Given the following code:
abstract class Field {
type T
val data: List[T]
def sum: T = data(0) + data(1)
I get an error on the last line - def sum: T = data(0) + data(1):
types2.scala:6: error: type mismatch;
found : Field.this.T
required: String
def sum: T = data(0) + data(1)
That is, it expects data(1) to be a String.
I dont understand why... (scala 2.8.1)
Your explanation will be much appreciated!
Since T does not support an addition operation, compiler assumes + to be a string concatenation operation. The following line I tried out at REPL indicates so:
scala> implicitly[Any => {def +(s: String): String}]
res16: (Any) => AnyRef{def +(s: String): String} = <function1>
What you can do is require that T have a Semigroup algebra defined. (A type is a semigroup if it supports an associative append operation.)
scala> import scalaz._
import scalaz._
scala> import Scalaz._
import Scalaz._
scala> abstract class Field[A : Semigroup] {
| val data: IndexedSeq[A]
| def sum: A = data(0) |+| data(1)
| }
defined class Field
scala> val f = new Field[Int] {
| val data = IndexedSeq(2, 3, 4)
| }
f: Field[Int] = $anon$1#d1fd51
scala> f.sum
res12: Int = 5
I replaced abstract type by a type parameter simply because I do not know how to put a context bound on an abstract type. I also changed type of data from List[A] to IndexedSeq[A] because as the name indicates indexed sequences are more suitable for indexed access than lists (which is what you do in your sum method). And finally, |+| is the semigroup append operation. For numeric types it will perform addition. For sequences, concatenation etc.
As a complement to #missingfactor's answer, while in principle I would very much favor Semigroup, there is a trait Numeric in the standard library which would do the same. And on collections whose content is Numeric (where a "Numeric structure" exists for the elements' type), you can simply call collection.sum (should you want to sum all the elements rather than the two first ones).
I prefer Semigroup for two reasons. First Numeric is much more than what is needed here, second, what are the exact properties of a Numeric structure is not clear. On the other hand, even someone not familiar with basic algebra will have a reasonable understanding of what Numeric means.
So if you are afraid of scalaz and/or semigroups, you can replace Semigroup with Numeric and |+| with +. You must import Numeric.Implicits._ so that + is available.
The compiler doesn't know how to invoke + in your type T, because it knows nothing about T. The only solution to compile this + is then a pimped string concatenation (by means of the implicit Predef.any2stringadd), which expects a string as second argument — hence the error you're getting.
After a lot of playing with this, I came up with a very simple solution.
Here is the full program
package manytypes
abstract class Field {
type T
val data: List[T]
def add (a: T, b: T): T
abstract class FieldInt extends Field {
type T = Int
def add (a: T, b: T): T = a + b
abstract class FieldDouble extends Field {
type T = Double
def add (a: T, b: T): T = a + b
abstract class FieldString extends Field {
type T = String
def add (a: T, b: T): T = a + b
object A extends App {
val ints: Field = new FieldInt { val data = List(1, 2, 3)}
val doubles: Field = new FieldDouble { val data = List(1.2, 2.3, 3.4) }
val strings: Field = new FieldString { val data = List("hello ", "this is ", "a list ")}
val fields: List[Field] = List(ints, doubles, strings)
for (field <- fields) println(, _)))
Methods taking a single argument can be written as an infix operators in Scal. I.e. adding *(other:C) = foo(this, other) to class C, will allow us to write c1 * c2 instead of foo(c1,c2). But is there a way to define infix operators on existing classes that you cannot modify?
E.g. if I wanted to write c1 + c2 instead of xor(c1,c2), where c1,c2:Array[Byte], I obviously cannot modify the Array-Class.
I found this and tried
implicit class Bytearray(a1:Array[Byte]) extends Anyval {
def +(a2:Array[Byte]) = xor(a1,a2)
But that doesn't seem to work (c1 + c2).
Type mismatch, expected:String, actual:Array[Byte]
I thought that perhaps the issue was my using +, so I exchanged it for xor
but c1 xor c2 only lead to
Cannot resolve symbol xor
Any suggestions?
Interesting. I had a class Foo with an object Foo defined below it, containing the implicit class. This lead to the aforementioned errors.
However, deleting the object and instead putting the implicit class into a trait BytearrayHandling and then extending it (class Foo extends BytearrayHandling) seems to work. Why is that?
It should be straight forward with the normal declaration of extension methods:
implicit class ByteArrayOps(private val a1: Array[Byte]) extends AnyVal {
def + (a2: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] =
(a1 zip a2).map { case (x, y) => (x ^ y).toByte }
"foo".getBytes + "bar".getBytes // Array(4, 14, 29)
However be aware that sometimes you will run into this:
Type mismatch, expected:String, actual: X
This is because of an implicit conversion kicking in that allows you to + anything by converting it to a String. I have given up trying to understand how to deactivate it. It will finally go in Scala 2.12 if I'm not mistaken.
As eugener pointed out, this error message may indicate that you haven't actually imported your extension method (implicit conversion). For example:
object MyStuff {
implicit class ByteArrayOps(private val a1: Array[Byte]) extends AnyVal {
def + (a2: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] =
(a1 zip a2).map { case (x, y) => (x ^ y).toByte }
"foo".getBytes + "bar".getBytes // error
<console>:14: error: type mismatch;
found : Array[Byte]
required: String
"foo".getBytes + "bar".getBytes
because of this Predef conversion. After you import MyStuff.ByteArrayOps, it works.
You can do something like:
class ByteArray(self: Array[Byte]) {
def +(other: Array[Byte]) = Array[Byte](1, 2, 3) // replace with your code
implicit def byteArrayPlus(self: Array[Byte]) = new ByteArray(self)
Array[Byte](0, 1, 2) + Array[Byte](0, 2, 3)
the last line of which should yield Array(1, 2, 3).
Is there a way to use shorter syntax when using context-bound type parameters? At the moment I have something like this
case class Vector2D[a : Numeric](x: a, y: a) {
val numA = implicitly[Numeric[a]]
def length2 =, x), numA.times(y, y))
and it makes more complex formulae unreadable.
Try this REPL session:
scala> case class Vector2D[T : Numeric](x: T, y: T) {
val numeric = implicitly[Numeric[T]]
import numeric._
def length2 = (x*x)+(y*y)
defined class Vector2D
scala> Vector2D(3,4).length2
res0: Int = 25
This is because Numeric contains an implicit conversion called mkNumericOps which you can import as shown above. If it didn't come out of the box, the way you could roll this yourself would be something like:
scala> implicit class NumericOps[T](val x: T) extends AnyVal { def +(y: T)(implicit n: Numeric[T]): T =, y)
| def *(y: T)(implicit n: Numeric[T]): T = n.times(x, y)
| }
defined class NumericOps
scala> case class Vector2D[a : Numeric](x: a, y: a) { def length2 = (x*x)+(y*y) }
defined class Vector2D
scala> Vector2D(3,4).length2
res0: Int = 25
If you make NumericOps not a value class (don't extend AnyVal) then the implicit Numeric can go on the constructor instead of each method, which might be better, or not really matter.
Anyway there's no need to write your own since Numeric already has mkNumericOps.
These "ops" classes are called the "enrich my library" pattern.
Numeric.Ops is here
and the implicit being imported to auto-create it is mkNumericOps on Numeric, here.
import Numeric.Implicits._
then for every type that for which an implicit Numeric can be found
(importing just the NumericOps conversion of one Numeric instance as suggested by #Havoc P gives you finer control as to for which types operations are available, but most of the time, Numeric.Implicits should be fine)
On the more general question is there a shorter syntax when using context bounds type parameters: in general, there is not. It is up to the typeclass to provide some sugar to make it easy to use, as Numeric does here.
For instance, it is more or less customary to have an apply method in the companion object which makes getting the instance a little easier than with implicitly
object Ordering {
def apply[T](implicit ord: Ordering[T]): Ordering[T] = implicitly[Ordering[T]]
so that you can get the implicit just with e.g Ordering[Int], rather than implicitly[Ordering[Int]].
I would like to write a function that casts to type A, where A can be e.g. List[Int], or a more complicated parameterized type like Map[Int, List[Int]].
def castToType[A](x: Any): A = {
// throws if A is not the right type
Right now, due to type erasure (I believe), the code merrily works even when the type is not correct. The error only manifests on access, witha ClassCastException.
val x = List(1, 2, 3)
val y = castToType[List[String]](x)
y(0) --> throws java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
Is there a way I can use manifests to make this work properly? Thanks!
Unfortunately, this in an inherent limitation of asInstanceOf. I'm actually surprised to see the scaladoc mention it in details:
Note that the success of a cast at runtime is modulo Scala's erasure semantics. Therefore the expression 1.asInstanceOf[String] will throw a ClassCastException at runtime, while the expression List(1).asInstanceOf[List[String]] will not. In the latter example, because the type argument is erased as part of compilation it is not possible to check whether the contents of the list are of the requested type.
If you're mainly concerned about failing fast on wrong cast for traversable which would likely be the main issue when getting stuff back from your DB/memcached interface, I was playing around forcing a cast of the head for traversable objects:
def failFastCast[A: Manifest, T[A] <: Traversable[A]](as: T[A], any: Any) = {
val res = any.asInstanceOf[T[A]]
if (res.isEmpty) res
else {
manifest[A].newArray(1).update(0, res.head) // force exception on wrong type
On a simple example it works:
scala> val x = List(1, 2, 3): Any
x: Any = List(1, 2, 3)
scala> failFastCast(List[String](), x)
java.lang.ArrayStoreException: java.lang.Integer
scala> failFastCast(List[Int](), x)
res22: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
But not on a more complex one:
val x = Map(1 -> ("s" -> 1L)): Any
failFastCast(Map[Int, (String, String)](), x) // no throw
I wonder if there is a way to recursively drill down into A to keep casting until there is no more type parameters...
You are indeed correct - type erasure means that you cannot "cast" in such a way as to distinguish between List[Int] and List[String], for example. However, you can improve on the cast which you are performing, whereby A is erased in such a way as to mean that you cannot distinguish between an Int and a String:
def cast[A](a : Any) = a.asInstanceOf[A]
//... is erased to
def erasedCast(a : Any) = a.asInstanceOf[Any]
What you need are reified generics, using manifests
def cast[A <: AnyRef : Manifest](a : Any) : A
= manifest[A].erasure.cast(a).asInstanceOf[A]
Whilst the final cast is erased to AnyRef, at least you should have the correct Class[_] instance (manifest.erasure) to get the top level type correct. In action:
scala> cast[String]("Hey")
res0: String = Hey
scala> cast[java.lang.Integer]("Hey")
at java.lang.Class.cast(
at .cast(<console>:7)
at .<init>(<console>:9)
scala> cast[List[String]](List("Hey"))
res2: List[String] = List(Hey)
scala> cast[List[Int]](List("Hey"))
res3: List[Int] = List(Hey)
My advice is not to use nested reflection to decide whether the target was really a List[Int]: this is not generally feasible. For what should the following return?
cast[List[Int]](List[AnyVal](1, 2))
You could use shapeless's Typeable from Miles Sabin:
Type casting using type parameter
It handles erasure in many cases, though only specific ones:
scala> import shapeless._; import syntax.typeable._
import shapeless._
import syntax.typeable._
scala> val x = List(1, 2, 3)
x: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
scala> val y = x.cast[List[String]]
y: Option[List[String]] = None
To see the set of cases that it handles you can refer to its source:
Yes, the problem occurs due to type erasure. If you try
val x = List(1,2,3)
val y = castToType[Int](x)
The exception is thrown right away, as expected. The same occurs when trying to cast to Array[String] or even Array[Int].
I don't think you can create a generic type converter that works will types inside collections and other objects. You will need to create a converter for each object type. For example:
def castToType[A](x: List[A]) = => i.asInstanceOf[A])
Consider this solution:
trait -->[A, B] {
def ->(a: A): B
implicit val StringToInt = new -->[String, Int] {
def ->(a: String): Int = a.toInt
implicit val DateToLong = new -->[java.util.Date, Long] {
def ->(a: java.util.Date): Long = a.getTime
def cast[A,B](t:A)(implicit ev: A --> B):B= ev.->(t)
The advantage is that:
It is type safe - the compiler will tell you if the type cannot be casted
You can define casting rules by providing proper implicits
Now you can use it so:
scala> cast(new java.util.Date())
res9: Long = 1361195427192
scala> cast("123")
res10: Int = 123
I've spent some time and wrote this advanced code. First let me show how to use it:
scala> "2012-01-24".as[java.util.Date]
res8: java.util.Date = Tue Jan 24 00:00:00 CET 2012
scala> "2012".as[Int]
res9: Int = 2012
scala> "2012.123".as[Double]
res12: Double = 2012.123
scala> "2012".as[Object] // this is not working, becouse I did not provide caster to Object
<console>:17: error: could not find implicit value for parameter $greater: -->[String,Object]
Pretty nice? See the scala magic:
trait -->[A, B] {
def ->(a: A): B
implicit val StringToInt = new -->[String, Int] {
def ->(a: String): Int = a.toInt
implicit val StringToDate = new -->[String, java.util.Date] {
def ->(a: String): java.util.Date = (new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")).parse(a)
implicit val StringToDouble = new -->[String, Double] {
def ->(a: String): Double = a.toDouble
trait AsOps[A] {
def as[B](implicit > : A --> B): B
implicit def asOps[A](a: A) = new AsOps[A] {
def as[B](implicit > : A --> B) = > ->(a)
Python has (1,) for a single element tuple. In Scala, (1,2) works for Tuple2(1,2) but we must use Tuple1(1) to get a single element tuple. This may seem like a small issue but designing APIs that expect a Product is a pain to deal for users that are passing single elements since they have to write Tuple1(1).
Maybe this is a small issue, but a major selling point of Scala is more typing with less typing. But in this case it seems it's more typing with more typing.
Please tell me:
1) I've missed this and it exists in another form, or
2) It will be added to a future version of the language (and they'll accept patches).
You can define an implicit conversion:
implicit def value2tuple[T](x: T): Tuple1[T] = Tuple1(x)
The implicit conversion will only apply if the argument's static type does not already conform to the method parameter's type. Assuming your method takes a Product argument
def m(v: Product) = // ...
the conversion will apply to a non-product value but will not apply to a Tuple2, for example. Warning: all case classes extend the Product trait, so the conversion will not apply to them either. Instead, the product elements will be the constructor parameters of the case class.
Product is the least upper bound of the TupleX classes, but you can use a type class if you want to apply the implicit Tuple1 conversion to all non-tuples:
// given a Tupleable[T], you can call apply to convert T to a Product
sealed abstract class Tupleable[T] extends (T => Product)
sealed class ValueTupler[T] extends Tupleable[T] {
def apply(x: T) = Tuple1(x)
sealed class TupleTupler[T <: Product] extends Tupleable[T] {
def apply(x: T) = x
// implicit conversions
trait LowPriorityTuple {
// this provides a Tupleable[T] for any type T, but is the
// lowest priority conversion
implicit def anyIsTupleable[T]: Tupleable[T] = new ValueTupler
object Tupleable extends LowPriorityTuple {
implicit def tuple2isTuple[T1, T2]: Tupleable[Tuple2[T1,T2]] = new TupleTupler
implicit def tuple3isTuple[T1, T2, T3]: Tupleable[Tuple3[T1,T2,T3]] = new TupleTupler
// ... etc ...
You can use this type class in your API as follows:
def m[T: Tupleable](v: T) = {
val p = implicitly[Tupleable[T]](v)
// ... do something with p
If you have your method return the product, you can see how the conversions are being applied:
scala> def m[T: Tupleable](v: T) = implicitly[Tupleable[T]](v)
m: [T](v: T)(implicit evidence$1: Tupleable[T])Product
scala> m("asdf") // as Tuple1
res12: Product = (asdf,)
scala> m(Person("a", "n")) // also as Tuple1, *not* as (String, String)
res13: Product = (Person(a,n),)
scala> m((1,2)) // as Tuple2
res14: Product = (1,2)
You could, of course, add an implicit conversion to your API:
implicit def value2tuple[A](x: A) = Tuple1(x)
I do find it odd that Tuple1.toString includes the trailing comma:
scala> Tuple1(1)
res0: (Int,) = (1,)
Python is not statically typed, so tuples there act more like fixed-size collections. That is not true of Scala, where each element of a tuple has a distinct type. Tuples, in Scala, doesn't have the same uses as in Python.
I have seen a function named implicitly used in Scala examples. What is it, and how is it used?
Example here:
scala> sealed trait Foo[T] { def apply(list : List[T]) : Unit }; object Foo {
| implicit def stringImpl = new Foo[String] {
| def apply(list : List[String]) = println("String")
| }
| implicit def intImpl = new Foo[Int] {
| def apply(list : List[Int]) = println("Int")
| }
| } ; def foo[A : Foo](x : List[A]) = implicitly[Foo[A]].apply(x)
defined trait Foo
defined module Foo
foo: [A](x: List[A])(implicit evidence$1: Foo[A])Unit
scala> foo(1)
<console>:8: error: type mismatch;
found : Int(1)
required: List[?]
scala> foo(List(1,2,3))
scala> foo(List("a","b","c"))
scala> foo(List(1.0))
<console>:8: error: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type
Note that we have to write implicitly[Foo[A]].apply(x) since the compiler thinks that implicitly[Foo[A]](x) means that we call implicitly with parameters.
Also see How to investigate objects/types/etc. from Scala REPL? and Where does Scala look for implicits?
implicitly is avaliable in Scala 2.8 and is defined in Predef as:
def implicitly[T](implicit e: T): T = e
It is commonly used to check if an implicit value of type T is available and return it if such is the case.
Simple example from retronym's presentation:
scala> implicit val a = "test" // define an implicit value of type String
a: java.lang.String = test
scala> val b = implicitly[String] // search for an implicit value of type String and assign it to b
b: String = test
scala> val c = implicitly[Int] // search for an implicit value of type Int and assign it to c
<console>:6: error: could not find implicit value for parameter e: Int
val c = implicitly[Int]
Here are a few reasons to use the delightfully simple method implicitly.
To understand/troubleshoot Implicit Views
An Implicit View can be triggered when the prefix of a selection (consider for example, the.prefix.selection(args) does not contain a member selection that is applicable to args (even after trying to convert args with Implicit Views). In this case, the compiler looks for implicit members, locally defined in the current or enclosing scopes, inherited, or imported, that are either Functions from the type of that the.prefix to a type with selection defined, or equivalent implicit methods.
scala> 1.min(2) // Int doesn't have min defined, where did that come from?
res21: Int = 1
scala> implicitly[Int => { def min(i: Int): Any }]
res22: (Int) => AnyRef{def min(i: Int): Any} = <function1>
scala> res22(1) //
res23: AnyRef{def min(i: Int): Int} = 1
scala> .getClass
res24: java.lang.Class[_] = class scala.runtime.RichInt
Implicit Views can also be triggered when an expression does not conform to the Expected Type, as below:
scala> 1: scala.runtime.RichInt
res25: scala.runtime.RichInt = 1
Here the compiler looks for this function:
scala> implicitly[Int => scala.runtime.RichInt]
res26: (Int) => scala.runtime.RichInt = <function1>
Accessing an Implicit Parameter Introduced by a Context Bound
Implicit parameters are arguably a more important feature of Scala than Implicit Views. They support the type class pattern. The standard library uses this in a few places -- see scala.Ordering and how it is used in SeqLike#sorted. Implicit Parameters are also used to pass Array manifests, and CanBuildFrom instances.
Scala 2.8 allows a shorthand syntax for implicit parameters, called Context Bounds. Briefly, a method with a type parameter A that requires an implicit parameter of type M[A]:
def foo[A](implicit ma: M[A])
can be rewritten as:
def foo[A: M]
But what's the point of passing the implicit parameter but not naming it? How can this be useful when implementing the method foo?
Often, the implicit parameter need not be referred to directly, it will be tunneled through as an implicit argument to another method that is called. If it is needed, you can still retain the terse method signature with the Context Bound, and call implicitly to materialize the value:
def foo[A: M] = {
val ma = implicitly[M[A]]
Passing a subset of implicit parameters explicitly
Suppose you are calling a method that pretty prints a person, using a type class based approach:
trait Show[T] { def show(t: T): String }
object Show {
implicit def IntShow: Show[Int] = new Show[Int] { def show(i: Int) = i.toString }
implicit def StringShow: Show[String] = new Show[String] { def show(s: String) = s }
def ShoutyStringShow: Show[String] = new Show[String] { def show(s: String) = s.toUpperCase }
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
object Person {
implicit def PersonShow(implicit si: Show[Int], ss: Show[String]): Show[Person] = new Show[Person] {
def show(p: Person) = "Person(name=" + + ", age=" + + ")"
val p = Person("bob", 25)
What if we want to change the way that the name is output? We can explicitly call PersonShow, explicitly pass an alternative Show[String], but we want the compiler to pass the Show[Int].
Person.PersonShow(si = implicitly, ss = Show.ShoutyStringShow).show(p)
Starting Scala 3 implicitly has been replaced with improved summon which has the advantage of being able to return a more precise type than asked for
The summon method corresponds to implicitly in Scala 2. It is
precisely the same as the the method in Shapeless. The difference
between summon (or the) and implicitly is that summon can return a
more precise type than the type that was asked for.
For example given the following type
trait F[In]:
type Out
def f(v: Int): Out
given F[Int] with
type Out = String
def f(v: Int): String = v.toString
implicitly method would summon a term with erased type member Out
scala> implicitly[F[Int]]
val res5: F[Int] = given_F_Int$#7d0e5fbb
scala> implicitly[res5.Out =:= String]
1 |implicitly[res5.Out =:= String]
| ^
| Cannot prove that res5.Out =:= String.
scala> val x: res5.Out = ""
1 |val x: res5.Out = ""
| ^^
| Found: ("" : String)
| Required: res5.Out
In order to recover the type member we would have to refer to it explicitly which defeats the purpose of having the type member instead of type parameter
scala> implicitly[F[Int] { type Out = String }]
val res6: F[Int]{Out = String} = given_F_Int$#7d0e5fbb
scala> implicitly[res6.Out =:= String]
val res7: res6.Out =:= String = generalized constraint
However summon defined as
def summon[T](using inline x: T): x.type = x
does not suffer from this problem
scala> summon[F[Int]]
val res8: given_F_Int.type = given_F_Int$#7d0e5fbb
scala> summon[res8.Out =:= String]
val res9: String =:= String = generalized constraint
scala> val x: res8.Out = ""
val x: res8.Out = ""
where we see type member type Out = String did not get erased even though we only asked for F[Int] and not F[Int] { type Out = String }. This can prove particularly relevant when chaining dependently typed functions:
The type summoned by implicitly has no Out type member. For this
reason, we should avoid implicitly when working with dependently typed
A "teach you to fish" answer is to use the alphabetic member index currently available in the Scaladoc nightlies. The letters (and the #, for non-alphabetic names) at the top of the package / class pane are links to the index for member names beginning with that letter (across all classes). If you choose I, e.g., you'll find the implicitly entry with one occurrence, in Predef, which you can visit from the link there.