nyroModal v2: How to validate form opened in iframe? - forms

I'm trying to figure out how to validate a form opened using nyroModal.
The page is being opened as below on click of a button:
$(function() {
$('.btnedit').click(function() {
On the form that opens up, I have a few fields that are mandatory and a cancel & submit button.
<a class="nyroModalClose button" href="#" id="btn_submit">Submit</a>
On clicking of the submit button, I want to make sure the mandatory fields have value. If no, an error message should be displayed & the modal window should not close.
I'm trying to use the jquery validation plugin, but without success. The modal window always closes irrespective of the validation scripts.
I haven't found much info regarding form validation in a modal window. Is this not a preferred approach?
Thanks in advance.

I'm not able to help you about the jquery validation plugin in a modal window, but I know that using the instruction $.nmManual in that way, the form will not be placed inside the iframe tag, and if I remember correctly the content of new page will be added without header and body tags, so in a word incorrectly. I guess this can produce no validation.
To successfully open an iframe you need to use filters as described here:
Open iframe manually in nyroModal?
I hope this can help you.


emberjs form submission in modal window

Looking over this example: http://emberjs.com/guides/cookbook/user_interface_and_interaction/using_modal_dialogs/
Everything works fine to open/close the modal, but form submission does not work.
For example, take the modified jsbin example:
I have an action on submit in the form tag, yet clicking Submit does not submit the form. In other words, it doesn't seem to be recognizing the action on the form tag. Any ideas?
You're expecting the sendForm action to fire but you don't declare it anywhere.
Have a look at his JSBin: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/ruqikokoti/1/edit
I added the sendForm action in ModalController

TinyMCE get form content without using submit button

I'm trying to put TinyMCE on my website. I figured out how to get it to show up, but I'm lost on how to process the content. In their example, they just have a link that references the top of the page and clicking on it somehow magically causes their dump.php script to execute. I don't understand what's going on here. Here is the link:
The "Submit" button at the bottom is really a link in a span element with href="#". The form action is dump.php. I want to know how they configured this to run without an actual submit button. Any help in understanding this is greatly appreciated!
To Get Content From Tinymce You Can Use GetContent Method of Currently ActiveEditor Instance
method is used to getting Content .. to Set The Content
tinyMCE.activeEditor.setContent("I Want Text To Be in Tinymce");
to find a perticular element in tinymce get body and find element
var body = tinyMCE.activeEditor.getBody();
to get a full html
hope that helps ..
Since I use PHP, I found this which is also useful:

"Send" button popup not appearing correctly

I'm using the Facebook Like/Send buttons along with dynamically generated HTML (loaded via AJAX requests). I've found that even though the Send button works fine when the element exists on page load, dynamically created Send buttons aren't working correctly. Clicking the button activates it and the button greys out, but the popup doesn't appear.
Here is a demonstration of what is happening: http://jsfiddle.net/Daniel15/VxpSj/
Any suggestions?
Yes, I can confirm the problem from your fiddle.
function addLikeButton()
// […]
For some reason, this seems to be “the wrong way around”. Reverse the order of these two lines – put the new element into the DOM first and let FB.XFBML.parse parse it afterwards, then (from my test with your fiddle) it seems to work in the desired way.

How to create a "New xxx" popup?

I have a Grid object and added a [ (+) New Client ] button which I'd like to open a popup form to create the new client with a couple fields.
I've looked at the code examples in the website but haven't found how to do it (sorry if I've missed something).
This is the current page code:
function page_clients_listing($p){
$g = $p->add('Grid');
$g->addButton('With Icon')->set('Add New Client')->setIcon('Plus');
Thanks in advance!
You can either create a popup or a dialog. Dialog is based on jQuery UI dialog implementation. Popups are likely to be blocked and are harder to control.
This is actually working for any object (you can apply to view, button, image, icon, etc), but I'll use button).
$b=$g->addButton('Add New Client')->setIcon('Plus');
// OR
$url would most likely be returned by api->getDestinationURL(). The other page would be loaded and scripts on that page will be evaluated. Let's say you are on other page and now need to close the window.
$result = $this->addButton('Close')->js('click')->univ()->closeDialog();
closeDialog() returns a jQuery chain object pointing to a view which originally opened the frame. As a result if you do $result->hide(); then after dialog is closed, the original button ('add new client') will also be hidden.
Here is example to show some additional things you can do with frames, reloading and custom event handlers:

How can I hide like button or div from Firefox?

I am building a web page and I have included Facebook's Like button. Works great in all browsers but not in Firefox. When clicked in Firefox, it creates an endless loop of opening and closing a facebook login window. This is a known issue that Facebook isn't looking like it will correct anytime soon.
Can anyone tell me what code I might write to hide the like button (or a div containing the like button) from Firefox only? I've never written code to detect a browser and then have my site function a certain way. Not a javascript guru here. Thanks!
You can do this using the navigator javascript object, but it sounds like you have deeper problems if the facebook like button is causing an endless loop of window loads. You most probably have other errors in your code. The button should work fine in firefox.
Here's how to text for firefox using the navigator object,
if (/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)){
// user using firefox
This code parses the userAgent string, the string that defines the user's browser, of the navigator object. It looks for a string of the format Firefox/x.x or Firefox x.x.
This should work for you
<div id="likeDiv">
my div
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")!=-1)
// Remove the element from the dom
var Node1 = document.getElementById('likeDiv');
Hope this helps