xcode 4.2: different compilation for debug and for distribution - iphone

Unfortunately i have a problem with distributing my app. I have almost finished project, that is tested by me, and then I'd started beta-testing. Testers sent me reports about bugs, that I wasn't able to repeat. For example, app calculates finances of user (simple summing of data). And some times app adds some great numbers to result, that isn't right.
I found that this bug appear only on distributed version. It mens that compiler differs for debug and distribution?
While debugging I tested my app on simulator and different devices, different iOS simply compiling project on target or making .ipa file form .app file.
Version for distribution I made with ad-Hoc provision, using build and archive on distribution configuration, and than using share for archive.
What's wrong? Why could appear any new bugs after distribution and how can I avoid it?


how to make IPJSUA become a .IPA file?

I just compile the IPJSUA and build using xCode 4.3.2, and also run on simulator. But still can't call/send IM.
I'm thinking about limitation for simulator, now I want to deploy into .IPA file and test it using my phone. But I got an error.
If I'm using iPhone Developer Certificate, I got a lot of error like this pic.
If I'm using iPhone Distribution Certificates, I got a error message like this.
No unexpired provisioning profiles found that contain any of the keychain's signing certificates
Anybody ever try how to make IPJSUA into .IPA files?
What different between iPhone Developer Certificate and iPhone Distribution Certificate?
Here is the picture, I already linked the library, the architectures, and the search path.
I already can make the .IPA file, but still can't make a call or send IM. can you make a call with IPJSUA using your devices/simulator?
UPDATE: Already can call/send IM/add buddy. I will Refer to the new question that I will answer by myself. The step by step of using PJSIP on xCode. Thanks.
If you're just testing it on your own phone, and your phone is registered in the developer portal then there is no need to generate a .IPA file. You can just plug your device into the computer and build it directly onto the device. If however you want to distribute to multiple devices that aren't registered yet(such as friend's devices), i would suggest looking into testflight which simplifies this process, and gives a step by step instruction here on how to create and upload your IPA.
It took me days to get ipjsua running on devices. A couple things I ran into:
Are you linking to all the proper binaries? There's about 20 or so you need to link to, you can check their ipjsua sample app for reference.
Did you add the armv7 and armv6 architectures in your build settings? We had to add both (this was probably back in September of last year when we were building it, for reference)
Are your Library Search Paths and Header Search Paths in build settings correct? For headers we have pjsip/include, pjlib/include, pjlib-util/include, pjnath/include, and pjmedia/include. For Library paths we have all the same (with /lib instead of /include of course)

iOS App with Static Lib crashes ONLY on launch of Archive Build loaded Ad Hoc. Can't reproduce in Debugger

I realize this is a stretch and I can't give much info to help but I am reaching for anything. My App has been under continuous development for 3 years and never seen anything like this. I recently submitted a small point release to Apple for Release, and twice now it has been rejected for Crashing on Launch on ALL their devices?
The Crash reports point to some code in static library but the key lines are not getting symbolicated. Tried Atos no luck.
The key point is that I have 7 devices I have tested the app on in every mode I can think of, in particular no connection to anything: Wifi-OFF, AirplaneMode-ON, Location services-OFF. I can NEVER simulate what they claim to be seeing, which is App crashes on launch every time?!
I found one report in the AAPL Dev Forums that sounded similar, but he never got any explanation as to what was up. After he submitted an app with loads of logging in it out of desperation and asked them to send the logs. They got that version and... approved it in hours.
Anyone have ANY ideas. I NEED to get this release out.
NOTE: Resolved
This turned out to NOT be a weak link issue. We only saw the crash when running the App using Ad Hoc distribution of the Archive version as Brad suggested... so that was helpful.
However the resolution turned out to be some compiler flags which I listed here:
I'll repost and expand upon my comment from above so that this question can have an accepted answer.
I recently came across a case similar to this when building my GPUImage framework. It appears that the build process is slightly different when archiving than when building and directly installing an application on the device via Xcode.
This can be exposed by building and archiving the application, then choosing to distribute it for ad hoc or enterprise distribution. Take the .ipa and place it in iTunes and manually load it on one of your test devices that way. The behavior of an application prepared in this manner may differ from one built and installed through Xcode, and should be closer to how a build submitted for review will act.
In my case, the problem was due to a lack of proper weak linking. On SDKs newer than iOS 4.3, you should no longer need to weak link whole frameworks if you wish to conditionally use classes and functions that are present in newer SDKs but missing in older ones. If you target 4.0 and higher, the linker should now perform class- and function-level weak linking.
However, this was failing for people using my static library, which does runtime checks for the presence of the new texture cache functions in iOS 5.0, but it only failed in these archived builds. I never saw it in all my testing against 4.x devices, because that was done by installing via Xcode. In the end, I needed to have users explicitly weak link the entire Core Video framework in order to get applications using this framework to run properly when archived and installed via iTunes.
Note that this wasn't due to the Release vs. Debug build configurations, because I tried switching between these in my build schemes when deploying to the device through Xcode and it made no difference there. Something else is different in the way that archived applications are built and linked.

How to get multiple targets into one binary for app store submission?

I have split my iPhone app into two targets one for the ipad and one for the iphone. When I upload to the appstore I can only have one binary. But I have two targets?
I think I am missing a step. Thanks in advance for any help.
A "target" encompasses all of the instructions that Xcode uses to build your app.
You can have two targets inside of one binary, although this is not always done. This is how Universal Binaries are made. The two apps are bundled together inside of one binary. If you open up a Mac app "bundle" you will notice a few meta files, like icons and such, and there will be the actual compiled binary code. An iOS Universal Binary has both apps inside of it.
(If you watch your compilation carefully, you'll notice that Xcode actually builds your app twice. It does one build for iPhone/iPod and one for iPad.)
Provided that your Xcode project is set up properly, you will get the intended results.
The binary will be fine, the "targets" refer to what runs when it is run on an iPhone vs iPad. If the project is setup correctly for universal it should work fine.

iPhone Provisioning: What's it all about?

Grepping around, I see that I'm not AT ALL alone in being... challenged... by the process of setting up an iPhone app, getting it to run, giving it my testers, and so on.
I've gotten it to work. Somehow I emailed a copy or two to testers, and eventually got my li'l app into the store, and that was fine.
But I can't say a really, deeply understand it! (And I don't do iOS dev every day. Even now my recollection of what I did is kind-of hazy.)
I'm moderately capable of understanding things, if presented, well, you know, in a way I can understand.
Can anyone point me to a crystal clear explanation of what provisioning actually is?
I feel that if I understood it, the recipes to do it would be obvious.
Development provisioning profiles sign your application, and allow the phone to know it's OK to run. These days, XCode automatically makes a Development Profile for you (the "Team Profile").
The other kind of profile, when you are talking about other people running you app, is a Distribution Profile. You need a Distribution profile for either giving your app to the store, or for giving to beta-testers.
The profile is what allows other people's phones to know it's OK to run your app, basically it includes a list of device ID's approved to run that application on the phone in question, along with being signed so that the phone knows the whole thing is valid.
If you read advice around the web concerning distribution, it's easy to get confused because things used to be a lot harder. You used to have to send Distribution certificates separately from your app to beta testers. These days the certificates are included in your app bundle so you don't have to worry about that.
Furthermore, sending an AdHoc build can be all kinds of unpleasant - for testers using Windows. These days, the absolute best way to do beta testing is have a link on the web that uses the Enterprise ad-hoc deployment feature, to let a user with iOS4 or higher automatically download and install your application with no iTunes or copying work at all. In fact I would at this point refuse to use beta testers running windows who were not on iOS4 or higher.
The guide link posted should have a section about the enterprise ad-hoc, but basically the way it works is there's a small plist file the phone downloads, that has a link to the IPA file containing your app. You point the phone to a specially formatted link to the plist file and the phone fetches the application directly.
All of this is predicated on using the "Build and Archive" option for building any ad-hoc distribution build. You should do that anyway because it also saves out a symbol file for you to use in debugging crash reports.
Here's a little more detail on enterprise deployment (which works for any registered developer, not just Enterprise registered developers):
The Developer Program User Guide should be helpful.

IPhone Development Profile Expired

I really combed this site and others. I read and re-read the related links here and the Apple docs. I'm sorry, but either I am obviously missing something right under my nose, or this Apple profile/certificate stuff is a bit convoluted. Here it is:
I have a product in the App Store.
I have updated it several times and users like it.
My development profile recently expired just when I was improving the app for its next release.
I can run the app in the simulator.
I can compile and put the distribution build on my iPhone just fine.
I went to the Apple portal and renewed the development profile.
I downloaded it and installed it in Xcode.
I see it in the Organize window.
I see it on my iPhone.
I CANNOT put the debug build on my iPhone to debug or run with Instruments. The message is that either there is not a valid signed profile or it is untrusted.
I subsequently tried to download and install the certificate to my Mac's keychain.
Still no success.
I checked the code signing section of Project settings and also for the target and the root. All appears to indicate that it is using the expected development profile for debug.
Yes, I had deleted the old profile from my iPhone, from the Organizer. I cleaned the Xcode cache and all targets. I have done all of this several times and in varying sequences to try to cover every possibility.
I am ready to do anything to be able to debug with Instruments in order to check for leaks or high memory usage. Even though the distribution compile runs fine on my iPhone and plays well with other running processes, I will not release anything without a leaks/memory test.
Any ideas will be appreciated. If I missed something obvious, please forgive me - it was not due to just posting a question without searching for similar postings.
All problems solved! I am very happy this all happened because I learned so much about Xcode, keychains, certs and provisioning. Unfortunately, there is not a simple answer. Here are the highlights:
I needed to recreate the ad-hoc profile and install it on my device. (That was MY BIG oversight and the reason the dist build no longer ran on my device.)
Between the very first time I created my profiles and the date my development profile expired, I upgraded to the 3.1.3 Xcode SDK.
It seems that this now means you need 2 entitlements files; a debug version with the get-task-allow checked and a distribution version with get-task-allow unchecked. Each need to be set in the respective settings.
In Project settings, I needed to set both my working directory and intermediate directory to the build product directory.
BIGGIE - I had to double click on the target and reset the appropriate code signing profile. There was an old profile name still there for some reason! Now, I can debug, and drop my distribution on my device without a hitch.
So, in summary, I believe that my original problem (not being able to debug after renewing my dev profile) and the problem that resulted from all my efforts to fix the first were caused by:
the fact that I upgraded to 3.1.3 during my dev cycle
my own oversight (I apologize to Apple for my criticism)
an Xcode quirk (the old profile name hanging around in target settings).
I hope this helps others. The best advise I can give is to take a day off and then create a new empty project, going through the same process step by step.
Thank you all!!
Try re-creating your development mobileprovision file on Apple's site. Be sure to delete all old copies from Organizer (including those on the iPhone itself).