Eclipse History view broken - eclipse

by double-clicking in between the headers of the Eclipse History view (Revision, Tags, etc.) each fields gets resized (enlarged to the right) to accommodate the size of the longest value.
Now, because my Tags columns contains very long values (long strings containing the list of tags) when I double-clicked on the headers between Tags and the next header (Revision Time), the Tags column got enlarged to the right so much that the Revision Time column has disappeared.
I can't find a way to get to the Revision Time column. Scrolling to the right using the horizontal scroll line is useless.
Any idea?
Thank you!

had this happen with eclipse 3.7 on Windows
as per
close Eclipse
delete .metadata/.plugins/ _settings.xml file
start Eclipse
do history and see it work

I have the same. Thanks to Dev.
I found the answer The Author column in the CVS history disappeared from Eclipse
Go to the path $WORKSPACE/.metadata/.plugins/ in your filesystem. Where $WORKSPACE is the directory that has your Eclipse workspace.
Edit the file dialog_settings.xml in that directory.
find <item value="put something reasonable here" key="COL_TAGS"/>


How to switch the order of files (original and modified) in Eclipse Compare window?

When comparing two files, for example during a commit, Eclipse shows the original version on the right and modified on the left:
However, I would prefer to see the original version on the left and modified on the right. Is it possible?
Eclipse Neon.2 (4.6.2) has a button to swap the views:
You can either swap the views for every compare, as one answer suggests:
Or you can make the swapped order be the default for all compares:
Windows --> Preferences --> General --> Compare/Patch
Select the Text Compare tab, and mark the check-box of Swap left and right
I think it's just depending of which file you're selecting first. I mean, choose a file, and select compare to .. and choose another one. Next choose the second one and compare to the first one, they'll swap in your window :)
This behaviour is influenced by what exactly is compared. When comparing two local files the view is influenced by the first & second selection. If using e.g. GIT the left hand side will always be what is present locally, the currently checked-out branch or local changes - so changing the branch will influence the view. When using SVN it is mostly the same, so left hand locally, right hand remotly.

Lines of Code count for Flex in Eclipse

How to get the SLOC count for the Flex code in Eclipse?
Is there a plug-in similar to "Metrics" for finding information about the Flex porject?
This is the easiest way to count lines of code of any particular language and does not require a plugin.
Click on the root folder of your project
Right-click and select Search (or Cntl+H)
In the box "Containing Text" type \n and make sure to select the "Regular Expression" checkbox
In the "File name patterns" input, type the file extensions of the files you want to include in your count, or click on "Choose" if you are feeling lazy.
Click "Search"
BAM! Instant line count for your entire project!
These instructions may differ slightly depending on your version of Eclipse, but you should be able to figure it out.
Good luck!
From this question: can do lines. I'm not sure about words

Length of current selection in Eclipse

Do you know any easy way to find out what is the length of the current selection in Eclipse?
i.e. I select a line fragment and would like to know how many characters are there?
Usually, I count them manually, but that's stupid. When being desperate, I move to the start, check the column number, move to the end, check the column number, subtract, think a minute if I should add 1 or not... and my selection is lost.
On Windows, Notepad++ is a good solution. Open a new tab, copy and paste in there and the length of the document listed at the bottom of the window is the number of characters you have.
Easy way? Copy the text and paste it to a counting script, like this site:
(Warning: the site's background may hurt your eyes.)
Eclipse does support a Selection object, if you're into its API:

Is there a way to copy code from eclipse including ine numbers

I am writing a little bit of documentation and code explanation. I would like to copy code from eclipse including line numbers, so that it becomes easier to reference the code in the text.
Is there any way to do this in eclipse or some other IDE, editor?
Since Eclipse 3.4 and bug 19602, you will print the line numbers if you have activated them on the Eclipse editor.
alt text
Printing a source will give you:
alt text
You can do it by printing a PDF of source file, then copying source with line numbers from the PDF document.
It works for me with eclipse PDT + CutePDF, it should also work with Acrobat PDF printer
Another not-so-clean work-around to achieve this. This is specific to the Subversive plug-in.
3 steps to follow:
Delete the piece of code you need to copy and save the source file.
Right click the file and chose option Team -> Create Patch.. and save it to a file, say copy.patch
Undo (Ctrl + Z) the changes to revert the deletion done in step 1 and save the source file again.
Open the patch file and use the contents.
This also includes the file-name (if desired) along with the line number and retains the indentation.

CFBuilder:- File dissappears from the SS/workspace off and on

What is the issue with CFBuilder?
I am trying to Check out a file from SS/CFBuilder and all i get is the message
80020009: Network not found.[src=SourceSafe,guid=null]
In fact even perfectly working files that are months old,suddenly become "removed from SS".As a result of which I have only "Team/Commit Changes" option for a given file.The "Team/CheckIn ..CheckOut" options are blanked out.
Also when I am trying to click the "Show Local History",for an pretty old/often used file, it throws an message
No local History available for selected resource!
The Same message is coming for each and every file.
Please help.
The issue is likely in Eclipse. Eclipse allows you to store local history for the files that have a size lower than 1 MB.
Goto Window >Preferences >General >Workspace >Local History
Increase the Maximum file size so that it is higher than the size of your files.
After applying the change, the next time the file is saved, Eclipse will create a history.