Eclipse - Wicket - HTML files from dependent projects not being found - eclipse

I want to build a reusable Wicket component in Eclipse. I have one project "components" which have files such as and MyComponent.html. Then I have a project "application" which contains my application code, from which I wish to use a MyComponent.
However, Wicket cannot find the MyComponent.html. If I copy this file from "components" to "application", and use exactly the same path, then Wicket finds it no problem.
I therefore summize that Eclipse is not copying the HTML file from the dependent project "components" and making it available to the web application. I cannot really confirm that as I don't know where the JAR is being generated from the "components" project, nor do I know where/if the WAR is being generated from the "application" project.
I have looked at the project settings in "components" and cannot find any option to explicitly publish HTML (non-Java) files when the project is being built; but I cannot find any option which is explicitly forbidding this either. In the "application" project I find no option to include HTML files from the other project (there is only the option to include the JAR - which potentially should be enough?)
Update: I am not using Maven, just using the default build process of Eclipse.
Update: I am using Tomcat within Eclipse (but without any Eclipse plug-in for Tomcat; it seems to work fine without it - only obviously that's not quite true hence my question...)

Check Eclipse's source folders inclusion/exclusion filters. Project -> right button -> Properties -> Java Build path -> tab Source -> select Source Folder -> button Edit.

I'm assuming you're using Tomcat - during testing I normally use a Tomcat context to reference my Eclipse project workspace.
The workspace contains a context/WEB-INF directory structure, into which all my compiled classes, properties, HTML and other resources are copied.
The Tomcat context file lives in the directory (Tomcat)/conf/Catalina/localhost and contains an entry of the following format:
<Context path="/mywebapp" docBase="C:/eclipse/workspace/myapp/context" reloadable="true">

OK - Classic Eclipse action - for other reasons (restarting the project always resulted in a 404 for no apparent reason: I checked all the config files and everything seemed fine..), I deleted the "application" project from Eclipse and re-created it. Now everything works fine (HTML files are available...)

I had the same problem! After some time doing research I had a solution!
You need to specify to maven that it needs to include all the files, the way how maven understand this is by adding the next command.
It worked for me, I hope it works for any of you that have the same problem!
I guess for the person that posted this query its too late, but not for you that have this problem!


How to only include some files on a Eclipse project?

I would like to create an Eclipse project from an existing project made with IAR Workbench.
I have a list of files I want to build, but I don't know how I can tell Eclipse to only include some files only.
I've discovered that I can "exclude" a file by clicking on the file then choosing Resource Configuration/Exclude. I've also found that I can place some filters on Resource Filters, but I have found where I can just include some paths such as
How is it possible to do this?
I am going to answer my own question: you can't.
What you can do is to list the files on your Git repository and the files that should be excluded from your Eclipse project. Then you make the difference between both list to get the list of file that are on Eclipse.
Then from the .cproject file you can edit the key
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<entry excluding="{{file}}|{{file}}..."

Creating second customized POM in eclipse

Within a maven project under eclipse, I want to have a second(or customized) pom.xml in which I can use plugings like the assembly-plugin.
The problem with this plugin is that it requieres an outputh path which is only interesting for me.
Since I'm using git to push to a remote repository, I don't want to pollute the version controlled pom.xml with my private paths and other stuff.
I read about inheritance and multi-mode possibilities, but I only need two poms:
1) One for the public with general settings
2) One only for me with cusotimzed build options
I tried to create a second pom file and wanted to build the project with a new run configuration, but I don't know how to pass the -f parameter(which should call a different pom) in that dialog.
Thanks for hints or best practices.
Example of what I want to put in the custom pom:
Select the second POM in the Package Explorer, right click -> Run As -> Maven Build...
That should run Maven with the custom POM.
If you don't get the Maven options in the "Run As" menu, go to the "Content Types" preferences page -> Text -> XML -> Maven POM XML.
Add the name of your custom POM so Eclipse understands that this is also a POM (I'm not 100% sure it will look inside a file to determine the type).
If that also fails, you can use a trick: Write a small tool that takes the unmodified POM, adds the XML which you need and then runs Maven. On Linux, you can use shell scripts for that. On Windows, a small Java program might be easier. Or have a look at PowerShell.

Maven/Eclipse - Quick iteration acceptance Testing a project packaged as a WAR file

Eclipse makes working with multi module maven projects easy because you don't have to re-build and re-install a module before dependent modules will see changes to it. So you just change the code and eclipse updates the dependencies magically in the background.
I want to achieve this behaviour for acceptance testing as well.
I have
If I use embedded jetty or tomcat to test inside the storage-service-war project then obviously code changes are immediately viewable in the tests, but I cannot see any way to achieve the same quick iteration of testing when testing from storage-service-acceptance-tests.
Every way I look at it it seems that I have to build storage-service-war and then use the artefact generated from that, but it seems like overkill when you only want to change one line.
Does anyone have a good method for doing this?
So answering my own question :D The solution I came up with will not work on CI it will likely only work when doing a local build as it makes use of the relative paths of the projects. At the bottom I outline a more robust but more complex approach that should satisfy eclipse and CI.
I was looking at setting attachClasses to true for the war plugin configuration of the war project.
You can then reference the jar in the dependent project as follows
Then I was thinking I could run my tests from within the acceptance test module using embedded jetty or tomcat and pointing them to the web.xml defined in the war project using a relative path.
This works fine with maven via the commandline but fails in eclipse :(
The problem with this is that the jar produced by attach classes is not picked up by the eclipse m2e integration see - unfortunately it wont be fixed.
So My solution for the moment is to manually add the storage-service-war project to my acceptance test project build path in eclipse. Its not great but it works
The above solution is a bit hacky but the alternative outlined is a bit more involved.
By splitting the project into the following I think it would be possible to have correct eclipse integration and projects that work on CI
The core project contains the logic and source of the webapp and is of type jar, the config contains the web.xml and any other config files and is also of type jar. Then the acceptance-tests and war project are both of type war and serve merely to package the core project into a war and extract the config to the webapp/WEB-INF dir so that they may share a common setup.

Eclipse: Change webapp folder in Maven pom.xml file

Is it possible to define a different location for the webapp folder than the standard one ("/src/main/webapp/") in pom.xml? I know that you can define your web folder with
<wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/webapp"/>
in a file called "org.eclipse.wst.common.component".
The problem is when I click Maven -> Update Project, this line is overwritten with the standard
<wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/src/main/webapp"/>
And then I have problems testing my project with Tomcat7 within Eclipse.
I'm very thankful for every hint.
Answers in How to configure custom maven project structure are sufficient for a purely Maven build, i.e. from commandline. When import the project into Eclipse (via m2e), you need tell m2e a little bit more so that it can create and maintain the project structure properly within Eclipse.
Actually, from Eclipse's perspective, it doesn't really care about how your project folder structure looks like, as long as the webapp folder is declared as a source folder or inside a source folder, however, by modifying .classpath doesn't make much sense as it's a auto-generated file and changed quite often.
It is highly recommended to obey the convention if you are able to, if not, using the following configuration for your customization:
... ...
... ...

Add classpath to folder containing property files in Maven

I have a property file which is not located in a classpath in Maven.
Therefore I can't reach it with:
How can I add the folder containing the property file to the classpath, so it will be available during build and test of the project?
Just add the file into the resources folder under src/main maven project. i did that and works like a charm.
hope it helps
Under the task you can add a set of resources and testResources like so:
They also allow you to define exclusion and inclusion rules. This is very powerful for a legacy code base but for new code bases, you should follow the maven's standard directory layout to avoid lots of custom definitions in your POM files.
The best is to put that file under correct location in Maven like either src/main/resources and/or src/test/resources depending where it will be needed.
If you really don't like Maven's enforcement of certain directories, use the build-helper plugin to add your own directory to the classpath as generated by "mvn eclipse:eclipse".