how to get objects degrees? - iphone

float mcount=0;
mcount += 0.3;
CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(mcount);
Clock.transform = transform;
i want GET Degree!
how to get rotation(degree) of this Object ? for exampke 90 degree.
i have Action Script 3 example :
myInt = clock_mc.rotation;
i need this method on Cocoa Touch

If I'm understanding your question correctly then a bit of mathematics can help here:
angleInRadians = angleInDegrees * M_PI / 180.0
To get the reverse, you reverse your equation. So first moving the division by 180 on the right to the left results in multiplying by 180.0
angleInRadians * 180.0 = angleInDegrees * M_PI
Now move the multiply by M_PI (the value of PI which is something like 3.1415962...) to the left, you reverse the operation:
(angleInRadians * 180.0) / M_PI = angleInDegrees
Now to make it nice for the program to use, we write it like so:
angleInDegrees = (angleInRadians * 180.0) / M_PI
So in your program, you could write your code like this:
var angleInDegrees = 0;
angleInDegrees = mcount * 180.0 / M_PI;
If you want to use a function then:
-(float) getAngleInDegrees:(float) radians
float angleInDegrees = 0;
angleInDegrees = radians * 180.0 / M_PI;
return angleInDegrees;

I think you want how to convert degrees into radians:-
for this you can use this formula:-
static inline double radians (double degrees) { return degrees * M_PI/180; }

Do you want to get result rotation angle of Clock object?! If so, use this:
double rotationInRadians = atan2(Clock.transform.b, Clock.transform.a);
int rotationInDegrees = (int)round(rotationInRadians * 180 / M_PI);
Read this for details & explanation.


Rotate UIView without deformation

I'm rotating a UIView based on the accelerometer data, and it works fine except that the UIView is deformed. I'm not sure how to fix the issue. Here's the code in my didAccelerate method:
float kFilteringFactor = 0.175;
CGFloat x = acceleration.x * kFilteringFactor + acceleration.x * (1.0 - kFilteringFactor);
CGFloat y = acceleration.y * kFilteringFactor + acceleration.y * (1.0 - kFilteringFactor);
float radians = M_PI - atan2(y, x);
[_horizonView setTransform:CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(radians)];
Am I performing the rotation incorrectly? I've changed the origin point in Xcode, but that appears to have no effect.
what kind of deformation occures? I think the the rotation is fine.

Iphone : OpenGL glLookAt : Getting the rotation angle

I am using glLookAt to control my camera view.
I use the following code to rotate around.
SPEED_TURN is a Const of 0.16 (speed we turn at)
GLfloat v[] = {[self centerAtIndex:0] - [self eyeAtIndex:0],
[self centerAtIndex:1] - [self eyeAtIndex:1],
[self centerAtIndex:2] - [self eyeAtIndex:2]};
[self setCenter:[self eyeAtIndex:0] + cos(SPEED_TURN / 2)*v[0] - sin(SPEED_TURN / 2)*v[2] atIndex:0];
[self setCenter:[self eyeAtIndex:2] + sin(SPEED_TURN / 2)*v[0] + cos(SPEED_TURN / 2)*v[2] atIndex:2];
My question is, how to I get the angle of the camera in degrees?
I tried this
rotAngleDegs = (cos(-SPEED_TURN)*v[0] - sin(-SPEED_TURN)*v[2]) * 180 / PI
However that give numbers from -620 to +620
I don't think you are trying the right functions to give you the angle. The functions "cos()" and "sin()" both take your angle and map it to [-1,1]. If SPEED_TURN is the angle in radians, then you would just use:
float angleInDegrees = (SPEED_TURN * 180) / M_PI;
Take the degress you want and multiply them by pi divided på 180. Then you get the radians to enter:
Radians = Degrees * (pi / 180)
To get the degrees from radians:
Degrees = Radians * (180 / pi)

Accelerometer in Box2D

I am new in Box2D....
I have ball image in CCSprite. I want to move ball in whole screen using accelerometer...
tell me
How to use accelerometer in box2d?? advance
The standard cocos2d-box2d template file moves boxes using the accelerometer by applying gravity relative to the accelerometer value.
- (void)accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer*)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration*)acceleration
static float prevX=0, prevY=0;
//#define kFilterFactor 0.05f
#define kFilterFactor 1.0f // don't use filter. the code is here just as an example
float accelX = (float) acceleration.x * kFilterFactor + (1- kFilterFactor)*prevX;
float accelY = (float) acceleration.y * kFilterFactor + (1- kFilterFactor)*prevY;
prevX = accelX;
prevY = accelY;
// accelerometer values are in "Portrait" mode. Change them to Landscape left
// multiply the gravity by 10
b2Vec2 gravity( -accelY * 10, accelX * 10);
world->SetGravity( gravity );
You need to be more specific on what you want the ball to do dependent on how you move the phone. Your question is difficult to answer in its current form.
Get the accelerometer measurements and say Force = coefficient*measurements. The apply this force to your b2Body
Let your Ball Sprite having tag is 1.
Replace this code with your Accelerometer delegate,
I test it on device, its working.
and your ball will move with accelerometer.
-(void)accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer*)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration*)acceleration
#define kFilterFactor 0.75
accelerometer.updateInterval = 1.0f/60.0f;
static UIAccelerationValue rollingX = 0, rollingY = 0;
for (b2Body *b = world->GetBodyList(); b; b = b->GetNext())
if (b->GetUserData() != NULL)
CCSprite *sprite = (CCSprite*)b->GetUserData();
if (sprite.tag == 1) {
rollingX = (acceleration.x * kFilterFactor) + (rollingX * 0.25);
rollingY = (acceleration.y * kFilterFactor) + (rollingY * 0.25);
float accelX = rollingX;
float accelY = rollingY;
CGPoint moveNewPosition = sprite.position;
if (accelX > 0.1) {
moveNewPosition.y += 2;
} if (accelX < 0.1) {
moveNewPosition.y -= 2;
if (accelY > 0.1) {
moveNewPosition.x -= 2;
} if (accelY < -0.1) {
moveNewPosition.x += 2;
sprite.position = ccp(moveNewPosition.x , moveNewPosition.y );
sprite.rotation = -1 * CC_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(b->GetAngle());
I hope it'll work.

iphone toRadians toDegrees compiler problem

I am trying to convert a double to radians using the Objective c function toRadians like this:
double oldLat = toRadians(oldLocation.coordinate.latitude);
but I keep getting a compiler warning and error or implicit declaration of toRadians and toDegrees
I included #import <math.h> but that didn't solve the problem for some reason.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
There is no toRadians in the Foundation classes. You can just convert it manually
degrees * M_PI / 180.0
Foundation imports math.h so you'll have M_PI otherwise you'll have to
#include <math.h>
try this coding:- ( radian to degree)
location = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL:location];
// Determine offset of location to projectile
int offX = location.x - PROJECTILE_POSITION_X;
int offY = location.y - PROJECTILE_POSITION_Y;
int realX = winSize.width + (PROJECTILE_WIDTH/2);
float ratio = (float) offY / (float) offX;
int realY = (realX * ratio) + PROJECTILE_POSITION_Y;
int offRealX = realX - PROJECTILE_POSITION_X;
int offRealY = realY - PROJECTILE_POSITION_Y;
// Determine angle to face
float angleRadians = atanf((float)offRealY / (float)offRealX);
float angleDegrees = (__angleRadians__)/((__angleRadians__) * 57.29577951f);

How do I properly move an image using UIAccelerometer?

i have implementing moving image using UIAccelerometer.I have used below code.
float gravX = (acceleration. x * kFilteringFactor) + (gravX * (1 - kFilteringFactor));
float gravY = (acceleration. y * kFilteringFactor) + (gravY * (1 - kFilteringFactor));
float moveX = acceleration. x - gravX;
float moveY = acceleration. y - gravY;
CGPoint MoveCenter = [moveImage center];
float Movex = moveX * 30 + MoveCenter. x;
float Movey = moveY * 30 + MoveCenter. y; = CGPointMake(Movex, Movey);
In this code there is one problem.If i move device on top side then image is moving on left side,if device is move left side then image is moving top side.can you give me advice.
Maybe is a problem of the coordinates. I'm not sure this is the problem but in Quartz the (0,0) is on bottom left while on UIKit is on top left.
Try to change the coordinates with frame.origin.x and frame.origin.y instead of using CGPoint.