModule;
if (FAILED(spHostSymbols->FindModuleByName(USE_CURRENT_HOST_CONTEXT, L"myModule", &spMyModule)))
return ...;
ComPtr<IDebugHostType> spType;
if (FAILED(spMyModule->FindTypeByName(L"ALIGNED_STRUCT", &spType)))
return ...;
ComPtr<IDebugHostType> spType; /* get the type of an object */
// Enumerate every field of this type. Note thiat this *WILL NOT* enumerate
// fields of base classes!
ComPtr<IDebugHostSymbolEnumerator> spEnum;
if (SUCCEEDED(spType->EnumerateChildren(SymbolField, nullptr, &spEnum)))
ComPtr<IDebugHostSymbol> spFieldSymbol;
while (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = spEnum->GetNext(&spFieldSymbol);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
ComPtr<IDebugHostField> spField;
if (SUCCEEDED(spFieldSymbol.As(&spField))) /* should always succeed */
// spField is each field of the type in turn
ULONG64 fieldOffset;
if (SUCCEEDED(spField->GetOffset(&fieldOffset)) /* won't succeed on static fields */
// fieldOffset is the offset of the field within the type
ComPtr<IDebugHostType> spFieldType;
if (SUCCEEDED(spField->GetType(&spFieldType))
ULONG64 fieldSize;
if (SUCCEEDED(spFieldType->GetSize(&fieldSize)))
// fieldSize contains the size (aligned) of the field's type
// hr == E_BOUNDS : we hit the end of the enumerator
// hr == E_ABORT : user requested interruption, propagate upwards immediately
For C++, this can be made significantly easier by using the C++17 helper library on GitHub (https://github.com/microsoft/WinDbg-Libraries/blob/master/DbgModelCppLib/DbgModelClientEx.h)
That might look something like:
Module myModule(HostContext::DeferredCurrent(), L"myModule");
Type alignedStruct(myModule, L"ALIGNED_STRUCT");
// The below will *NOT* enumerate fields of base classes. You must explicitly
// recurse if you want such.
for(Field f : alignedStruct.Fields())
// Get the offset and size of each field.
ULONG64 fieldOffset = f.GetOffset();
ULONG64 fieldSize = f.Type().Size();
In JavaScript (see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/native-objects-in-javascript-extensions-type-objects), this would look like:
Call host.getModuleType to get a type object for the structure (e.g.: ALIGNED_STRUCT)
Get access to the field in question by accessing the named property of fields on the type (e.g.: myType.fields.field_name)
Get the offset of of such field by accessing the offset property
Get the type of each field by accessing the type property
Get the size of the field by accessing the size property of its type
That might look something like:
var myType = host.getModuleType("myModule", "ALIGNED_STRUCT");
var fields = myType.fields;
// In JavaScript, fields has properties named according to each field. If
// you want to enumerate, get the property names and access those keys.
var fieldNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(fields);
for (var fieldName of fieldNames)
var field = fields[fieldName];
// Get the offset and size of each field...
var fieldOffset = field.offset;
var fieldSize = field.type.size;
In either of these cases, you would need to manually recurse base classes if you're looking at C++ objects where fields are contained in base classes.
Hope that helps...
William has provided a comprehensive answer this answer is just a practical example of that
0:000> dx #$stru
#$stru : Pcb _KPROCESS (+ 0x0)
name : Pcb
type : _KPROCESS
locationKind : member
offset : 0x0
0:000> dx #$stru.type.fields.Header.type.size
#$stru.type.fields.Header.type.size : 0x18

Dart: Storing arguments in a variable before passing

For purposes of testing, it's useful to be able to "prepare" arguments to a function before executing such that the arguments can be checked against any result.
In JavaScript I can do this:
function testFunc ({id, count}) {
/* perform some operation */
return {id, count}
const args = {
id: 'someId',
count: Math.round(Math.random() * 10),
const res = testFunc({...args})
/* check that count is correct etc */
How do I achieve the same flexibility in Dart?
Map<String, dynamic> testFunc({String id, int count}) {
/* perform some operation */
return {
'id': id,
'count': count,
final args = /* erm? */
testFunc(args); /* hmmm? */
Am I trying to push the limits of a strongly typed language?
Dart is a statically checked language.
Using a value with an unknown run-time structure, like a map, as parameters makes it impossible to statically check the validity of the arguments.
Take the example:
var data = {#name: "hello", #age: 18};
(Using symbols for referring to source names, same as Function.apply and noSuchMethod).
Here it looks easy to see that the map actually has a #name and an #age entry, but that's because the map is written as a literal right next to the application. That's the one situation where you don't actually need spread arguments, because you could just write the arguments directly.
In all actually useful cases, it's not possible to see statically which entries the map has, and which types the values are for each key. The type of the map, Map<Symbol, dynamic> is not strong enough to allow checking the call. You should just use Function.apply(Person, [], data) ... except that we (still) do not allow constructors as functions (#216).
If Dart had typed structs/named tuples, it might be possible to do:
// Static type is the named tuple type `(String name, int age)`
var data = (name: "name", age: 18);
var person = Person(...data);
At this point, the static type of data is specific enough to allow the call to be checked statically.
also this is issue in GitHub which I take the answer from

Issue with passing an int field in as a parameter argument, but all others work perfectlyy how is this even possible?

ScreenShot of CodeCould someone please explain to me how everything works in this script except a simple int counter that I pass in as a parameter? However if I directly pass in the int counter field into the method instead of using/ref. the para, it works just fine, how is this even possible? HELP!
By default parameters you give to the function, are evaluated and its value is passed (eg. not int xy is passed but the value of int xy, so 5).
So if you change the value directly eg. CounterAi -= 1; you are just changing the value you've passed on not the underlying variable. So if you want to use Pass by Reference in these cases you must use out or ref.
If you change a parameter of the passed value however it's value will be changed without needing to use ref or out.
public void Example1(int myValue) {
// This won't change the actual variable, just the value of the parameter,
// that has been passed
myValue -= 1;
public void Example2(ref int myValue) {
// This will change the actual variable,
// it's changing just the value of the parameter again,
// but we're using pass by reference
myValue -= 1;
public void Example3(Transform finishLine) {
// This will change the actual variable,
// because it's changing the data within the object,
// that the parameter value refers to.
finishLine.position = flSpts[Random.Range(0, flSpots.Count)].position;

Error: passing 'const xxx' as 'this' argument discards qualifiers

I am trying to implement bigint class in c++, it's not completed yet, i have encountered some errors that i am unable understand.
I have erased all other functions (as they are unnecessary in this case)
and karatsuba is not yet completed (but that should't pose a problem in this case).
In the multiply function (overloaded * ) my compiler gives an error:
passing 'const BigInt' as 'this' argument discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]
at line
ans.a = karatsuba(n,m);
I understand that this would occur when i am trying to change a constant object or object passed to a constant function, in my case i am merely creating a new vector and passing it to karatsuba function.
Removing const from overloded * gets rid of this error.
So,does this mean that a constant function can't change anything at all? (including local variables?)
class BigInt {
typedef long long int ll;
typedef vector<int> vi;
#define p10 1000000000;
#define range 9
vi a;
bool sign;
BigInt operator * (const BigInt &num) const
vi n(a.begin(),a.end()),m(num.a.begin(),num.a.end());
BigInt ans;
ans.sign = !(sign ^ num.sign);
while(n.size()<m.size()) n.push_back(0);
while(n.size()>m.size()) m.push_back(0);
ans.a = karatsuba(n,m);
return ans;
vi karatsuba(vi a,vi b)
int n = a.size();
if(n <= 16)
// some code
// some code
return a;
Ok so after googling a bit more, i realized that this pointer is implicitly passed to the oveloaded * and then on to karatsuba (as it is a member function of the class), and as karatsuba is not a constant function, there is no guarantee that it won't change the object contents, hence this error is triggered.
One solution is to declare karatsuba as static, as static member functions don't receive this pointer (they can even be called with out a class object simply using :: operator) , read more about them from here Static data members and member functions.
All that is needed to be changed is :-
static vi karatsuba(vi a,vi b)
int n = a.size();
if(n <= 16)
// some code
// some code
return a;

Incrementing primitive wrapper class passed as a parameter to a method which has no affect on invoker

I'm writing the Java SE 8 app on Eclipse IDE. The issue that I came across is following.
private Object[][] adjustIndexTaskValueAdded(int size){
Integer adjustingIndex = 0;
Object[][] tasksDisplay = new Object[size][taskValues[0].length];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
tasksDisplay[i][0] = taskValues[i][0];//phase colour
tasksDisplay[i][1] = identifyNextRowIDTaskTable(adjustingIndex, i);// the index
return tasksDisplay;
So, I've got adjustingIndex Integer wrapper class which I pass to the identifyNextRowIDTaskTable() method. So that the local var can store the value which gets modified at the child method.
private String identifyNextRowIDTaskTable(Integer adjustingIndex, int currentRowID){
if(UtilityOperations.isPhaseRow(phaseColourCurrent)){//it's a phase row
return "";
else{//it's a task row
int displayID = tableID - adjustingIndex;
adjustingIndex = 0;
return String.valueOf(displayID);
The above methods displays the method which modifies the Integer wrapper class which I pass to.
Now when I run the app, the new value is not reflected at the invoker method. It appears that value changes/adjusts at the child method, but the parent method does not see the changes. In the end, the outcome becomes erroneous.
The displayed source-code is simplified...
So, what the problem is?
I pass reference type var, and it is not a recursive operation.
I could use object's state to store the value instead, of-course. Yet, I want to understand the current pitfall.
Best regards
This is unboxing the value from the Integer to get an int and incrementing that value, this is equivalent to:
int tmp = adjustingIndex.intValue();
adjustingIndex = Integer.valueOf(tmp);
This resets the parameter adjustingIndex to be a reference to a new Integer, it does not change the value of the adjustingIndex variable in the calling method - that is a separate reference.
Again consider:
adjustingIndex = 0;
Again this resets the parameter adjustingIndex to be a reference to a new Integer, it does not change the value of the adjustingIndex variable in the calling method.
One alternative would be to use AtomicInteger
AtomicInteger adjustingIndex = new AtomicInteger(0);
increment with
set back to zero with
AtomicInteger has methods to change the value of the integer it contains, in contrast Integer is immutable and its value can't be changed.