Secure iPhone (iOS) /server communication - iphone

I'm building and iPhone App that will make requests to an application of mine running on a server. I'm using REST to build the server's application API. What is the best way for securing the requests from the iPhone to the server and viceversa. Is OAuth a good option? What would you recommend?

If it's a server you control, use a SSL/TLS connection for all communications between the phone and your server. Make sure that the phone app code checks the server's certificate (e.g., to check that it is a cert for your domain name, where your domain name is hardcoded into the source code). This will protect against eavesdropping, man-in-the-middle attacks, message forgery, and other attacks on the data while it is in transit.

There is not really any way to answer the question "what's best" without a lot more information on the security needs of your app.
In general, you should consider authentication, authorization, and transport.
Authentication could be as simple as username/password login. This could be simple authentication, OAuth, kerberos, etc. It is meant to identify the user. Authorization deals with which services are allowed to be accessed by which groups or individuals. You'd need a way to grant and maintain privileges. Finally, securing the transport typically means using encrypted services, such as HTTPS over SSL. This prevent data from being intercepted or altered during transport.
There are many other considerations to think about including how your protecting personally-identifiable information, encryption, etc., but again, there is no one-size-fits-all solution that could be recommended.


Mobile app/API security: will a hardcoded access key suffice?

I'm building a mobile app which allows users to find stores and discounts near their location. The mobile app gets that information from the server via a REST API, and I obviously want to protect that API.
Would it be enough to hardcode an access key (128 bit) into the mobile app, and send it on every request (enforcing https), and then check if it matches the server key? I am aware of JWT, but I believe using it or other token-based approach will give me more flexibility but not necessarily more security.
As far as I can see the only problem with this approach is that I become vulnerable to a malicious developer on our team. Would there be a way to solve this?
First, as discussed many times here, what you want to achieve is not technically possible in a way that could be called secure. You can't authenticate the client, you can only authenticate people. The reason is that anything you put into a client will be fully available to people using it, so they can reproduce any request it makes.
Anything below is just a thought experiment.
Your approach of adding a static key, and sending it with every request is a very naive attempt. As an attacker, it would be enough for me to inspect one single request created by your app and then I would have the key to make any other request.
A very slightly better approach would be to store a key in your app and sign requests with it (instead of sending the actual key), like for example to create a hmac of the request with the key and add that as an additional request header. That's better, because I would have to disassemble the app to get the key - more work which could deter me, but very much possible.
As a next step, that secret key could be generated upon the first use of your app, and there we are getting close to as good as this could get. Your user installs the app, you generate a key, store it in the appropriate keystore of your platform, and register it with the user. From then on, on your backend you require every request to be signed (eg. the hmac method above) with the key associated with your user. The obvious problem is how you would assign keys - and such a key would still authenticate a user, and not his device or client, but at least from a proper keystore on a mobile platform, it would not be straightforward to get the key without rooting/jailbraking.But nothing would keep an attacker from installing the app on a rooted device or an emulator.
So the bottomline is, you can't prevent people from accessing your api with a different client. However, in the vast majority of cases they wouldn't want to anyway. If you really want to protect it, it should not be public, and a mobile app is not an appropriate platform.
Would it be enough to hardcode an access key (128 bit) into the mobile app, and send it on every request (enforcing https), and then check if it matches the server key?
Well no, because every secret you hide in a mobile app, is not anymore a secret, because will be accessible to everyone that wants to spend some time to reverse engineer your mobile app or to perform a MitM attack against it in a device he controls.
On the article How to Extract an API key from a Mobile App by Static Binary Analysis I show how easy is to extract a secret from the binary, but I also show a good approach to hide it, that makes it hard to reverse engineer:
It's time to look for a more advanced technique to hide the API key in a way that will be very hard to reverse engineer from the APK, and for this we will make use of native C++ code to store the API key, by leveraging the JNI interface which uses NDK under the hood.
While the secret may be hard to reverse engineer it will be easy to extract with a MitM attack, and that is what I talk about in the article Steal that API key with a MitM Attack:
So, in this article you will learn how to setup and run a MitM attack to intercept https traffic in a mobile device under your control, so that you can steal the API key. Finally, you will see at a high level how MitM attacks can be mitigated.
If you read the article you will learn how an attacker will be able to extract any secret you transmit over https to your API server, therefore a malicious developer in your team will not be your only concern.
You can go and learn how to implement certificate pinning to protect your https connection to the API server, and I also have wrote an article on it, entitled Securing Https with Certificate Pinning on Android:
In this article you have learned that certificate pinning is the act of associating a domain name with their expected X.509 certificate, and that this is necessary to protect trust based assumptions in the certificate chain. Mistakenly issued or compromised certificates are a threat, and it is also necessary to protect the mobile app against their use in hostile environments like public wifis, or against DNS Hijacking attacks.
Finally you learned how to prevent MitM attacks with the implementation of certificate pinning in an Android app that makes use of a network security config file for modern Android devices, and later by using TrustKit package which supports certificate pinning for both modern and old devices.
Sorry but I need to inform you that certificate pinning can be bypassed in a device the attacker controls, and I show how it can be done in the article entitled Bypass Certificate Pinning:
In this article you will learn how to repackage a mobile app in order to make it trust custom ssl certificates. This will allow us to bypass certificate pinning.
Despite certificate pinning can be bypassed it is important to always use it to secure the connection between your mobile app and API server.
So and now what, am I doomed to fail in defending my API server... Hope still exists, keep reading!
The mobile app gets that information from the server via a REST API, and I obviously want to protect that API.
Protecting an API server for a mobile app is possible, and it can be done by using the Mobile App Attestation concept.
Before I go in detail to explain the Mobile App Attestation concept is important to we first clarify an usual misconception among developers, the difference between the WHO and the WHAT is accessing your API server.
The Difference Between WHO and WHAT is Accessing the API Server
To better understand the differences between the WHO and the WHAT are accessing an API server, let’s use this picture:
The Intended Communication Channel represents the mobile app being used as you expected, by a legit user without any malicious intentions, using an untampered version of the mobile app, and communicating directly with the API server without being man in the middle attacked.
The actual channel may represent several different scenarios, like a legit user with malicious intentions that may be using a repackaged version of the mobile app, a hacker using the genuine version of the mobile app, while man in the middle attacking it, to understand how the communication between the mobile app and the API server is being done in order to be able to automate attacks against your API. Many other scenarios are possible, but we will not enumerate each one here.
I hope that by now you may already have a clue why the WHO and the WHAT are not the same, but if not it will become clear in a moment.
The WHO is the user of the mobile app that we can authenticate, authorize and identify in several ways, like using OpenID Connect or OAUTH2 flows.
Generally, OAuth provides to clients a "secure delegated access" to server resources on behalf of a resource owner. It specifies a process for resource owners to authorize third-party access to their server resources without sharing their credentials. Designed specifically to work with Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), OAuth essentially allows access tokens to be issued to third-party clients by an authorization server, with the approval of the resource owner. The third party then uses the access token to access the protected resources hosted by the resource server.
OpenID Connect
OpenID Connect 1.0 is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. It allows Clients to verify the identity of the End-User based on the authentication performed by an Authorization Server, as well as to obtain basic profile information about the End-User in an interoperable and REST-like manner.
While user authentication may let the API server know WHO is using the API, it cannot guarantee that the requests have originated from WHAT you expect, the original version of the mobile app.
Now we need a way to identify WHAT is calling the API server, and here things become more tricky than most developers may think. The WHAT is the thing making the request to the API server. Is it really a genuine instance of the mobile app, or is a bot, an automated script or an attacker manually poking around with the API server, using a tool like Postman?
For your surprise you may end up discovering that It can be one of the legit users using a repackaged version of the mobile app or an automated script that is trying to gamify and take advantage of the service provided by the application.
Well, to identify the WHAT, developers tend to resort to an API key that usually they hard-code in the code of their mobile app. Some developers go the extra mile and compute the key at run-time in the mobile app, thus it becomes a runtime secret as opposed to the former approach when a static secret is embedded in the code.
The above write-up was extracted from an article I wrote, entitled WHY DOES YOUR MOBILE APP NEED AN API KEY?, and that you can read in full here, that is the first article in a series of articles about API keys.
Mobile App Attestation
The role of a Mobile App Attestation solution is to guarantee at run-time that your mobile app was not tampered with, is not running in a rooted device, not being instrumented by a framework like xPosed or Frida, not being MitM attacked, and this is achieved by running an SDK in the background. The service running in the cloud will challenge the app, and based on the responses it will attest the integrity of the mobile app and device is running on, thus the SDK will never be responsible for any decisions.
Inject your own scripts into black box processes. Hook any function, spy on crypto APIs or trace private application code, no source code needed. Edit, hit save, and instantly see the results. All without compilation steps or program restarts.
Xposed is a framework for modules that can change the behavior of the system and apps without touching any APKs. That's great because it means that modules can work for different versions and even ROMs without any changes (as long as the original code was not changed too much). It's also easy to undo.
MiTM Proxy
An interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.
On successful attestation of the mobile app integrity a short time lived JWT token is issued and signed with a secret that only the API server and the Mobile App Attestation service in the cloud are aware. In the case of failure on the mobile app attestation the JWT token is signed with a secret that the API server does not know.
Now the App must sent with every API call the JWT token in the headers of the request. This will allow the API server to only serve requests when it can verify the signature and expiration time in the JWT token and refuse them when it fails the verification.
Once the secret used by the Mobile App Attestation service is not known by the mobile app, is not possible to reverse engineer it at run-time even when the App is tampered, running in a rooted device or communicating over a connection that is being the target of a Man in the Middle Attack.
The Mobile App Attestation service already exists as a SAAS solution at Approov(I work here) that provides SDKs for several platforms, including iOS, Android, React Native and others. The integration will also need a small check in the API server code to verify the JWT token issued by the cloud service. This check is necessary for the API server to be able to decide what requests to serve and what ones to deny.
In the end, the solution to use in order to protect your API server must be chosen in accordance with the value of what you are trying to protect and the legal requirements for that type of data, like the GDPR regulations in Europe.
OWASP Mobile Security Project - Top 10 risks
The OWASP Mobile Security Project is a centralized resource intended to give developers and security teams the resources they need to build and maintain secure mobile applications. Through the project, our goal is to classify mobile security risks and provide developmental controls to reduce their impact or likelihood of exploitation.

Advice on implementing web server security in iPhone app

I have a relatively successful app in the app store that allows people to view metrics on their iDevice using a JSON file hosted on the their server. The app has a simple settings screen in which you simply type the URL of your JSON file and the app takes care of visualising the data in the file. I use AFNetworking for this.
For example the URL might be:
Customers are now coming back to me and asking for the ability to connect to their servers more securely. Problem is there is a myriad of ways you can secure your server.
I need some advice. What kind of standard security features would I need to build into my app. I am confused by OAuth, HTTPS, etc.
I believe OAuth would mean the customers server would have to use it? Can you make a generic OAuth login screen in an app or do you need to know which web server you are connecting to authenticate.
Any advice on even the most basic of security measure would be very welcome!
Security is really a very broad topic. There is no short answer. In any case, both web service and client app need to implement security mechanisms. I would recommend, you provide both the web service and client app.
You likely need some user login with a password, "server verifies user identity" and "client verifies server identity" using certificates. Then you utilize HTTPS which ensures to transport confident data in a secure way. The web service should be implemented with one of the well known web application frameworks since security is a scary business, and tricky. Implementing everything yourself, might end in a suboptimal insecure application.
You should now read more about the complex topic and come back when you have specific questions.
... most basic would be to use https, which would secure the transaction, but anybody accessing the same link would be able to access the same data. Thus you will need some kind of authentication, starting with a simple secret key passed as POST request, username and password and/or via certificates.

Secure RESTful web service using Symfony2

We are in the process of planning an iOS application in which users will need to be authenticated and authorized before they can interact with data provided by a Symfony2 web service.
Authorization will be implemented with ACLs, it's the authentication I'm not sure about.
From what I found in my research, there are a few ways to achieve the authentication part, but since there won't be any third parties accessing the data it sounds like basic HTTP authentication paired with a SSL certificate is the way to go. Is this correct?
Additionally, is a simple username and password secure enough, or is it better to add some sort of API key for identification?
If a key is needed and considering our users will be part of a group, should a key be bound to every user individually or to the group as a whole?
Finally, and slightly off topic, Symfony2 has FOSRestBundle, is there a defacto REST library for iOS?
For securing REST applications in symfony the FOSOAuthServerBundle is very useful. With it you can implement easy OAuth authentication for your app. OAuth is de facto standard for securing REST web services.
As https/ssl is pretty secure you can go for basic http authentication and/or the api key solution.
Wether to use a key and/or username/password is your personal choice.
If somehow requests can be catched in cleartext either one is compromised.
Keys in addition to username/password auth can have the advantage of seperating i.e. user contingents.
Basic http authentication is mostly used, therefore the chance of your client having already available methods to integrate it from his side are high.
You should always give out unique keys or username/passwords to every user in order to be able to log who did exactly what.
I'm not that much into iOS, sorry.

Securing Mobile app access to a WebService (home-grown approache)

I have an HTTPS WebService that need to be accessed from a Mobile (iPhone) application. both are developed by our-side.
We need to secure the Mobile access to this Service. So we used a username/password credentials.
We are aware of OAuth, but we need a more simple authentication scheme.
What We think of is the following:
The Mobile App shows a Login-form to the User/Resource Owner.
The Resource Owner enter The login credentials on behave of the Mobile App.
The Mobile app connect to the Server at special WS Method (e.g. "ValidateLogin") that takes username/password -probably hashed- as input and returns the HTTP Session Id.
The Mobile app persists this HTTP Session Id -which is a unique key from server side, and may be secure?- to communicate with the Server for subsequent requests (Invoking business methods).
If the Client doesn't communicate with the Server for say 30 Min, the Server will send 403/Session_time_out (The Mobile may remove the persisted HTTP Session Id to indicate to himself that he no longer has access to the Server resources - and It may opt to do so in case if it needs to end the communication with the Server)
In this case, the Mobile will need to use the Resource Owner again to obtain a new session id from the Server and gain access to the Server resources.
The Questions are:
Does the above steps are good enough to depend on?
What do you think from security perspective?
Do you have any other thoughts/opinions?
EDIT: It is a HTTPS WebService
The question is very open in nature, and I believe that it is difficult to answer those general questions with your specific needs in mind.
To answer some concrete questions:
How to secure your app against unauthorized clients?
Look at SSL and Client side certificates.
How to manage user credentials securely?
Look at using the Keychain API in iOS.

Security of REST authentication schemes

I'm designing the authentication scheme for a REST web service. This doesn't "really" need to be secure (it's more of a personal project) but I want to make it as secure as possible as an exercise/learning experience. I don't want to use SSL since I don't want the hassle and, mostly, the expense of setting it up.
These SO questions were especially useful to get me started:
RESTful Authentication
Best Practices for securing a REST API / web service
Examples of the best SOAP/REST/RPC web APIs? And why do you like them? And what’s wrong with them?
I'm thinking of using a simplified version of Amazon S3's authentication (I like OAuth but it seems too complicated for my needs). I'm adding a randomly generated nonce, supplied by the server, to the request, to prevent replay attacks.
To get to the question:
Both S3 and OAuth rely on signing the request URL along with a few selected headers. Neither of them sign the request body for POST or PUT requests. Isn't this vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack, which keeps the url and headers and replaces the request body with any data the attacker wants?
It seems like I can guard against this by including a hash of the request body in the string that gets signed. Is this secure?
A previous answer only mentioned SSL in the context of data transfer and didn't actually cover authentication.
You're really asking about securely authenticating REST API clients. Unless you're using TLS client authentication, SSL alone is NOT a viable authentication mechanism for a REST API. SSL without client authc only authenticates the server, which is irrelevant for most REST APIs because you really want to authenticate the client.
If you don't use TLS client authentication, you'll need to use something like a digest-based authentication scheme (like Amazon Web Service's custom scheme) or OAuth 1.0a or even HTTP Basic authentication (but over SSL only).
These schemes authenticate that the request was sent by someone expected. TLS (SSL) (without client authentication) ensures that the data sent over the wire remains untampered. They are separate - but complementary - concerns.
For those interested, I've expanded on an SO question about HTTP Authentication Schemes and how they work.
REST means working with the standards of the web, and the standard for "secure" transfer on the web is SSL. Anything else is going to be kind of funky and require extra deployment effort for clients, which will have to have encryption libraries available.
Once you commit to SSL, there's really nothing fancy required for authentication in principle. You can again go with web standards and use HTTP Basic auth (username and secret token sent along with each request) as it's much simpler than an elaborate signing protocol, and still effective in the context of a secure connection. You just need to be sure the password never goes over plain text; so if the password is ever received over a plain text connection, you might even disable the password and mail the developer. You should also ensure the credentials aren't logged anywhere upon receipt, just as you wouldn't log a regular password.
HTTP Digest is a safer approach as it prevents the secret token being passed along; instead, it's a hash the server can verify on the other end. Though it may be overkill for less sensitive applications if you've taken the precautions mentioned above. After all, the user's password is already transmitted in plain-text when they log in (unless you're doing some fancy JavaScript encryption in the browser), and likewise their cookies on each request.
Note that with APIs, it's better for the client to be passing tokens - randomly generated strings - instead of the password the developer logs into the website with. So the developer should be able to log into your site and generate new tokens that can be used for API verification.
The main reason to use a token is that it can be replaced if it's compromised, whereas if the password is compromised, the owner could log into the developer's account and do anything they want with it. A further advantage of tokens is you can issue multiple tokens to the same developers. Perhaps because they have multiple apps or because they want tokens with different access levels.
(Updated to cover implications of making the connection SSL-only.)
Or you could use the known solution to this problem and use SSL. Self-signed certs are free and its a personal project right?
If you require the hash of the body as one of the parameters in the URL and that URL is signed via a private key, then a man-in-the-middle attack would only be able to replace the body with content that would generate the same hash. Easy to do with MD5 hash values now at least and when SHA-1 is broken, well, you get the picture.
To secure the body from tampering, you would need to require a signature of the body, which a man-in-the-middle attack would be less likely to be able to break since they wouldn't know the private key that generates the signature.
In fact, the original S3 auth does allow for the content to be signed, albeit with a weak MD5 signature. You can simply enforce their optional practice of including a Content-MD5 header in the HMAC (string to be signed).
Their new v4 authentication scheme is more secure.
Remember that your suggestions makes it difficult for clients to communicate with the server. They need to understand your innovative solution and encrypt the data accordingly, this model is not so good for public API (unless you are amazon\yahoo\google..).
Anyways, if you must encrypt the body content I would suggest you to check out existing standards and solutions like:
XML encryption (W3C standard)
XML Security