Create new contact view - iphone

I have been told to do the following:
Implement contact add view like below and let him store in SQL table,
contacts will have Name, phone no of mobile, work , fax, email . view
should look like below:
My question:
Can you clarify me, should I use Addressbook or simply a custom view and a sql database to save data from that custom view? I mean both the options are open here?

You can not use address book to create custom content in your application.
So you should implement your custom view to collect information to store in your database (sqlite?)
If you are creating contact / modifying existing contact information, you can use address book framework.
Answer for the question in comment (how to go about for this kinda UI)
Yes, Have the grouped table view to get the desired background
Among the many possible solutions, here is the simplest one perhaps:
Have 2 sections in your table.
First section has a special kinda cell. Only one row in this section.
You can use Interface Builder to create the cell contents or you could build from code.
Second section contains similar cells. It can contain as many as the fields you need.
Just specify UITableViewCell's style to be UITableViewCellStyleValue2 and specify the values accordingly


Including list view of relationship entity on update page

I am trying to extend an update view to include a list view of some related items below the edit form.
I have two models, Publishers and Volumes, which have a many to many relationship. What I am trying to do is this.... when a user clicks on the edit button for a publisher, I want them to go to a page with the standard edit fields, but also have a list view below the form that lists all of the volumes that are connected to that publisher via their relationship.
Is there an easy way to do this?
I hope this makes sense.
As #tabacitu mentioned, Backpack doesn't currently have an built in solution for this. That said, this could maybe work for you:
This would allow you to use all functionality of the nested list view including interacting with the entities without conflicting at all with the parent
Step 1, Build your normal CRUDs
Build out two normal CRUDs, one for Publishers, and one for Volumes
Step 2, Make a frameless layout
copy vendor/backpack/base/layout.blade.php
name it frameless-layout.blade.php
remove #include('backpack::inc.main_header') and #include('backpack::inc.sidebar')
Step 3, Make a custom list view
copy vendor/backpack/crud/list.blade.php
name it sub-list.blade.php
change the top line to #extends('backpack::frameless-layout')
Step 4, Make a custom field
Create a custom form field that contains an iFrame
Inside your custom field template, have it set the url of the iFrame to the "list" url of the related resource
You'd also need to utilize List Filters and a method for setting them dynamically so that the sub-list shows only the records related to the parent
Step 5, Configure and use the field
In your crud controllers, use the addField to add the the configuration for the new field and its related model
Indeed, there's no standard functionality to do that in Backpack. It's a pretty unusual way to do things. But it's not too difficult to achieve it.
If there aren't too many Vendors for one Publisher (as I expect it's the case here), I would keep it simple and NOT try to include the entire Backpack list view (with ajax, buttons, filters, etc) on top of the form. I would add a standard HTML table with the entries (and optionally buttons to Edit Vendor with target=_blank).
Here's how I would go about it:
In the Publisher CRUD, I would use a custom view for the Edit operation; you can do that using $this->crud->setEditView('edit_publisher_with_vendors') in your setup() method;
In that custom edit view (edit_publisher_with_vendors.blade.php in my example), I would copy-paste everything inside the edit.blade.php view that Backpack/CRUD is using, and add a table with the Vendors on top of the Edit form; notice you have the current entry as $entry in this view; since there's a relationship on the model, you would be able to check if it has vendors using $entry->vendors()->count(), and get the vendors using $entry->vendors.
Hope it helps.

Creating detail view content programmatically?

I am making an app which uses a splitviewcontroller and will have over 100 different pieces of content. I want to make it so when I select a row, the content changes dynamically. Before, I was creating 100 nib files and separate view controllers before realizing the inefficiency.
I want different labels shown in the detail view when I select a row.
As a guide, I am using the MultipleDetailViews sample code provided by apple.
Also, if anyone can help me out with how to have a button for back and forward (changing table view content) that would be great!
If they are the same just different labelled views, then you could create a single nib file with a view that has all the common elements and then perhaps, create a small template view in the nib which is not contained in the main view and is hidden by default, every time you switch to a new page you can the use you can then use you template view to build the fields for you page. You could also have a few different template views for the different kinds of fields you want to display. To store all this information to drive all of this, you can create simple property list files for each page which contain information like the field title, order, my type or width. Getting the path to a property list file from you app package is easy with methods like [[NSBundle mainBundle] patterForResourceOfName:extension:];, Using properties list can make it easy to change you app, it is even possible to add features like uploading of new nibs without having to resubmit you app to apple, just do a periodic search for new property list files from some server, parsing PropertyList files is really easer too, NSDictionary and NSArray all serialise them selves as property list.

iPhone: Grouping records in multiple UITableView views

Let me first say, I know how to create sections and group records within a UITableView.
What I am wanting to do is something similar to creating a photo album. So, I have all my data objects coming from core data, and, I want to be able to create a custom group, such as "My Trip to Mexico" and "First Birthday". Then, the user should be able to add objects/records into new sections/albums. So, basically the user is creating custom sections with their own custom names, and then choosing what records should go into that section/album.
So, I am just wondering what is the best way to do this? I am thinking that I would just create some extra attributes for my core data model. Or, would I create a whole new "Album Section" object, and somehow use that?
Point me in the right direction. :)
I Would not recommend defining the album as an attribute within the image object, as the image could then only be part of a single album
I would recommend the datamodel above.
With this datamodel you could add images to multiple albums.
I assume groups albums and sections within your description are the same.
If not you should create an additional entity and relation for different "meanings"
for example: an image always has to be Part of one single Event, but can be added to multiple custom groups (like in iPhoto)

Iphone sdk - How to setup a 'template'

I've been working on a Cook Book App and I've been making each page individually which takes a really long time to do, I asked a question similar to this and it was brought to my attention that you can setup a way to automate the design process so all you need to do is input your data.
Can someone please explain in as much detail as possible how you setup your xcode files/code to automate such a process
So for example I would just enter the page text and it would automatically put my standard background picture in and add a scroll view and appropriate buttons etc.
You could make one master view that contains all the controls that you need: standard background picture, scroll view, appropriate buttons, etc, and make any subsequent views that you create inherit from this view, so that they all contain those controls.
You could also use just one view and work with multiple instances of it, one instance per page. Just make sure to have a Text property on it, or a constructor that takes in your text string, so that you could set it to a different text on each page.
Xcode project templates and file templates are pretty easy to make, with a few caveats.
Check the answers to these questions:
Add new templates in Xcode
Change templates in XCode
Also take a gander at these handy tutorials:
Custom Xcode Templates
Xcode: How to customize the existing project templates
It sounds to me like your putting your data into your views (pages). That's a big design error. You need to employ the Model-View-Controller design pattern and separate your data from your views. That will make it easy to create one view (template) that you can reload with data to display each individual recipe.
The first thing to do is to separate your data from the view. You need to have the recipes stored in an array, dictionary, Core Data etc and then wrap that data in a dedicated object. The second thing to do is to create a dedicated view to display all the recipes. As the user moves from recipe to recipe the app will simply remove and add information to the same view as needed.
I would recommend Cocoa Recipes for Mac OS X: The Vermont Recipes, Second Edition because it addresses these issues and it uses a recipe type app as its example. It's for Cocoa but the basic principles apply to iPhone apps as well.

Question regarding iPhone core data and how to duplicate features for multiple users...that doesn't make sense, just read my question :)

So I am working on a simple iPhone app, that uses core data to manage objects. My code is similar in function to Apple's CoreDataBooks app, found here. There is a blank UITableViewCell, and you have the ability to add objects to this blank list. If you hit the add button, a DetailViewController pops up that manages the attribute of each object. In the coredatabooks example, the app is like a library, and you can add book objects. My question is about how I might go about making it so that multiple users can have their own separate list of these objects. Again, relating back to coredatabooks, you would be able to make different library objects whose attributes are the book objects themselves. So using the convenient and easy to use coredata ui, would it be very hard to set it up so that in the UITableView, there was Library-A and Library-B and then selecting one of the libraries would move me to a screen that has the list of different books unique to that specific library? If you then select a book, you would then be able to view that book's attributes as before. So I guess my question is regarding how to put another RootViewController-esque view in front of the native one. As you may gather from this post I am in the learning stage of iPhone development, so I don't even know if logically this is even feasible or the correct way to do it. Any help/insight on this matter would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for your patience!
Create another UITableViewController (.h, .m, .xib files). And you can put some functionality into that view controller for adding library.
You can set that viewcontroller as startup object from MainWindow=.xib file. OPen that xib file -> expand navigation controller -> click on root view controller.
then in attributes window you can select your new controller as startup. you have to also set startup class from identity window.
Ruchir is correct, you can add another table view and controller. You will have to make some adjustments so that it is loaded and displayed first.
Also, it sounds like you will want to create a new entity in your data model for a Library which should have a to-many relationship with the Book entity.
Library <-->> Book
The new table view controller can use a fetched results controller that fetches Library entities. When the user chooses a row, you can set a property on the books table view controller before you push it on the navigation stack. Then use a predicate on the books fetched results controller to only fetch books in that library.