Unable to get files in Android assets directory - eclipse

I am trying to find files located in assets. I have .txt, .gif, and .db files that are there in an eclipse android project but do not display when I run the following code:
AssetManager am = getAssets();
try {
String list[] = am.list("/");
while (list[] != null) {
catch(exception e){
I get this list:
This list does not include any of the files in assets.
Project properties is currently set to not include assets folder in the build path. When I do include the assets folder in the build path, it gives me the same list with ".." as the first file.
I have tried changing "/" in the third line to "/assets/" but get nothing returned.
Changing the Android Project Build Target between Android 2.3.1 and Android 2.1-update1 appears to have no effect.
Is there a setting in the project properties that is required for files in assets to be included in the build? Is there a different name for the assets directory using AssetManager?

list() takes a relative path within the assets. Seems in your case you need to pass an empty string, am.list("")


Flutter how get local download folder with path_provider

At the moment i build a chat similar in wahtsapp.
I would like upload some local files (pdf, txt, image...).
Like this:
I try to get the local files via path_provider.
But i dont get access to download folder.
My problem:
I don't know how i can access the dowload folder with path_provider.
See my code:
//load local files from download folder
_loadLocalFile() async {
//absoulute path to download file
var file = io.Directory('/storage/emulated/0/Download/')
.listSync(); //use your folder name insted of resume.
//console output -> []
//other try to get download folder
List<io.Directory>? documents = await getExternalStorageDirectories();
//console output -> [Directory: '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/de.securebuy.securebuy/files', Directory: '/storage/1BEC-0908/Android/data/de.securebuy.securebuy/files']
I also add to AndroidManifest following rules:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGEā€/>
Anyone have a idea how i can build a function similar in image?
Is that possible?
Many thx
till now , pathprovider isn't going to let you in downloads file , so if you are on android you can just write the downloads directory , else using android_path_provider it is a null-safety package and you can accsess it via :var downloadsPath = await AndroidPathProvider.downloadsPath; , on ios you can get only the app directory cuase ios makes it's own file for every app thus we use 'pathprovider' with Directory appDocDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
Update :
i see what you are trying to achieve and this is not what pathprovider pcakage is used for , you have to use file_picker , read thier docs , i thinks that this is what you need

How to get resources path from an Eclipse plugin

I am developing an Eclipse plugin using Eclipse Plugin-in-project where it will add a menu item in the toolbar.
My plugin project is depending on one file which is located in the same plugin project I want the path of that file.
Below is the sample code I have used to get the path:
Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle("com.feat.eclipse.plugin");
URL fileURL = bundle.getEntry("webspy/lib/file.txt");
File file = null;
String path=null;
try {
file = new File(FileLocator.resolve(fileURL).toURI());
path = file.getAbsolutePath();
} catch (URISyntaxException e1) {
} catch (IOException e1) {
While running from Eclipse Run as > Eclipse Application it is giving me the correct path. But when I export my plugin as jar and add it in my Eclipse plugins folder its not giving me the correct path.
Please help me to resolve this!
URL url = FileLocator.find(bundle, new Path("webspy/lib/file.txt"), null);
url = FileLocator.toFileURL(url);
File file = URIUtil.toFile(URIUtil.toURI(url));
When your files are packed in a jar FileLocator.toFileURL will copy them to a temporary location so that you can access them using File.
Files in jars have no java.io.File as they are in the JAR file.
You probably want FileLocator.openStream(...) to read the file contents.
If you really want a java.io.File, then you can consider using Eclipse EFS and its IFileStore.toLocalFile(...) to extract the file for you to a temporary directory. Something like EFS.getStore(fileURL).toLocalFile(EFS.CACHE, null) should do what you want, but remember that will put the file in the temp directory and delete it on Eclipse exit.

Intellij IDEA - Output path ...\project\target\idea-classes intersects with a source root. Only files that were created by build will be cleaned

Using Intellij IDEA with Scala plugin.
When doing a Build -> Rebuild Project I get the following make warnings:
Output path ProjectRootFolder\project\target\idea-test-classes intersects with a source root. Only files that were created by build will be cleaned.
Output path ProjectRootFolder\project\target\idea-classes intersects with a source root. Only files that were created by build will be cleaned.
The project was generated with SBT gen-idea plugin.
The two output paths mentioned in the warnings are set as output path and test output path for the build module of the project under Project Structure -> Modules -> ProjectName-build -> Paths -> Use module compile output path.
Looking at the Sources tab for both the ProjectName module and ProjectName-build modules I saw that there is no place where ProjectRootFolder\project\target was marked as Source.
It seems the warnings were caused by the fact that the project and . folders were marked as Sources in the ProjectName-build module.
Since the SBT build module is not needed when using IDEA to build the project, one solution would be to generate the IDEA project without that module:
sbt gen-idea no-sbt-build-module
More details here: https://github.com/mpeltonen/sbt-idea/issues/180
Removing the build module is actually problematic since the build.scala file will show a lot of warnings because the required libraries would be missing.
A solution would be to unmark . and project from being Sources of the build module, which is also troublesome since it would need to be done after each gen-idea.
A better solution would be to use sbt to build the project instead of make. To achieve that remove the make before launch step in the IDEA run configuration and add a SBT products step instead.
I get the same warning and it didn't cause any problems so far.
Judging by this code it seems that they simply delete only files generated by IDE, otherwise they would want to delete everything in target directory. They are playing safe by checking if there could be any source files there:
// check that output and source roots are not overlapping
final List<File> filesToDelete = new ArrayList<File>();
for (Map.Entry<File, Collection<BuildTarget<?>>> entry : rootsToDelete.entrySet()) {
boolean okToDelete = true;
final File outputRoot = entry.getKey();
if (JpsPathUtil.isUnder(allSourceRoots, outputRoot)) {
okToDelete = false;
else {
final Set<File> _outRoot = Collections.singleton(outputRoot);
for (File srcRoot : allSourceRoots) {
if (JpsPathUtil.isUnder(_outRoot, srcRoot)) {
okToDelete = false;
if (okToDelete) {
// do not delete output root itself to avoid lots of unnecessary "roots_changed" events in IDEA
final File[] children = outputRoot.listFiles();
if (children != null) {
else if (outputRoot.isFile()) {
else {
context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage(
"", BuildMessage.Kind.WARNING, "Output path " + outputRoot.getPath() + " intersects with a source root. Only files that were created by build will be cleaned.")
// clean only those files we are aware of
for (BuildTarget<?> target : entry.getValue()) {
clearOutputFiles(context, target);

Eclipse how to reference file in a different src under the same project

My current setup in eclipse is like this:
I have a java file inside a package under working/src and I am trying to retrieve a file in the resources. The path I am using is "../resources/file.txt". However I am getting an error saying that the file does not exist.
Any help would be appreciated thanks!
Considering your structure
I have package like
resources/name list.txt
Following Code might solve your problem
package working.src;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.URL;
public class FileRead {
public FileRead() {
URL url = getClass().getResource("/resources/name list.txt");
try {
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));
String nameList;
while ((nameList = in.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new FileRead();
Files will be referenced relative to your project path, so use "resources/file.txt" to reference the file.
However, if you want the file to be accessible when you export the program as a JAR, the path "resources/file.txt" must exist relative to your JAR.
It depends on how you have specified your Java Build Path inside eclipse. I have tested two setups with different results:
Define the directory working/src only as build path. You can get the information what is in your build path through: Select project > Properties > Java Build Path > Tab Source. There are all source folders listed. You see there that there is a default output folder defined. All resources that are contained in a build path are copied to the default output folder, and are then available for the eclipse classes there. You can check that in the resource perspective in your bin folder if the resource is copied there. In this setup, only the classes are generated, resources are not copied (and therefore not found).
Define the directory working/src and resources as build path. Then the resource is copied and may then found by the path "file.txt"
So eclipse has a simple build process included and hides that from the developer, but it is a build process nonetheless.

Copy sources files into target directory with SBT

I recently decided to use SBT to build an existing project.
In this project I have some .glsl files within the scala packages which I need to copy during the compilation phase.
The project is structured like this :
- myapp.opengl
- Shader.scala
- myapp.opengl.shaders
- vertex_shader.glsl
- fragment_shader.glsl
Is this file structure correct for SBT or do I need to put the .glsl files into an other directory. And do you know a clean way to copy these files into the target folder ?
I would prefer not putting these files into the resources directory since they are (non-compiled) sources files
I would not recommend putting those files into src/main/scala as they do not belong there. If you want to keep them separate from your resource files, you can put them in a custom path, e.g. src/main/glsl and add the following lines to your project definition to have them copied into output directory:
val shaderSourcePath = "src"/"main"/"glsl"
// use shaderSourcePath as root path, so directory structure is
// correctly preserved (relative to the source path)
def shaderSources = (shaderSourcePath ##) ** "*.glsl"
override def mainResources = super.mainResources +++ shaderSources