Filtering DbgPrint in WinDBG? - filtering

Finally found out how to make DbgPrint to really print in Win Vista/7 with:
ed nt!Kd_DEFAULT_Mask 0xffffffff
The problem is that there is some other drivers talking to the command prompt ni WinDbg. Is there a way to filter so only DbgPrint from my .sys file will reach the command prompt in WinDbg?
I know about DbgPrintEx but I'm not so into migrating my old driver with tons of DbgPrint to DbgPrintEx if there is an easier way for simple filtering...

Have you tried the .ofilter command? This filters at the host so it's not as fast as using DbgPrintEx, but it works in a pinch.


Perl - Directory Management on Different Operating Systems

I am new in Perl. I am using the following command to remove a folder in Perl, under Windows:
system "del trash_folder";
But I intend to run the same script under Unix as well. I could get the OS name in the code and run a different command based on the OS. But is there no better way in Perl? I am thinking of possibly an API or so that is OS-ignorant.
The del command is never going to create a new directory, is it? :-)
If you want to create directories, use the mkdir command.
If you want to remove directories, use the rmdir command.
Update: In general, if you have a choice between using a Perl built-in function or an external command, then the Perl function will be the better choice. Firstly, your code will be more portable and, secondly, opening a sub-shell to run the external command will slow your program down.

Execute batch file using dos()

I got a problem when executing batch file commands through matlab. This batch file includes commands to run simulations in Adams. When I execute the batch file directly from DOS window, it works well. But if I use matlab to execute it (using command dos()), it gives error saying 'cannot check out the license for Adams'.
This confuses me: if the license is incorrect, it should not work no matter I execute the batch file directly in DOS or ask MATLAB to execute it. I also tried to execute other DOS commands through matlab using dos() and it worked well.
Does anyone know what the problem may be?
Such issues are commonly caused by some environment variables being changed or cleared by MATLAB. I have very similar experience on Linux and Mac OS X, where this causes havoc when using system or unix.
In Unix-like systems, MATLAB is started from a shell script where all of this happens. So you can either incorporate missing variables there or in the in your home directory (the latter is preserved when you upgrade MATLAB and it is much easier to use). I won't go into all the Unix details here.
An alternative workaround is to explicitly set those variables when you issue a system command (e.g. system('export variable=value ; ...')). It is quite a bit of work, but you can then use that MATLAB code on different computers with ease.
On Windows, I'm not completely sure about the exact location of the corresponding files (and whether MATLAB starts in quite a similar way as on Unix). But if they exist, you can probably find it in the MATLAB documentation.
Anyhow, the alternative fix should work here as well.
First you need to diagnose which system variables you need (likely a PATH or anything that has a name related to Adams).
To do so in Windows, run set from the Windows command prompt (cmd.exe) and from within MATLAB. Whatever differs in the output is a possible suspect for your problem.
To inspect just a single variable, you can use the command echo %variablename%.
I will assume that you have found that the suspect environment variable is missing and should be set to value.
The workaround fix is then to run your command in MATLAB as system('set suspect=value & ...') where you replace ... with your original command.

Executing a commandline from JConsole

I've recently discovered the joy of going through JConsole.exe instead of J.exe to run various scripts. There's generally a noticeable performance gain.
However, sometimes I need to use wd winexec (calling ad-hoc programs for example) and in the console, 11!:0 (wd) support is not available.
Is there a way to send a command from JConsole.exe to the regular Windows command line interpreter? Or maybe a workaround?
You might try the task script. See the script itself for documentation.
J6: ~system/packages/misc/task.ijs',
J7: ~system/main/task.ijs
It contains utilities such as fork_jtask_, spawn_jtask_, shell_jtask_
You can load the script in both versions using: require 'task'

How to make command line tool work in windows and linux?

Making my PHP Command line application support Linux and Windows. Currently it has this code below to work from command line on Linux/unix
How can I make it work on Windows? I lan on having a setting to determine if the sytem is Linux or Windows and using the correct commands based on that but I do not know how to make these function below work in Windows
exec() is a PHP function to run stuff through the command line
exec("rm -f $dest_file", $var);
exec("mv $quant_file {$this->tmp_path}/{$src_filename}-quant.png");
You could test which platform you're on using the PHP_OS constant and run commands accordingly.
I would, however, suggest that you use the PHP provided filesystem functions (if possible).
Here are some links:

XP command prompt : redirect a file to STDOUT

I want to do the opposite of everybody ( laugh )
I start open-erp with a command line like :
C:\OpenERPAllInOne\Server>openerp-server.exe --log-file=outputfile
but the problem is that with Windows it only does output to a file.
Is there any way to redirect a file to the STDOUT.
For example (it doesn't work but this is the way I see it working) :
C:\OpenERPAllInOne\Server>openerp-server.exe --log-file=STDOUT
and then see directly the output to the command line.
I can't make it work ! Any idea ?
I'm not sure if it still works, try CON (hope it was that) as filename
That would be a function of the openerp-server.exe program.
If it's default output is to a file, then there isn't anything you can do about that.
I'm assuming that OpenERP uses getopt_long and confirms to GNU standards. If it does, then the following should work:
openerp-server --log-file=-
(a dash is usually used to represent STDOUT in GNU, Linux and UNIX programs.)
If you can't get the server to output to the standard output you could monitor the log file with [tail][1].
If you run:
tail -f c:\path\to\logfile.txt
in another window then you can see the contents of the file as they are written.
tail doesn't come with Windows as standard but you can download a free port of tail for Windows here.
for windows there is a configuration file for OpenERP Server,
like openerp-server.conf in the directory where you have installed the Open ERP
like c:\Program Files\OpenERP Server\openerp-server.conf OR
C:\documents and settings\USER\OpenERP Server\oepenrp-server.conf
you need to edit that file and set the --log-file paramter to None or False, and probably you might also try out something like this
C:\OpenERPAllInOne\Server>openerp-server.exe --log-file=False
that should work, but not sure whether it will work or not.!!