Like a Page, Newsletter Opt-In and Questions - facebook

first time Facebook developer so was hoping for some guidance. Been given a very brief spec:
Requirement is to run it where fans have to give email (so that we can
contact winners) with opt in for newsletter sign up and also must FB
like VF to be entered into prize draw. There will be options to choose
from. They choose one and can't vote more than once.
So I'm thinking about a Facebook application that sits as a tab on the facebook page. If the user hasn't "Liked" the page, they'll be encouraged to "Like" the page in order to proceed.
If it's liked, they'll have an option to opt into our newsletter. They will also be allowed to answer one question with one answer. When they submit it, they will then be entered into a competition.
If they pick the "right" option, we will send them an email telling them so.
Right - does this sound fairly straightforward? Are there any guides, examples or tutorials that could help? Am I going about it in the right way?
Many thanks in advance,

That sounds very straightforward and you are going about it in the right way.
The best tutorials and examples can probably be found in the Facebook Developers documentation and in the example files within the PHP SDK (
To find out if the current viewing user has liked the page or not check out the signed request that Facebook passes to your app tab. It contains this and a lot more useful information

What you have is pretty much how the majority of companies are pushing forward with Facebook. They are driving up the Like count by forcing users to Like the page before getting to their goodies. There are lots of examples on the internet as to how to create a page which checks if the user likes the page. As you've not stated what programming language you are going to be tackling this in, it is going to be hard to point you in the right direction.


How to open FB APP on phone to certain section of the app?

I am trying to send a link to the review section on the FB app so someone can leave a review for the business page.
This link opens the businesses app page but would like to structure it so it automatically opens the leave review section.
Any suggestions to ad something to the end of this URL to make this happen?
Much appreciated
Ps.. I would like to do this for Yelp also if possible
This is not supported. People have found ways to work around this, but it's not guaranteed to work and not officially supported.

Facebook API/Dialogue for Un-Friending people?

I'm aware a similar question has been asked before, but I believe my request is slightly different so I'm going to go for it anyway.
Existing Questions/Findings
I have read the following articles on SO already:
Unfriending someone through the Facebook API?
Any way to unfriend or delete a friend using Facebook's PHP SDK or API?
Previous queries have focussed mainly on silent/programatic un-friending of a user. I don't necessarily need it to be silent and would be quite happy to use a prompted dialogue box.
Is there anything even close to this, or some hack around I could use?
In one of the articles above, an app is mentioned Burger King 'Whopper Sacrifice' which did unfriend I believe. The reason for it being shut down appears to be the privacy invasion/publicising of the un-friending (which seems a bit harsh!) rather than the un-friending itself.
Example idea/Summary
I am looking for some way to simply (either using or not using a prompt) help the user unfriend someone.
As an example, do you think it would be possible to use some kind of call to an iframe to bring up the dialogue?
No, there's no API or Dialog for this functionality. Users can use Facebook's own interface to remove friends but not via 3rd party apps.
Side note, the user can unfriend someone from that person's timeline, if you want one of your users to unfriend someone for some reason, just link them to that timeline and give them the 'unfriend' instructions
There is only way to add user as friend (Friends Dialog) but not terminate friendship, there is no such functionality in API or SDK-s Facebook provide.

How do I carry over previous "likes" to new, upgraded domain address? How do I link website with the FB page?

I have very little knowledge how the plug ins work and really need help. I have a blogging website that I just upgraded to a regular domain address. The original site was now the domain address is I'm trying to find out if there is any way TO NOT LOSE the previous likes the pages had from the original domain. Is there a way to carry those over to the new domain? This problem only seems to be happening on the individual posts; not the general site itself. ALSO, when someone clicks "like" on my site/page/posts, it is not carrying over into their "Likes" section on FB. It DOES seem to show up as a recent like, but it doesn't intertwine with my FB page. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE HELP!! I've spent hours and days trying to figure this out but I'm simply not tech savvy!
I have a feeling you might be unable to do this.
I can't find any Facebook documentation stating that is impossible.
You might be able to get help from Facebook at
Good luck

What's the difference between a Facebook app and a tab?

I want to add a link to my Facebook page that will open new information within my page. Not a website, but information from a scoring program my bowlers use. I'm not a programmer by any means and have no programmer on staff I am trying to teach myself these things as I go along.
First of all, I have no idea if what I want to add is called a "tab" or an "app." I can't really seem to find a good explanation as to what the difference is. They both kind of sound the same to me. I've tried to figure out how to add both and have found a lot of great websites and information on Facebook that kind of leads you through the process.
The problem is all of them seem to expect me to already know what things like, JavaScript, canvas urls, FBML, etc... and I don't. So I'm getting tripped up on the steps even as I'm trying to work my way through the steps. I guess I'm kind of looking for a page entitled something like "Facebook developing for ignorant people."
I really appreciate any help you can give me.
Please forgive my ignorance here but I have searched and searched for how to do this and just keep coming up against a wall.
What are Facebook Tabs?
The tabbed structure multiplies your possibilities. Tabs help keep Pages organized so people know where to go to get different pieces of information. The Wall tab is for dynamic content, the Info tab has static information, the
Photos tab contains photos albums and Fan photos, etc
What are Facebook Apps?
Apps on Facebook are web apps that are loaded in the context of Facebook in what we refer to as a Canvas Page.
What is a Canvas Page?
A Canvas Page is quite literally a blank canvas within Facebook on which to run your app.
Now where you may have been confused is that you have ability for your app to be used within the context of a Facebook Page via a tab. So it is a custom tab
So now to what you want
I want to add a link to my Facebook page that will open new information within my page.
You want to add a new piece of information to the page. Is it static content. If it is just the rules of the scoring program, then you can use a Tab. Previously one was able to accomplish this using a simple FBML tab. Put Facebook has phased this out.
FBML will no longer be supported as of January 1, 2012
Two quick ways to deal with your problem
Use the Info tab description to place the information
Search for apps that offer this functionality for example TabPress
The longer way (long term) would be to follow this guide and bite the bullet for learning web hosting and development
Any more information in terms of languages, and steps depends on exactly what you would like to do. I am not really sure what you mean by showing the bowling information. For the moment I am thinking it is just static information. So all you need to know is how to use the following HTML tags

fb-walls module for drupal

I'm learning my way around drupal a little bit by making someone a site. I'm asked to display facebook wall posts in a block.
I found this module. Now I have no clue how to get started on this.
What I do know is that in drupal>admin>configuration>facebook-wall I need to fill in an application ID of the wall and then the secret code. But I have no clue on how retrieve that. I searched here in SO and using google but all I'm lead to is the facebook developer's pages where it's talking about app creation and developer's stuff I don't understand (eventhough I know a little basic php).
I simply don't know where to start looking, so I guess all i'm asking is for a little more understandable resource to figure this out.
You would want to start here
And since your developing for a website you would want to click the website option, which brings you to here.
If you read that page, not even a quarter of the way down, you would see something about Authentication... Which in the first paragraph makes mention of your AppID, and gives you some other links to follow.
Which talks about how the authentication process works, and then there is
Which is used to register you application, which the paragraph it is linked in mentions you need to do in order to use Facebook on your website (which is what your trying to do). Clicking on that link should be pretty self explanatory at that point as to how to get your AppID and Secret.
There you go, I have reduced the amount of reading you now need to do to a level that should be manageable....
Hope this helps.