Facebook Page link to Photos? - facebook

Is there a way to link to the facebook photos tab of a Page via an iFrame loaded from a custom App (tab)? If I try to link to num?sk=photos, it gives me the "Go to Facebook.com" loaded in that iframe. I pretty much want a redirect.
Is that possible? Or does FB block link-ins like that?
Let me know,

I've been using javascript to set window.top.location.href = url;, but after reading Igy's comment, I think I'll be switching to target = _top

I think you should check out facebook developer page.
You can use GRAPH API to access photos, photo albums, profile pictures unless any user has different privacy setting.
You might want to check out GRAPH API for that, I hope it might help you to get started.


Facebook Open Graph: URL to use for sharing?

I am creating a customised Facebook share button. The idea is upon clicking on the Facebook share button, it will pick up the meta tags on the page and prefill the share information with a title, description and image that have been curated.
What URL should I be using for the button?
There is https://www.facebook.com/dialog/share
and https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php
I heard the latter has been deprecated? And you can append a whole bunch of information to the URL as well?
I can't quite figure that out.
sharer.php is not deprecated. It was, for some months, but you can definitely use it. The benefit of using sharer.php is that you don´t need to create an App. It´s the easiest way to implement sharing.
Keep in mind that sharer.php ONLY takes the URL as parameter, everything else will get loaded from the Open Graph tags.
For example:

Why can't I post to a fan page from my iOS app?

I want to post images from my iOS app to a single Facebook fan page. I'm new to facebook-sdk. I can post to a user's page with no issue using either facebook sdk or social framework, but what I cannot work out is posting to a fan page. I have set up a fan page and have set it to allow posts from anyone but when I try it with the url /pageID/picture it won't work. It'll work for admins, but I want non-admins to be able to post.
What do I need to do?
I can post image but it end up only in my images . no matter what url I Use
fb /me/photo or /fan_page_id/photo the images only end up in my image folder not on the wall please any help would be great I can find 1000's of questions on this but no answer .
I have fixed it I never added this key to my options dict
ACFacebookAudienceKey: ACFacebookAudienceFriends
In the Account framework header it has it marked as optional but I could not request any thing other then read permission but after adding this key to my options dictionary it worked I dont know why this makes a difference but it fix my issue with out it I could only post to my images folder and I could not request permission other then read . After adding key I can post to wall and fan page wall and request any permission I need.
In your Fan Page, Look for "Edit Page" option. In that part, click on "Manage Permission".
In Manage Permission page,
Posting Ability:
1> Everyone can post to <> timeline
2> Everyone can add photos and videos to <> timeline
Also take a username for your fan page to refer your user in a easier way.
You have to create an facebook application for the requirement.
Following three links may help you -
1> Posting a photo to Facebook fan page as user. iOS Facebook SDK 3.1
2> https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/page/#photos
3> http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/publishing/
Actually, the publish_stream and manage_pages permissions are important.

How to setup Facebook Timeline Cover Photo website . is it easy for a basic web developer?

I have seen many website build with wordpress and they have facebook timeline cover photos auto upload.
anyone please help me?
sorry for my bad english
it isn't difficult at all... you can get the cover url for a page/user using the facebook graph api.
ie: querying http://graph.facebook.com/cocacola?fields=cover will return the cover image properties for the cocacola fan page, simply use the 'source' field as your image src. (this is a 720px wide cover image)
as your using wordpress you could make a widget out of it, or hard code it in the template (eww..).
(on another note - you may want to additionally implement some form of caching for the facebook grapi api result so you don't continuously query facebook on every page load for the cover url.)
Majid Khan,
try this, facebook image uploader (for timeline and more.....)
work fine on wordpress and more....but it is not free
Timeline is the New Facebook Timeline covers profile. Tell your life story through photos, friendships and personal milestones like graduating or traveling to new places.

Creating a Facebook App

I am building a website for a client. He has a Facebook page for his business. On the homepage of his site, he wants a feed that will pull in all the updates from his business' Facebook page.
Now, I felt this would be very easy to implement (maybe it is) but I have scoured the Facebook API for any simple way to do this. I am having a lot of trouble understanding which way I should do this. I've settled on using JS to access it, but have no idea where to go from there.
Do I need to create an app? If so, which options do I select so I can access the clients facebook page?
How do I get my app that I've created to show up so a user can authorize it? I have so many questions, and Facebook isn't very good at giving me answers.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I would suggest you just use the facebook page's RSS feed.
Take his page URL e.g.
Take the number at the end of the url off, and plug it into the facebook feeds URL e.g.
Voila, you now have an RSS feed you can integrate into the website you are building.
URL Breakdown
The URL is broken down the following way:
Vaid feed formats are:
RSS - rss20
Atom - atom10
JSON - json
Other Examples
Take a look at the facebook API, right here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/page/
You can give it a try here:
The like box: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box/ also has the latest posts available
The simplest way is to add a Like Button to the page and make sure "show Stream" is checked on as this will show all recent posts. You can customise the appearance also (e.g. width, height etc).
No App or messy API calls needed!
Try it out here and simply paste the resulting code into your webpage:
Not an app, but the Facebook Social Plugins over here at Facebook For Pages

Like button for Facebook page shows generic Facebook description in News Feed

I want a Like button on my web site that Likes my Facebook profile (rather than my web page), so that when a user clicks it they subscribe to my Facebook posts.
I've created the Like button using the tool at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/
Further down that page there is an FAQ entry:
Can I link the Like button to my Facebook page?
Yes. Simply specify the URL of your Facebook page in the href
parameter of the button.
So, I've edited the href parameter to point to my Facebook page. eg:
When a user clicks the Like button it has the desired effect. The user ends up having Liked my Facebook page. This is easily verified by the user going to my Facebook profile and checking that the Like button has changed to Liked.
But. When the user clicks the Like button, and entry appears in their News Feed with a generic Facebook description. ie:
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and
others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to
keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links
and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.
I don't want a generic post about Facebook to appear. I want the description to relate to my Facebook account and/or web site.
Normally, I could modify this behavior with the Opengraph og: description tag, but as the page in the href is a Facebook page and not my own, I can't control the Opengraph tags.
I'm pretty sure that this was working okay before I enabled timeline for my account, so maybe this is a timeline bug?
So, how do I add a Like button which a) Likes my Facebook profile rather than one of my own web pages, and b) Posts a description of my Facebook profile rather than give a generic Facbook description?
Are all your fields in the info part of your page filled in, and/or completed? I just tested your theory and it seemed to work as expected, only thing is I know all fields in "info" are filled it. Give that a try.
This may happen if you have filled invalid/incomplete/wrong og tags in past and later changed them. Facebook's cache creates problem sometime.
Try putting all the entries (i.e. all og tags) and then debug them here http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug. This debugger gives a detailed info about the url with og tags and also clears the cache for you.
This should solve the problem.
You have 3 important fields that used on page opengraph: Name,Description,Profile Image.
They are used when some one post your link on Facebook, or Google or some else web service that handle opengraph.
Actually, the suggested answers currently do not work and there is an open bug / ticket on Facebook for it. Up to now, there's no fix.
The problem is that you can not use simply https://www.facebook.com/myfacebookid. You should copy and paste the exact page URL. If you have a low number of likes it would look something like https://www.facebook.com/pages/[YourPageName]/[Your page Id]/, and this is the URL that you should use at this point.
If it does not work, try also https://www.facebook.com/[YourPageName]/[Your page Id]/.
In short, copy-paste the URL, do not type it manually.