FB.ui not working on IE - facebook

I need help desesperately, it's been a week since I'm stuck trying to resolve this problem, I call FB.ui in FireFox and Chrome without any problem, but when I try with IE it doesn't appear the Facebook dialog. Actually the code is like this:
function inviteFriends(myMessage) {
var obj = {
method: 'apprequests',
message: myMessage,
icon: 'http://www.mywebsite.com/logo.jpg',
data: 'tracking information for the user'
FB.ui(obj, callbackInvite);
var callbackInvite = function(response) {
Please, any help will be welcomed

Might try this out:
displayMode = "popup";
Looks like there's a bug with IE and FB.ui


Fb.ui method feed not working. Loading gif appears but no error message or anything

So I've been trying to implement a Fb method feed so that people can share songs from my website. But it doesn't work.
It pops up a loading gif in the dialogue and thats it. No error nothing. I've wasted a lot of time trying to figure this out but haven't been able to.
Here's the code,
share_obj = { method: 'feed',
link: "", redirect_uri: "",
picture: ",
name: "",
caption:"" ,
description: ""
}; FB.ui({method: "permissions.request", "perms": 'publish_stream'},
function callBack(response) { if(response["perms"]=="publish_stream") { var obj = share_obj; FB.ui(obj,callback_share); } } function callback_share(response) { }
Does it have something to do with Facebook app migrations or app permissions?
So turns out, there s no need to ask for user permissions when invoking the Fb.ui method.
Permissions are only required when you intend to publish stories via the graph API.

Facebook Post Publishing without any Dialogue using Javascript SDK

I have been searching for facebook publishing without showing Dialogue.
While reading Facebook developers doc, there are several things which seems to answer the question but after using them, I concluded those are not for this functionality.
Display Modes: They are different type of display mode for dialogues, but there is no way to define if I don't want to show the dialogue.
Explicit Sharing: This seems to be most close. But there is no way to use it in JS SDK. And the parameter mentioned there, I tried in JS but no resolution.
Then here what came to be most successful for me, to use
methode: '/me/feed'
But the problem is, it says:
[User] shared a link
Which I don't want. I want a normal publishing, but without any dialogue to be displayed.
Code I am using for simple publishing is below:
function publishNewsFeed(picURL, name, caption, description)
var obj =
method: 'feed',
link: fbAppURL,
picture: picURL,
name: name,
caption: caption,
description: description
function callback(response)
document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = "Post ID: " + response['post_id'];
FB.ui(obj, callback);
Any help will be appreciated.
Display Modes: They are different type of display mode for dialogues, but there is no way to define if I don't want to show the dialogue.
That would be nonsense – if you don’t want to use a dialog, then don’t use a dialog.
But if you want to use a dialog, then it has to be “shown” in some way – otherwise it would not be a dialog.
But the problem is, it says [User] shared a link Which I don't want.
That is current “bug” – if you supply action links with your post, it will show up normal.
Try this:
function jesseSays(){
var body = 'Yeah science Mr. White!!';
FB.api('/me/feed', 'post', {
message: body,
link: 'http://www.neoapps.com.br',
picture: 'http://www.neoapps.com.br/assets/img/logo-big.png'
}, function(response) {
if (!response || response.error) {
alert('Error occured');
} else {
alert('Post ID: ' + response.id);

Facebook share dialog not closing after feed post

I have a feed post JS as follows.
var feedObj = {
method: 'feed',
link: link,
picture: imagelink,
name: name,
caption: caption,
description: description,
redirect_uri: "http://"+(window.location.host)+"/",
app_id: appid,
actions: [
{ name: text, link: link }
function callback(response) {
facebook.ui(feedObj, callback);
How do I make sure the feed dialog that clicked to post closes automatically?
I have noticed that the callback is not fired always and this attempt below does not work always
function callback(response) {
I have got a simple trick to close this dialog box. It is not a good way to do this type of work but it just worked fine for me.
Firstly you have to create a page on your server (e.g. closewindow.aspx) and paste this code in your page's body part.
<script src="js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
$().ready(function() { window.close(); });
Than set redirect_uri parameter property to this page, like :
Now this time in dialog box, this page will be called as redirecturl and the dialog will be closed automatically on page load.
I know this may be tricky but you know how it feels when got this working.
According to the documentation, next is not a parameter.
I understood that with redirect_uri callback is not being called.
Since redirect_uri is supported by most sdks you need not use it.
Hope this helps

facebook javascript sdk not posting via ajax using fb.api and .post

I have a facebook application. The users are logged in and authorized. I am calling fb.api to post the user's name to my textfile. The alert shows the name. The post doesn't seem to post to my aspx file..
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.remove', function (href, widget) {
FB.api('/me', function (response) {
var paramsObj = { 'name': response.name };
$.post("ajax/delete.aspx", paramsObj);
I've updated my code to include showing the encapsulating facebook calls to give a broader picture as well as to include #Lix changes [thank you!].
Few things you might want to try :
Define your post parameters object before and only place the objects name in the jQuery $.post method.
Wrap your json keynames with quotes.
var paramsObj = { 'name':response.name};
$.post("ajax/write.aspx", paramsObj );
Use firebug/chrome developers tools to debug the AJAX request and see if any value is being passed and/or use breakpoints in your code to help you understand where the value is missing.
The page was being redirected prior to the api call/ajax post. This is what worked:
FB.Event.subscribe('edge.remove', function (href, widget) {
FB.api('/me', function (response) {
var paramsObj = { 'name': response.name };
$.post("ajax/delete.aspx", paramsObj);

check if user share on facebook application

is it possible in an iframe applications check if the user share something successfully. may i get the request id if it is successfully shared so if it is shared i want to make the share button's visible false to that user and the user earns some points if the share is successfull
so is it possible to know and check it?
i am using c# but it is ok for javascript code
using the Javascript SDK you should be able to get that information.
method: 'apprequests',
message: 'Your message here',
title: 'App Request',
function (response) {
if (response) {
var numberSelected = response.to.length;
var firstIdSelected = response.to[0];
} else {